Graph Theory - Delta College

Name: Russ Gorski
Module Name/Number: Everyday Math
Topic: Graph Theory
Facilitator: Michelle Kondziola
Station: Delta College PBS,WDCQ-TV
Math in Everyday Life for Grades 6-8
Lesson Plan: Graph Theory
Students will
1. Be exposed to one field of discrete math which is graph theory.
2. Learn vocabulary involved with graph theory (nodes, edges,
adjacency, degree, valence, ends, loop, path, circuit, connected
graphs, components, planar graphs)
3. Think about classic theory problems and attempt to find solution.
The class will need the following:
Box of crayons for each student
Pencils, pens
Projection unit hooked to computer
Time: 2-3 class periods
Procedure and Sample Questions for Discussion
1. Before starting graph theory tutorial at have students draw a map of a
little city showing connection with roads. (Basically a dot-to-dot
2. During the Introduction page have students share their drawing with a
partner to see if they can find a path that would take them to each
town without any overlap.
3. Have students color their city so that each town that shares a border is
a different color. They need to do it with least amount of colors
4. Take Tutorial Quiz over Introduction page
5. On definition of graph page asks students how many vertices and
edges they have on their drawing.
6. Take definition of graph quiz.
7. On vertices, adjacency and degree page ask students what degree of
each vertex is on their drawing and have them label each vertex and
tell which vertices are adjacent. If they do not have a loop have them
add one.
8. Take vertices, adjacency and degree quiz.
9. On edges: paths, circuits and connectivity page ask them to tell if
their drawing is a circuit or not and if it is connected. Also talk about
components and check to see if any student’s drawings have separate
10.Take quiz on edges: paths, circuits and connectivity page.
11.On planar graphs page have students draw a planar graph with 4
vertices. Can they draw planar graph with six vertices? Have
students work on classic graph theory problem with 3 houses and 3
12.Take quiz on planar graphs.