Learning Technology & the Evaluation of Learning Outcomes Andrew Oliver _______________________ LEARNING TECHNOLOGY DEVELOPMENT UNIT Evaluation Techniques Educational effectiveness: ability to impart knowledge and understanding Techniques: Quantitative (pre / post testing) Qualitative (questionnaire, interview) The method used depends on the context Ideally one method supplements the other _______________________ LEARNING TECHNOLOGY DEVELOPMENT UNIT Pre & Post Testing When? directly before and after (control group) exam performance (compare with previous year ) But time between exercise & assessment knowledge gain through other methods, (books, tutorial, revision) varying levels of validity _______________________ LEARNING TECHNOLOGY DEVELOPMENT UNIT Questionnaire - Usability Common usage: usability of the technology Example Did you find it difficult to move from Section A to B? Were the download times acceptable? Did you enjoy the exercise? Relates to pedagogical design _______________________ LEARNING TECHNOLOGY DEVELOPMENT UNIT Questionnaire - Educational Rarely educational: student self rating (Likert) Example By how much did you feel the application increased your knowledge How much did you feel the Worked Examples helped your understanding of the topic Key word “feel” - accuracy & honesty _______________________ LEARNING TECHNOLOGY DEVELOPMENT UNIT Questionnaire Reality mixture of Educational and Usability impression of attitude towards technology idea of the learning environment hence context in which the application works best _______________________ LEARNING TECHNOLOGY DEVELOPMENT UNIT Problems, Problems Problems associated with each method Pre & Post Testing Preparation time (new questions) Timing Co-operation (staff & student) Not anecdotal Control group (selection & reliability) More time (interpretation) _______________________ LEARNING TECHNOLOGY DEVELOPMENT UNIT Problems, Problems Questionnaire Data limitations (banding & differentiation) Self rating (accuracy and honesty) Are students honest?….depends… Anecdotal (poor trends) _______________________ LEARNING TECHNOLOGY DEVELOPMENT UNIT Yet more… Logistics Timing (student workload, availability) – can you wait? Resources (workstations, rooms, network) Liaison (network admin, LRC) – cooperation _______________________ LEARNING TECHNOLOGY DEVELOPMENT UNIT Will it ever end? Does it do what the label says it does? measure what its supposed to measure? (learning outcomes) measured accurately? any outcomes not measured? Time needed re design the test items (Bloom’s taxonomy) _______________________ LEARNING TECHNOLOGY DEVELOPMENT UNIT Context of Evaluation The intended context of use Stand alone resource: Evaluate immediately after exercise Pre & post test Control group Integrative approach: Questionnaire _______________________ LEARNING TECHNOLOGY DEVELOPMENT UNIT Context of Evaluation Relate the context of the evaluation to the intended educational setting of the technology _______________________ LEARNING TECHNOLOGY DEVELOPMENT UNIT So Which Method’s Best? (or what can you realistically expect at the UH?) Ideal pick n mix approach – one method augments the other but time required (design, analysis) Realistic questionnaire (least time, user friendly, mix of quant/ qual) determine attitude towards IT and logistical problems – curriculum planning _______________________ LEARNING TECHNOLOGY DEVELOPMENT UNIT Ways around it (what you have to do to get what you want ) pre / post test: disguise the exercise pre & post testing and questionnaire bribery: marks awarded for attendance questionnaires: bribery or ambush or both Finally no one method gives the complete answer use a variety and your experience / intuition _______________________ LEARNING TECHNOLOGY DEVELOPMENT UNIT LTDU web resources / references Questionnaire item database LTDU website: http://www.herts.ac.uk/ltdu References: Bloom, B. S. (ed.), 1956. Taxonomy of Educational Objectives, Handbook 1: Cognitive Domain, David McKay Co: New York Gronlund, N. E., 1971. Measurement and Evaluation in Teaching, Macmillan Co: New York Laurillard, D., 1993. Rethinking University Education, Routledge: London _______________________ LEARNING TECHNOLOGY DEVELOPMENT UNIT