Name: ________________________________ Date: _________ Teacher: ___________ Per: ______ Fitness Profile Project GRADING (5 pts. off for each day late) ____/ Sect #1 ____/ Sect #2 ____/ Sect #3 ____/ Sect #4 ____/ Neatly done Total ____/ 2012-2013 1 Section #1- BMI Beginning of Semester: Height:_______ Weight:________ BMI:_________ End of Semester: Height:_______ Weight:________ BMI:_________ Section #2- Recording Scores Record your fitness scores in the appropriate box Fitness Test Scores Test 1 VO2 Max Bike Cardiovascular 1 min. Sit-ups Muscular Endurance Sit and Reach Flexibility Bench Press Muscular Strength Wt =_____ Reps=______ Strength to wt ratio= Wt =_____ Reps=______ Strength to wt ratio= Wt =_____ Reps=______ Strength to wt ratio= Test 2 Test 3 Section #3 Graph Score Put an ‘X’ in the box that corresponds with your fitness score grade BIKE Fitness Test 100% 95% 92% 88% 85% 82% 78% 75% 72% 68% 65% 62% 58% 55% 52% Test 1 Test 2 SIT UPS Test 3 Test 1 SIT Test 2 Test 3 Test 1 AND REACH Test 2 Test 3 BENCH Test 1 Test 2 Test 3 A+ A AB+ B BC+ C CD+ D DF+ F FSection #4 Goals What scores do you want to get on your NEXT test? VO2 Max Bike Test 2 Test 3 1 min. Sit-ups Sit and Reach Bench Press Wt =_____ Reps=______ Wt =_____ Reps=______ 2 VHHS HEALTH RELATED STANDARDS Bike (VO2 Max) Boys Grade Group I 56 & Above 55.9 - 53.6 53.5 – 51.0 50.9 – 49.0 48.9 – 47.1 SIT & REACH Girls Boys Grade Group I 43.5 & Above 43 – 40.5 40 – 38.5 38 – 36.5 36 – 33.5 100% 95% 92% 88% 85% A+ A AB+ B 47 & Above 46.5 – 44 43.5 – 41.5 41 – 39.5 39 – 36.5 B- 36.1 – 35.0 C+ 34.9 – 33.6 C 33.5 – 32.2 Group II 33 – 31.5 31 – 29.5 29 – 26.5 82% 78% 75% BC+ C 36 - 34.5 34 – 32.5 32 – 29.5 72% 68% 65% C- 32.1 – 31.0 D+ 30.9 – 29.0 D 28.9 – 27.0 Group III 26 – 24.5 24 – 22.5 22 – 19.5 72% 68% 65% CD+ D 29 – 27.5 27 – 25.5 25 – 23.5 62% 58% 55% 52% DF+ F F- Group IV 19 – 17.5 17 – 15.5 15 - 14 13.5 & Below 62% 58% 55% 52% DF+ F F- 23 – 20.5 20 – 19 18.5 – 17.5 17 & Below 100% 95% 92% 88% 85% A+ A AB+ B Group II 47.0 – 45.2 45.1 – 42.9 42.8 – 40.6 82% 78% 75% Group III 40.5 – 38.4 38.3 – 37.2 37.1 – 36.0 Group IV 35.9 – 34.8 34.7 – 34.3 34.2 – 33.9 33.8 & Below 42.0 & Above 41.9 – 40.6 40.5 – 39.0 38.9 – 37.6 37.5 – 36.2 26.9 – 25.0 24.9 – 24.6 24.5 – 24.4 24.3 & Below SIT-UPS Boys Girls BENCH PRESS Grade Girls Boys Grade Girls Group I 1.23 & ABOVE 1.22 – 1.19 1.18 - .1.16 1.15 – 1.13 1.12 – 1.10 100% 95% 92% 88% 85% A+ A AB+ B .75 & ABOVE .74 - .72 .71 - .69 .68 - .66 .65 - .63 B- 41 – 39 C+ 38 – 37 C 36 – 34 Group II 1.09 – 1.07 1.06 – 1.00 .99 - .93 82% 78% 75% BC+ C .62 - .60 .59 - .58 .57 - .55 72% 68% 65% C- 33 – 32 D+ 31 – 30 D 29 - 28 Group III .92 - .87 .86 - .84 .83 - .81 72% 68% 65% CD+ D .54 - .53 .52 - .50 .49 62% 58% 55% 52% DF+ F F- Group IV .80 - .78 .77 - .75 .74 - .70 .69 & BELOW 62% 58% 55% 52% DF+ F F- .48 .47 .46 .45 & Below Group I 60 & Above 59 - 55 54 - 50 49 – 48 47 – 46 100% 95% 92% 88% 85% A+ A AB+ B Group II 45 - 44 43 – 42 41 – 39 82% 78% 75% Group III 38 – 37 36 – 35 34 – 33 Group IV 32 – 31 30 – 28 27 - 26 25 & Below 55 & Above 54 – 50 49 - 45 44– 43 42 – 43 27 – 26 25 – 23 22 - 21 20 & Below 3 Calculate Your Fitness Score Grading Scale 50% Bike 20% 1 min sit ups 20% Sit and Reach 10% Bench press Test #1 1. Calculate the following by entering the PERCENT for each test. Then multiply using the number provided next to each test. Finally add all the scores to get the