Warm-Up 2/16/16: SWBAT describe climate change. Tell me what you know about climate change. Yes, we will talk about how things went with the sub. Yes, we will talk about what we will be doing for the next couple of weeks. Video – The mechanism of climate change • https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=i7VxRPJO5vA • Watch the video, do not take notes during the video, just watch and listen. • After the video, write everything you can remember from the video. If you can quote the video word for word, great! If not, write as much as you can remember. • We will watch the video at least 3 times. After the first time, you can skip the first minute and ten seconds to get the good stuff. Warm-Up 2/17/16: SWBAT know the final grade for the species interactions. • For today’s warm-up, briefly describe how your overall grade is calculated in this class. • How many assessments do you need to select? • Which assessments go in your portfolio? • Briefly describe the procedure for assessment day. You must put ALL assessments in your portfolio! Even the ones you don’t choose. Overall grade • 25% Practice • “Practice” includes warmups, cool-downs, notes, worksheets, class discussions, participation, etc. • 75% Performance • Assessments count as “Performance.” I will give you a checklist every unit of the assessments for the unit. On your assessment checklist… • Write down the grade you got next to each assessment, on the assessment checklist. • If you did not do it, put a zero. • Put a star next to the four assessments that you believe are the four strongest pieces of evidence that you understand concept. Assessment Due Date Grade Word Bank Summary 2/5 95% Elevator Summary 2/5 85% Mini Presentation 2/9 70% Test 2/5 100% Blog Post 2/4 0 Discussion Essay 2/11 95% Student Choice optional 0 Copyright Cmassengale 8 On the colored sheet of paper… • On your colored piece of paper, write down the objective for the unit, in the middle of the paper, and put a box around it. In the four corners of the paper, you will write the names of the four assessments you are choosing to represent your final grade for the unit. • Learning Goal: Compare the symbiotic and competitive relationships in organisms within an ecosystem (e.g., lichen, mistletoe/tree, clownfish/sea anemone, native/non-native species). Reflection Paragraph • What went well during the earth science unit? Meaning, what would you do the same next time? • What can be improved for the next unit? • Why did you pick the assessments you did as your strongest pieces of evidence for learning? Put the following in this order, then paper clip it! • Learning goal, with four pieces of evidence identified on the colored paper. • Assessment Checklist with grades for all assignments and stars next to the best 4. • Your Reflection Paragraph • All assessments, even the ones you don’t choose. • • • • Test Word Bank Summary Elevator Summary Discussion Essay Cool-down • Are you doing all of the assessments so that you have the most to choose from on assessment day? • Which types of assessments do you like best? • Are there any types of assessments that do not work as well for you? Why? (If it is simply computer access, why not use the library?) Warm-up • 2/18/16: SWBAT describe some effects of climate change. • Did you submit ALL assessments to your portfolio? • Did you put all of the papers in the right order? • Did you put those papers IN FRONT OF the old ones? • If you answered no to any of these questions then your lowest two grades will NOT be dropped. Videos 2/18 • Climate Change 101 with Bill Nye • https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=EtW2rrLHs08 • The Destructive Effects of Climate Change [MyHero Festival Winner!] • https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=o4FDuLbMqnQ • Climate Change Animation Shows Devastating Effects • https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=S7jpMG5DS4Q Warm-Up • 2/19/16: SWBAT describe the effects of climate change. • You have already heard some of the effects of climate change, list them. • We will talk about what you will be doing next week when I am gone. • You will only be allowed to leave the room if it is an emergency. Come prepared, meaning use the restroom before class. • You will be allowed to listen to music as you work. Videos 2/19 • • • • • • • • • What Happens If All The World’s Ice Melts? https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=S0I4re0XUXU NASA | Earth Science Week: Climate Change & The Global Ocean https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BLR-DtxfHPY Ocean Acidification https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Wo-bHt1bOsw Boiling water to ice https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0zdS1Ld6r2o Hydrofluorocarbons (HFC) contribute to ozone depletion and global warming (We did not watch this one in class- ran out of time) • https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=IdABdb7oRKA Additional resource on the effects of climate change: • http://www3.epa.gov/climatechange/kids/impacts/signs/weather.ht ml Warm-Up 2/22 2/22/16: SWBAT summarize their favorite article from Science World Magazine. 