9.7 Planar Graphs Intro problem- 3 houses and 3 utilities K3,3 problem: Can 3 houses be connected to 3 utilities so that no 2 lines cross? Similarly, can an isomorphic version of K3,3 be drawn in the plane so that no two edges cross? T X Y houses U V W utilities Planar Def Def: A graph is called planar if it can be drawn in the plane without any edges drawing. Sketchpad examples Complete graphs K n Check examples-See Fig01 for K4, K5, K2,3, K3,3 Cyc le graphs Cn W heels W n Complete bipartite graphs K n,m Q3, Q4 Check examples— Fig02 for Q3, Q4 n-c ubes Sketch05 Find planar representations for the following: A B D C K 4 I E H G F K 2, 3 N J O M P K L 3-c ube Sketch06 Is graph A BCD EF planar? A B C D E F Sketch07 Is graph ABCD EFGH planar? A E C B F G D H Proof that K3,3 is not planar see Fig 01 and Sketch 08 and Math Teacher article T U X V Y W Proof Consider a subgraph T U 1 X 2 V …proof Pf. 1: Case 1: W is outside the graph (region 2). This forms region 2a and 2b. Y must be adjacent to U, V, W…. T U V X W Case 2 Case 2: W is inside the graph (region 1). This forms regions 1a and 1b Again, Y is adjacent to U, V, and W…. T U W X V Is K5 planar? (see Fig01) Claim: K5 is nonplanar. Proof: By contradiction… Suppose there is a planar representation of K5. So v1, v2, v3, v4, v5 form a pentagon. 1 2 5 4 {v1,v3} must be present. WLOG, let it be on the inside. Then construct {v2,v4} and {v2,v5} on the outside. So __________ are on the __________ 3 Find # of regions, edges, vertices to discover Euler’s formula r W3 K2,3 Q3 e v Theorem 1: Euler’s Formula Thm: Let G be a connected planar simple graph with e edges and v vertices. Let r be the number of regions in a planar representation of G. Then r = _______ Proof: First, specify a planar representation of G. We will prove by specifying a sequence of subgroups G1, G2, … Ge =G, adding an edge at each step. This is possible because G is connected. Arbitrarily pick an edge of G to obtain G1. Obtain Gn from Gn-1 by arbitrarily adding an edge that is incident with a vertex in Gn-1, adding the other vertex if necessary. …proof outline By induction: Basis: e=1 G1 r 1 = ___ e 1 = ___ v 1 = ___ So_________ Inductive step: Assume n and show n+1. This means: Assume r n = e n – v n + 2 and add {a n+1, b n+1 } to G n to obtain G n+1 and show ___________… Case 1: an+1, bn+1 Gn R is split into 2 regoins. r n+1 = ___ e n+1 = ___ v n+1 = ___ So ___________ Case 2: an+1 Gn but bn+1 Gn r n+1 = ___ e n+1 = ___ v n+1 = ___ Question: How do you prove a graph is either planar or not planar? • To prove it is… • To prove it isn’t… Corollary 1: e≤3v-6 Corollary 1: If G is a connected planar simple graph with e edges and v vertices where v≥3, then e≤3v-6. Def: deg(R )= number of edges on the boundary of region R Proof: Assume G is simple. Therefore it has no loops or multiple edges. So it has no regions of degree 1 or 2. A planar representation of G has r regions, each of degree at least 3. Note: 2e = ≥ 3r So r ≤ (2/3)e Using Euler’s Theorerm, r = ______ ≤ _____ … Ex: Use the contrapositive of Corollary 1 to prove that K5 is nonplanar. Q: Can you use Corollary 1 to show K3,3 is nonplanar? Cor. 2– region degree ≤ 5 A Corollary of Cor. 1 is the following: Cor. 2: If G is a connected planar simple graph, then G has a vertex of degree not exceeding 5. Proof: • Case 1: G has 1 or 2 vertices: result _______ • Case 2: G has at least 3 vertices. By ___, we know e ≤ ____ so 2e ≤ ____ • To show result, assume degree of every vertex is ______. Then because 2e = _____ by _______, we have 2e ≥ 6v (why?). • But this contradicts ___. So there must be a vertex with degree ≤ 5. Corollary 3: e ≤ 2v – 4 Corollary 3: If G is a connected planar simple graph with e edges, v vertices, v≥3, and no circuits of length 3, then e≤2v – 4. Proof . Assume G is simple. Consider a planar representative of G. Therefore it has no loops or multiple edges, which would create regions of degree 1 or 2. With no circuits of length 3, there are no regions of degree 3. Therefore, all regions are at least degree 4. So 2e = ________ ≥ 4r Solving for r… By Euler’s Formula… K3,3 Ex: Use Corollary 2 to prove that K3,3 is nonplanar. Is Q4 planar or not? Prove. Kuratowski’s Theory Def: Replacing {u,v} with {u,w} and {w,v} is an elementary subdivision. Def: G1=(V1,E1) and G2=(V2,E2) are homeomorphic if they can be obtained from the same graph by a sequence of elementary subdivisions. Kuratowski’s Theorem: A graph is nonplanar iff it contains a subgraph homeomorphic to K3,3 or K5. Proof: clear beyond scope of class examples • Are the following planar or not? Why? Peterson ex Ex: Use the two Euler Corollaries on the Peterson example (See examples in notes) Cor. 1: e ≤ 3v - 6 Cor. 3: e ≤ 2v - 4 Kuratowski’s Theory Ex: Use Kuratowski’s Theory on the Peterson example. see written handout More ex • See handout for more examples using Euler and Kuratowski – See sketch06 and sketch07 on sketchpad to the right – See attached Sketchpad handout with 7 more ex A E A B C D E F C B F G D H More – handout ex 1-2 O C 1 2 Planar? B G H Q R F A N D E P Handout 3-4 S M 3 J K L I G 4 H D E F I Handout 5-7 Y B 5 W C U Z V A T X C 6 A D 7 A G E B F B C F D E Ex- book 7, 23 A B F C E D B C A G D F E