Inferno Assignment Overview “How did medieval man

Inferno Assignment Overview
“How did medieval man distinguish between
the earthly and the divine?”
There will be more than one part to this assignment. We will study Cantos I to give us an
overview of Dante’s Inferno. Then you will choose one of five sections of Inferno for a close,
independent examination. Using translated text and internet resources, you will also prepare for
your class presentation. You can use online sources and summaries but do not ignore the actual
text of the Inferno.
There are many resources available on the internet for the study of Dante. These
recommendations will help you get started.
Summaries & Explanations: There are tons; but to suggest a few:
Art Related to the Inferno: images
Part One: 10 Points
Online research of the poet Dante Alighieri.
Gathering research about the life of Dante will greatly assist us in our reading of The Diving
Comedy [Dante’s Inferno], Dante’s epic work.
An important concept to remember is our reading will be:
Your research should include information about the following:
Dante’s life
Dante’s philosophical perspective
People who had influenced Dante
Dante’s works
Document the results of your research. Include websites where you found the information.
One-page typed paper with all of the essential information, or 7 slide PowerPoint.
Part II: 20 points
Choose a Circle to Study
To begin the journey, select a portion of the Inferno from the following five choices (it is not
recommended that you waste time figuring out the “shortest” or ‘easiest’ choice—as they are all
relatively the same. Examine the sections carefully. Read the text. Note important characters
and descriptions for further examination. Summarize and explain. Internet resources may be
used for assistance, but all information presented and used in the final assignment must be in
your own words.
5 Choices of sections (realms) for further study:
Circle Four – Circle Five – Circle Six - The hoarders, The Wrathful, The Heretics
(Cantos 7-10)
Circle Eight – The Fradulent (Cantos 18-23) (May focus on 3 pouches/trenches)
Bowge (Pouch/Trench I. Panders and Seducers
Bowge II. Flatterers
Bowge III. Simoniacs.
Bowge IV. Sorcerers
Bowge V. Barrators
Bowge VI. Hypocrites
Circle Eight (Continued) (Cantos 24-31) (May focus on 3 pouches/trenches)
Bowge VII. Thieves
Bowge VIII. Counselors
Bowge IX. Sowers of Discord
Bowge X. Falsifiers
Circle Nine – Traitors (Cantos 32-34)
Region i: Traitors to their kindred
Region ii: Traitors to their country
Region iii: Traitors to their guests
Region iv: Traitors to their lords
Part III: 30 Points
Realm Examination (Double spaced, Times New Roman 12pt type One page)
1. Summarize the section of study Canto by Canto. Summaries must explain the “crime and
punishment” of the Circle of Hell examined. Explain the “sin” and fully describe the punishment
and its “appropriateness” as it relates to the sin.
2. Identify all residents. This is not just a list—explain who they are and their sin/connection to
Dante’s world. Remember to include mythological creatures as well.
3. Relate the passage to the modern world. Include “modern” (post Dante) residents justifiably
placed in the realm. Identify historical or fictional characters that Dante may have placed in each
circle (think Lance Armstrong) and explain why. DO NOT use “real life” people, like me for
Part IV: 40 Points:
Quotes and Significant Passages. (May be single spaced, Times 12pt.)
1. Identify five important passages. Include the exact quote and explain the context (what is
happening, location, who is speaking, etc) and then explain the significance. Choose passages
that will relate or connect to the final presentation.
Part One: Realm Examination (Example)
Canto VI Summary:
Canto VI Summary:
After Dante wakes, he and Virgil enter the Third Circle. Circle Three is characterized by
deafening howling and a constant cold downpour of filth and disgusting rain, hailstones and
snow. The Circle is guarded by Cerberus, the mythological three headed beast. Cerberus
torments and tears viciously at the sinners in this realm. Due to the nasty smelly downpour, the
ground reeks and is muddy swamp of excrement. Cerberus, the “fierce and monstrous beast,” howls,
growls and tears at the flesh, “flays and quarters” the sinners, which causes them to howl like dogs as the
foul rain and sleet constantly pours down. Virgil quiets the beast by throwing fistfuls of the nasty mire
into his three gullets. Ciacco, the hog, recognizes Dante, but Dante does not recognize his changed and
transfigured form. Ciacco and the other sinners are punished for the sin of gluttony.
