U.S. History Informational Text

General History- Informational text
2. REF 973.2 AME
Angus Konstam.
America speaks -- Danbury: Grolier, 2005.
973.4 AME
America's founders -- Carlisle: Discovery Enterprises, 2003.
4. REF 973.09 WOR
Inc World Book.
America's presidents : portraits of the presidents -- Chicago: World Book, 2009.
5. 973 AME
David Rubel, and Scholastic Inc.
American history desk reerence -- New York: Scholastic Reference, 1994.
6. 070 RIT
Donald A Ritchie.
American journalists : getting the story -- New York: Oxford University Press, 1997.
7. 306.3 NAR
Don Nardo.
The Atlantic slave trade -- Detroit: Lucent Books, 2008.
8. 355 HOL
Richard Holmes, Geoff Brightling, and Geoff Dann.
Battle -- New York: DK, 2000.
9. 973.3 BRE
Linda Crotta Brennan.
The birth of the United States -- Ann Arbor: Cherry Lake Pub, 2012.
10. 355 BOW
John Stewart Bowman.
Chronology of wars -- New York: Facts on File, 2003.
11. REF 973.5 DAI
David Stephen Heidler, and Jeanne T Heidler.
Daily lives of civilians in wartime early America : from the colonial era to the Civil War -Westport: Greenwood Press, 2007.
386 KEN
Martha E Kendall.
The Erie Canal -- Washington: National Geographic, 2008.
13. REF 973 EXP
Thomas E Woods, and Tom Lansford.
Exploring American history : from colonial times to 1877 -- New York: Marshall
Cavendish Reference, 2008.
14. REF 902 TIM
Susan Kennedy, Michael Kerrigan, and Peter Lewis.
Industry and empire, 1800-1900 -- Danbury: Grolier, 2005.
15. 920 KRU
Kathleen Krull, Kathryn Hewitt, and Kathryn Hewitt.
Lives of the presidents : fame, shame, (and what the neighbors thought) -- San Diego:
Harcourt Brace & Co, 1998.
16. 973 JOH
Robert D Johnston.
The making of America : the history of the United States from 1492 to the present -Washington: National Geographic, 2002.
17. 902 STE
Robert Stewart, Clint Twist, and Edward Horton.
Mysteries of history -- Washington: National Geographic, 2003.
18. 973.2 STA
George Edward Stanley.
The new republic, 1763-1815 -- Milwaukee: World Almanac Library, 2005.
19. 920 KEE
Sheila Keenan.
Scholastic encyclopedia of women in the United States -- New York: Scholastic
Reference, 1996.
20. 973.4 HAN
Sharon M Hanes, Lawrence W Baker, and Richard Clay Hanes.
Shaping of America, 1783-1815 -- Farmington Hills: UXL/Thomson/Gale, 2006.
21. 973.4 HAN
Richard Clay Hanes, Lawrence W Baker, and Sharon M Hanes.
Shaping of America, 1783-1815 : almanac -- Farmington Hills: UXL/Thomson/Gale,
22. 920 HAN
Richard Clay Hanes, Sharon M Hanes, and Kelly Rudd.
Shaping of America, 1783-1815 : biographies -- Farmington Hills: UXL/Thomson/Gale,
23. 973.4 SHA
Lawrence W Baker.
Shaping of America, 1783-1815 reference library cumulative index -- Farmington Hills:
UXL/Thomson/Gale, 2006.
24. 921 JEF
Rita T Mullin.
Thomas Jefferson : architect of freedom -- New York: Sterling Pub. Co, 2007.
25. 973 TIM
Kelly Knauer.
Time America an illustrated history -- New York: Time Inc. Home Entertainment, 2007.
26. 909 TRU
Reader's Digest Association.
The truth about history : how new evidence is transforming the story of the past. -Pleasantville, N.Y: Reader's Digest Association, 2003.
27. 973 HOO
Phillip M Hoose.
We were there, too! : young people in U.S. history -- New York: Melanie Kroupa
Books/Farrar, Straus, Giroux, 2001.
28. 920 TAY
Bonnie Highsmith Taylor.
Women with grit -- Logan: Perfection Learning, 2000.
29. REF 973.04 WOR
Inc World Book.
