IEEE VSSC/1622 General Meeting February 4-5, 2015 Registrar-Recorder/County Clerk County of Los Angeles VSSC Winter Meeting 2/4-5/2015 VSSC/1622 Meeting Call to Order • • • • 2 Welcome and goals for the meeting Agenda overview VSSC/1622 status report VSSC/1622 challenges for 2015 VSSC Winter Meeting 2/4-5/2015 Welcome to Our Attendees! 3 VSSC Winter Meeting 2/4-5/2015 Thank You • A big thank you to Kenneth Bennett and colleagues who have helped to bring this event together • Thank you to our host, Dean Logan • Thank you to our speakers, Doug Chapin and Matt Masterson • And all others present and presenting 4 VSSC Winter Meeting 2/4-5/2015 Goals for this Meeting • Keep things informal, not dwell on procedureIEEE-eze, give everyone a chance to talk • Work for the greater good of elections, not necessarily what is good for IEEE VSSC • Let not the pursuit of perfection by thy enemy that keepeth me from green pastures of the pretty good • Learn from our colleagues, especially those here for the 1st time – Put ourselves in the shoes of state and local election officials and manufacturers • Strive to understand better where the VSSC best fits into the election landscape 5 VSSC Winter Meeting 2/4-5/2015 Agenda – Wednesday, February 4 6 8:05 am VSSC/1622 MEETING CALL TO ORDER Agenda and goals for the meeting VSSC/1622 overview and status John Wack 8:30 am Opening Remarks – Day 1 Kenneth Bennett Introduction Dean Logan Welcome to LA County Remarks by Doug Chapin, Humphrey School of Public Affairs, followed by discussion as time permits 9:30 am Opening Business IEEE call for patents Roll call Approval of 2014 VSSC/1622 meeting minutes 10 am BREAK 10:15 am 1622.2 Election Results Reporting Draft Standard Update Brief refresher on IEEE standards development process 1622.2 overview 1622.2 balloting results Summary of comments received Next steps 12 pm LUNCH 1:15 pm Roll Call 1:20 pm Electronic Pollbooks Standard PAR Discussion Formation of Standards Study Group PAR discussion on scope of standard Vote to approve PAR 2:30 pm BREAK 2:45 pm Remarks by Matt Masterson, EAC Commissioner, followed by discussion and/or commencement of the next session as time permits 4 pm ADJOURN – Day 1 4:10 pm Tour of LA County Election Operations 6 pm DINNER SOCIAL (For Those Interested) Restaurant location andVSSC details toWinter be announced Meeting John Wack Sarah Whitt John Wack Jay Bagga John Dziurlaj Kenneth Bennett Kenneth Bennett 2/4-5/2015 Agenda – Thursday, February 5 8:05 am VSSC/1622 MEETING CALL TO ORDER Roll call Agenda overview VSSC officer election results John Wack Arthur Keller Lisa Garcia 8:15 am Kenneth Bennett 1622.4 Election Data Modeling Update 10 am BREAK 10:15 am 1622-3 Event Logging Standard Review of PAR, model, and schema Next steps 11 am Discussion on VSSC current and future strategies 12 pm LUNCH James Long 1:15 pm Roll Call 1:20 pm 1622-6 Voting Methods Mathematical Models Update Lauren MassaLochridge 2:30 pm BREAK 2:45 pm Wrap-up 7 Kenneth Bennett John Wack 3 pm ADJOURN – Day 2 6 pm CLOSING DINNER SOCIAL (For Those Interested) Restaurant location and details to be announced VSSC Winter Meeting 2/4-5/2015 Kenneth Bennett VSSC/1622 Committee Overview IEEE Computer Society 1622.2 8 VSSC/1622 Other committees 1622.4 1622.6 VSSC Winter Meeting 2/4-5/2015 e.g., LANMAN/802… VSSC == 1622 • VSSC = Voting System Standards Committee • 1622 = A number assigned to us by IEEE, stands for VSSC • P1622 was a working group under a now retired sponsoring committee, resumed in 2010 under the IEEE Standards Activities Board (SAB) • IEEE SAB approved the VSSC sponsoring committee in 2014 to provide guidance and oversight to its votingrelated standards working groups • We are under the IEEE Computer Society, thus our fully qualified name is C/VSSC • Our working groups are named 1622.X 9 VSSC Winter Meeting 2/4-5/2015 Guiding Principles • Aim to improve the specification, implementation, testing, and use of voting systems • Show no bias towards/against any interest group or political party • Focus on the equipment and not on items beyond our control such as election procedures • Involve election officials and manufacturers and other subject matter experts • Base standards on existing formats as appropriate and work towards harmonization • Focus on first creating models and definitions • Strive for greater interoperability among classes of devices 10 VSSC Winter Meeting 2/4-5/2015 VSSC Structure – Membership • Officers – John Wack, chair – Linda Harley, vice-chair – Secretary, TBD • Executive Committee (ExCom) – Officers – Chairs of working groups • Membership – Grandfathered from those in P1622 who desired membership – Others who attended 2/3rds of initial meeting – Current number of voting members: 25 11 VSSC Winter Meeting 2/4-5/2015 VSSC Working Groups and Chairs VSSC John Wack, Chair 1622-3 1622.1 – PAR Only Voter Registration DB Event Logging John Wack 1622.2 1622.4 1622.5 - Inactive 1622.6 Election Results Reporting Election Data Modeling Election System Usability & Accessibility Voting Methods Mathematical Models Sarah Whitt 12 Kenneth Bennett Linda Harley VSSC Winter Meeting 2/4-5/2015 Lauren MassaLochridge VSSC/1622 2014 Status Report • A good initial year… • 1622.2 – 1st round balloting and public review – Outstanding