Subject Specific Pedagogy Task 1

Subject Specific Pedagogy
Task 1
Multiple Subject Credential Program
Division of Curriculum and Instruction
Charter College of Education
This Task Assesses Your
Knowledge of:
• Discipline-specific teaching strategies (TPE 1)
• Engaging and supporting student learning
(TPE 4, 6, 7)
How do you make content accessible to all students?
In what ways is your instruction developmentally appropriate?
How does your instruction support English language learners?
How does your instruction support a special needs child?
• Interpreting and using assessments (TPE3)
• Planning instruction (TPE 9)
The Task Includes Four Case
Each case study is organized into two parts:
e.g. learning goals, objectives, unit overview, a
teacher’s dilemma, description of a class or a child …
2. You are asked: QUESTIONS that prompt you to
- plan a lesson
- critique an assessment plan
- identify parts of a lesson that might be challenging for
a child
- suggest modifications to lessons for an English
learner and a special needs learner
Case Study 1
Subject-Specific and Developmentally
Appropriate Pedagogy
Contextual Information:
The lesson takes place in a second grade
The subject matter is language arts
The case study requires you to plan a
reading and language arts lesson on
In a Nutshell
• This case study asks for standards-based
mini lessons
• Can you plan a lesson that meets
students’ needs and the (reading/language
arts) content standards
Make sure you …
• plan a lesson that includes BOTH reading
and writing
• look carefully at the state adopted
academic standards for the lesson
• look at the Goals for the Learning
• plan a lesson for second grade students
(developmental needs are given)
Responding to Questions for Case Study 1
• The first part of the case study asks you to
describe the instructional strategies (what
the teacher does) and the student
activities (what the students do during your
• Remember to include the instructional
resources (books, children’s books,
children’s journals, etc.) in this part of the
Responding to Questions for Case Study 1
• In the second part of this response, you
are asked if your plans are appropriate for
this specific class.
– You must consider the description of the
students that is provided
– Think about the developmental needs of the
students (hint: also look at the time of year,
the needs to the students to learn content in
different ways and to revisit content)
Case Study 2
Assessment Practices
Contextual Information:
The lesson takes place in a third grade classroom
The subject matter is mathematics
An assessment plan, content standards and learning goals
are presented.
A teacher’s dilemma about the assessment plan is
The case study requires you to review the plan and explain
how the teacher could use an alternative assessment
(provided). How does this new plan improve the plan and
address the teacher’s dilemma?
In a Nutshell
In the area of mathematics:
Can you determine whether assessments are appropriate
for learning goals?
Can you recommend appropriate assessments of
– different types?
– different time periods (e.g. formative, progress
monitoring, summative)?
Can you use assessment for feedback and to inform
Helpful Hints
Make sure you …
• understand the following terms: formative
assessment, progress monitoring, and
summative assessment
• notice that you are asked to use a
supplementary resource to improve the
teacher’s assessment plan. Be sure to
read the additional information and
respond as asked.
In a Nutshell
In the area of mathematics:
Can you determine whether assessments are appropriate
for learning goals?
Can you recommend appropriate assessments of
– different types?
– different time periods (e.g. formative, progress
monitoring, summative)?
Can you use assessment for feedback and to inform
Responding to Questions for Case Study 2
• The first part of the case study asks you to
identify a strength and a weakness of the
assessment plan. Be sure to relate the strength
and weakness to the learning goals
• READ carefully the additional assessment that is
provided for answering question 2 in this case
• Plan an additional assessment that is
appropriate for third grade students AND relates
to the learning goals.
Responding to Questions for Case Study 2
• Think about the goals of the additional
• Decide if the assessment is a formative
assessment, a progress monitoring assessment
or a summative assessment
• Be sure you understand the term “feedback”
when responding to this case
• Think about how the additional assessment
would inform instruction? (how would it help the
teacher know if the students understand the
Case Study 3
Adaptation of Subject-Specific Pedagogy for
English Learners
Contextual Information:
The lesson takes place in a fourth grade
The subject matter is science.
The student is a 10-year-old English learner
(CELDT results indicate an overall score
of Early Intermediate range)
In a Nutshell
• This case study asks you to identify the
needs of this specific English learner.
• You must then recommend appropriate
strategies for English acquisition and
content acquisition.
• You must also recommend progress
monitoring strategies appropriate for the
English learner
Helpful Hints
Make sure you …
• Examine the content standards and
learning goals (provided)
• Review the plans for the first two days of
the unit (provided)
• Analyze the information provided about
Elena (description, CELDT scores, writing
sample, transcript of his oral language)
Responding to Questions for Case Study 3
• You must identify one instructional
strategy in the lesson plan that could be
challenging for this student.
• Carefully review the lesson plan AND the
description of the student so that your
response shows the relationship between
the student’s needs and the goals of the
Responding to Questions for Case Study 3
• Plan an adaptation for the lesson that would be
appropriate for this student AND would help the
student reach the learning goals of the lesson.
• Be sure you understand “progress monitoring”
and how it relates to your adaptation.
• Plan what you would do next. (Be sure to relate
your answer to the description of the student.)
Case Study 4
Adaptation of Subject-Specific Pedagogy for
Students with Special Needs
Contextual Information:
The lesson takes place in a fourth grade
The subject matter is history/social studies
(The Gold Rush)
Alex has a specific disability in
reading/language arts, has asthma and
self isolates.
In a Nutshell
• This case study requires you to identify
potential instructional challenges for a
student with specific disabilities.
• You will recommend appropriate
instructional adaptations.
• You will recommend appropriate progress
monitoring strategies for the student with
special needs.
Helpful Hints
Make sure you …
• Examine the content standards and
learning goals (provided)
• Review the plans for days 2-4 of the unit
• Analyze the information provided about
Alex (language/literacy development,
health, interaction patterns, special
Responding to Questions for Case Study 4
• The first question in the case study asks you to
identify an instructional strategy or student
activity that could be challenging for this specific
student. You must then write an adaptation.
• The second question asks you to identify an
additional instructional strategy or student
activity that considers another learning need of
the student.
• Remember – you need to identify two
strategies/activities and two learning needs to
complete this question.
Responding to Questions for Case Study 4
• In each case, you must consider how your
adaptations will assist Alex in making
progress toward the learning goals of the
lesson – be sure to mention to specific
goals of the lesson you are addressing.
• Plan a clear, relevant progress monitoring
assessment that you could use in this
Please Remember:
You must upload your complete responses
to this task by the due date.
Print out the completion certificate and the
statement of authenticity.
Sign the statement of authenticity.
Return the statement of authenticity and the
completion certificate to your course
For further information, contact
Dr. Kimberly Persiani
KH A 3034; 323-343-4461