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5.4 Science, Commerce and Politics
Nada-Al Sanjari
Reena Kang
Pressure groups
How they have had an impact/ influence on
scientific achievement and recognition?
Is a global known pressure group which is
non-profit making, type of organisation and an
independent global origination.
They help protect and preserve the
environment and indorse peace. They do this
by investigating into what the problem is such
as climate change; in artic ice is melting
quicker over the years? What could be the
cause of this?..
Greenpeace make sure that all issues
concerning the world is focused on
environmental changes or any other effects to
the world which are happening and what they
can do to reduce it or lessen the problem
which is caused. When their investigation
about a particular topic is finished the expose
and spread the information around to the
world to know.
Greenpeace have stated on their website that
they ‘ Defend the natural world and promote
peace by investigating, exposing and
confronting environmental abuse, and
championing environmentally responsible
solutions’ (Greenpeace website)
Their annual revenue is £368million. This is
given by independent supporters of mostly of
fundraising. Research also shows that in 2012
international supporter had supported the
organisations such as the: German donors
offered £70 million.
Campaign for the nuclear Disarmament CND
Their first campaign was ‘abolishment of
nuclear weapon testing’ (btec applied science
book). This organisation is funded by
CND campaign non-violent to clear nuclear
weapons, mostly in Britain, by scrapping
nuclear weapons and converting this into
security for the future needs. This
organisation is funded by their members and
Also work with anti-nuclear groups in different
countries to clear any threat to the world.
Allow people to interact in political procedure
and fight for ‘nuclear-free and peaceful
5.4 Science, Commerce and Politics
Nada-Al Sanjari
Reena Kang
They are funded by members and by special
appeals which are national and do not take
any donations from agency that are in
association of nuclear weapons.
Voluntary Euthanasia Society (VES)
Is a membership organisation with 25,000
supporters and known as a national
campaign? They campaign to allow and
authorize supported wish to die due to any
reason such as critical ill, intellectual and
mental needs..
This pressure group has its benefits because
it allows to change the law to allow individuals
‘human rights’ to be taken seriously in the
case of considering to die due to any issues
they argue for. This is proceed by lawyers and
doctors also the religious priests, so that
everyone has a say and are following law and
safe procedures which is supported by
They are funded by member’s donations and
other donations by the public.
However the organisation have helped people
express how they feel about their life and
what they choose to do with it.
Debbie Purdy was one client who was part of
this campaign because she proposed a
request to die due to her illness and the
condition she was in. This article below
explain the full story.
Action on smoking and health (ASH)
Is a public charity which concentrates on
tobacco and how it effects of it which can
cause illnesses. This was discovered ‘by the
Royal College of Physician in 1971’ which is
maintained ‘subscriptions, supporters and
Their aim is to destroy the world’s problems
such as illness and deaths due to tobacco.
They do this by acknowledging the public
about what decisions they make and the risk
they are making whilst associating with
tobacco and how the tobacco industry
functions, what happens during the
procedure, then taking things to law in a way
5.4 Science, Commerce and Politics
Nada-Al Sanjari
Reena Kang
global, national and also local standards.
Is known as an ‘ASH is a non-profit that thinks
locally and acts globally.’
Friends of the earth
Is an environment pressure group that is
known worldwide. Campaign for environment
problems which effect the earth: climate
change; deforestation; pollution; carbon
footprint. Their main focus is on what effects
the earth and what they can do to reduce this.
The look at the problem and find evidence
and solutions to support the theory and then
get other people involved such as family,
friends, and also local and global
organisations to take part and then taking
steps into the laws procedure by going
through the government and politicians and
other business. They reveal their finding to the
media to show their knowledge and keep the
world aware of what is happening around the
They are helped with supermarkets becoming
‘GM- free animal feed in meat, eggs and
diary’. This article explains the process.
5.4 Science, Commerce and Politics
Nada-Al Sanjari
Reena Kang
Choose one group from social, political and pressure groups and describe what strategies
each group used to bring about change regarding scientific issues/research.
Social group:
1. An article called ‘Help us stay one step ahead of foot disease’ written by Barbara
Young, who is a ‘Chief executive of Diabetes UK, wants pharmacies to be on the
lookout for diabetic patients at high risk of a foot attack’. In the article she is aiming at
the community and how she feels the need to help the understand about the diabetes
and it disadvantages.
Young explain how Diabetic patients need to engage with their more with pharmacist than
the GP because they have the latest research done. Pharmacist need to ensure the patient
with foot attack that what they need to do to take care of themselves if they do have foot
attack. The strategies of Pharmacist advising diabetes patient about foot attack is important
the advice and make clear of the information to the patient so they understand what situation
they are in. Research is being improved everyday so therefore this the public need to be
aware of what is going on and how to deal with situations of foot attack.
( First in professional development
Pharmacy magazine,
volume 20, no 5, page 1& 2, may 2014 )
Political group:
Green party have made a policy called the ‘Green Party of England and Wales’ science
and technology’. This encourages and promotes development, research which is taken into
account and request of technology and science which will:
– Help to comprehend and talk about major environmental threats caused by climate
change, deforestation, pollution and many more and also helps the world be a greener
The strategies used is to focus on positive things which impacts society and the world
around us and think of solutions the government can help us with because they are more
determined to help due to it being a green party policy which is taken to account seriously
and dealt with effectively.
http://liberalconspiracy.org/2011/03/02/the-green-party-now-has-a-science-policy-i-can-beproud-of/ - accesed 4/12/2015
Pressure group:
Friends of earth is a pressure group which have encourage using renewable energy across
the world to make it a more clean a non-harmful place to live in. The use of energy will also
decrease climate change instead we can use sources like the sun, wind and power which
help creates a massive potential.