interactions with EOs, vendors, others • • • • • 1622.4 – active, developing models 1622.5 – did not meet 1622.6 – PAR approved, 1st meeting held 1/28/2014 P1622 – waiting for drafting of initial standard External recognition of 1622, including: – – – – 13 IEEE Computer Magazine article Charles Stewart, MIT, testimony to Congress Electionline, Election Academy postings Ohio uses 1622.2 format for 2014 general election VSSC Winter Meeting 2/4-5/2015 VSSC/1622 Challenges for 2015 • 1622.2: – Resolve comments, create updated version – Create worked examples, e.g., using Delaware – Work with other parties to promote, use the standard • • • • • • 14 Follow-on guide to promote standard IDs? Complete standard for event logging Draft standard for electronic pollbooks Comprehensive data model and glossary for 1622.4? Guideline from 1622.6? Adapt to a changing standards environment, determine where VSSC is relevant, and adapt VSSC Winter Meeting 2/4-5/2015 Opening Remarks • Introduction – Kenneth Bennett • Welcome to LA County – Dean Logan • Remarks by Doug Chapin 15 VSSC Winter Meeting 2/4-5/2015 Welcome to LA County Dean Logan Registrar-Recorder/County Clerk, LA County 16 VSSC Winter Meeting 2/4-5/2015 Discussion 17 VSSC Winter Meeting 2/4-5/2015 Remarks by Doug Chapin Doug Chapin Humphrey School of Public Affairs 18 VSSC Winter Meeting 2/4-5/2015 Discussion 19 VSSC Winter Meeting 2/4-5/2015 Opening Business • IEEE call for Patents • Roll call • Approval of 2014 VSSC/1622 meeting minutes 20 VSSC Winter Meeting 2/4-5/2015 Participants, Patents, and Duty to Inform All participants in this meeting have certain obligations under the IEEE-SA Patent Policy. Participants [Note: Quoted text excerpted from IEEE-SA Standards Board Bylaws subclause 6.2]: “Shall inform the IEEE (or cause the IEEE to be informed)” of the identity of each “holder of any potential Essential Patent Claims of which they are personally aware” if the claims are owned or controlled by the participant or the entity the participant is from, employed by, or otherwise represents “Personal awareness” means that the participant “is personally aware that the holder may have a potential Essential Patent Claim,” even if the participant is not personally aware of the specific patents or patent claims “Should inform the IEEE (or cause the IEEE to be informed)” of the identity of “any other holders of such potential Essential Patent Claims” (that is, third parties that are not affiliated with the participant, with the participant’s employer, or with anyone else that the participant is from or otherwise represents) The above does not apply if the patent claim is already the subject of an Accepted Letter of Assurance that applies to the proposed standard(s) under consideration by this group Early identification of holders of potential Essential Patent Claims is strongly encouraged No duty to perform a patent search IEEE Mandatory Slide #1 25 March 2008 (updated January 2012) Patent Related Links All participants should be familiar with their obligations under the IEEE-SA Policies & Procedures for standards development. Patent Policy is stated in these sources: IEEE-SA Standards Boards Bylaws IEEE-SA Standards Board Operations Manual Material about the patent policy is available at If you have questions, contact the IEEE-SA Standards Board Patent Committee Administrator at or visit This slide set is available at IEEE Mandatory Slide #2 25 March 2008 (updated January 2012) Call for Potentially Essential Patents If anyone in this meeting is personally aware of the holder of any patent claims that are potentially essential to implementation of the proposed standard(s) under consideration by this group and that are not already the subject of an Accepted Letter of Assurance: Either speak up now or Provide the chair of this group with the identity of the holder(s) of any and all such claims as soon as possible or Cause an LOA to be submitted IEEE Mandatory Slide #3 25 March 2008 (updated January 2012) Other Guidelines for IEEE WG Meetings All IEEE-SA standards meetings shall be conducted in compliance with all applicable laws, including antitrust and competition laws. Don’t discuss the interpretation, validity, or essentiality of patents/patent claims. Don’t discuss specific license rates, terms, or conditions. Relative costs, including licensing costs of essential patent claims, of different technical approaches may be discussed in standards development meetings. Technical considerations remain primary focus Don’t discuss or engage in the fixing of product prices, allocation of customers, or division of sales markets. Don’t discuss the status or substance of ongoing or threatened litigation. Don’t be silent if inappropriate topics are discussed … do formally object. --------------------------------------------------------------- See IEEE-SA Standards Board Operations Manual, clause 5.3.10 and “Promoting Competition and Innovation: What You Need to Know about the IEEE Standards Association's Antitrust and Competition Policy” for more details. IEEE Mandatory Slide #4 25 March 2008 (updated January 2012) VSSC/1622 2014 Minutes Approval • Motion and second needed to approve minutes from February 2014 meeting • Minutes were posted at 25 VSSC Winter Meeting 2/4-5/2015 