Information Systems Questionnaire

Applicant Name:
Position Applied for:
Word Processing
Name of Word Processing Programs Used:
Program you have the most experience using:
How long have you used this program:
Please Check The Skills that Apply to You
Creating a New Document
Opening an Existing Document
Saving a Document
Printing a Document
Spell Checking
Formatting (columns, tabs, section breaks)
Cutting, Copying, and Pasting Text
Setting Tabs
Using Various Styles for Formats
Laying Out a Page (Margins and Page Size)
Using Headers & Footers
Converting Text to Table and Table to Text
Using Outlining
Inserting a Picture, a Chart or Clipart
Using the Thesaurus
Creating a Table for Numbers or Text
Working with Track Changes
Creating Fillable Forms
Saving a File in Different Formats (Example Word to Excel and PDF)
Name of Spreadsheet Programs Used:
Program you have the most experience using:
How long have you used this program:
Please Check The Skills that Apply to You
Creating a New Spreadsheet
Opening an Existing Spreadsheet
Saving a Spreadsheet
Printing a Spreadsheet
Spell Checking
Formatting Spreadsheets and Cells
Cutting, Copying, & Pasting Text or Numbers
Laying out a Page (Margins,
Using Headers and Footers
Using Outlining
Entering, Revising, Copying Formulas
Using Functions
Creating a Chart form a Spreadsheet
Creating a Trend Line from a Spreadsheet
Using Pivot Tables
Exporting/Importing Data
Inserting and Deleting Rows and Columns
Using Templates
Freezing Panes
Name of E-Mail/Calendar/Scheduling Programs
Program you have the most experience using:
How long have you used this program:
Please Check The Skills that Apply to You
Creating, Sending, Receiving E-mails
Attaching Files or Pictures
Creating E-mail Folders
Transferring Messages into Folders
Creating, Editing, and Using a Signature
Adding Dates in Group/Personal Calendar
Creating and Deleting Reminders
Tracking Messages
Customizing Reading Panes
Setting auto Replies
Managing Mailbox (e.g., archive)
Forwarding and Replying to E-mails
Handling Trash E-mails
Deleting Dates in Group/Personal Calendar
Printing E-mails
Using Tasks
Scheduling Meetings
Printing Calendars
Embedding Document into an E-mail
Sharing Folders
Name of Presentations Programs Used:
Program you have the most experience using:
How long have you used this program:
Please Check The Skills that Apply to You
Creating, Revising, Printing Presentations
Importing Information from other Sources
Setting up Custom Animation
Converting to PDF (e.g. handouts, slides)
Using Various Styles
Using Slide Master
Inserting a Picture, Chart, or Table
Name of Database Programs Used:
Program you have the most experience using:
How long have you used this program:
Please Check The Skills that Apply to You
Designing a Database
Entering Records
Editing Records
Sorting Records
Printing Database and Section of
Exporting/Importing Data
Creating Forms
Creating Queries
Creating Reports
Filtering Data
World Wide Web
Name of Web Browser Used:
Using Bookmark Feature
Setting Up Own Web Pages
Using Web Browser to Find Information
Operating System
Windows 2000 or XP or 7
Visual Basic
I have answered the above questions truthfully. I understand that falsification of my computer skills may
disqualify me from further consideration for employment at the Office of Superintendent of Public
Instruction or may result in termination of employment if already hired. I understand that I may be tested
on the skills I have listed above.
Signature of Applicant