The world book of America's multicultural heritage -- Chicago: World Book, 2003.
30. REF 973.09 WOR
Inc World Book.
The world book of America's presidents -- Chicago: World Book, 2002.
31. REF 973 BRO
David M Brownstone, and Irene M Franck.
The young nation : America 1787-1861 -- Danbury: Grolier, 2002.
-- 31 Bibliographies --
Civil War Informational text
1. 973 GAR
Webb B Garrison.
2,000 questions and answers about the Civil War : unusual and unique facts about the
War Between the States -- New York: Gramercy Books, 1998.
2. 921 LIN
Sterling North.
Abe Lincoln : log cabin to White House -- New York: Random House, 1998, 1956.
3. 921 LIN
Karen Judson.
Abraham Lincoln -- Berkeley Heights: Enslow, 1998.
4. 921 LIN
Rachel A Koestler-Grack.
Abraham Lincoln -- New York: Chelsea House Publishers, 2009.
5. 921 LIN
Steven Otfinoski.
Abraham Lincoln : America's 16th president -- New York: Children's Press, 2004.
6. 973.7 BUR
Robert Burleigh, and Wendell Minor.
Abraham Lincoln comes home -- New York: Henry Holt and Co, 2008.
7. 973.7 BRO
Victor Brooks.
African Americans in the civil war -- Philadelphia: Chelsea House, 2000.
8. 973.8 AND
Dale Anderson.
The aftermath of the Civil War -- Milwaukee: World Almanac Library, 2004.
9. 306.3 MEL
Milton Meltzer, and Leonard Everett Fisher.
All times, all peoples : a world history of slavery -- New York: Harper & Row, 1980.
10. 973.7 NEL
Sheila Nelson.
America divided : the Civil War 1860-1865 -- Philadelphia: Mason Crest Publishers,
11. 973.7 AME
Inc World Book.
American civil war -- Chicago: World Book, Inc, 2010.
12. 976.4 BUR
Johanna Burke.
The American Civil War in Texas -- New York: PowerKids, 2010.
13. 973.7 KIN
David C King.
The battle of Chattanooga -- San Diego: Blackbirch Press, 2002.
14. 973.7 ING
Scott Ingram.
The battle of Fredericksburg -- San Diego: Blackbirch Press, 2002.
15. 973.7 KIN
David C King.
The battle of gettysburg -- Woodbridge: Blackbirch Press, 2001.
16. 973.7 BUR
Michael Burgan.
The battle of gettysburg -- Minneapolis: Compass Point Books, 2001.
17. 973.33 NAR
Don Nardo.
The Battle of Saratoga -- Minneapolis: Compass Point Books, 2008.
18. 973.75 BUR
Michael Burgan.
The battle of the ironclads -- Minneapolis: Compass Point Books, 2006.
19. 306.3 SCH
Marie Jenkins Schwartz.
Born in bondage : growing up enslaved in the antebellum south -- Cambridge: Harvard
University Press, 2000.
20. 973.7 MUR
Jim Murphy.
The boys' war : confederate and union soldiers talk about the civil war -- New York:
Clarion Books, 1990.
21. 811.54 LEW
J. Patrick Lewis.
The brothers' war : Civil War voices in verse -- Washington, D.C: National Geographic,
22. 973.74 FLA
Alice K Flanagan.
The buffalo soldiers -- Minneapolis: Compass Point Books, 2005.
23. 973.35 LEF
Arthur S Lefkowitz.
Bushnell's submarine : the best kept secret of the American revolution -- New York:
Scholastic Nonfiction, 2006.
24. 973.8 BOL
Tonya Bolden.
Cause : reconstruction America, 1863-1877 -- New York: Knopf, 2005.
25. 921 BOO
James L Swanson.
Chasing Lincoln's killer -- New York: Scholastic Press, 2009.
26. 323.1 GEO
Charles George.
Civil rights : the struggle for Black equality -- San Diego: Lucent Books, 2001.
27. 973.7 STA
John E Stanchak.
Civil war -- New York: Dorling Kindersley Pub, 2000.
28. 973.7 NAR
Don Nardo.
The Civil War -- Detroit: Lucent Books, c2008.
29. 973.7 BEN
Peter Benoit.
The Civil War -- New York: Children's Press, 2012.
