Pivotal Points in Establishing and Achieving Sustainable, Cross-Sector and Interdisciplinary STEM Collaborations THOMAS J. TAUER • ASSOCIATE PROVOST AND DEAN OF UNIVERSITY COLLEGE, EAST STROUDSBURG UNIVERSITY OF PENNSYLVANIA • CHINCOTEAGUE BAY FIELD STATION LIAISON TO THE NATIONAL AERONAUTICS AND SPACE ADMINISTRATION National Professional Science Master’s Association 4th National Conference, November 15, 2013 Pivotal Points in Establishing and Achieving Sustainable, Cross-Sector and Interdisciplinary STEM Collaborations Challenges (partial list 1) : • Identifying Current Collaborators/Collaborations • Identifying Potential Collaborators/Collaborations • Communication • • • Establishing Communication Sustaining Effective Communication Obtaining High-Level Communication • Interpreting Missions, Visions, & Values (MVV) • Understanding Organizational Cultures, Rules, & Employee Reward/Review Processes National Professional Science Master’s Association 4th National Conference, November 15, 2013 Pivotal Points in Establishing and Achieving Sustainable, Cross-Sector and Interdisciplinary STEM Collaborations Challenges (partial list 2) : • Gaining Buy-in • Establishing Collaboration(s) • • • Setting Appropriate Expectations Managing Competing Interests Providing Essential Support • Sustaining Collaborations • Change: Organizational, MVV, Personnel, Budget, etc. National Professional Science Master’s Association 4th National Conference, November 15, 2013 Pivotal Points in Establishing and Achieving Sustainable, Cross-Sector and Interdisciplinary STEM Collaborations Strategies (partial list 1) : • Establish Points of Contact • Identify Areas of Opportunity & Synergy • Map Missions, Visions, Values, Goals, Objectives,… • Discuss Organizational SWOT • Specify Deliverable(s) & Outcome(s) • Establish Timeline(s) • Articulate Responsibilities of All Parties National Professional Science Master’s Association 4th National Conference, November 15, 2013 Pivotal Points in Establishing and Achieving Sustainable, Cross-Sector and Interdisciplinary STEM Collaborations Strategies (partial list 2) : • Establish Formal Agreement (if possible…time…) • Celebrate Success • Continue Opportunity Exploration & Evaluation • Leverage Points of Contact During Change National Professional Science Master’s Association 4th National Conference, November 15, 2013 Pivotal Points in Establishing and Achieving Sustainable, Cross-Sector and Interdisciplinary STEM Collaborations Example: Chincoteague Bay Field Station Liaison to the National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA) • Chincoteague Bay Field Station • • • • • • • • Name Changed Oct. 1, 2013 from the Marine Science Consortium (est. 1968) A 501 (c) (3) Non-Profit Completed First Strategic Plan in January 2010 In the Process of Completing a New Strategic Plan Composed of 10 of the 14 Universities within the Pennsylvania State System of Higher Education (PASSHE) and 4 Other Private and Public Institutions of Higher Education Change in Board of Directors and the Board Leadership Change in Institutes of Higher Education Membership Completed $15 Million Campus Revitalization Project in 2010 National Professional Science Master’s Association 4th National Conference, November 15, 2013 Pivotal Points in Establishing and Achieving Sustainable, Cross-Sector and Interdisciplinary STEM Collaborations Chincoteague Bay Field Station: Approximately 166 Miles from this Conference Room National Professional Science Master’s Association 4th National Conference, November 15, 2013 Pivotal Points in Establishing and Achieving Sustainable, Cross-Sector and Interdisciplinary STEM Collaborations Chincoteague Bay Field Station: 0 Miles from NASA Goddard Space Flight Center (GSFC) Wallops Flight Facility (WFF) National Professional Science Master’s Association 4th National Conference, November 15, 2013 Pivotal Points in Establishing and Achieving Sustainable, Cross-Sector and Interdisciplinary STEM Collaborations Example: • Changes in Universities’ Strategic Plans • • Examples from ESU: New President in 2012 and 3 Provosts in 5 years Change in PASSHE Senior Leadership • • Example: East Stroudsburg University of Pennsylvania (ESU) is in the Process of Completing a New Strategic Plan Changes in Universities’ Senior Leadership • • Chincoteague Bay Field Station Liaison to the National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA) Example: New Chancellor as of Oct. 1, 2013 NASA Goddard Space Flight Center (GSFC) Wallops Flight Facility (WFF) • • Change in Senior Leadership Change in Point of Contact (3 in 5 years) Change in Budgets • Government Shutdown(s) & Sequestration • National Professional Science Master’s Association 4th National Conference, November 15, 2013 Mapping of Mission, Vision, Values, Goals, Objectives, … Chincoteague Bay Field Station Overarching Goals: PASSHE 4 Strategic Areas: Transforming Students and the Learning Environment Transforming Resources Transforming University-Community Relations Transforming PASSHE’s Role in Determining the Commonwealth’s Future NASA Significant and Sustained Investments in: Excellence in Teaching and Learning Expanded Research Opportunities Modernize Facilities, Provide for MSC Staff Development and Retention and Provide High Quality Student/Participant Life Self-Sufficiency Transformative technology development and demonstrations to pursue new approaches to space exploration, including heavy-lift technologies; Robotic precursor missions to multiple destinations in the solar system; U.S. commercial spaceflight capabilities; Extensions and increased utilization of the International Space Station; Cross-cutting technology development in a new Space Technology Program; Climate change research and observations; NextGen and green aviation; and Education, including focus on Science, Technology, Engineering and Math (STEM) NASA GSFC WFF Mission Plan Objectives: To help achieve NASA's strategic objectives for scientific and educational excellence through cost efficient integration, launch, and operations of suborbital and small orbital payloads. To enable scientific, educational, and economic advancement by providing the facilities and expertise to enable frequent flight opportunities for a diverse customer base. To serve as a key facility for operational test, integration, and certification of NASA and commercial next-generation, low-cost orbital launch technologies. To pioneer productive and innovative government, industry, and academic partnerships National Professional Science Master’s Association 4th National Conference, November 15, 2013 Increasing Communication, Celebrating Success, Expanding Collaborations, Opportunity Exploration, & Formal Agreements Publication of Annual Reports First NASA Goddard Space Flight Center (GSFC) Wallops Flight Facility (WFF) & Marine Science Consortium Research Collaboration Annual Report Published in June 2010 Establishment of the Coastal Zone Research Symposium First Coastal Zone Research Symposium Held in May 2011 at the Marine Science Consortium’s New LEED-Certified Education Center Expansion & Diversification of Research Collaborations Faculty, Staff, & Students from Different Universities & Disciplines Working Collaboratively NASA, Chincoteague National Wildlife Refuge, & The Nature Conservancy, Collaborating with University Faculty, Staff, & Students Establishing Formal Agreements Signing of the Nonreimbursable Umbrella Space Act Agreement in August 2011 by NASA, the U.S. Department of Interior U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service, and the Marine Science Consortium National Professional Science Master’s Association 4th National Conference, November 15, 2013 Pivotal Points in Establishing and Achieving Sustainable, Cross-Sector and Interdisciplinary STEM Collaborations THANK YOU ttauer@esu.edu National Professional Science Master’s Association 4th National Conference, November 15, 2013