Minutes of Competition Committee Meeting Date: 26/5/15 Open: 6:34pm Trudy Schultz & Peter Gibbons co-chaired Grafton Hockey Association Inc Attendance: see attached Apologies: Robert Blanchard, Alf Groves, Marie Mathews, Shannon Powell, Kylie Winters Confirmation of minutes from previous meeting held 26/5/15 moved by JACOB ANDREWS and seconded by REBECCA OSELAND Business Arising: U11’s boys – discuss at general business Correspondence: no correspondence. What is correspondence? Where does it go? To whom is it supposed to go to? Answer: it all goes to ADMIN, and then admin will forward it to necessary departments including both Chairpersons. GHA Board Report: presented by Lyn Newby. Lights on the turf will be turned off 10 minutes after the last game. Training cancellations will need p, as decided, 24 hours’ notice or you will be charged. If storms or torrential rain are around it is a different story. When you are training last can you please remember to turn off lights and lock gates when finished, please do not leave lights for extended periods of time. Unfortunately the person we offered the administrators position to has declined. We are re looking at advertisement and will re advertise when complete. Lightning Policy runs in line with Hockey NSW 30/30 policy. It is a duty of care as we play on water based surfaces. Please remember we have 2 chair persons for the competition committee and all correspondence must go to both. The process has been to send all correspondence through the admin email address and it is then forwarded to the appropriate committee. moved: Lyn Newby 2nd: Sharon Bagster Treasurers Report:- Presented by Maria Felton All club details have now been setup in MYOB and invoices are now being emailed to the Treasurer of each Club. If details are incorrect or if your Treasurer is not getting these can you contact me ASAP. Invoices have been sent for: Instalment Fees for the GHA registration component of our fees Please note this is an instalment only and actual fees based on number of players in each age category will be sent out in the coming weeks. The Registrar has advised that until now too many team players have been changing and it would have caused in accurate figures. When we issue these accounts if there are discrepancies please put this in an email and we will look into it. Fees for April training on the turf. Game Fees for the month of April. Round details may not be correct but dates will be. Thankyou to Marg Pearson who has been summarising the game fees for me each week which makes it much quicker to enter into the Computer, and now that the first month has been done should be also quicker moving forward. As we are now approaching end of May I will start working on those accounts and hopefully have out to all the clubs early June. The bunkhouse had a few bookings with the U15’s carnival and now we are holding the CCC’s this weekend. Canteen takings have been good and allow steady cashflow coming into the account and thankyou to all those clubs who have been paying their accounts. Rep Team money has now been received for the U18’s and Masters which is good as up until now we have been paying out for accommodation and Registration Fees to Hockey NSW. In regards to the Rep Teams this year it was decided that GHA would pay for the registration component of the Rep Team, being $550 per team with all other costs for the rep team to pay eg: accommodation, travel, turf fees, umpire fees. In total this year approx. $10,000 has been/or will be paid to Hockey NSW for registration fees. Since the last meeting the following larger payments have been made: $8,910.00 Hockey NSW for Registration Fees $2,615.00 Lithgow Parkside Rep $6,274.62 Original Energy $3,410.00 Audit Fee for 2013 $4,000.00 T/fer to Sinking Fund $3,930.00 Narellan Motor Inn – Rep $5,705.00 ATO for BAS There will be higher than normal accounts to pay for the canteen due to the U15’s and CCC’s as most of these are monthly accounts they have not yet been paid. Repairs & Maintenance Scoreboard Account balances at today $19,818.43 Cheque Account $53,652 Sinking Fund General Account $92,000 Sinking Fund Term Deposit Loan Balance with Clarence Valley Council is $100,470 @ 15th May, 2015 Moved: Maria Felton 2nd: Karen Napper Competition Registrars Report:- presented by Lynda Stevens. Clubs will need to check over their players. Some may have received an email, please check that they are registrar properly and that they are not on the system multiply times. As there are so many CLUBS are responsible for this. Moved: Lynda Stevens 2nd: Ross Thorley Representative Committee/Coaching:- boys presented by Daryl Clark. U15’s had a successful carnival with the No1 team taking out their division. All 3 teams enjoyed the weekend. U13’s will start selections with teams to be announced in the next week or two. Have had a nomination for team 2 coach will discuss this with Rep committee tonight. U11’s now going through selection and should have 1 team for boys. All going well. Moved Darryl Clark 2nd: Sharon Bagster Girls presented by Mary Day Womens Rep Teams Report, May, 2015 Under 18s had a successful carnival, going through their pool games undefeated. They were defeated in the final 1-0. Sarah Donnolley was named in the under 18 squad. Under 15 girls teams have been training well with Maddy Richey and Emma Thompson as coaches. We will need to add 2 players from another area to make up numbers- hopefully Coffs or Port Macquarie. Managers are Lissa Cameron and Wendy Campbell. Coaches for Under 13s are T’nikka Newby and Hailey Foulstone. Managers are Linda Stevens and Tracey Foulstone. All these teams are training on Sunday mornings. Good luck to the Opens who travel away from 6-8th June. Thanks to Ron Chaffey for coaching and Leisa Thompson as manager. Last year we