30. 973.7 CLI
Catherine Clinton.
The civil war : an illustrated history -- New Yord: Fair street Productions, 1999.
31. 973.7 BUR
Frank Burd.
Civil war : book of facts -- Gettysburg: American souvenirs and gifts, 2000.
973.7 RUS
Civil war : generals -- Gettysburg: Americana souveniers and gifts, 2000.
33. 973.7 CIV
David M Haugen.
Civil war : primary sources -- San Diego: Lucent Books, 2002.
34. REF 973.7 CIV
Emily Hill.
The civil war : volume #1 -- Danbury: Grolier, 2004.
35. REF 973.7 CIV
Emily Hill.
The civil war : Volume #10 -- Danbury: Grolier, 2004.
36. REF 973.7 CIV
Emily Hill.
The civil war : Volume #2 -- Danbury: Grolier, 2004.
37. REF 973.7 CIV
Emily Hill.
The civil war : Volume #3 -- Danbury: Grolier, 2004.
38. REF 973.7 CIV
Emily Hill.
The civil war : Volume #4 -- Danbury: Grolier, 2004.
39. REF 973.7 CIV
Emily Hill.
The civil war : Volume #5 -- Danbury: Grolier, 2004.
40. REF 973.7 CIV
Emily Hill.
The civil war : Volume #6 -- Danbury: Grolier, 2004.
41. REF 973.7 CIV
Emily Hill.
The civil war : Volume #7 -- Danbury: Grolier, 2004.
42. REF 973.7 CIV
Emily Hill.
The civil war : Volume #8 -- Danbury: Grolier, 2004.
43. REF 973.7 CIV
Emily Hill.
The civil war : Volume #9 -- Danbury: Grolier, 2004.
44. 973.7 BOL
Norm Bolotin.
Civil War A to Z : a young reader's guide to over 100 people, places, and points of
importance -- New York: Dutton Children's Books, 2002.
45. 973.7 COR
James A Corrick.
The Civil War and emancipation -- Detroit: Lucent Books, 2007.
46. 973.7 AND
Dale Anderson.
The civil war at sea -- Milwaukee: World Almanac Library, 2004.
47. 973.7 DIC
Keith D Dickson.
The civil war for dummies -- Indianapolis: IDG Books Worldwide, 2001.
48. 355.7 BRO
Victor Brooks.
Civil war forts -- Philadelphia: Chelsea House, 2000.
49. 973.7 SAV
Douglas J Savage.
The civil war in the west -- Philadelphia: Chelsea House, 2000.
50. 973.7 SAV
Douglas J Savage.
Civil war medicine -- Philadelphia: Chelsea House, 2000.
51. 973.7 CAR
Alice E Carter, Richard J Jensen, and William G Thomas.
The civil war on the web : a guide to the very best sites -- Wilmington: SR Books, 2003.
52. 973.7 Pam
Albert LaFarge.
The civil war soilder : an american icon -- Hong Kong: Odyssey Publications, 2000.
53. 921 BAR
Barbara A Somervill.
Clara Barton : founder of the american red cross -- Minneapolis: Compass Point Books,
54. 973.7 AXE
Alan Axelrod.
The complete idiot's guide to the Civil War -- Indianapolis: Alpha, 2003.
55. 973.7 KAT
Philip R. N Katcher, and William Younghusband.
Confederate artillerymen of the civil war -- Chicago: Raintree, 2003.
56. 920 GRE
Carl R Green, and William R Sanford.
Confederate generals of the civil war -- Springfield: Enslow Publishers, 1998.
57. 973.71 BEN
Peter Benoit.
The Confederate States of America -- New York: Children's Press, 2012.
58. 921 LIN
Jim Bishop.
The day Lincoln was shot -- New York: Gramercy Books, 1983.
59. 973.7 MCK
Pat McKissack, and Fredrick McKissack.
Days of jubilee : the end of slavery in the United States -- New York: Scholastic Press,
60. 342.73 LUK
Bonnie L Lukes.
The Dred Scott decision -- San Diego: Lucent Books, 1997.
342.73 SKO
Jason Skog.
The Dred Scott decision -- Minneapolis: Compass Point Books, 2007.
62. 973.75 OBR
Patrick O'Brien.
