Prevention of Medical Errors

Prevention of Medical Errors
No financial disclosures
• Goals
Fulfill obligation as licensed optometrists
Promote wellness as individuals
• Course Overview and Format
Medical Errors
Hospital based errors
Medication errors
Root cause analysis and prevention
Help or hindrance?
Florida’s requirements
• Florida Rule 64B13-5.001 (8)
Last updated 2006
• “Must include a study of root-cause analysis,
error reduction and prevention, and patient
Errors made by our
Dilated with 1% tropicamide?
Samples of artificial tears?
Expired samples
IOM, 1999: To Err Is Human: Building a Safer Health System
Between 44,000 and 98,000 people
die every year due to preventable
errors in U.S. hospitals
Responses to IOM Report
• CE requirements
• Mandatory or voluntary systems for reporting
medical errors (National Quality Forum, 2007)
• Joint Commission (JCAHO) requires healthcare
institutions to analyze errors using root cause
Responses to IOM Report
• Patient Safety and Quality Improvement Act
• Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services –
will not reimburse hospitals for treatment of 8
preventable errors
Medicaid, Aetna, BCBS, etc. following suit
Healthcare Associated Infections (HAI)
• 100,000 deaths per year
• Leading complication of hospital care
Agency for Healthcare Research
and Quality
• $50 million annually to research patient safety
Grants ranging from $400 – 1.2M to study HAI prevention
Postoperative sepsis per 1000
Based on income….postoperative sepsis
• Lowest income
• Highest income
• Self pay
• Medicaid
Children who needed care right
away who didn’t get it
• White
• Hispanic
• Black
• English speaking
• Non-English speaking
Responses to IOM report
• President Clinton tried to implement mandatory reporting
system for medical errors
• Lobbied
• 81
against by AMA and AHA
million dollars
• “If medical errors and infections were better tracked, they
would easily top the list {of cause of death in the U.S.}. In
fact, a visit to your doctor or a hospital is twice as likely to
result in your death [than] a drive on America’s highways.”
Where are we now?
• IOM set a goal of 50% reduction in errors by
HealthGrades Patient Safety (2004)
• Study of 37 million patient records, all Medicare,
in 50 states + DC.
Medicare 45% of all hospital admissions excluding OB
• 195,000 deaths annually due to in-hospital
medical errors (2000-2002)
• Since the original report in 1999:
• 1 - 2 million more people have died due to
preventable medical errors or hospital-acquired
January 2012 report
• Reported January 6 in NY Times
• Department of Health and Human Services
• Medicare patients
Hospitals are required to track medical errors and adverse
patient events and conduct a root cause analysis
• Records review by independent doctors
• How many medical errors are reported?
• 130,000 Medicare beneficiaries experience one
or more adverse events in hospitals
Raleigh General Hospital, W.Va.
• Anesthetic Awareness
• Patients can feel all the pain, pressure, discomfort
during surgery…but cannot move or communicate
with doctors
• Occurs between 20,000 and 40,000 patients
every year
• Attributed to physician error or faculty equipment
Sometimes only part of the drugs are administered
• W.Va. Patient committed suicide
Who makes the IV bags?
• Two year old girl receiving IV chemo
• Saline base prepared before adding chemo
Saline was 20 times stronger than ordered
• High concentration of sodium caused brain
edema and coma
• Child died 3 days later
Who makes the IV bags?
• Pharmacy tech
• High school diploma
• Pharmacist overseeing the work was fired,
convinced of involuntary manslaughter
Jail time
House arrest
Loss of license, career
Who makes the IV bags?
• Pharm techs have something to do with
approximately 96% of pharmacy prescriptions
• “Culture of Silence”
Who is “attending” you?
• Medical Model Education
• Student/intern?
• Resident?
• Chief resident?
• Attending?
Who is “attending” you?
• Fatal oversight:
Second year student doing “rounds” at UPenn
71 year old patient recovering from hip replacement surgery
SOB, sweating
Classic signs of pulmonary embolism
“I hadn’t read that chapter yet”
Patient died
Adding to the problem
• Most people feel that medical errors are the
failures of individual providers
Delays in diagnosis and treatment?
• IOM showed most medical errors are “systems
Why do medical errors occur?
• “Systems” errors
• Fatigue*
Brigham and Women’s & Harvard
3x higher error rate with 1x/ month 24 hour shift
7x higher error rate with 5x/month 24 hour shifts
• Lack of knowledge
6000 known diagnoses
4000 available drugs
• Lack of communication
Why do medical errors occur?