1. 2. 3. 4. Read the magazine. Pick your favorite article. Summarize that article. If you finish early, be productive! Work silently and independently on homework, reading, or drawing. • You may only leave to go to the bathroom if it is an emergency. • You are allowed to listen to music as you work. Warm-Up 2/23 2/23/16: SWBAT write the word bank summary for the climate change unit. Word List Visible light Infrared light Greenhouse gases Carbon dioxide Methane Asymmetric Industrial revolution Fossil fuels Renewable energy Climate change Warming Ocean Economy Ocean Acidification Food Security Ice sheets Glaciers Sea Level Flooding Extreme Weather Rain and Snow Patterns Natural Disasters Droughts Higher Temperatures Permafrost In your word bank summary (not elevator) you should include as many numbers as possible. For example, 30%, 50%, 1750, 4x greater, tripled, 40%, 0.3%, 7.5 km, 200 feet, 24 feet, 50F You may only leave to go to the bathroom if it is an emergency. You are allowed to listen to music as you work. Warm-Up 2/24 2/24/16: SWBAT write the elevator summary for the climate change unit. Word List Visible light Infrared light Greenhouse gases Carbon dioxide Methane Asymmetric Industrial revolution Fossil fuels Renewable energy Climate change Warming Ocean Economy Ocean Acidification Food Security Ice sheets Glaciers Sea Level You may only leave to go to the bathroom if it is an emergency. You are allowed to listen to music as you work. Flooding Extreme Weather Rain and Snow Patterns Natural Disasters Droughts Higher Temperatures Permafrost Warm-Up 2/29/16: SWBAT respond to misconceptions about climate change. Please describe how last week went. 1. What went well? 2. What could you improve? 3. Concerns? 4. Do you think you won? Which day? 5. Why or why not? Review • http://www3.epa.gov/climatechange/kids/impacts/signs/weather.ht ml Misconceptions Misconception Target Conception Global warming is caused by the ozone hole because the hole lets in more radiation. (Ozone hole created by chemicals like hair spray.) Global warming is caused by increased greenhouse gases in the atmosphere. These The ozone layer protects the planet from the sun’s harmful radiation. A depletion of ozone allows more UV light to gases include carbon dioxide and water vapor, reach the surface, but is not an important factor leading to increased temperature on Earth. Banning CFCs from which trap infrared radiation from the warmed spray cans has caused the ozone hole to stop growing. surface of the Earth. Climate is simply long-term weather and therefore can’t be predicted. The atmosphere is large and small amounts of carbon dioxide or a few degrees of temperature change can’t make much difference. Climate is the statistical analysis of weather. Relevant Science Concepts There are significant differences between weather and climate processes and how they are studied and forecast. Weather is the atmospheric conditions at any given time or place. Climate is understood as the atmospheric conditions averaged over a long period of time and over a large area. Relatively small increases in amounts of greenhouse gases can magnify the greenhouse effect. Greenhouse gases Small changes in the atmosphere’s composition trap heat. Several types of human activities lead to significant emissions of greenhouse gases, such as burning fossil or temperature can have a large effect. fuels. Weather involves phenomena that last a short period of time. Climate can be thought of as the Weather anomalies can be used as evidence average weather for a region. There is a link An important source of evidence for climate change comes from observations that average weather has changed for or against climate change. between climate change and weather, but any for a region. particular weather “event” cannot “prove” that climate change is happening. Carbon is destroyed when fossil fuels are burned and CO2 is released in to the atmosphere. Carbon released from combustion doesn’t have an impact on the climate system. Burning is a chemical process that follows the law of conservation of matter. The process of combustion combines Carbon stored by plants and fossilized into oil or oxygen with carbon, releasing the greenhouse gas, CO2. The observed increase in global average temperatures coal does not disappear when it burns. since the latter part of the 20th century is very likely due to documented increases in human-induced greenhouse gas concentrations, primarily from the burning of fossil fuels. Happy Leap Day!! Wait, What is a leap day? • https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xX96xng7sAE