Duel of the ironclads : the Monitor vs. the Virginia -- New York: Walker, 2007.
63. 921 BLA
Lisa Klobuchar.
Elizabeth Blackwell : with profiles of Elizabeth Garrett Anderson and Susan La Flesche
Picotte -- Chicago: World Book, 2007.
64. 973.7 VAU
Donald Vaughan.
The Everything Civil War book : everything you need to know about the war that divided
the nation -- Holbrook: Adams Media, 2000.
65. 921 DOU
John R McKivigan.
Frederick Douglass -- San Diego: Greenhaven Press, 2004.
66. 921 DOU
Jon Sterngass.
Frederick Douglass -- New York: Chelsea House, 2009.
67. 921 DOU
David A Adler.
Frederick Douglass : a noble life -- New York: Holiday House, 2010.
68. 921 DOU
Frances E Ruffin.
Frederick Douglass : a powerful voice for freedom -- New York: Sterling Pub, 2008.
69. 921 DOU
Peter Burchard.
Frederick Douglass : for the great family of man -- New York: Atheneum Books for
Young Readers, 2003.
70. 921 DOU
Pat McKissack, and Fredrick McKissack.
Frederick Douglass : leader against slavery -- Berkeley Heights: Enslow, 2002.
71. GN 973.7 ABN
Dan Abnett, Ron Wagner, and Dheeraj Verma.
Gamble for victory : battle of Gettysburg -- Oxford: Osprey, 2006.
72. 973.7 PRI
Karen Price Hossell.
The Gettysburg address -- Chicago: Heinemann Library, 2006.
920 GIB
James Giblin.
Good brother, bad brother : the story of Edwin Booth and John Wilkes Booth -- New
York: Clarion Books, 2005.
74. 973.7 RAA
Lucia Raatma.
Great women of the civil war -- Minneapolis: Compass Point Books, 2005.
75. 973.7 LAL
Tom Lalicki.
Grierson's raid : a daring cavalry strike through the heart of the confederacy -- New York:
Farrar Straus Giroux, 2004.
76. 973.7 DAM
Duane Damon.
Growing up in the Civil War, 1861 to 1865 -- Minneapolis: Lerner, 2003.
77. 921 STO
Brenda Haugen.
Harriet Beecher Stowe : author and advocate -- Minneapolis: Compass Point Books,
78. 921 STO
Jean Fritz.
Harriet Beecher Stowe and the Beecher preachers -- New York: Penguin Putnam Books
for Young Readers, 1998.
79. 921 TUB
Ann Malaspina.
Harriet Tubman -- New York: Chelsea House, 2009.
80. 921 TUB
Laurie Calkhoven.
Harriet Tubman : leading the way to freedom -- New York: Sterling Pub. Co, 2008.
81. 921 TUB
Thomas B Allen.
Harriet Tubman, secret agent : how daring slaves and free Blacks spied for the Union
during the Civil War -- Washington: National Geographic Society, 2006.
82. 973.7 LEV
Ellen Levine, and Kadir Nelson.
Henry's freedom box -- New York: Scholastic Press, 2007.
83. 973.7 GOU
Catherine Gourley.
The horrors of Andersonville : life and death inside a civil war prison -- Minneapolis:
Twenty-First Century Books, 2010.
84. 973.74 SIL
Anita Silvey.
I'll pass for your comrade : women soldiers in the Civil War -- New York: Clarion, 2008.
85. 973.7 SMI
Gene A Smith, and Grady McWhiney.
Iron and heavy guns : duel between the Monitor and Merrimac -- Fort Worth: Ryan Place
Publishers, 1996.
86. 973.7 SAV
Douglas J Savage.
Ironclads and blockades in the civil war -- Philadelphia: Chelsea House, 2000.
87. 921 DAV
David Aretha.
Jefferson Davis -- New York: Chelsea House Publishers, 2009.
88. 921 BRO
Jon Sterngass.
John Brown -- New York: Chelsea House, 2009.
89. 921 BOO
Steven Otfinoski.
John Wilkes Booth and the Civil War -- Woodbridge: Blackbirch Press, 1998, 1999.
90. 921 LIN
Russell Freedman.
Lincoln : a photobiography -- New York: Clarion Books, 1987.
91. 973.7 HOL
David M Holford.