did not send an Opens team so it is good to see that we have been able to find enough players this year. Despite our best intentions selecting Rep teams on time and finding coaches has not been an easy task and has been very time consuming. We probably need to have names of players and coaches in by the end of the previous season so we can start early. The other problem is following guidelines of the Rep policy particular in relation to who can be coaches and managers- just about impossible to get a manager who is not a parent. Now that we have had the policy as a guideline for a season it should be reviewed by the committee. See attached Moved Mary Day 2nd: Yvonne Cameron Rick Sampson now a level 2 coach Publicity Officer Report: no report – still no officer. Suggested that both men and women share the load of this position. Cheryl sent information to paper and is still waiting for it to be published. Is GHA wasting time with paper or should we pay them a visit to discuss the matter Umpires report: More names needed all round – representative, Saturday juniors, women’s & men’s Fixtures Report:- The draw is complete and has been published. Follow the link Linda sent out. Washed out matches for 2nd grade from 21st May will need to be rescheduled. We will make a decision based on Turf availability over the next few weeks and inform clubs ASAP. Under 13s 4th July teams please get a letter to fixtures by this weekend if you have 3 or more players out and wish to defer or pre play so the game can be rescheduled, players informed and draw adjusted accordingly. Moved: Kerry Barton 2nd: Karen Napper Follow the link Linda sent out, please see site for all deferred games: Moved Chris Blanchard 2nd: Susan Loy Junior committee /Minkey report:- Jnr report sent in by Shannon Power read by Lyn Newby: all primary girls top 6 to be in by 5/6/15 Clubs need to address the unacceptable behaviour towards the umpires in both U13’s & U16’s. coaches manager please take not of the proper playing times for U11’s 7 girls and also Mods & &’s. Tamworth Carnival – 1x boys team and 2x girl teams nominated, discussion was had on what division the red team would play in. After discussion on this issue a vote was taken 5yes 1no. It was decided to nominate the Red team into div 1. This will give the chance for the team to be challenged and also develop their skills. Coaches for Tamworth team are as follows Boys coach Darryl Clark, manager Mick McGarvie. Girls Red Team coach & manager Ang Hinterholzl Assist coach Grace Young Blue team coach Tyne Windon manger Natalie Sear Moved Lyn Newby 2nd: Chris Kelly Minkey: getting a good turnout 13-18 kids. All having great fun! Member Protection Officer Report:- all coaches and managers need to complete a working with children’s check and If 16 years & over supervising juniors face to face a HNSW “Work, Health & Safety – Member Protection Declaration” (WHS-MPD) Masters Men & Women Report: Grading, Nil. Women's Masters. After a great delay in information from NSW Masters committee I finally have some information. Firstly I have been notified that Hockey NSW has sacked the Women’s Masters Committee. ?????Reason so that's probably one reason there has not been any information forthcoming. Women’s: An email from Tony Mestrov informs that Karen Kennedy will lead an Interim committee for our championships. We have 4 teams contesting these championships. Over 35, over40. Over 50 and over 55. You may note that we had to change our 45's back to 40.s due to the ruling about ages. I have conformation on that ruling. The coaches have changed so Over 35. Ali Amos. Over 40 Frank Petty. Over 50 Wendy Cotton Over 55 Vickie Munns. The teams have been entered in the following divisions. 35. Div 4 40. Div 3 50. Div 3. 55 Div 2. As we know Hockey NSW Masters committee in the past have always made changes so here’s hoping. I had great fun trying to enter the teams. They finally set up another nomination the same as they have their aged entries. Any way all is done. Karen Napper has been a fantastic help in arranging the costing’s and dealing with the Resort. Many thank Karen. I’ve kept all managers in the loop regarding several issues so if anyone has a problem contact your manager, failing that I am always here. Moved Cheryl Kinnane OAM 2nd: Yvonne Cameron Men’s: General Business: Chair has received correspondence from Royals Barbs and Sailors in relation to U11 boys playing on a Thursday night. Clubs are not happy with the U11’s being allocated playing times on a Thursday night. Parents are not happy as they didn’t sign up for midweek games. At the start of the season this age group was signed up for Saturday games not Thursday. Barbs have lost 3 players and 1 is asking for a refund due to this change in days. Rebecca Stanmore: As from a parents view not a club view, I had my son for the 1 st time refuse to play hockey due to being too late on a week night. (interrupted by Chris Blanchard but continued after he had stopped)Royals team has had the 7:30 game 3 weeks in a row. We live only a block away and still don’t make it home until 9. What about the children that live out of town? By the time they get home, showered feed and wind down it is really late for them. Speaking to other mums in the dugouts while managing, they aren’t happy with it either. Why aren’t the U11s playing on a Saturday on the grass which would allow the U13 to play 530 Thursday and 16’s 630? Why aren’t we using the grass fields more? We are always saying we have the best grass fields around so why not use them? I have been here on a Thursday night when the crowd is here, the atmosphere is great, but the crowd and atmosphere is just as good on a Saturday. Doesn’t matter if the kids are on the grass the parents and siblings create the atmosphere and you know what the kids will