Reception, Transduction, Response Ligand is the fancy word for signaling molecule. Energy can be in the form of ions Evolved from nerve net in Cnidarians Brain evolves giving greater control. Includes a nerve cord. Cephalization occurs- development of other sensory organs in the head. A stimulus is a form of energy like light (electromagnetic) or pressure (mechanical), or sound waves. 1. Sensory Input-Sensory receptors receive a stimulus and send it into the brain/ spinal cord. 2. Integration- the CNS integrates/interprets/thinks about the sensory input (stimulus). 3. Motor Output- Impulse sent from the brain to the muscles to respond. Effector cells in muscles and glands will respond. Peripheral Nervous System-has sensory receptors and motor nerves. Cell Body- receives stimuli from all dendrites, and creates one signal Dendrites- carry stimuli into the cell body Axon- carries signal away from cell body and towards next neuron. Myelin Sheath- lipid covering over axon for insulation. Composed of Schwann cells (PNS) Synaptic Terminal- end of axon Synapse- gap between neurons or neuron and effector cell. Ganglia- bundle of neurons in the PNS Nuclei- bundle of neurons in the CNS Glial Cells- give neurons support (framework) Oligodendrocytes- aka Schwann Cells of the CNS Multiple Sclerosis- MS- Schwann Cells die in CNS & PNS and causes the signal (electrical current) to burn muscles into permanent contractions. Nodes of Ranvier Layers of myelin Axon Schwann cell Axon Myelin sheath Nodes of Ranvier Schwann cell Nucleus of Schwann cell 0.1 µm Ions can be considered ___________ Concentration gradients are ________________ and so they can be considered _____________ Active transport requires _______________ . Diagram a cell pump. Ability of the membrane to do work. Created by electrical gradient (difference) on either side of the c.m. Anions inside Cations outside CYTOSOL EXTRACELLULAR FLUID [Na+] 15 mM [Na+] 150 mM [K+] 150 mM [K+] 5 mM [Cl–] [Cl–] 120 mM 10 mM [A–] 100 mM Plasma membrane Resting Potential- Unstimulated neuron, need to establish the [gradient] 1. NaK Pump responsible for generating nerve impulse. ◦ NaK Pumps are either ligand gated or voltage gated, which helps create gradient faster. EXTRACELLULAR [Na+] high FLUID [K+] low Na+ Na+ Na+ Na+ Na+ Na+ Na+ Na+ CYTOPLASM [Na+] low [K+] high Na+ Cytoplasmic Na+ bonds to the sodium-potassium pump P ATP P ADP Na+ binding stimulates phosphorylation by ATP. Phosphorylation causes the protein to change its conformation, expelling Na+ to the outside. Loss of the phosphate restores the protein’s original conformation. K+ is released and Na+ sites are receptive again; the cycle repeats. P P Extracellular K+ binds to the protein, triggering release of the phosphate group. 1. Depolarization- destroys membrane potential, Na floods into cell ◦ Depolarization is “graded” ◦ Threshold potential-minimum Na that must enter to generate a nerve impulse ◦ Action Potential- “Spike” electrical generated impulse, ana ction will occur 2. Repolarization- neuron pumps out K to try and return to resting potential. 3. Hyperpolarization- the cell will pull in some K to get back to resting potential. ◦ Must Hyperpolarize so that the neuron can get back to resting potential, and to recreate the [gradient]/ polarity 4. Refractory Period- neuron can’t make new impulse Stimuli Stimuli +50 –50 Threshold Resting potential Hyperpolarizations 0 1 2 3 4 5 Time (msec) Graded potential hyperpolarizations +50 Membrane potential (mV) 0 Membrane potential (mV) Membrane potential (mV) +50 –100 Stronger depolarizing stimulus 0 –50 Threshold Resting potential –100 0 –50 Threshold Resting potential Depolarizations 0 1 2 3 4 5 Time (msec) Graded potential depolarizations Action potential –100 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 Time (msec) Action potential Nerve Impulse Animation Propagation: Impulse traveling down the axon. Saltatory Conduction: impulse “hopping” over Schwann Cells. Ions are only exposed at the nodes. ◦ The jumping makes impulse travel really quick. Axon Action potential Na+ An action potential is generated as Na+ flows inward across the membrane at one location. K+ Action potential Na+ K+ The depolarization of the action potential spreads to the neighboring region of the membrane, re-initiating the action potential there. To the left of this region, the membrane isAction repolarizing as K+ flows outward. K+ potential Na+ K+ The depolarization-repolarization process is repeated in the next region of the membrane. In this way, local currents of ions across the plasma membrane cause the action potential to be propagated along the length of the axon. Schwann cell Depolarized region (node of Ranvier) Cell body Myelin sheath Axon 1. Sensory Neuron- receive stimulus 2. Interneuron- in CNS (spinal cord) takes sesory imput and gives signal to motor neuron 3. Motor Neuron- carries energy to effector cell. ( ________/__________) This is why you don’t think about a reflex, the signal never made it to the brain for integration. Diffusion is _________ and uses no ________ Ligands bind to receptor proteins and cause a: Do you think all ligands cause the same response? Where are synapses located? ______&________ 2 Types of Synapses ◦ 1. Electrical- direct cell contact, in brain ◦ 2. Chemical- most common in animals- requires a neurotransmitter (chemical ligand) The impulse is Electrical energy chemical energy electrical energy Nerve Impulse Conversion in Chemical Impulses: 1. Depolarization- down to the axon terminal of presynaptic neuron. 