Lincoln and the emancipation proclamation in American history -- Berkely Heights:
Enslow, 2002.
92. 921 LIN
Martin W Sandler.
Lincoln through the lens : how photography revealed and shaped an extraordinary life -New York: Walker, 2008.
93. 921 LOW
Gail Jarrow.
Lincoln's flying spies : Thaddeus Lowe and the Civil War Balloon Corps -- Honesdale:
Calkins Creek, 2010.
94. 921 LIN
Steven P Olson.
Lincoln's gettysburg address : a primary source investigation -- New York: Rosen Central
Primary Source, 2005.
95. 973.7 MIL
David Hepburn Milton.
Lincoln's spymaster : Thomas Haines Dudley and the Liverpool network -Mechanicsburg: Stackpole Books, 2003.
96. 326.09 BUR
Michael Burgan.
The Lincoln-Douglas debates -- Minneapolis: Compass Point Books, 2006.
97. 920 FLE
Candace Fleming.
The Lincolns : a scrapbook look at Abraham and Mary -- New York: Schwartz & Wade
Books, 2008.
98. 973.73 STA
Ken Stark.
Marching to Appomattox : the footrace that ended the Civil War -- New York: Putnam,
99. 973.7 FIR
Bryna J Fireside.
The Mary Surratt "Lincoln assassination" trial : a headline court case -- Berkeley
Heights: Enslow, 2001.
100. 921 LIN
Mary Hull.
Mary Todd Lincoln : tragic first lady of the Civil War -- Berkeley Heights: Enslow
Publishers, 2000.
101. 921 TUB
Carole Boston Weatherford, and Kadir Nelson.
Moses : when Harriet Tubman led her people to freedom -- New York: Jump at the
Sun/Hyperion Books for Children, 2006.
102. 973.73 ALL
Thomas B Allen, and Roger MacBride Allen.
Mr. Lincoln's high-tech war : how the north used the telegraph, railroads, surveillance
balloons, ironclads, high-powered weapons, and more to win the Civil War -Washington, D.C: National Geographic, 2009.
103. 973.8 DOU
Frederick Douglass.
Narrative of Frederick Douglass, an American slave -- New York: Barnes & Noble
Classics, 2005.
104. 811 MCK
Pat McKissack, Leo Dillon, and Diane Dillon.
Never forgotten -- New York: Schwartz & Wade Books, 2011.
105. 973.7 BUR
Michael Burgan.
North over South : final victory in the Civil War -- Mankato: Compass Point Books, 2011.
106. 973.7 ARM
Jennifer Armstrong, and Mathew B Brady.
Photo by Brady : a picture of the Civil War -- New York: Atheneum Books For Young
Readers, 2005.
107. 973.7 SAV
Douglas J Savage.
Prison camps in the civil war -- Philadelphia: Chelsea House, 2000.
108. 973.7 WAD
Linda R Wade.
Prison camps of the Civil War -- Edina, MN: ABDO & Daughters Pub, 1998.
109. 973.8 HAK
Joy Hakim, and Joy Hakim.
Reconstructing America -- New York: Oxford University Press, 2003.
110. 973.8 USC
Michael V Uschan.
Reconstruction -- Detroit: Lucent Books, 2008.
111. 973.8 FLA
Timothy Flanagan.
Reconstruction : a primary source history of the struggle to unite the north and south
after the civil war -- New York: Rosen Central Primary Source, 2005.
112. 973.8 ZIF
Marsha Ziff.
Reconstruction following the Civil War in American history -- Berkeley Heights, NJ:
Enslow Pub, 1999.
113. 921 LEE
Tim McNeese.
Robert E. Lee -- New York: Chelsea House, 2009.
114. 921 LEE
Jennifer Blizin Gillis.
Robert E. Lee : confederate commander -- Minneapolis: Compass Point Books, 2005.
115. 921 LEE
James I Robertson.
Robert E. Lee : Virginian soldier, American citizen -- New York: Atheneum Books for
Young Readers, 2005.
116. 973.7 ROS
Arch Fredric Blakey, Ann S Lainhart, and Winston Bryant Stephens.
Rose Cottage chronicles : Civil War letters of the Bryant-Stephens families of North
Florida -- Gainesville: University Press of Florida, 1998.