Morning Break Meeting resumes at 10:15 am PST - 1:15 pm EST 26 VSSC Winter Meeting 2/4-5/2015 Election Results Reporting VSSC P1622 1622.2 1622.4 1622.6 27 VSSC Winter Meeting 2/4-5/2015 1622.2 Election Results Reporting • Sarah Whitt, Wisconsin, Chair • John Wack, NIST, editor • First, some brief summaries: – IEEE standards development process – 1622.2 draft standard • 1622.2 balloting results and status • Comments received • Next steps 28 VSSC Winter Meeting 2/4-5/2015 IEEE Standards Development Process IEEE standards are classified as: • Standards: documents with mandatory requirements.1 • Recommended practices: documents in which procedures and positions preferred by the IEEE are presented. • Guides: documents in which alternative approaches to good practice are suggested but no clear-cut recommendations are made. • Trial-Use documents: publications in effect for not more than two years. They can be any of the categories of standards publications listed above. 1 Mandatory requirements are generally characterized by use of the verb "shall," whereas recommended practices normally use the word "should" • All require a PAR 29 VSSC Winter Meeting 2/4-5/2015 Steps within VSSC • Idea for a standards activity is presented to the VSSC Chair • VSSC Chair appoints a Standards Study Group (SSG) to draft the PAR • SSG approves draft PAR, submits PAR to VSSC • VSSC approves draft PAR, submits it for consideration approval to IEEE 30 VSSC Winter Meeting 2/4-5/2015 Steps after IEEE Approval • VSSC Chair appoints WG Chair • WG has first organizational meeting, elects other officers, those in attendance become members of WG • WG Chair appoints standard editor • The WG and editor draft the standard 31 VSSC Winter Meeting 2/4-5/2015 Steps after WG Drafts Standard • WG votes to release draft standard for public review3 • WG with VSSC approval submits draft standard for Sponsor Ballot (IEEE’s review process) • IEEE Ballot Pool (IEEE members who agreed review) votes to approve or request changes to draft standard – WG needs to respond to every comment – WG does not need to make all changes requested – The WG needs to provide a technical rationale for rejecting a comment • WG may revise draft standard and repeat above process (this is where the 1622.2 draft is currently) 3 VSSC has special permission from IEEE SA to release drafts and publish standards to the public at no charge 32 VSSC Winter Meeting 2/4-5/2015 Steps after Passing Sponsor Ballot • Draft standard undergoes reviews: – Draft is submitted for IEEE review – WG Chair responds to any comments. – IEEE approves draft standard and publishes it • WG disbands or becomes inactive, unless it has another PAR to work on • WG becomes active if need to revise standard 33 VSSC Winter Meeting 2/4-5/2015 1622.2 ERR Standard 34 VSSC Winter Meeting 2/4-5/2015 1622.2 ERR Standard • Started effort in 2012 to provide ENR only; grew in scope to include – More detailed results – Pre-election information – District – precinct mapping – Same schema used for 3 use cases • Pre-election data • Aggregated election night results • Highly detailed certified/archive results 35 VSSC Winter Meeting 2/4-5/2015 Basic Requirements – Pre-election • For reporting jurisdiction, show mapping of – Precincts/Splits/Combined to jurisdiction – Districts to precinct types – Equipment assigned to precincts and usage – Contests to districts – Candidates to contests 36 VSSC Winter Meeting 2/4-5/2015 Basic Requirements - ENR • Aggregated contest results, no additional detail if not desired • Addition of further details as desired, e.g., – Overvotes/Undervotes – Counts tagged by equipment type and usage – Ballot counts per precinct and per contest 37 VSSC Winter Meeting 2/4-5/2015 Basic Requirements – Archive • Reporting to all precinct and specific device levels • Counts tagged by – Equipment type – Equipment usage – Manner of voting, e.g, Absentee, In-person • Ballot counts, also similarly tagged 38 VSSC Winter Meeting 2/4-5/2015 Schema Generation • 1622.2 is based on an UML data model that contains all elements and attributes • Conveys information of the XML schema, but in a format-independent way • Schema is generated directly from the model with very few modifications • Tooling is MagicDraw UML 39 VSSC Winter Meeting 2/4-5/2015 ERR Data Model 40 VSSC Winter Meeting 2/4-5/2015 Some issues • There is a continuum between ENR and archive that will hopefully accommodate future, more detailed ENR scenarios • The flexibility needed to accommodate many reporting scenarios means that the schema could also be misused – This is probably okay – Nonsensical usage will become evident quickly 41 VSSC Winter Meeting 2/4-5/2015 1622.2 Draft Review • The 1622.2 draft was reviewed by IEEE members and the general public • The IEEE review period went from 12/2/2014 to 1/1/2015 – Vote was 17 in favor, 2 opposed, 1 abstain • Met 75% response rate requirement • Met 75% approval rate requirement – 58 comments, including 4 must-be-satisfied • Extended Comment Period through 1/15/2015 – 6 sets of comments 42 VSSC Winter Meeting 2/4-5/2015 Comments Breakdown • Total comments: 171 – General: 41 – Technical: 64 – Editorial: 66 • Most comments are do-able, many of the technical comments are more editorial in nature • More complete examples