Independent Reading Project Students will select a novel of their choice on their reading level. The novel needs to be fictional so that it contains the story elements we are learning in class. Along with reading the book, students will complete an interactive reading log. Students will divide their book into 10 equal sections. For each section, students write an entry that includes a summary of the most important events in the section and an interaction with the text. On the back side of this paper is a list of sentence starters for interactions. See the separate handout for a sample entry. Interactive reading log assignment is due: __________________________ - I will only check the students’ first entry to make sure they are doing the assignment correctly. Then it is their responsibility to be working on it and have it completed by the due date. Interactive Reading Log Assignment Scoring: Each entry is worth 10 points. - 5 points for each summary and 5 points for each interaction = 100 points Total project is worth 100 points. I will check the students’ book selection to be sure it is the correct type of novel. Parents, review your child’s book choice and indicate below that you give permission for them to read it. Please make sure it is a book they have not read before. Detach this bottom portion and return to Miss Capal. _________________________________________________________(student name) _________________________________________________________(book title) _________________________________________________________(parent signature) Sample Interaction Sentence Starters I really don’t understand the part where… I really like/dislike this idea because… This character reminds me of somebody I know because… This character reminds me of myself because… I think this setting is important because… This scene reminds me of a similar one I’ve seen in… I like/dislike this part because… This part was very realistic/unrealistic because… I think the relationship between ____ and ____ is interesting beucase… This section makes me thing about… I like/dislike (character name) because… This situation reminds me of a similar situation in my own life. What happened was… If I were (character name) at this point, I would… I began to think of… I love the way… I can’t believe… I wonder why… I noticed… I think… I’m not sure… My favorite character is… I like the way the author… I felt sad when… I wish that… I was surprised when… It seems like… I’m not sure… I want to know more about… I predict… Information Date: 8/31/11 Chapter: 5 Pages Read: 266-276 Interactive Reading Log Example Chicken Soup for the Teenage Soul Excerpt by: Susan Doenim Summary Interaction There was an unwritten rule at Monroe High School. Everybody knew about it, everybody, except the new girl, Lisa. The rule was, don’t walk across the quad. The quad was a large, treeless spare of concrete in the center of campus. Even though it would make your journey quicker to walk across it, you just didn’t. As Lisa juggled her heavy load of books she took the most direct route to her next class, across the quad. Everyone was staring, thinking, “what is she doing?” Then, all of a sudden, she fell. Laugher ensued from all around. What happened next would change Monroe High forever. A boy walked directly toward Lisa and helped her up; everyone watched, speechless. And from that day on, it was perfectly acceptable to walk across the quad. I wonder how the unwritten rule came to be. Why didn’t kids walk across the quad? Why was it such a big deal? I felt sad for Lisa when she fell. I’m always afraid of doing something embarrassing at school like that. The boy who helped her reminded me of a kid I went to high school with. He did care what people thought about him; he always did what he thought was right. I wish that I could be more like the boy who helped Lisa. I admire his strength, compassion, and kindness.