Ciacco explains, “Pride, envy, and avarice are the sparks that have set the hearts of all on fire.” Those in
this Circle are punished for the earthy pig-like self-indulgence and excessiveness by having to live like
“pigs” wallowing in sewage and muck for eternity. Dante and Virgil continue their decent into the next
Circle where they will meet Pluto.
Canto VI Residents:
The residents identified in this Circle are: Cerberus, Ciacco, and other gluttonous individuals of Florence
during Dante’s time. Cerberus guards the Gates of Hell so that no sinners can escape. He is fierce and
contains the sinners by striking them back down with his intimidating snarling, fangs and vicious claws if
they can be reached. Ciacco, was an inhabitant of Florence, Dante’s city. Canto VI text does not directly
name the sinner by his worldly name; he tells Dante, “You my townsmen called me Ciacco.”
“Ciacco” was a name given to him by others. Dante does inquire about the fate of a few other
“Farinata and Tegghiaio, who were so worthy, Jacopo Rusticucci, Arrigo, and Mosca,
and the rest whose minds were bent on doing good, 'tell me where they are and how they fare.”
The shade, Ciacco, responds by telling Dante that they are deeper in Hell because they had committed
much blacker sins and deserve harsher punishments.
Canto VI Modern Connections:
Many connections to the modern world exist. Many people continue to be extremely self-serving and selfindulgent, while ignoring the dire needs of others. Numerous professional sports figures could easily fall
into this category. Many have such a need to get the biggest monetary contract that they ignore charity
and personal responsibility, and do not feel that they must follow the conventions or rules of society.
Because of their “fame” and self-worship, they feel they should be excused from accountability. Some
modern examples are: Mike Tyson, O.J.Simpson, and Michael Vick, among many others. Gluttony is
literally defined as overindulging in eating and drinking; but too much of anything or an obsession, or
overindulgence in any specific fixation can also be considered gluttony. Other famous gluttonous people
include: King George III (insidious king inspiring the American Revolution), Paris Hilton, and
Corporate America whose CEOs take large bonuses, yet expect the government to bail out
failing industry with tax payers dollars, just to name a few. The old English proverb
that says, "gluttony kills more than the sword" proves to be true. Overindulgence eventually
brings about the demise of the guilty.
Part V: 50 Points
Multi-Genre connection (choose 1)
A. Newsletter Newsletters keep people with similar interests up to date and informed. They
are used by businesses, groups, clubs, etc. You may use Microsoft Word or Publisher to design a
newsletter related to the realm of study. This should appeal to a specific audience from your
realm. You may identify a group of people in the realm of study as an organization. Newsletters
must have a minimum of three articles. Your newsletter should have the following:
1. clear organization
2. three articles of interest.
3. a specific heading and proofread for errors
3. pictures/graphics/art/ charts, etc. related to the topics and articles.
B. Postcards – for brief communication between travelers and those they want to stay in touch
with. For this assignment identify a specific realm to learn more about it. Note specific details
about the locations, events, landmarks, etc. Choose a main character to be the sender of the
postcards and another character to be the receiver. You must have eight separate postcards and
send the communications in the form of a postcard. Each postcard must have a well developed
paragraph. Be creative. Your communication should express a clear understanding of the realm,
its events, characters and personalities.
C. Setting Creation. Essentially you can build a set based on the time and place of your realm.
You can provide a 3-dimensional depiction of your realm.
1. Design a set.
2. Include details, demonstrate your understanding of the realm using a variety of materials.
3. Your set should express the mood and atmosphere of a specific section of the realm of study.
Part VI: 50 Points.
The Presentation
Final oral Presentation
Present the realm/project to the class. Presentations should be organized and rehearsed.
Presentations must be supported by a variety of media materials. Use parts 1-4 to support your
presentation and provide something for the audience to take with them (an outline, handout, art,
notes, etc.) Presentations should be a minimum of five minutes but not more than ten.