of usage would probably have reduced the number of comments 43 VSSC Winter Meeting 2/4-5/2015 Some Technical Comments • Making enumerations modifiable, allowing some local usage fields • Making IDs repeatable, with a type enumeration, e.g., FIPs, OCD-ID, etc. • Making addresses and names less structured, more flexible • Handling multiple languages for items such as ballot text • Accommodate international usage if relatively easy 44 VSSC Winter Meeting 2/4-5/2015 Next Steps • Respond to all comments – Meetings with reviewers in some cases – Will propose resolutions at a future 1622.2 WG meeting • Resubmit for IEEE Sponsor Ballot and public review – 10 day voting period for IEEE members, could be extended for public review – Comments allowed only based on changes • RevCom (IEEE SA standards Review Committee) – Submittal deadline 4/25/2015 for 6/5/2015 meeting – RevCom sometimes requires edits in review process • Production and publication – IEEE 1622.2™-2015 Standard for Election Results Reporting Data Interchange Format published summer 2015 (assuming approved by RevCom on 6/5/2015) 45 VSSC Winter Meeting 2/4-5/2015 Creating a Worked Example • More worked examples are needed to promote adoption of the standard • Perhaps model a large area with multiple types of districts, include precinct-level results, report on contest counts ballots broken down by various types of ballots and machine type • Suggestion was made to create worked example using entire state of Delaware 46 VSSC Winter Meeting 2/4-5/2015 Lunch Meeting resumes at 1:15 pm PST - 4:15 pm EST 47 VSSC Winter Meeting 2/4-5/2015 E-Pollbooks VSSC P1622 1622.2 48 1622.4 1622.6 VSSC Winter Meeting 2/4-5/2015 1622.X E-Pollbooks A Standard for E-PollBooks Electronic Interchange Format • Jay Bagga, Indiana VSTOP • John Dziurlaj, Ohio SoS 49 VSSC Winter Meeting 2/4-5/2015 Some IEEE Procedure, First According to our Policies and Procedures: 1. Chair needs to convene a Standards Study Group (it will consist of those present) 2. SSG studies, makes recommendation on a PAR back to VSSC (we will do this during this session) 3. VSSC votes on SSG recommendation (since the SSG == VSSC, this is a formality) 4. If approved, PAR is sent to IEEE for approval 50 VSSC Winter Meeting 2/4-5/2015 A Pollbook for the 21st century – The Promise • • • • Easier and Faster More Accurate Integrates well with VRDBs Handles data updates well – Vote Centers 51 VSSC Winter Meeting 2/4-5/2015 E-Pollbooks are becoming more popular • Used in jurisdictions in thirty states • Various requirements – No federal certification – 5 states require certification: Connecticut, Indiana, Ohio, Pennsylvania, Virginia – Ten states have statutes that explicitly authorize the use of e-poll books: Arizona, Arkansas, Florida, Iowa, Minnesota, Missouri, North Carolina, South Dakota, Tennessee, Texas 52 VSSC Winter Meeting 2/4-5/2015 Some Resources • National Conference of State Legislatures (NCSL) • State of Indiana • State of Wisconsin 53 VSSC Winter Meeting 2/4-5/2015 Data Standard • More than just a replacement for pen and paper • Interfaces with many different systems – VRDBs – EMSs 54 VSSC Winter Meeting 2/4-5/2015 High Level Modeling • • • • 55 Identify the external entities (scope) Identify supported processes (use-cases) Identify data flows Elaborate subprocesses as required (topdown) VSSC Winter Meeting 2/4-5/2015 High Level Modeling (Example) 56 VSSC Winter Meeting 2/4-5/2015 Data Modeling (Example) 57 VSSC Winter Meeting 2/4-5/2015 End Product • A data model (UML) • Data Interchange Format – XML – JSON – Others? 58 VSSC Winter Meeting 2/4-5/2015 PAR - Scope Scope: This standard defines a UML data model and a corresponding data interchange format, e.g., XML, for information created and processed by electronic pollbooks. The model associates individuals with corresponding polling place(s) and ballot style(s). It includes information, such as voters’ names and addresses, political party affiliation, eligibility, and other status and audit information, that can be analyzed so as to show aspects of how an election was conducted. It includes structures necessary to record that a voter has participated in an election and information necessary for issuance of a ballot to a voter. The model also includes structures to facilitate data exchanges between electronic pollbooks and voter registration databases, and data between interconnected electronic pollbooks. The scope does not include operational or security requirements for electronic pollbooks, other than digital signatures . 59 VSSC Winter Meeting 2/4-5/2015 PAR - Purpose Purpose: This standard defines the data elements and attributes outlined in the scope and how the data is associated with other election data. It facilitates the import and export, in a common format, of the data outlined in the scope to support interoperability of an electronic pollbook with voting devices use in polling places and with voter registration databases. Need for the Project: Electronic pollbooks are used increasingly to support functions at polling places, including to facilitate check-in of voters, determine their appropriate ballot style, and record their participation in elections. Electronic pollbook interoperability with other voting devices and voter registration databases is required or desired by U.S. states. Interoperability is dependent on a common understanding of the data elements and attributes processed by electronic pollbooks and a common interchange format for the data elements. 