Consumer Agencies That Protect Shoppers Name: _________________________ Scavenger Hunt Visit - Better Business Bureau 1. What is their web address? 2. What type of complaints do they handle? (File a complaint button) 3. How do they handle complaints? Click the Accredited Business Directory: 4. See if your Dentist is a member: Yes _______ or No _______ Name of Dentist ____________________________________ 5. “Pinkwashing” refers to a charity that does what? 6. Click “for Businesses” What are the 8 Codes of Business Practices? 1. 5. 2. 6. 3. 7. 4. 8. Go to the Federal Trade Commission 1. What is the website address? 2. What We Do section: What is the basic job of the FTC? 3. Enforcement section: What does the FTC enforce? 4. Tips and Advice section: For Consumers: There are 5 items that you can take action on, list them below: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 5. New on the blog: (next to the 5 action items) Read an interesting blog post and write a summary about it: 6. Go back to the main FTC Home Page and click on the “I would like to…” section. Click on the Report Identity Theft section. What are the steps you take to report identity theft? 7. “I would like to…” section: If you want to get a free credit report, what is the website you need to visit? FBI – Is involved in cybercrime that haunts some shoppers, let’s investigate a few of them: Cases & Takedowns - Operation Ghost Click - Coreflood Botnet - 2,100 ATMs Hit at Once - Operation Phish Fry - Dark Market Write a summary on one of these articles to discuss with the class tomorrow. ONCE COMPLETE, SAVE IT AS LASTNAMEBBB ON YOUR M: DRIVE, I WILL GRADE IT TOMORROW FIRST THING.