Psych. DMA - Wheelerswiki

Psych. DMA
Please take out a piece of paper and complete the following:
1.Write down the vocabulary word and definition.2
2. Choose ONE of these options and complete it.
–Draw a picture that illustrates/explains the vocabulary word.
–Rewrite the definition in your own words.
–Write a sentence that includes the term and the information from the definition.
 Functional asymmetry between a pair of bodily
structures (as the right and left hands)
 Either the right or left hemisphere of the brain is
dominant in everyone: hence one is preferred and
controls the majority of actions performed.
Today’s Agenda
 Brain
 Facts
 Structures
 Hemispheres
 Media Psychologist assignment due Wednesday, Feb. 17th
Human Brain
Human Brain - Facts
 Weighs 3 lbs.
 Consumes 20% of body energy
 100 billion cells
Human Brain - Facts
 10,000 neurons die each day
 Aren’t replaced (after age 2)
 Neurons regulate: consciousness, perception, thought &
Human Brain - Facts
 We use 5-10% of our intellectual potential.
Human Brain - Hemispheres
 Brain is divided into two halves.
 Everyone is dominant in one hemisphere.
Hemisphere Quiz
Do you consider yourself right or left handed?
With which hand do you eat?
With which hand do you write?
Which eye do you wink with?
Which shoe do you put on first?
Which sleeve of a coat do you put on first?
On which side of your mouth do you start brushing
your teeth?
Which foot would you put on a shovel?
With which foot would you kick a ball?
Human Brain – Hemispheres
Please jot this down…
Left Hemisphere
Right Hemisphere
 Controls right side of body.
 Visual
 Speech
 Artistic
 Writing
 Symbols
 Names
 Facial recognition
 Manage a schedule
 Music
 Math (algebra)
 Math (geometry)
Human Brain - Hemispheres
 It is difficult:
 For the hemispheres to work together.
 For you to do something with your non-dominant
Brain Hemispheres Demonstrations
Pat your head & rub your stomach.
Rotate your index fingers different directions.
Pat your knees with two different rhythms.
Any others?
Brain Hemispheres –
Famous Experiments
“Split brain” experiments
 Corpus Callosum was cut
 Hemispheres could no longer communication with each
 People could still walk, talk, etc…
Brain Hemispheres –
Famous Experiments
 Split-brain patient is sitting down, looking
straight ahead and is focusing on a dot in the
middle of a screen.
 Picture of a spoon is flashed to the right of the
 The visual information about the spoon crosses
in the optic chiasm and ends up in the LEFT
HEMISPHERE (seen with the right eye)
 When the person is asked what the picture was,
the person has no problem identifying the
spoon and says "Spoon.“
 LEFT HEMISPHERE is responsible for language.
Brain Hemispheres –
Famous Experiments
 However, if the spoon had been flashed to the left of
the dot.
 The visual information would have traveled to the
RIGHT HEMISPHERE. (from the left eye).
 The person was asked what the picture was – she/he
said “I don’t know”.
 Because language & naming is in the LEFT HEMISPHERE.
Brain Hemispheres –
Famous Experiments
Another split brain experiment:
 Patients were shown a picture of a face that is ½ male
and ½ female.
Brain Hemispheres –
Famous Experiments
 Therefore, if the patient focuses on the dot in the
middle of the forehead:
 The visual information about the woman's face will go to
the RIGHT HEMISPHERE (left eye)
 Information about the man's face will go to the LEFT
HEMISPHERE (right eye)
Brain Hemispheres –
Famous Experiments
 When a split brain patient is asked to point to a whole,
normal picture of the face that was just seen
 The patient will usually pick out the woman's picture
 Remember, the information about the woman's face went
 Which controls your ability to see things visually.
Brain Hemispheres –
Famous Experiments
 However, if the patient is required to say
whether the picture was a man or a woman,
the patient will SAY that the picture was of a
 Remember – language/naming is controlled by the
LEFT HEMISPHERE so only info from the right eye will
be labeled correctly.
 Therefore, depending on what the patient is
required to do, either the right or left
hemisphere will dominate.
Brain Hemispheres
 Split Brain Game
Brain Hemispheres Demonstrations
Using your non-dominant hand (aka wrong hand)…
Write your name
Write a note to a friend.
Cut out shapes.
Create a thank you or birthday card.
Art supplies are in the back of the room.
You can only use your non-dominant hand.