60 VSSC Winter Meeting 2/4-5/2015 PAR – Stakeholders Stakeholders for this Standard: • Voters, • election equipment and software developers, • federally certified voting equipment testing labs, • state and local election officials, • election poll workers, • election observers and analysts, • the U.S. Election Assistance Commission, • and the general public. 61 VSSC Winter Meeting 2/4-5/2015 Discussion • Discussion period on the PAR • The assembled SSG may then vote on the PAR • If approved, VSSC by fiat also approves the PAR 62 VSSC Winter Meeting 2/4-5/2015 Afternoon Break Meeting resumes at 2:45 pm PST - 5:45 pm EST 63 VSSC Winter Meeting 2/4-5/2015 Remarks by Matt Masterson Matt Masterson Commissioner, Election Assistance Commission 64 VSSC Winter Meeting 2/4-5/2015 Discussion 65 VSSC Winter Meeting 2/4-5/2015 Wednesday Feb 4 Wrap-Up • These slides will be created during the meeting 66 VSSC Winter Meeting 2/4-5/2015 Adjourn • Resume tomorrow 8:00 am PST - 11:00 am EST • Tour of LA County Election Operations begins at 4:10 pm PST • Dinner for those interested – meet in Doubletree Hotel Lobby at 6 pm 67 VSSC Winter Meeting 2/4-5/2015 VSSC/1622 Meeting Call to Order • Roll call • Agenda overview • VSSC officer election results 68 VSSC Winter Meeting 2/4-5/2015 Agenda – Thursday, February 5 8:05 am VSSC/1622 MEETING CALL TO ORDER Roll call Agenda overview VSSC officer election results John Wack Arthur Keller Lisa Garcia 8:15 am Kenneth Bennett 1622.4 Election Data Modeling Update 10 am BREAK 10:15 am 1622-3 Event Logging Standard Review of PAR, model, and schema Next steps 11 am Discussion on VSSC current and future strategies 12 pm LUNCH James Long 1:15 pm Roll Call 1:20 pm 1622-6 Voting Methods Mathematical Models Update Lauren MassaLochridge 2:30 pm BREAK 2:45 pm Wrap-up 69 Kenneth Bennett John Wack 3 pm ADJOURN – Day 2 6 pm CLOSING DINNER SOCIAL (For Those Interested) Restaurant location and details to be announced VSSC Winter Meeting 2/4-5/2015 Kenneth Bennett VSSC Officer Elections • Positions open: – Chair (currently John Wack) – Vice-chair (currently Linda Harley) – Secretary (currently vacant) – Treasurer (not necessary) – Standards Coordinator (currently Arthur Keller) 70 VSSC Winter Meeting 2/4-5/2015 Election Data Modeling VSSC P1622 1622.2 1622.4 1622.6 71 VSSC Winter Meeting 2/4-5/2015 Election Data Modeling – 1622.4 • Kenneth Bennett, Chair, LA County 72 VSSC Winter Meeting 2/4-5/2015 Why model elections? 73 VSSC Winter Meeting 2/4-5/2015 Goals of Working Group • Comprehensive, high level model of processes and data • Framework for more detailed interoperability standards • Election glossary • Educational tools VSSC Winter Meeting 2/4-5/2015 74 What did we do? • Established the working environment • Conducted literature review • Began modeling election business processes 75 VSSC Winter Meeting 2/4-5/2015 Working Environment • Modeling methodology – Business Modeling with UML (Eriksson & Penker) – UML & Data Modeling (David Hay) • Modeling tools – MagicDraw – Explore open source tools or formats? • IEEE collaboration tools – Central Desktop – 76 VSSC Winter Meeting 2/4-5/2015 Literature Review • Public search of published materials • Formal modeling was scarce • Models found were focused on data objects 77 VSSC Winter Meeting 2/4-5/2015 Modeling Gap Business Process Narratives Business Process Models State, Activity & Data Flows Diagrams Data Domain Model 78 VSSC Winter Meeting 2/4-5/2015 Process Models – Tier 1 79 VSSC Winter Meeting 2/4-5/2015 Process Models – Tier 2 80 VSSC Winter Meeting 2/4-5/2015 Process Models – Tier 3 81 VSSC Winter Meeting 2/4-5/2015 Process Interactions 82 VSSC Winter Meeting 2/4-5/2015 Process Details <<Info>> Contests and Candidates <<Physical>> Ballot Proofs <<Info>> Random Alpha Draw <<Info>> Ballot Definition File Lay Out Ballots <<Rule>> Rotation 83 <<System>> Ballot Layout VSSC Winter Meeting 2/4-5/2015 Process Interaction Details <<Info>> Ballot Definition File Load Ballots in Voting Devices Lay Out Ballots <<System>> Device Manager <<Info>> Ballot Definition File <<System>> Ballot Layout Tally Ballots <<System>> Tabulation 84 VSSC Winter Meeting 2/4-5/2015 Next Steps • Drill down into process details • Develop high-level data model • Develop elections glossary • Calibrate models to existing works • Final document (tell the story) VSSC Winter Meeting 2/4-5/2015 85 Morning Break Meeting resumes at 10:05 am PST - 1:05 pm EST 86 VSSC Winter Meeting 2/4-5/2015 Event Logging VSSC P1622 1622.2 1622.4 1622.6 87 VSSC Winter Meeting 2/4-5/2015 1622-3 Event Logging Update • Working group is P1622, which will be retired post completion of this standard • 1622-3 PAR and overview – John Wack • Discussion 88 VSSC Winter Meeting 2/4-5/2015 Purpose • Spurred by the EAC and NTS (formerly Wyle) • Many devices log in proprietary formats, difficult to understand, analyze logs • Purpose is for devices to export election log files in a standard format • Based on requirements in draft VVSG 1.1 • Two schemas: – Event Log file for containing events – Documentation file for containing description of event codes used in Event Log • Manufacturer would make these files available publicly 89 VSSC Winter Meeting 2/4-5/2015 Current Status • PAR, model, schemas voted out of P1622 • Assembled VSSC voted approval to proceed with drafting of standard, Winter, 2014 • Rough draft developed by NIST 90 VSSC Winter Meeting 2/4-5/2015 1622-3 PAR - Scope This standard defines common data interchange formats for event records for voting systems. Voting systems, including election administration systems, election management systems, vote capture devices, and tabulation devices, record events, both human and machine, in the voting process using the equipment. This standard specifies the common data elements for event log export, and an implementation of this standard using OASIS (Organization for the Advancement of Structured Information Standards) EML (Election Markup Language) data elements and structures. This standard will also include the manner in which codes in event logs for voting systems are described. 91 VSSC Winter Meeting 2/4-5/2015 1622-3 PAR - Purpose This standard facilitates the import and export, in a common format, of event data for voting systems. This data is used by local and state election administrators, citizens, and press to help verify the integrity of the voting equipment, and the elections for which the equipment is used. In addition, it facilitates postelection auditing of elections. 92 VSSC Winter Meeting 2/4-5/2015 Schema - EventLog <xsd:element name="Event_Log" type="Event_Log"/> <xsd:complexType name="Event"> <xsd:attribute name="timeStamp" type="xsd:dateTime" use="required"/> <xsd:attribute name="eventType" type="xsd:string" use="required"/> <xsd:attribute name="eventSeverity" type="xsd:string"/> <xsd:attribute name="eventID" type="xsd:string" use="required"/> <xsd:attribute name="eventDescription" type="xsd:string"/> <xsd:attribute name="disposition" type="Disposition_Type"/> <xsd:attribute name="userID" type="xsd:string"/> <xsd:attribute name="details" type="xsd:string"/> <xsd:attribute name="deviceID" type="xsd:string"/> </xsd:complexType> <xsd:complexType name="Event_Log"> <xsd:sequence> <xsd:element name=« DigitalSignature" type="ds:SignatureType" minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="1"/> <xsd:element name="Event" type="Event" minOccurs="1" maxOccurs="unbounded"/> </xsd:sequence> <xsd:attribute name="deviceID" type="xsd:string" use="required"/> <xsd:attribute name="timeStamp" type="xsd:dateTime" use="required"/> <xsd:attribute name="deviceClass" type="xsd:string"/> <xsd:attribute name="deviceManufacturer" type="xsd:string"/> <xsd:attribute name="deviceVersion" type="xsd:string" use="optional"/> </xsd:complexType> <xsd:simpleType name="Disposition_Type"> <xsd:restriction base="xsd:string"> <xsd:enumeration value="FAILURE"/> <xsd:enumeration value="SUCCESS"/> <xsd:enumeration value="NA"/> </xsd:restriction> </xsd:simpleType> </xsd:schema> 93 VSSC Winter Meeting 2/4-5/2015 EventLog Elements & Attributes • Attributes: – deviceID - required, string • The identifier of the device – timestamp - required, dateTime • The time indication – deviceClass – optional, string • Type of device – deviceManufacturer – optional, string • Maker of device • Elements: – DigitalSignature – optional – Event – required, unbounded 94 VSSC Winter Meeting 2/4-5/2015 Event Attributes • timestamp – required, dateTime – • eventType – optional, string – • Vendor-specific deviceID – optional, string – 95 User identifier Details – optional, string – • Disposition of event userID – optional, string – • Event description Disposition – optional, Disposition_Type – • The identifier of event eventDescription – optional, string – • The severity of event eventID – required, string – • The type of event eventSeverity – optional, string – • The time indication Device identifier VSSC Winter Meeting 2/4-5/2015 Schema - Documentation <xsd:element name="EventLog_Description" type="EventLog_Description"/> <xsd:complexType name="EventLog_Description"> <xsd:sequence minOccurs="1" maxOccurs="unbounded"> <xsd:element name="Event" type="Event"/> </xsd:sequence> <xsd:attribute name="manufacturer" type="xsd:string" use="required"/> <xsd:attribute name="deviceID" type="xsd:string" use="required"/> <xsd:attribute name="deviceClass" type="xsd:string" use="required"/> <xsd:attribute name="dateTime" type="xsd:dateTime" use="required"/> </xsd:complexType> <xsd:complexType name="Event"> <xsd:attribute name="eventID" type="xsd:string" use="required"/> <xsd:attribute name="eventDescription" type="xsd:string" use="required"/> </xsd:complexType> 96 VSSC Winter Meeting 2/4-5/2015 VSSC Current and Future Strategies • What is the current strategy being followed by the VSSC for producing standards and guidelines? • How has the election landscape changed since 2014? • Does the VSSC need to do things differently as a result? 