You must add a reflective comment at the bottom of each concept map.

TLPI – 2/5/07
1/29 Readings or Mission Statement – 1st 10 minutes
Nuts and Bolts
TLPI Course Rubric – handout and online
Double-entry journaling, alternatives, and grading
Working with Families from Different Cultures
School/Parent Collaboration
Gallery Walk and Exemplars
Letter of Introduction to Parents
Parent Partnership Plan
Ethnographic Narrative Part I
Temperature Check -- moved to 2/7
Concept Map with Reflection -- Sample 1
You must add a reflective comment at the bottom of each concept map.
Concept Map with Reflection -- Sample 2
You must add a reflective comment at the bottom of each concept map.
Modified Cornell Style
Write a reflective
comment here
instead of a
Working with Families
from Different Cultures
Bridging School-Family Differences
Natural Stages of Language Development
Relevant to parents and family members + students
PowerPoint by Virginia Shannon will be posted online
Additional Resources
 (longer report)
School/Parent Collaboration
Small Group Work
What are the ways teachers can invite and
encourage parent involvement in their
student’s learning? classroom? school?
Gallery Walk
Letter of Introduction to Parents
Style = block-style, friendly business letter (commas)
Tone = inviting, informative, professional
Length = 1 page!
Contents Brainstorm
The Basic 5
Welcome (“Dear Parents or Guardians,”)
Introduction to the class—what will the students learn
Parents’ importance in their student’s learning
Attachments (e.g., Parent Partnership Plan, class policies, syllabus)
Are parents required to sign and return anything?
When will they meet you? How will they contact you?
Exemplar Analysis
Parent Partnership Plan
Opening paragraph
Numbered Statements
“I plan to . . .” (bolded)
Tell how you will accomplish this
Tell what it will do for the student and/or why it is important.
Be specific.
Some areas to consider
academic, emotional/psychological/physical safety, honoring
multicultural/diversity, parent involvement, open door policy
Closing paragraph
Ethnographic Narrative Part I
Guidelines handout and discussion
APA format (see 1/29 PP for APA help resources)
Questions? Concerns?
Best effort 1st draft due 2/12 (not 2/7 as stated
on schedule)
For the Next 2 Classes . . .
Double-entry journal entries (or alternatives)
Cruickshank, et al.: Chapters 10, 11-- due 2/7
Brooks & Brooks: Chapters 4, 5 -- due 2/7
Reader (Banks, Parks, Jackson) -- due 2/12
Letter of Introduction to Parents -- due 2/7
Parent Partnership Plan due – due 2/7
Looking Ahead . . .
Professional Goals -- due 2/12
Ethnographic Narrative Part I – 1st draft -- due 2/12