still buy at the canteen no matter what field they play on. Chris Blanchard: WHAT DO WE WANT FROM GHA? We want the board to make reasonable decisions! Chris believes Jnr boys are dying! We are competing against other sports. We have winging mothers who want more turf times so we gave them more turf times. No one has canvased the parents, where are people getting their information from? Canteen makes lots of money on these Thursday nights. If we leave the 16’s by themselves, what sort of atmosphere does that give them? Premier league pushes turf times out for games on these weekends. Something has to be done! If it doesn’t change Chris will not be coming back. Jeff Thomas: So much that was just said is so not correct! The Jnr committee are working hard. A lot of factors come into it when choosing a sport. You can’t advertise at the beginning of the year one thing and now change that decision to something different. Parent’s feedback from Royals is that they are not happy with the U11’s playing on a Thursday night. It was voted at the beginning of the season that 13’s & 16’s play on a Thursday night NOT U11’s. Julie McIlveen: Jnrs need to learn on grass as well as turf. When the lower divisions go away for rep where do they play? GRASS! Teach the kids to play on grass. Put U11’s on the grass. Kerry Barton: the issue is similar to when A grade played Wednesday night. You get used to it but we need to implement these things at the start of the season. Lyn Newby: the full season is not being played on Thursday nights. We have $3million assets not being used to its full potential. We have the Livermore turf needing to be replaced at a cost around half million, we are trying to find grants for this. Jnrs cost money. We didn’t get the daily examiner due to no nominations. She has heard lots of mixed reviews on the Thursday nights for U11’s.Clubs have lost but also gained players due to Thursday nights. Peter Gibbons: Happy that the U13’s are playing on a Thursday night but the U11’s weren’t meant to be playing Thursday nights. Chris Blanchard: U11’s get feed from u9s, can’t play then until after 1:30 due to other sports. Darryl Clark: U9’s are staying to play with U11’s on a Saturday, works for Sailors to have U11’s on a Saturday. Karen Napper: parents are the ones to make the choices for the kids, we can’t make everyone happy. Rebecca Stanmore: Sitting listening to everyone’s comments and a lot is being said about money. Understand that GHA is a business and it needs to make money to make everything work and do repairs etc. But what are we here for? To make money or to get kids into the sport of Hockey get them away from the TV and out in the sun, enjoying the sport we all play and making friends. Jo Clare: asked the question, Are we at risk of losing more kids from the sport? Julie McIlveen: At NO stage were the U11’s to play on a Thursday night. Keep playing them on a Thursday and you will loose players After a lengthy discussion the following motion was put forth from the floor: Motion From The Floor: That all u11 boys’ games be moved, to be played on a Saturday for 2015 season. Moved: Julie McIlveen 2nd: Ross Thorley YES 8 NO 1 OBSTAIN 4 PASSED This issue needs to be sorted before the 2016 season begins. 26/5 Thursday games will go ahead as announced. Sailors – would like 2x U16 players (currently play 4th grade)be allowed to gain additional experience by playing them in the reserve grade or A grade teams during the remainder of the 2015 season. They will stay under the 50% of playing in higher grades and not play anymore than 2 men’s games per round. Sailors would like to continue to push these players so that they gain more experience and continue to improve their hockey. Was agreed that the 2 boys in question be allowed to only play reserve grade in the above arrangement. Sailors had one of their U9 coaches approached by a GHA member while on the field coaching; where the coach was ask to leave the field because that’s what the rule was for this age group. There was only to be one coach on the field at a time. The coach in question was behind the goals helping the 7yr old goalie, who was new to the sport. Sailors Club fully supports their coach and how he was helping the player. If any parent or official has an issue they need to raise it with the manager or club official not with the young coaches. Common sense needs to be shown when it comes to kid’s hockey; it still needs to be a game where all can be involved. Darryl and Lyn will have a discussion after meeting to address this issue. Jacob – Judiciary panel member - in his option match cards are not being fully filled out properly. There is not enough information on the cards to give a clear picture as to why the red cards were given. Captains/managers need to read the card and make sure information on the card is correct. Was suggested that maybe the cards need to go to the meetings. Lynda is happy to assist in this, just have to ask. Jeff – U18 volunteers in the canteen. Can the board look at what Licence we have with the Bar/canteen so that it can be clarified if the U18’s can help in the canteen? Lynda – Can all clubs make sure there are only the coach and manager in dugouts. There has been multiple times where there have been parents in the dugout. Clubs please remind there managers and coaches of this. Lyn – Club training – clubs need to give more that 1hr notice of cancelling training times. 24hr notice at minimal please. Karen Napper would like to congratulate all involved in the U15’s Boys Carnival. WELL DONE TO ALL Cheryl – when Jnrs are finished can they please put the goals back so that the next games can start on time. Bec Stanmore has volunteered to be minute taker for these minutes for the rest of the season. What is the life member costing? Meeting Closed 8:42pm