97 VSSC Winter Meeting 2/4-5/2015 Current Strategy • Produce common data format standards at endpoints of the voting system and where it makes sense – 1622.2 - Election results – 1622-3 - Event logging – 1622.X - Electronic pollbooks • Produce election data models and guidelines in other areas to aid future system development – 1622.4 – Election data modeling – 1622.6 – Voting methods mathematical models 98 VSSC Winter Meeting 2/4-5/2015 Current Strategy (cont) • Aim our standards/guidelines for use by – States and counties – Federal certification efforts • Manufacturers • Test labs • Work towards interoperability of devices – For component certification – To open market up to smaller manufacturers 99 VSSC Winter Meeting 2/4-5/2015 Changes in Election Landscape • The EAC to resume development of federal standards and certification – Does the VSSC do anything differently as a result? • Newer types of voting systems under development • Data on elections and election performance increasingly important 100 VSSC Winter Meeting 2/4-5/2015 New Guidelines/Standards • • • • 101 Common ids Registry of common ids Electronic Cast vote records Ballot definition files VSSC Winter Meeting 2/4-5/2015 Lunch Meeting resumes at 1:15 pm PST - 4:15 pm EST 102 VSSC Winter Meeting 2/4-5/2015 Voting Methods Mathematical Models VSSC P1622 1622.2 1622.4 1622.6 103 VSSC Winter Meeting 2/4-5/2015 Voting Methods Mathematical Models Working Group IEEE-SA VSSC (C/VSSC/1622.6/VM-WG) VM-WG Chair: Lauren Massa-Lochridge VM-WG Committee Chair: Philip B. Stark 104 VSSC Winter Meeting 2/4-5/2015 Agenda 105 VM-WG Introduction Project Definition, Scope, Need, Purpose Road Map Road Map Q & A Conclude VSSC Winter Meeting 2/4-5/2015 Introduction 106 VM-WG producing the IEEE-SA 1622.6 Standard Project Authorization Request (PAR) for 1622.6 was approved by IEEE-SA Standards Board (SASB) in fall 2014. Completed required Kick-off meeting. Producing 1622.6 IEEE-SA Standard: Recommended Practice for Voting Methods Mathematical Models Standard contains reasonable feasible coverage of voting methods where counting, tabulation or mathematical evaluation occurs. Only official government-entity run elections administration systems of U.S. & democracies. NOT system implementation! Producing Mathematical Models. VSSC Winter Meeting 2/4-5/2015 Introduction IEEE-SA Standard “Recommended Practice” designation (IEEE- SA STANDARDS BOARD OPERATIONS MANUAL) Standard elements as non-mandatory, voluntary guidelines. No “shall clauses”, instead 'should', 'may', or 'can' clauses. 107 6.4.7 Shall, should, may, and can The word shall indicates mandatory requirements strictly to be followed in order to conform to the standard and from which no deviation is permitted (shall equals is required to). The word should indicates that among several possibilities one is recommended as particularly suitable, without mentioning or excluding others; or that a certain course of action is preferred but not necessarily required (should equals is recommended that). The word may is used to indicate a course of action permissible within the limits of the standard (may equals is permitted to). The word can is used for statements of possibility and capability, whether material, physical, or causal (can equals is able to). VSSC Winter Meeting 2/4-5/2015 Introduction Well Formed Balanced Group – Elections officials domain experts – Global research community, covering subject areas: • Voting methods and social choice theory, auditability, verifiability, security, information privacy, reportability, inuse elections administration domain knowledge – Equipment, software, systems manufacturers / services domain experts – Civic organizations, media, public affairs domain experts – Experienced VSSC members and new VM-WG members 108 VSSC Winter Meeting 2/4-5/2015 Introduction •At least 28 expected engaged members, Producers (24) & Observers (4) •6/28 elections officials domain experts •10/28 Global research community, covering subject areas: – Voting methods and social choice theory, auditability, verifiability, security & information privacy, in-use domain knowledge, as producers of the mathematical models •8/28 equipment, software, systems manufacturers / services domain experts •4/28 orgs. and public affairs domain experts • 16 attendees existing VSSC members, 14 voting, 3 observer • 12 attendees are new to any VSSC or VSSC WG engagement 109 VSSC Winter Meeting 2/4-5/2015 Introduction IEEE-SA VSSC Sponsoring Committee IEEE Computer Society/VSSC/1622-6/VM-WG Sponsor, Chair, Vice Chair, Secretary (-Treasurer) 110 Subject Area Committees Verifiability Security & Information Privacy Auditability & Risk Management Reportability, Traceability & logging Are there other areas? Some areas may intersect... VSSC Winter Meeting 2/4-5/2015 Introduction VM-WG Subject Area Committees: Philip B. Stark, Prof., Chair Dept. of Statistics UC Berkeley is Chair of VM-WG Auditability & Risk Management Committee Anticipate forming additional subject area or task force committees: Verifiability, Security & Information Privacy, Reportability, Traceability & logging...Other Areas? 