14.2 Powerpoint - Moore Public Schools

Harriet Beecher Stowe
Stephen Douglas
John Brown
The hope that Henry Clay’s compromise will
settle the dispute over the issue of slavery
begins to fall apart.
California becomes a
free state
Banned Slave trade in
Washington, DC
Fugitive Slave Act will
be enforced
Popular Sovereignty
will decide question of
slavery in the Mexican
Government officials could arrest any person
accused or being a runaway slave
North citizens must assist in the capture of a
fugitive slave
Fugitive Slave Law is very controversial part of
the Compromise of 1850.
Many runaway slaves were sent back to the
South even if they had runaway and lived as a
freed person for years
Many runaway slaves fled to Canada (no
slavery in Canada, or Britain)
Even Freedmen went to Canada
Written by Harriet Beecher Stowe
She wrote “something to make this whole
nation feel what an accursed thing slavery is”
Bestseller in the North
Many Southerners thought this book as
Page 492-493
1854 encouraged by Stephen Douglas of Illinois
Purpose to get a railroad from Illinois to Nebraska
Proposed dividing land North of the Missouri
Compromise of 1820 line: 36.30 Latitude line
Kansas and Nebraska territory
New states to be agreed through popular
Southerners loved it! Why?
Northerners hated it!
President Pierce signs it into action for prospertity
Douglas and Pierce the settling of the Kansas
and Nebraska Act will “forever banish from
the halls of Congress”
Kansas wanted to come into the Union as a
Free State
Many proslavery and antislavery advocates
fled into Kansas territory so they can vote on
the issue of slavery
Missourians were determined to make Kansas
a slave state
Voting was protested by Antislavery when the
slave government was elected
Fighting between anti-slavery groups and Proslavery groups breaks out
People were killed which is why it is called
“Bleeding Kansas”.
Anti-slavery advocate
Murdered five Pro-slavery people
This set up breakout of violence on both sides
Blood was shed
In a speech in Congress, Sumner speaks out against
Pro-Slavery and focuses his speech on Andrew Butler, a
Senator from South Carolina
Butler’s nephew comes into the Senate chamber a few
days later and cane-whips Sumner injuring him
Many Southerners felt like Sumner got what he
Some even sent Butler canes to show support
Took Sumner 2 years before he was well enough to
come back o the Senate
Now blood is being shed over slavery in Congress
Must we deal with the elephant now?