117. 973.73 MUR
Jim Murphy.
A savage thunder : Antietam and the bloody road to freedom -- New York: Margaret K.
McElderry Books, 2009.
118. 973.7 WAL
Sally M Walker.
Secrets of a Civil War submarine : solving the mysteries of the H.L. Hunley -Minneapolis, MN: Carolrhoda Books, 2005.
119. 921 SHE
William T Sherman, Brooks D Simpson, and Jean V Berlin.
Sherman's Civil War : selected correspondence of William T. Sherman, 1860-1865 -Chapel Hill: University of North Carolina Press, 1999.
120. 973.7 WAL
Sally M Walker, and Elaine Verstraete.
Shipwreck search : discovery of the H.L. Hunley -- Minneapolis: Millbrook Press, 2006.
121. 973.7 PRA
Fletcher Pratt.
A short history of the Civil War : ordeal by fire -- Mineola, N.Y: Dover Publications, 1997.
122. 973 WOO
Jacqueline Woodson, and Hudson Talbott.
Show way -- New York: Putnam's, 2005.
123. 306.36 HAN
Rachael Hanel.
The slave trade -- Mankato: Creative Education, 2008.
124. 306.3 WAT
Richard Ross Watkins.
Slavery : bondage throughout history -- Boston: Houghton Mifflin, 2001.
125. 973 SLA
William Dudley.
Slavery : opposing viewpoints -- San Diego, CA: Greenhaven Press, 1992.
126. 306.36 BLA
Jean F Blashfield.
Slavery in America -- New York: Children's Press, 2012.
127. 306.3 BUE
Tonya Buell.
Slavery in America : a primary source history of the intolerable practice of slavery -- New
York: Rosen Central Primary Source, 2004.
128. 973.7 NOF
Albert A Nofi.
Spies in the civil war -- Philadelphia: Chelsea House, 2000.
129. 920 WIN
H. Donald Winkler.
Stealing secrets : how a few daring women changed the fate of the Civil War --
Naperville: Cumberland House, 2010.
130. 921 JAC
Jean Fritz, and Stephen Gammell.
Stonewall -- New York: Putnam & Grosset Group, 1997, 1979.
131. 921 JAC
Rachel A Koestler-Grack.
Stonewall Jackson -- New York: Chelsea House, 2009.
132. 921 JAC
Martha S Hewson, and Arthur Meier Schlesinger.
Stonewall Jackson : Confederate general -- Philadelphia: Chelsea House Publishers,
133. 664.1 ARO
Marc Aronson, and Marina Tamar Budhos.
Sugar changed the world : a story of magic, spice, slavery, freedom, and science -Boston: Clarion, 2010.
134. 973.73 SAN
Andrew Santella.
Surrender at appomattox -- Minneapolis: Compass Point Books, 2006.
135. 973.7 LAN
J. Phillip Langellier.
Terrible swift sword : Union artillery, cavalry, and infantry, 1861-1865 -- Philadelphia:
Chelsea House, 2002, c2000.
136. 921 JAC
Bruce L Brager.
There he stands : the story of Stonewall Jackson -- Greensboro: Morgan Reynolds Pub,
137. 973.7 WRI
John D Wright.
Timeline of the civil war : the ultimate guide to the war that defined america -- London:
Amber Books, 2007.
138. 326 LES
Tom Feelings, and Julius Lester.
To be a slave -- New York: Scholastic Inc, 1968.
139. 973.74 OSB
Linda Barrett Osborne, and Library of Congress.
Traveling the freedom road : from slavery & the Civil War through Reconstruction -- New
York: Abrams Books for Young Readers, 2009.
140. 921 GRA
Samuel Willard Crompton.
Ulysses S. Grant -- New York: Chelsea House, 2009.
141. 921 GRA
Janet Riehecky.
Ulysses S. Grant : America's 18th president -- New York: Children's Press, 2004.
142. 973.73 WAR
Andrea Warren.
Under siege! : three children at the Civil War battle for Vicksburg -- New York: Farrar
Straus Giroux, 2009.
143. 973.7 ASH
Ruth Ashby.
The Underground Railroad -- North Mankato, Minn: Smart Apple Media, 2003.
144. 973.7 WOL
Philip Wolny.
