BOARD OF TRUSTEES FOR FORT LEWIS COLLEGE Vallecito Room Fort Lewis College Durango, Colorado 81301 May 29, 2015 Vol. 15-109 CALL TO ORDER Chair Karen Wilde convened the regular meeting of the Board of Trustees for Fort Lewis College at 8:35 a.m. Trustees Present: Karen Wilde, Chair; Alan Hill, Nora Jacquez, Tom Schilling; Steve Short; Justin McBrayer, Faculty Representative; and Scott Greenler Student Representative Absent: Ernest House Participating by Phone: John Wells Staff Present: Dene Thomas, President; Barbara Morris, Provost & Vice President for Academic Affairs; Steve Schwartz, Vice President for Finance & Administration; Glenna Witt Sexton, Vice President for Student Affairs; Mark Jastorff, Vice President for Institutional Advancement; Michelle MerzHutchinson, Legal Counsel; Peggy Sharp, Deputy Secretary; and Mike Larson, Audio Consultant. Also Present: Dugald Owen, President, Faculty Senate and Gene Bradley, Chair, Fort Lewis College Foundation RECOGNITIONS President Thomas introduced Janet Dillon, recipient of the 2014-15 Outstanding Staff Award. Ms. Dillon described her position as a Systems Developer in the Information Technology Department and how it has evolved over her 30-year career at Fort Lewis College. PUBLIC COMMENT -- None ACTION AGENDA – CONSENT: Steve Short moved to approve the Consent Agenda, with a second by Scott Greenler. Motion carried and the following Consent Agenda items were approved: Approval of Minutes of April 2, 2015 Special Teleconference Meeting of the Board of Trustees for Fort Lewis College Approval of Minutes of April 9, 2015 Meeting of the Business Affairs Committee Approval of Minutes of April 9, 2015 Meeting of the Academic & Student Affairs Committee Approval of Minutes of April 10, 2015 Regular Meeting of The Board of Trustees for Fort Lewis College Approval of Minutes of May 7, 2015 Teleconference Meeting of the Investment Advisory Committee Approval of Minutes of May 7, 2015 Teleconference Meeting of the Presidential Evaluation Committee Approval of May 12, 2015 Teleconference Meeting of the Business Affairs Committee Approval of Academic Program Reviews for 2015-2016 Approval of 2016-17 Five-Year Capital Construction Plan CHAIRMAN’S REPORT/ANNOUNCEMENTS Chair Wilde referred to the Planning Calendar for 2015-16. It was noted that the October 9, 2015 date for the Summit of Trustees & Regents is still tentative. The details, as well as confirmation of a date, will be forthcoming. Discussion ensued regarding the August 6-7, 2015 Board retreat. President Thomas is offering her home as the location. Topics that have been suggested for the retreat are: Strategic Planning (Including setting a special meeting to discuss budget priorities) Enrollment Higher Learning Commission Mission & Value Statement to be included in the Investment Policy Out-of-State Tuition & how it relates to the Native American Tuition Waiver Presidential Metrics Changes Needed to Board Manual Committee Reports: Academic & Student Affairs Committee Tom Schilling reported that the committee had a lengthy discussion on enrollment management efforts and received a review of the numbers for enrollment in for Fall, 2015. Incomplete applications are an issue and efforts are being made to address this problem. Although the work of Royall & Company has resulted in a greater number of applications, the yield is not as high as the regular process for recruiting students. Incoming freshman enrollment is predicted to be flat. However, housing deposits for freshmen are up slightly over last year. The committee also heard a report on the program review for Teacher Education. Dr. Richard Fulton summarized several of the areas of the program that are being fine-tuned. The first class of students in the Master’s Program in Teacher Leadership graduated in the Spring commencement ceremony. Chair Schilling also reported that the committee endorsed the program review schedule for 2015-16. Provost Morris shared her response to the Faculty Senate regarding (gt)Pathway courses and also the letter from the Department of Higher Education which addressed the faculty’s concerns. She gave several examples of how the DHE is moving to a more robust assessment of (gt)Pathway courses and is placing a moratorium on any new courses being submitted. Business Affairs Committee Trustee Short stated that Internal Auditor, Jeremiah Stancampiano, reported to the committee on the four recently completed audits: Financial Aid; Information Technology; financial audit of KDUR, and Student Course, Instruction & Technology Fees. He reported that there were minor recommendations and concerns were appropriately addressed. The audits were accepted by the committee. The FY 2015-16 Proposed Operating Budget and salary recommendations were reviewed. Earlier in May, the committee had a teleconference to review the entire Budget Parameters for 2015-16. The 2016-17 Capital Construction Plan was also reviewed. All items were endorsed by the committee for approval by the full Board. A discussion ensued regarding how the Trustees fit into the prepratory process for setting the budget for 2016-17. The committee determined that in mid-to-late fall, a dedicated informational and educational meeting would occur with the Board to fully discuss budget priorities prior to the start of the budget process on campus. Presidential Evaluation Committee Tom Schilling reported the committee met with President Thomas and briefly discussed the contract. President Thomas indicated she was pleased with the contract and the committee unanimously endorsed it for approval by the Board. Investment Advisory Committee Steve Short reported that the committee met to discuss and define the qualifications required for the investment manager and to draft the RFP. Michele Peterson indicated that the RFP has been issued and they are getting a good response. Ms. Peterson