composite fitness testing grade: EXAMPLE: Bike Sit –Ups Sit & Reach Bench Press 82 x .5 = 73 x .2 = 97 x .20 = 80 x .10 = YOUR SCORE: 41.0 14.6 19.4 8.0 Composite Fitness Grade Total= 82% Bike Sit –Ups Sit & Reach Bench Press ____ x .5 = ____ x .2 = ____ x .20 = ____ x .10 = _______ _______ _______ _______ Composite Fitness Grade Total= _______% Test #2 EXAMPLE: Bike Sit –Ups Sit & Reach Bench Press 82 x .5 = 73 x .2 = 97 x .20 = 80 x .10 = YOUR SCORE: 41.0 14.6 19.4 8.0 Composite Fitness Grade Total= 84% Bike Sit –Ups Sit & Reach Bench Press ____ x .5 = ____ x .2 = ____ x .20 = ____ x .10 = _______ _______ _______ _______ Composite Fitness Grade Total= _______% Test #3 EXAMPLE: Bike Sit –Ups Sit & Reach Bench Press 82 x .5 = 73 x .2 = 97 x .20 = 80 x .10 = YOUR SCORE: 41.0 14.6 19.4 8.0 Composite Fitness Grade Total= 84% Bike Sit –Ups Sit & Reach Bench Press ____ x .5 = ____ x .2 = ____ x .20 = ____ x .10 = _______ _______ _______ _______ Composite Fitness Grade Total= _______% 4 Assignment #1: Please identify and write the following aspects of a workout you would like to do this week: 1. How many days a week (frequency) will you participate in each activity 2. How hard (intensity) will you work out with each activity. (If you want to weight train, please write out 1 or 2 of the machines or weights you will lift including repetitions) 3. How much (time) will you do each activity 4. (Types) of activities you will participated in throughout the week. Example: I biked 4 times a week about 1 hr. each time and I usually averaged 14 mph. I kayaked 3 times a week for 1.5 hrs each time with two of my days being leisure kayaking and one day being hard kayaking. I weight trained 2 days a week and did 3 sets of 10 repetitions on the following machines: Leg extensions (60 lbs), Leg Flexion (50 lbs), 100 Sit-ups (10 lb. wt. on chest). I did a variety of stretches for 15 minutes each day and held them for at least 15 seconds to mild discomfort. Please write CLEARLY and include all 4-F.I.T.T. principles in each category!!! F= Frequency I=Intensity T=Time T=Type Cardiovascular:_________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________________ Strength:______________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________________ Flexibility:_____________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________________ Muscular Endurance:____________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________________ Go on to Assignment #2 on next page, come back and fill in your information on this page! 5 Assignment #2: Go back up into Assignment #1 that you just completed and identify the following items in your workout using boxes and abbriviations: Frequency, Intensity, Time and Type. Use the following notations: F=Frequency, I= Intensity, T= Time and Ty=Type. Ty F T Ty I F Example: I biked 4 times a week about 1 hr. each time and I usually averaged 14 mph. I kayaked 3 times a T I I week for 1.5 hrs each time with two of my days being leisure kayaking and one day being hard kayaking with I Ty F T T my heart rate over 150 beats per minute. I weight trained 2 days a week and did 3 sets of 10 repetitions on the T I I T I following machines: Leg extensions (60 lbs), Leg Flexion (50 lbs), about 100 Sit-ups (10 lb. wt. on chest) I Ty T T T until fatigue. I did a variety of stretches for 15 minutes each day and held them for at least 15 seconds to I mild discomfort. 6