The underground railroad : a primary source history of the journey to freedom -- New
York: Rosen Central Primary Source, 2004.
145. 973.7 NOF
Albert A Nofi.
The underground railroad and the civil war -- Philadelphia: Chelsea House, 2000.
146. 973.7 CAR
Mary Kay Carson.
The Underground Railroad for kids : from slavery to freedom with 21 activities -Chicago: Chicago Review Press, 2005.
147. 355.1 OGD
Henry Alexander Ogden.
Uniforms of the United States Army : 1774-1889, in full color -- Mineola, N.Y: Dover
Publications, 1998.
148. 973.7 AND
Dale Anderson.
The Union victory : July 1863-1865) -- Milwaukee, WI: World Almanac Library, 2004.
149. 973.7 RAP
Doreen Rappaport, Joan C Verniero, and Rick Reeves.
United no more! : stories of the civil war -- New York: HarperCollins, 2006.
150. 973.8 HOW
Brian Howell.
The US Civil War and Reconstruction -- Ann Arbor: Cherry Lake Pub, 2012.
151. 921 SHE
Nancy Whitelaw.
Victory in destruction : the story of William Tecumseh Sherman -- Greensboro: Morgan
Reynolds Pub, 2005.
921 WHE
Kathryn Lasky, and Paul Lee.
A voice of her own : the story of Phillis Wheatley, slave poet -- Cambridge: Candlewick
Press, 2003.
153. 973.7 VOI
Milton Meltzer, and Milton Meltzer.
Voices from the Civil War : a documentary history of the great American conflict -- New
York: Crowell, 1989.
154. 973.7 HAV
Kendall F Haven.
Voices of the American Civil War : stories of men, women, and children who lived
through the war between the states -- Greenwood Village, CO: Libraries
Unlimited/Teacher Ideas Press, 2002.
155. 973.7 NEM
Jason D Nemeth.
Voices of the Civil War : stories from the battlefields -- Mankato: Capstone Press, 2011.
156. 973.78 DOE
Matt Doeden.
Weapons of the Civil War -- Mankato: Capstone Press, 2009.
157. 973.38 BUR
Michael Burgan.
Weapons, gear, and uniforms of the American Revolution -- Mankato: Capstone Press,
158. 973.78 FEI
Eric Fein.
Weapons, gear, and uniforms of the Civil War -- Mankato: Capstone Press, 2012.
159. 921 SHE
Rachel Koestler-Grack.
William Tecumseh Sherman -- New York: Chelsea House Publishers, 2009.
160. 973.7 SAV
Douglas J Savage.
Women in the civil war -- Philadelphia: Chelsea House, 2000.
161. 973.7 RAT
Thomas M Ratliff, David Antram, and David Salariya.
You wouldn't want to be a Civil War soldier! : a war you'd rather not fight -- New York:
Franklin Watts, 2004.
-- 161 Bibliographies --
Revolutionary War Informational Text
1. 921 ADA
Barbara A Somervill.
Abigail Adams : courageous patriot and First Lady -- Minneapolis: Compass Point
Books, 2006.
2. 921 ADA
Pat McCarthy.
Abigail Adams : First Lady and patriot -- Berkeley Heights: Enslow Publishers, 2002.
3. 921 BAL
E. Merton Coulter.
Abraham Baldwin : patriot, educator, and Founding Father -- Arlington: Vandamere
Press, 1987.
4. 921 HAM
Veda Boyd Jones.
Alexander Hamilton : first U.S. secretary of the treasury -- Philadelphia: Chelsea House,
5. 973.3 AND
Dale Anderson.
The American colonies declare independence -- Milwaukee: World Almanac Library,
6. 929.9 FER
Joseph Ferry.
The American flag -- Philadelphia: Mason Crest Publishers, 2003.
7. 920 STE
Gail Stewart.
The American Revolution -- San Diego: Blackbirch Press, 2004.
8. 973.31 DAV
John Davenport.
The american revolution -- San Diego: Lucent Books, 2007.
9. 973.3 WUK
John F Wukovits.
The American revolution : generals of the revolutionary war -- Farmington Hills: Lucent
Books/Thomson/Gale, 2003.
10. 973.3 STE
Gail Stewart.