• Poor charting
• Impaired care providers
Survey of 1662 respondents
46% failed to report at least one serious medical error
45% failed to report an incompetent or impaired colleague
Root Cause Analysis
• “A process for identifying the basic factors that
underlie variation in performance, including the
possible occurrence of a sentinel event.”
• Focuses on systems and processes, not on
individual performances
Type of Event
Total events 2004-2011
Wrong patient, wrong site, wrong
Unintended retention of FB
Op/postop complication
Delay in treatment
Medication error
A Case with a Bit More Relevance
• “The fiasco which left seven veterans blinded”
• 62 year old male veteran suffered “significant
visual loss in one eye as a result of poorly
controlled glaucoma”
January 2009
A Case with a Bit More Relevance
• In June 2005, the patient was diagnosed as a
“glaucoma suspect”
Allegedly, treatment wasn’t initiated
• Prompted a review of 381 charts
23 glaucoma patients experienced “progressive visual loss” while
receiving treatment in the Optometry department
• Root Cause Analysis:
Patients were not being sent to ophthalmology for treatment
(required by hospital)
Some OD’s did not hold additional certification to treat glaucoma
Reality Check – August 9 2010 Archives of Internal Medicine
• Do patients know the name of the doctor
overseeing their care?
How many patients know their diagnosis?
• Doctors said
• Patients said
Adverse effects of drugs were discussed with
• Doctors said
• Patients said
Fears and anxieties
• “At least sometimes I discussed patients’ fears and
anxieties with them” (doctors)
• “I had fears/anxieties but I didn’t discuss them with
my physician.” (patients)
Preventing Medical Errors
Partnership for Patients
• Coalition between 2,900 hospitals and federal
• Goal: Reduce medical errors and save 60,000
lives in three years
Reporting Errors
• 27 states have laws that require hospitals to
report publicly on infections that are developed
in the hospital
• In 2005, only 5 states participated
• Obama administration not proposing new
federal requirements for reporting
What can the patient/consumer do to help reduce
• Appoint a patient advocate!
Verify patient’s identity every time a care provider interacts with
Keep a log of doctor and nurse visits and instructions
Get results of all tests and labs
Write down all information pertinent to diagnosis, treatment, and
ESPECIALLY medications ordered and dispensed
Keep a medication log of at-home and hospital-prescribed medications
Infection Control!
What can the patient/consumer do to help reduce
• Be your own advocate
Choose your hospital wisely
Most people choose based on doctor’s affiliations, location, or health
Big differences in hospitals: Up to a 30% difference in central-line
infections from hospital to hospital
What can the patient/consumer do to help reduce
• Be mindful of your own medications
Drug errors are a leading cause of error
Bring a list of meds and dosages and keep one with you during
transfers, etc
Know side effects and potential interactions
Know where your advocate keeps your medication log
What can the patient/consumer do to help reduce errors?
• If you have a choice, choose a hospital using
bar-coding to verify patient identity, medication
instructions, etc.
• If permitted, label everything you can with
patient’s name
What can the patient/consumer do to help
reduce errors?
• Avoid wrong-site surgery
Write on your arm/leg/forehead “Operate here”
Make sure everyone touching the patient washes their hands
Clean common items in the hospital room such as television
remotes, chair handles, door handles, etc.
Do not allow flowers to be near the patient
Hand washing
Video monitoring improved compliance by
2011 study
• 63% of health care workers’ uniforms have CFU’s
• 11% multiple antibiotic resistance
• Neckties
• 1997 study
• 100% of physicians’ stethoscopes had CFU’s
• Mostly staph, strep
• simple swabbing with alcohol pad reduced growth to
• 2011 study of ER workers’ stethoscopes
• 55% had CFU’s
• Mostly staph epi
• 2010 study
Culture-forming units on
66% pens
55% stethoscopes
48% cell phones
28% white coats
• 2011 study, U of Iowa
• 119/180 hospital curtains had CFU’s
• 26% MRSA, 44% resistant Enterobacteria
• Takes about a week to contaminate a new
Coordination of Care
Who is IN CHARGE of your health
Do all doctors/surgeons agree on the
treatment plan?
