Port Orford Ocean Resource Team: Partnering Local and Scientific Knowledge With GIS for Community-based Management Vicki A. Wedell, Oregon State University David Revell, University of California Santa Cruz AAAS Annual Meeting Feb 13th 2004 Today’s Presentation Background Physical setting Management Context The Port of Port Orford Port Orford Ocean Resource Team Participatory GIS Research Design and Methods Local knowledge interviews Data Aggregation Initial results Conclusions Port Orford... Latitude/Longitude: 42 44 45 N / 124 29 46 W Cape Blanco Coos Bay Charleston Oregon Port Orford Port Orford Dock Bandon Port Orford Gold Beach Active Tectonics Lab, OSU www.pcouncil.org Current Management Context 1996 Sustainable Fisheries Act (MSFCMA) Standard 8: we must assess impacts to fishing communities Issue of scale Pacific groundfish crisis (NOAA Fisheries Jan 2000) Quota reductions 50% capacity reduction 100-250 fathom in-season shelf closure Port Orford The Port Orford Fishing Community Small scale fishing-dependant community ~40 vessels (<45 feet) 100-150 people involved in commercial fishing (1015% of population) 40 fishing families No Coast Guard Station Diversity of Fisheries 21 73% of interviewees participate in 4-7 different fisheries Number of Fishermen 19 17 15 13 11 9 7 5 3 1 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 Number of fisheries executed 7 8 Current Fisheries Executed Port Orford Fisheries 100.0% Changes caused by Mgt. Regulations 90.9% 90.0% 80.0% 81.8% 72.7% 63.6% 70.0% 60.0% 50.0% 45.5% 36.4% 40.0% 30.0% 18.2% 20.0% 10.0% 18.2% 4.5% 0.0% 4.5% 4.5% us se ls M Pr aw n pe d St ri ab al on e Co on h Re d Ha gf is Ur ch in ib ut Ha l ba co re Al gr ou nd f is h h Li v e gr ou nd fis on Sh el f Sa lm Sa bl ef ish Du ng en es s cr ab 0.0% Port Orford Ocean Resources Team (POORT) Local Advisory Board Science Advisory Committee Project Manager Communications Coordinator The key to our success! POORT Vision: A sustainable fishery that combines the best science and local experiential knowledge for the community to make local fishery management decisions. From Vision to Results… Science and Management ?s Spatial data to answer ?s Existing Substrate Basemaps New Interviews Coop. Research Biological Socio-econ. Fish Counts Urchins Etc… http://www.coastalatlas.net Some Coastal Atlas layers… Seafloor Mapping Lab, OSU ODFW Nearshore Rocky Reef Project (1997-2000) 1996 ODFW Fish Survey NOAA Nautical Charts Groundfish Fleet Restructuring and Information Analysis Project GIS Layers Conceptual Model High resolution case study of Port Orford Documenting Local Knowledge Pilot interview and community presentation Create base maps and interview protocol Conduct LKI with community members Validation interviews with participants Transcribe and digitize individual interviews Aggregate individual maps into draft inventory Community validation workshop Incorporate edits and create final inventory maps In progress GIS base maps: communication & process tool Nautical charts Fathom contours Local place names –focus group Local knowledge interviews Confidentiality Agreements Semi-structured interviews 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. Demographics & vessel information Distribution of human uses Relative economic importance Distribution of species and resources Open microphone Location information recorded Drew on acetate overlays Verbally referenced place name Depth delineated areas LKI Participants 33 interviews with 36 people 24 Commercial fishermen 2 Divers 3 Recreational fishermen 3 Buyers 4 Recreationalists 2 Scientists Average age: 51 years Average experience: 20+ years 31 males: 5 females Port Orford commercial fishermen ~50% Port Orford vessels represented, average length: 34 feet 17 owners and/or captains 7 deckhands 524 years combined experience 24 years average experience 7 second-generation fishermen 1 third generation fisherman 20/25 work a combined total of over 2200 days/year on the ocean, presently averaging ~120 days/year Data aggregation Convert vector data into 30 m grid Assigned grid cell value of 1 for polygon presence and 0 for absence Cumulative totals for each grid cell Nearest neighbor analysis (6 cell focal mean) to smooth the data. Data classified using an equal area distribution of 7 classes and re-categorized into Low, Medium, and High usage. Thanks to our partners at Ecotrust, especially Charles! Dungeness crab PO Salmon PO Halibut High Spot PO Sablefish (aka black cod) Bandon High Spot PO Canyon Relative economic importance of sablefish High Spot Canyon Conclusions To meet requirements of the Sustainable Fisheries Act 1996 Standard 8, we need to address community issues at the community level. It comes down to a matter of scale. For Port Orford 150m is appropriate. Local knowledge interviews are a successful tool to understand a fishing community, its resources, and dependence on various areas. Coupling scientific and local knowledge in GIS is a powerful way to support community management objectives. Spatial representation of human uses, economic dependence, and species distribution can guide area-based management strategies including: local area management and/or the selection of less controversial areas for MPAs. Next Steps for POORT Phase II 1) 2) More in depth economic surveys and spatial analysis Cooperative research projects: port sampling and genetic research Future Phases: 1) 2) Develop a management plan and long-term monitoring program Examine Substrate/Species Relationships Thank You Funders: Partners: Cooperative Port Orford Ocean Resources Team Port Orford Community Terra Cognita – OSU GIS lab Pacific Marine Conservation Council Surfrider Foundation Institute for Marine Resources Studies Environmental NOAA Penny Defense Cooperative Research Family Fund Oregon Coastal Management Program Ocean Enhancement Grant Data: ODFW Coastal Atlas Dr. Chris Goldfinger Lab – OSU Ecotrust