Instructors: Ms. Wilson/Mr. Warfel

AP Computer Science A - JAVA Fundamentals
Course Syllabus
Lincoln Park High School, Mathematics Department
Ms. Wilson/Mr. Warfel**
(773) 534-8130 x 24971
Room 221
Lab Hours
Wed, after school
**Mr. Warfel is a PhD candidate who will be sharing his knowledge and research every Wednesday
Alice in Action with Java, Joel Adams, ISBN: 978-1-4239-0096-2
Java Software Solutions for AP Computer Science, Lewis, Loftus, Cocking, ISBN: 978-0-13-137469-0
Blue Pelican Java, Charles Cook (available for free online)
AP GridWorld Case Study, College Board, New York: College Entrance Examination Board, 2006.
This course is designed as the second course in the Java programming sequence. The prerequisite
for this course is Introduction to Computer Science (B grade or higher) OR approval b Ms. Wilson.
This course provides a more comprehensive approach to Java Programming and will prepare
each student the appropriate skills for the advanced placement exam in May. Topics include an
introduction to programming concepts, using objects, implementing classes, data types, decisions,
iterations, arrays and array lists, designing classes, interfaces, polymorphism, inheritance,
input/output, exception handling, object-oriented design, recursion, sorting, searching, and data
After the AP Exam, we will discuss programming applications for cellular devices. It will be time
dependent and equipment dependent.
Illinois Learning Standards:
This class focuses primarily on the following:
Goal 6: Number Sense
Goal 8: Algebra and Analytical Methods
However, all of the other Math Goals – Goal 7 (Estimation and Measurement), Goal 9 (Geometry),
and Goal 10 (Data Analysis and Probability) - will be touched on at some point during the year.
National Education Technology Standards:
Creativity and Innovation
Communication and Collaboration
Research and Information Fluency
Critical thinking, Problem Solving, and Decision Making
Digital Citizenship
Technology Operations and Concepts
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Instructional Materials:
Pen or Pencil (no red ink will be accepted)
A sturdy 3-ring binder– see specific teacher for details
Loose leaf paper
Flash Drive (at least 1GB) OR cloud storage (DROPBOX)
Working email address, gmail required
Access to a computer with Internet access.
Teaching Strategies:
In this intensive course, all students are expected to work at a college level pace. I expect all
students to participate in the discussion and to be on task at all times. After the course discussion,
all students are expected to complete a lab assignment that correlates with the discussion and
related topic. All work that cannot be completed during class time must be done outside of the
classroom; therefore, having access to a computer with Internet access is required. All
assignments must be turned in via email; therefore having a working email address is also required
for this course. I will assign group work randomly and expect collaboration between classmates.
It is my intention to teach you computational thinking, which is a style of thinking that is logical,
intelligent and efficient. After an assignment is handed out, we will discuss several approaches to
finding the correct solution. This will give you the chance to collaborate on how to find solutions in
the most effective manner.
Lab Component
This course is taught in room 221, which is the computer lab. The majority of the work will be done
on the computers in this class room. There will be approximately 3 lab days a week, where I will
assign a problem and expect you to work on it either individually or within a group. By observing
your thinking process, and watching how you respond to various computer errors, I will guide the
class accordingly. It is my goal that at the end of this class, you create a final project that is
original, well thought out and exemplifies what you have learned throughout the year.
Assignments, Homework, and Grading:
Homework will be assigned on a nightly basis.
Quizzes and tests will be given regularly.
There will be a Midterm and Final Exam given in the semester.
There will be a longer, more comprehensive project given at the end of each semester.
Class participation and group work is expected, however plagiarism is not.
Your grade will be computed using the following categories and point system:
LPHS 2012/2013
Lab Work/Homework/Weekly Projects
Includes programming projects
Given without notice throughout
the semester
Includes Chapter Exams and
Midterm Exam
Final Exam/Project
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Course Schedule:
Required Reading
Problem Solving
Programming Logic & Design
Programming Logic &
Chapters 1-5
From Alice to Java
Alice in Action in Java
Chapters 7-12
Objects & Primitive Data
Program Statements
Chapters 1-10
Writing Classes
BP Lessons 1-57
Enhancing Classes
Java Software Solutions
Arrays, Inheritence, Recursion,
Blue Pelican Java
Linear & Non-Linear Data
MIT AppInventor
AppInventor for the
Android OS
Class Procedures:
Students are expected to attend every class.
Students will be expected to be on time to every class.
Students are expected to bring all materials to class every day.
Late assignments will not be accepted.
Weekly programming projects will be due via email or to be printed and placed into your
binder. It is the student’s responsibility to email the instructor and cc: themselves to ensure
that the assignment has been sent on time. Students must follow the instructions given,
meaning name the files appropriately, title the email correctly and use proper language
and grammar in the email (no slang).
Tests can only be made up with an excused absence. It is your responsibility to schedule
the makeup within two weeks of the exam date.
QUIZZES: There will be several unannounced quizzes throughout the semester. There will be
no makeup for these unannounced quizzes. You will be given an alternate assignment if
your absence is an excused absence. It is your responsibility to schedule this makeup
assignment within two weeks of the quiz date.
Class participation includes having all your supplies daily. You must have your flash drive
every day as you will be accessing files daily.
Collaboration is expected, however plagiarism will not be tolerated. Anyone caught
cheating will receive a zero grade on the assignment and a parent conference will be
scheduled. If a student is caught cheating more than once, disciplinary actions will be
Students must respect the classroom, their class mates and the instructor. See lab policy for
more details.
There will be no eating, drinking in the lab.
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AP Computer Science A - JAVA Fundamentals
Course Syllabus
Lincoln Park High School, Mathematics Department
Instructors: Ms. Wilson/Mr. Warfel**
I have read the information concerning the requirements of my course and agree to the
stipulations held herein.
Student signature
Student Email:
____________________________________ @_____________
As parent/guardian of the above student, I have also read the information concerning the
requirements for his/her course and agree to assist in his/her successful completion in any way
Parent/Guardian Signature
Parent/Guardian Daytime Telephone
And or Cell Number
Parent/Guardian Email
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