Solving the Training and Support Challenge Rob Moore | Manager, Foreign Language Resource Center A typical UNC course and Blackboard 11th Sakai Conference - June 15-17, 2010 | Moore | Training How ROML used Blackboard Blackboard sites • Each section had a separate site Course Coordinators • Had to maintain an external site for common course content • Also had to teach their own sections Instructors • Responsible for loading content into Blackboard 11th Sakai Conference - June 15-17, 2010 | Moore | Training Multi-section Language courses and Blackboard 11th Sakai Conference - June 15-17, 2010 | Moore | Training Communication and Organizational Breakdown 11th Sakai Conference - June 15-17, 2010 | Moore | Training Motivation for Change • Spanish 105, 203, 204 have between 25 – 43 sections each • That’s over 400 students in each of these courses, more than would fit in Carroll 111 11th Sakai Conference - June 15-17, 2010 | Moore | Training Photo taken from Features of the ROML Sakai Pilot Umbrella Site • All sections enrolled into 1 Sakai site Coordinators • Able to make common course content available to all sections at same time Instructors • No longer had to worry about loading common content • Can customize content for their specific sections 11th Sakai Conference - June 15-17, 2010 | Moore | Training Problem solved – Sakai Umbrella course 11th Sakai Conference - June 15-17, 2010 | Moore | Training Supporting the instructors Email & Remedy Tickets Hands on Training FLRCVideos Optimizing Sakai 11th Sakai Conference - June 15-17, 2010 | Moore | Training Email and Remedy Tickets ITS Support • Create course sites and manage SIS integration for population • Respond to remedy tickets from instructors and students FLRC Listservs • To send announcements to instructors using Sakai • To triage problems or questions from students using Sakai Information Exchange • ITS had Sakai Pilot experience • Liaison between vendor and pilot participants 11th Sakai Conference - June 15-17, 2010 | Moore | Training Hands on Training Coordinators • Can attend training to understand how Sakai works • Are given access to DEV sites Instructors • New instructors can attend training sessions FLRC Work Study students • Receive training on gradebook and other key functions • Provide on-demand training 11th Sakai Conference - June 15-17, 2010 | Moore | Training Optimizing Sakai: Articulation 11th Sakai Conference - June 15-17, 2010 | Moore | Training Optimizing Sakai: Collaboration 11th Sakai Conference - June 15-17, 2010 | Moore | Training Optimizing Sakai: Portable content 11th Sakai Conference - June 15-17, 2010 | Moore | Training Optimizing Sakai: Importable Content 11th Sakai Conference - June 15-17, 2010 | Moore | Training FLRCVideos Features and uses • Tutorials of specific tasks or skills • Permalink for direct linking • Playlists to group specific videos • Each video tutorial has PDF script • 100% streaming content 11th Sakai Conference - June 15-17, 2010 | Moore | Training FLRCVideos: Video playlists Features and uses • Series of related tutorials • Uses a permalink • Displays total length of playlist • Allows navigation to specific video 11th Sakai Conference - June 15-17, 2010 | Moore | Training FLRCVideos: Embedding playlists within sites 11th Sakai Conference - June 15-17, 2010 | Moore | Training FLRCVideos: Screen capture FAQs Features and uses • Demonstrates a specific task or skill • Videos are typically less than 5 minutes • Zoom and pan on specific areas • PDF script version has screenshots 11th Sakai Conference - June 15-17, 2010 | Moore | Training FLRCVideos: Tutorial examples • Training Example: – Direct link to a tutorial: • Training Example: – Playlist to group specific videos together: • Support Example: – Playlist explaining how specific Sakai Tools are being used for a course: 11th Sakai Conference - June 15-17, 2010 | Moore | Training Questions? 11th Sakai Conference - June 15-17, 2010 | Moore | Training