5.4 Science, Commerce and Politics
Nada-Al Sanjari
Reena Kang
Renewable energy being used from a small scale starting off with local and building up to
community and then building up to international and the global to be using renewable
energy. This encourages huge companies depending on using fossil fuels.
In German they are 10years ahead than the UK because their country is because they half
the citizens use renewable energy.
In the UK £500,000 people have solar installations on top on rooftops.
Friends of earth have helped with renewable energy by a campaign known ‘The freed-in
tariff’ where ‘homes, businesses and communities get paid for producing green electricity’
This is agreed by the government and the people who are involved with this campaign. The
website below explains more in detail. They are always requesting for a ‘global feed in tariff’
so that using renewable energy is faster in other developing countries. FOE are
campaigning to be funded by the ‘robin hood tax’
Internationally we are calling for a global feed-in tariff, to ensure rapid take-off of renewable
power in developing countries. We are campaigning for this to be funded through the robin
hood tax – a tax on currency speculation.
They also have another campaign knows as ‘Our run of sun’ where the community such a
schools take part of including solar panels on their roofs.
The strategies they use are to campaign and fight for a better environment through the
government by influencing the public to join their campaigns to support them and then
following the process of the law(government) and how to apply this to what they aim to do.
http://www.foe.co.uk/page/renewable-energy - accessed 4/01/2015
5.4 Science, Commerce and Politics
Nada-Al Sanjari
Reena Kang
Compare how THREE different campaigns operated to lobby the government regarding scientific
issues. What were their methods and which do you find to have been the most effective.
Green party have a strict policy called the Green Party of England and Wales’ science and
technology.’ The strategies they use here are by supporting the development of research done
which is expressed to the public and globally. They strategies include:
Privately fund research which is based at public organisation which should be allowed to
access the information so that is fair just like ‘publicly funded research’ so that it can be
accessed and issued to other books, internet website, newspaper so that the recent
research is up to date
Support how young people understand education and other resources which help in science
‘Policy continues to support “a moratorium on the release of GMOs into the environment
and on importation of food and feed containing GMOs” pending further research into the
effects on the environment, health and animal welfare’
CaSE – Campaign for Science and Engineering
The want t
An article written by Mark Green explain how ‘Community pharmacists need to get the message
across that antibiotic resistance is reaching alarming levels.’ The human population across the world
has been increasing the habit of taking antibiotics due to research taken by ‘the chief medical officer
that infections … 4 percent of potential yeas of life is lost in England in 2010.’ The chief medical
officer has evidence due to investigation into research taken of how people in England have passed
away or been ill without a certain type of antibiotic given. Mark Brown states ‘7 percent of deaths…
were primary cause of admission for 8 percent of hospital bed day… minor illnesses such as coughs…
21 perfect of days were lost from work in the UK. However all this research done up to £30billion is
used on curing ‘infections and infectious diseases?’
Pharmacist has recognized the problem due to ‘antibiotics resistance reaching alarming level’. Kieran
Hand who is a consultant pharmacist discovers anti – infective in University Hospital Southampton
explains to Pharmacy magazine which a c difficle (which is patients who have that type of disease)
outcomes a huge risk and 2 percent of clients who have MRSA are finding difficult to treat. This is
because developing ‘carbanpenemase’ ( which is a bacteria ) into Kelesbsiellas is a risk taking threat
because it is resistant to antibiotic.
With the research pharmacist have done, it is their responsibility to give the right guidance to the
patient about information they require such as ‘OTC medicines’ suggestions medications for patients
which they require which helps them. For a patient to start of getting ill they first go to the
pharmacy looking for advice then they go to the GP to ask for a stronger medications but it is the
pharmacist job to deliver positive feedback and general information for the patient to understand
and take back.
5.4 Science, Commerce and Politics
Nada-Al Sanjari
( First in professional development
volume 20, no 5, page 1& 2, may 2014 )
Reena Kang
5.4 Science, Commerce and Politics
Nada-Al Sanjari
Reena Kang
( First in professional development, Pharmacy magazine, volume 20, no 5, page 1& 2, may 2014 )
BTEC applied science book level 3 ISBN NO: 9781846906800 - Accessed 18/12/14
http://www.biggreenradicals.com/group/greenpeace/ - Accessed 18/12/14
http://www.greenpeace.org.uk/ - Accessed 18/12/14
http://www.banthebomb.org/archives/educ/pressure.shtml - Accessed 18/12/14
http://www.cnduk.org/ - Accessed 18/12/14
http://www.dignityindying.org.uk/blog/assisted-dying-campaigner-debbie-purdy-died-aged-51-4thmay-1963-23rd-december-2014/ - Accessed 18/12/14
http://www.dignityindying.org.uk/ - Accessed 18/12/14
http://ash.org/about-2/ - Accessed 18/12/14
http://www.foe.co.uk/campaigns/green_economy - Accessed 18/12/14
http://www.foe.co.uk/page/keep-supermarkets-gm-free - Accessed 18/12/14