stated that on June 12th, the committee will have a conference call for potential responders to ask questions and to give the committee an idea of how many responders to expect. She reviewed the timeline for reviewing proposals and conducting interviews. Standing Reports Faculty Representative Report Dr. McBrayer presented the Trustees with a copy of In Defense of a Liberal Education by Fareed Zakaria, courtesy of the Fort Lewis Chapter of the American Association of University Professors in appreciation of the Board’s work on behalf of the College. Dr. Owen invited the Trustees to participate in discussions of the liberal arts being planned for the end of the summer or early fall. Dr. McBrayer explained his role as faculty representative as one of bringing faculty perspective and concerns to the Board. The concerns he described in his report were the approval process for the General Education core and the concerns from the faculty regarding the courses that were denied. He also stressed the importance of student research. Trustee Hill encouraged the faculty to have spirited dialogue and healthy debate with the administration. He also stressed the need for the faculty representative to provide facts in his reports to the Board without inflammatory comments. Student Representative Report Scott Greenler gave a brief summary of the end of the year activities and a few of the accomplishments by the Student Senate. Trustee Schilling inquired how the new constitution was working. Mr. Greenler indicated that it was working well and that it was much easier to make changes without requiring a referendum. He reported on his position as an intern in the Governor’s office in Denver. Chair Wilde thanked him for work with the Board and presented him with a token of appreciation. Foundation/Office of Institutional Development Gene Bradley reported that the Executive Board of the Foundation approved an extension of the existing Foundation MOU with the College for one year from July 1, 2015 through June 30, 2016. This will be reviewed by legal counsel for both the Foundation and the College and will be brought to the October Board meeting for approval. He explained the organizational structure of the Foundation and stated that efforts are being made to have the members of the full Board (about 45 members) more fully involved with the efforts and activities of the Foundation. The Foundation is interested in how they can further assist the College, especially with fundraising for the Geoscience/Physics/Engineering building. Vice President Jastorff summarized the current financial report, stressing that it reflects about a 25% increase in alumni donations and also that the average gift size is increasing. A search is being conducted for an alumni and annual fund position that was vacated when David Kern assumed the position of Major Gifts Officer. President Thomas provided a brief history of the Foundation and how it was structured in the past. She indicated that as soon as the renewal of the MOU has been prepared, a special teleconference meeting will be called for approval of the MOU. Chair Wilde took a moment to give recognition to the following award winners who had joined the Board for dinner the previous evening at the President’s home: Dr. Bill Dodds – Recipient of the Roger Peters Distinguished Professor Award & his wife, Barbara Colin Smith – Recipient of the Achievement Award & his wife, Chyako Hashimoto Dr. Lee Frazer – Recipient of the Alice Admire Outstanding Teaching Award Dr. Steve Fenster – Recipient of the New Faculty Teaching Award ACTION AGENDA – NON-CONSENT Approval of FY 2015-16 Salary Michele Peterson provided a brief description of the make-up of the Budget Committee and how it operates in developing the budget for the General Fund portion of the College’s budget. The recommendation was made for a 2% increase in faculty and exempt staff salaries and funding for equity increases and promotions. Nora Jacquez moved that the Board of Trustees for Fort Lewis College approve an average base salary increase of 2.0% for Faculty and 2.0% for Exempt Staff, exclusive of promotions and equity adjustments for FY 2015-16. Justin McBrayer seconded. Motion passed unanimously. Approval of 2015-16 Proposed Operating Budgets Ms. Peterson stated that during yesterday’s Business Committee meeting, as well as the teleconference meeting earlier in May to review Budget Parameters, most of the highlights of this year’s operating budgets have been reviewed. Steve Short moved that the Board of Trustees for Fort Lewis College approve the proposed operating budgets for the Education and General Fund, Auxiliary Facilities Income Fund, Health and Counseling Center, Recreation Services, Intercollegiate Athletics, Student Activities, Continuing Education and Student Financial Assistance. Tom Schilling seconded. Motion passed unanimously. BREAK Approval of New Certificate Program: Teacher Leadership Certificate Program Provost Morris explained that when the Master’s in Teacher Leadership was approved two years ago, a teacher certificate was created but the actual paper work of the approval process was not included. This action verifies that we have the certificate program in place. Steve Short moved for approval of a New Certificate Program: Teacher Leadership Certificate Program. Nora Jacquez seconded. Motion passed unanimously. Personnel Action: Reappointment of Dene Kay Thomas as President of Fort Lewis College and approval and Execution of the Proposed Employment Contract Included in the Agenda Tom Schilling stated that an extensive 360° evaluation was begun last fall, involving many campus and community constituencies, and with the assistance of Dr. Stephen Portch and Dr. Beheruz Sethna. At the April meeting the Board conducted an evaluation conversation with President Thomas and agreed to award a raise for FY 2015-16 and