2. Ca rushes into presynaptic cell due to impulse hitting the axon terminal. 3. Neurotransmitter vesicles fuse with pre-syn. cell membrane. 4. Neurotransmitter released into synapse 5. Neurotransmitter binds to receptor protein on post syn cell and causes a CSC 6. Na floods into post syn. Cell and causes depolarization. Presynaptic cell Postsynaptic cell Synaptic vesicles containing neurotransmitter Na+ K+ Presynaptic membrane Neurotransmitter Postsynaptic membrane Ligandgated ion channel Voltage-gated Ca2+ channel Postsynaptic membrane Ca2+ Synaptic cleft Ligand-gated ion channels IPSP & EPSP Excitatory Post Synaptic Potential- causes Post syn. Cell to do act or keep impulse going Inhibitory Post Synaptic Potential- causes Post syn. Cell to stop impulse transmission Summation- adding of all dendrite stimuli to reach threshold potential Neurotransmitters- chemical ligands produced by neuron to transmit the signal across the synapse. Neurotransmitters are released from a presynaptic cell (neuron) and received by a postsynaptic cell (neuron or effector cell). Acetylcholine- (ACh)makes muscles contract in PNS, can be excitatory or inhibitory in CNS. Cholinesterase breaks down ACh Biogenic Amines ◦ 1 & 2. Epinephrine and norepinephrine- fight or flight, speeds up body functions ◦ 3.Dopamine=happy ◦ 4. Serotonin=sleep *both out of whack in ADD/Schiz Amino Acids ◦ 1. Substance P- relays pain stimulus ◦ 2. Endorphins- block Substance P “second wind” Gases- work by diffusion ◦ 1. NO ◦ 2. CO *both inhibit nerve signaling and muscle contractions Stimuli Stimuli +50 –50 Threshold Resting potential Hyperpolarizations 0 1 2 3 4 5 Time (msec) Graded potential hyperpolarizations +50 Membrane potential (mV) 0 Membrane potential (mV) Membrane potential (mV) +50 –100 Stronger depolarizing stimulus 0 –50 Threshold Resting potential –100 0 –50 Threshold Resting potential Depolarizations 0 1 2 3 4 5 Time (msec) Graded potential depolarizations Action potential –100 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 Time (msec) Action potential 1. Sensation- action potential is at the brain, and senses a nerve impulse. 2. Perception- integration of sensation by brain Special neurons detect stimuli. Stimuli will be detected by their ____________. Stimuli is defined as _________________ That will cause a _ _ _ 1. Summation will cause Threshold potential to be reached. 2. Amplification can occur on the way to the CNS. 3. Saltatory conduction is responsible for signal propagation. 4. Integration by CNS for appropriate response. Decrease in continuous stimulus coming into the CNS. ◦ CLOTHING DETECTED BY BODY, BUT IS NOT RESPONDING. 1. Internorepectors- detect internal stimulipressure, balance, homeostasis 2. Externoreceptors- external stimuli Mechanoreceptors- detect bend/stretch of membranes/hairs Nociceptors-detect pain using Substance P Thermoreceptors- detect cold Chemoreceptors-detect cheimicals: osmo-water, gustatory-taste, olfactory-smell Electromagnetic receptors-detect photo-light, electro- electrical, magno-magnetic Heat Light touch Pain Cold Hair Epidermis Dermis Hypodermis Nerve Connective tissue Hair movement Strong pressure Accomplished by mechanoreceptors in the inner ear. Hairs bend, mechanoreceptors detect this, cause a depolarization of auditory nerves and create action potential. Lateral lines in fish Tympanum in insects and amphibians Accomplished by mechanoreceptors in the inner ear Accomplished by chemoreceptors in the nose (olfactory) and mouth (gustatory). Or hairs if you’re a bug! Taste is 80% smell and 20% tase Five senses of taste: ◦ ◦ ◦ ◦ ◦ Sweet Sour Bitter Salty Umami All animals have photoreceptors- detect colors Some photoreceptors contain photopigments that detect color Second biggest consumer of ATP Must overcome friction and gravity Animals move in/on: water, land, air Muscles provide a pulling force Motor Unit= muscle and corresponding motor nerve 1. ACh attaches to receptor proteins on muscle cell. 2. Depolarization occurs (release of Na) 3. Na causes Ca to be released. Ca is a secondary messenger. 4. Ultimately it causes two different proteins actin and myosin to slide over one another. Myosin pulls on actin. Acetylcholinesterase breaks down ACh and actin and myosin slide back to original position.