111 supporting deliberation at depth in certain subject areas, regional, or certain tasks efficient and effective VSSC Winter Meeting 2/4-5/2015 Project Approved Fall 2014 by IEEE-SA. Clauses of Project Authorization Request (PAR) Scope clause: This standard defines voting methods mathematical models that formally and precisely define voting methods. Voting methods are methods of casting, tabulating, mathematical evaluation, or counting votes, to determine the outcome of elections. Examples of voting methods include but are not limited to plurality voting, plurality with runoff, ranked choice, approval voting, straight-party voting, and multi-party endorsement. Elaboration: Definitions of voting methods that are currently in-use usually reside in a 'plain language algorithm definition' as legal art, i.e. legislation, which is inherently imprecise for some important uses. Interpretative plain language definitions based upon existing legislative art also exist in Requests For Proposals (RFPs) by elections officials to systems and software manufacturers, and other elections administration documents where specifications of voting methods for counts and tally may occur. In contrast, a mathematical model with a unique designator is a precise definition which can be referenced without ambiguity, used, reused, and understood across the field by a variety of stakeholders including legislators, elections officials, analysts, systems and software manufacturers, and for testing and certification. 112 VSSC Winter Meeting 2/4-5/2015 Project Purpose Clause: The purpose of the Standard for Voting Methods Mathematical Models is to facilitate elections integrity through a common and precise definition of voting methods as mathematical models. This standard defines voting methods selected for mathematical modeling that government operated Departments of Elections, Elections Officials or jurisdictions of U.S. Elections and democracies have currently in use or plan to use or may reasonably be expected to implement a voting method in their elections administration going forward during the life cycle of the standard (minimum 10 yrs.). Need Clause: Because each voting method is unambiguously defined as a mathematical model its specification, characterization and properties are precisely known in support of accurate and reliable analysis of elections data. Precisely known mathematical characterization of systems components enables robust and correct voting systems and facilitates their development, analysis, and testing. 113 VSSC Winter Meeting 2/4-5/2015 Project No complete compendium of mathematical models of voting methods of this type exists. In-use implies currently applicable legislation or elections officials specification, or as realized in systems that run elections now. Reference models or formula definitions exist in various contexts including glossary definitions, RFPs by elections administration to systems and software manufacturers and systems documentation, and also research works on social choice theory and voting theory. Examples of research topic areas where mathematical definitions of voting methods are presented include research into vote power, voting system criteria*, verifiable voting systems, auditable voting systems, security, privacy. Models presented in research publications largely focus on voting system criteria and vote power analysis, and are often meta models , or higher level and more general models of the actual in-use voting methods, and therefore do not serve the same purpose that the product of this working group may. This working group 's scope does not include defining new voting system criteria nor voting system metrics for use in evaluation and comparison of voting methods, nor systems implementation of voting methods. Innovation of entirely new voting methods, promotion of voting methods, are also outside of our scope. UI/UX & ballot design also out of scope. 114 VSSC Winter Meeting 2/4-5/2015 Road Map Use Cases For Models: + Mathematical models facilitate, support or enable use cases. + Mathematical models are not standards for the use cases. + Mathematical models developed with consideration of the 'itability' or 'iability' of the different use cases: auditability, capacity planning, testing & reportability, verifiability, information security and privacy, reportability, traceability & logging... are there others? Certifiability? 115 VSSC Winter Meeting 2/4-5/2015 Road Map Use Cases cont.: + Forms of mathematical models are determined by this WG. + There may be multiple forms of model per voting method, e.g., as appropriate to use case(s) or other factors + Potential other factors: categorization, structural e.g. hierachy?, lattice? partial ordering?, granularity of models ... Collect and assess plain language/legal art definitions: + Voting methods in-use in elections administration, legislative / legal art definitions, RFP definitions, others? Deliberate and draft Mathematical Models Iterate through steps as needed 116 VSSC Winter Meeting 2/4-5/2015 Road Map Quarterly speakers series Newsletter & Articles (Un)Conference (summer 2015?) Draft Standard Document 117 Time Frame: VM-WG is approved to operate through 2018, but anticipate 1st draft by within 2016 VSSC Winter Meeting 2/4-5/2015 Road Map Q&A 118 VSSC Winter Meeting 2/4-5/2015 Conclude Find links about VSSC at About VM-WG 1622.6 and the other VSSC WG's at: VM-WG 1622.6 Sponsor & Chair of the VSSC is John P. Wack of NIST: / VM-WG Chair: 119 / VSSC Winter Meeting 2/4-5/2015 Closing Remarks • Where/when is next meeting 120 VSSC Winter Meeting 2/4-5/2015 Adjourn • VSSC Officers meeting at 3:15 pm in Room TBD • Dinner for those interested – meet in Doubletree Hotel lobby at 6 pm • Restaurant TBD 121 VSSC Winter Meeting 2/4-5/2015