provide a contract for another three years. The terms of the contract remains the same as the current three-year contract with a few minor changes. He stated that President Thomas has done an incredible job of building an external presence for Fort Lewis College and has made hard decisions. The challenges are in campus communications with faculty, staff, and students, as well as building enrollment and diversity. Trustee Schilling moved that the Board of Trustees for Fort Lewis College approve the reappointment of Dene Kay Thomas as President of Fort Lewis College for the period from July 1, 2016, through June 30, 2019, on the terms and conditions set forth in the proposed Employment Contract included with this agenda item and that the Chair of the Board be authorized to execute the proposed Employment Contract on behalf of the Board of Trustees. John Wells seconded the motion. Motion passed unanimously. Chair Wilde moved that the Board go into executive session, pursuant to section 24-6402(3)(a)11 & (b)(I) of the Colorado Revised Statutes, to receive legal advice on specific claims concerning Matthews Electrical; and that the following individuals be invited to join the Board for the executive session: Michelle Merz-Hutchinson, Legal Counsel; as well as President Dene Thomas, Vice President Steve Schwartz, and Deputy Secretary Peggy Sharp. Steve Short seconded. Motion passed and executive session convened at 10:45 a.m. Public Session reconvened at 11:05 a.m. Matter for Action: Approve Release and Settlement Agreement Nora Jacquez moved that the Board of Trustees for Fort Lewis College approve the Release and Settlement Agreement between Fort Lewis College, WCA Construction, LLC, and Matthews Electric of Southwest Colorado, Inc., in the total amount of $40,000 and in the form presented to the Board, and that the Chair of the Board designate the President of Fort Lewis College to execute the Release and Settlement Agreement on behalf of the Board, contingent upon execution of the agreement by WCA. Tom Schilling seconded the motion. Motion passed unanimously. PRESIDENT’S REPORT Enrollment Update Nothing further to report as enrollment has been sufficiently covered in committee meetings and during committee reports. Student Success Collaborative Showcase Carol Smith, Associate Vice President for Enrollment Management and Crystal Fankhauser, Director of Student Success, provided an informative demonstration of the new software that is being used to follow students’ progress and assist in intervention when a student appears to be having problems. Dr. Smith also explained that Student Success Centers are being placed in areas close to the departments utilizing this SSC Core software. Sixteen departments are already using the program and the goal is to have all departments utilizing the software. Native American Tuition Waiver Update President Thomas distributed the newest version of the handout given to legislators in Washington D.C.. She reported on the progress being made both in the House and Senate. In addition to the legislation, we are seeking a line in the Higher Education Reauthorization Act. If the stand-alone bill passes, we would not seek a line in the Reauthorization Act. She stated the next focused efforts will be on the Senate side of Congress. New Mexico Reciprocal Steve Schwartz gave a brief description of the New Mexico Reciprocal program, which is an agreement between New Mexico and Colorado whereby each state has a certain number of students who can attend an institution in the other state at the in-state tuition rate. In Colorado, Fort Lewis College is the largest participant with 130 slots available. In New Mexico, it is San Juan College that has 150 allotted slots. This agreement is renegotiated every three years and is up for renewal this year. Discussion ensued regarding on-line courses and the possibility of extending the reciprocal agreement to graduate programs. Vice President Schwartz stated that a feasibility study would be conducted to ascertain whether it would be a lucrative move. Prior Learning Assessment Provost Morris reported that the Colorado Commission of Higher Education has directed state institutions to work on a policy for prior learning assessment that would lead to improved student success and transferability. The plan is to begin with AP, CLEP, and IB scores and attempt to find a common cut score that could be used for general education across the state. The noted common cut score for AP is 3 and the instructions are to work with faculty in our home institutions first to align cut scores throughout the state. WICHE Update President Thomas gave a brief description of the Western Interstate Commission for Higher Education. She is one of three representatives from Colorado. She gave examples of issues that are discussed by this organization – such as offering on-line courses across state lines and Title IX Sexual Misconduct. Pyramid Analytics Presentation Richard Miller, Director of Institutional Research and Planning, reported on the information that is available from the College’s Business Intelligence system, Pyramid Analytics. This system allows us to take a given metric and look at it in a variety of ways. The graphs included in the agenda relate to enrollment. The system allows us to monitor what is happening in enrollment in a variety of ways – by total enrollment, enrollment trends by school, and by department. Metrics Update Mr. Miller provided some background on the development of both the Presidential Dashboard Metrics and the Metrics that Matter. The latter was created to include items that are worthy of note. Trustee Hill questioned a discrepancy between percentages for total college budget between the two sets of metrics. It was duly noted by Mr. Miller. Trustee Hill moved for adjournment, with a second by Scott Greenler. MEETING ADJORNED at 1:45 p.m.