Who will be responsible for your discharge
“Guaranteed” outcomes
• Geisinger Health Systems in Pennsylvania
• Patients pay flat rate up-front
• 90 day guarantee for coronary artery bypass and
other surgeries
• If any avoidable complication occurs within 90
day period, no charge for “remedial care”
• 30-day readmission rate down by 44% since
Bar Coding
• Drugs bar coded in pharmacy based on
electronic health record orders
• Patient wristbands scanned before
administering drugs
• Alarm sounds if mis-match occurs
• Errors cut in half
Improve training
• High-tech simulators
• Change the medical model
• Change the concept of 24-hour shifts
Lesser-known ways to protect yourself
• Don’t get your prescription filled the first week
of the month
Deaths due to Rx errors are 25% higher
20 year study
• Don’t get sick in July
Time your illness or accident well
• Babies born late at night 16% more likely to die
than those born in the daytime
California, 2005, 3.3 million babies
• Patients going into cardiac arrest at night more
likely to die than those having daytime events
Time your illness or accident well
• More medication errors made by hospital
pharmacy at night than during the day
• Kids admitted to pediatric ICU at night were
more likely to die within 48 hours
Lewis Blackman
Lewis Blackman
Safety Act
Medication Errors
IOM Report July 2006
• “When all types of errors are taken into account,
a hospital patient can expect on average to be
subjected to more than one medication error
each day.”
• State Board of Registration in Pharmacy
estimates 2.4 million prescriptions are filled
improperly each year in Mass.
Common causes of medication errors
• Incorrect drug administration
• Name confusion
• Lack of appropriate patient education
Four times a day
Lid scrubs?
“I’m using that cream, but….”
“I’ve used the whole bottle but I still can’t GO!”
• Language issues
Antifungal cream:
Apply once every day
Common causes of medication errors
• Wrong diagnosis
• Prescribing errors
Improper dose (e.g. 5 mg vs 0.5 mg)
• Drug-drug interactions
• Dose miscalculations
Most common underlying causes
• Improper dose (40.9%; most are overdose)
• Wrong drug (19%)
• Wrong route of administration (9.5%)
e.g. Otic vs ophthalmic
Vosol vs Vexol
Look-alike, Sound-alike
• Lamictal (antiepileptic) vs. Lamisil (antifungal)
• Celebrex, Cerebyx (anticonvulsant), Celexa
• Taxol, Taxotere (chemo)
• Serzone (depression) and seroquel
“Grievous Personal Injury”
• Durezol vs. Durasol
Salicylic acid wart remover
At least one case of blindness
Suit reportedly $1M against Walgreen’s in NY
Many other “near misses” reported
Look alike, sound alike
• Methadone (opiate dependence) vs Metadate ER
8 year old boy died
Look alike, sound alike
• 4 week old infant
• MD ophthal prescribed tobrex
What happened?
• Tobradex instead of tobrex was dispensed….
• And then Refilled
• Infant developed steroid induced glaucoma
Reducing Medication Errors
2006 report by IOM: Preventing Medication Errors
• 33% of medication errors are from
• Accounted for 30% of medication error deaths
IOM recommendations
• Legibility
• Avoid abbreviations
• Use metric system (not “grains”, e.g.)
• Provide patient age and weight when
• Must include drug name, weight or
concentration, and DOSAGE FORM
• Use leading zeros but never trailing zeros
Mind your decimals….
• 0.5 mg NOT .5 mg (leading zero)
• 1 mg
NOT 1.0 mg (trailing zero)
Johns Hopkins University
• 2006 study
• Discharge prescriptions for children requiring
“potent, opioid analgesic drugs” for pain
• How many prescriptions contained errors?
• Most common:
Missing or wrong patient weight
Incomplete dispensing information
• 2.9% with potential to cause significant injury
• All prescriptions studied written by residents and
fellows without oversight or consultation
• CPOE with decision support
• Computerized provider order entry
• Reduced med errors in hospitalized children by
40% - 97%
What about EHR?
March 2010 study, Kaushal et al
• Compared prescribing errors from Sept
2005 through June 2007 for 15
providers who adopted e-prescribing,
and 15 who didn’t
• Nearly 4000 prescriptions reviewed
• Two in 5 handwritten prescriptions had
March 2010 study, Kaushal et al
• Error rates decreased nearly 7-fold with e-Rx
Down from 42.5% to 6.6%
• Error rates remained the same with paper Rx
• 37.3% to 38.4%
• Most errors would not cause serious harm to patients, but
could result in pharmacy
• Some errors would have been harmful or fatal
EHR / HIT positives:
• Legibility issues
• Dosing errors
• Drug-drug interactions
• Contraindications
• “Pick lists” allow extensive prescription
information with a few clicks
EHR potential pitfalls
• “TMI”
Important data gets buried
Auto-fill even when not appropriate
A & O x 3???
Patient history obtained from self??
Patient denies use of tobacco, alcohol
EHR potential pitfalls
• The “Ignore” Factor
• 75% of physicians admit to ignoring reminder
or alert icons
• More than half never acted on information
presented in alerts/reminders
Six “Rights”
• Right patient
• Right drug
• Right dose
• Right dosage form
• Right route of administration
• Right time
• “Are you allergic to any medications?”