The American revolution : life of a soldier in Washington's army -- Farmington Hills:
Lucent Books/Thomson/Gale, 2003.
11. 973.3 CLA
Charles Clark.
The American revolution : patriots of the revolutionary war -- Farmington Hills: Lucent
Books/Thomson/Gale, 2003.
12. 973.3 AME
David M Haugen.
The American revolution : primary sources -- Farmington Hills: Lucent
Books/Thomson/Gale, 2003.
13. 973.3 AAS
Nathan Aaseng.
The American revolution : strategic battles -- Farmington Hills: Lucent
Books/Thomson/Gale, 2003.
14. 973.3 NAR
Don Nardo.
The American revolution : weapons of war -- Farmington Hills: Lucent
Books/Thomson/Gale, 2003.
15. 973.3 HER
Janis Herbert.
The American Revolution for kids : a history with 21 activities -- Chicago: Chicago
Review Press, 2002.
16. 920 MEI
James Meisner, Amy Ruth, and Amy Ruth.
American revolutionaries and Founders of the nation -- Springfield: Enslow, 1999.
17. 342.73 REB
Renee C Rebman.
The articles of confederation -- Minneapolis: Compass Point Books, 2006.
18. 342.73 PRI
Karen Price Hossell.
The Articles of Confederation -- Chicago: Heinemann Library, 2004.
19. 342.73 FEI
Barbara Silberdick Feinberg.
The articles of confederation : the first constitution of the United States -- Brookfield,
Conn: Twenty-First Century Books, 2002.
20. 973.3 CAR
Alden R Carter.
At the forge of liberty -- New York: F. Watts, 1988.
21. 921 STE
Bruce Adelson.
Baron von Steuben : American general -- Philadelphia: Chelsea House, 2001.
22. 973.3 SCA
Mary Hertz Scarbrough.
Battle of harlem heights -- San Diego: Blackbirch Press, 2004.
23. 973.3 PAR
Lewis K Parker.
The battle of monmouth -- San Diego: Blackbirch Press, 2002.
24. 973.3 ING
Scott Ingram.
The Battle of Valcour Bay -- San Diego: Blackbirch Press, 2004.
25. 921 FRA
Candace Fleming.
Ben Franklin's almanac : being a true account of the good gentleman's life -- New York:
Atheneum Books for Young Readers, 2003.
26. 921 FRA
Thomas Streissguth, and Arts and Entertainment Network.
Benjamin Franklin -- Minneapolis: Lerner Publications, 2002.
27. 921 FRA
Walter Isaacson.
Benjamin Franklin : an American life -- New York: Simon & Schuster, 2003.
28. 921 FRA
Karen Clemens Warrick.
Benjamin Franklin : creating a nation -- Berkeley Heights: Enslow Publishers, 2004.
29. 921 FRA
Leila Merrell Foster.
Benjamin Franklin : founding father and inventor -- Springfield: Enslow Publishers, 1997.
30. 921 ROS
Vicki Cox.
Betsy Ross : a flag for a new nation -- Philadelphia: Chelsea House, 2006.
31. 342.73 BUR
Michael Burgan.
The bill of rights -- Minneapolis: Compass Point Books, 2002.
32. 973.3 PRI
Karen Price Hossell.
The Boston tea party : rebellion in the colonies -- Chicago: Heinemann Library, 2003.
33. 973.3 AND
Dale Anderson.
The causes of the American revolution -- Milwaukee: World Almanac Library, 2006.
34. 973.7 CAR
Alice E Carter, Richard J Jensen, and William G Thomas.
The civil war on the web : a guide to the very best sites -- Wilmington: SR Books, 2003.
35. 973.3 NEU
George C Neumann, Frank J Kravic, and George C Woodbridge.
Collector's illustrated encyclopedia of the American Revolution -- Texarkana: Rebel Pub.
Co, 1989, 1975.
36. 813 PAI
Thomas Paine.
Common sense and other writings -- New York: Barnes & Noble Classics, 2005.
37. 920 EDG
Kathleen J Edgar, Susan E Edgar, Joanne Mattern, and Joanne Mattern.
Compassion -- Boston: Learning Challenge, 2004.
38. 342.73 CON
Sally McFall.
The Constitution -- Danbury: Grolier, 2003.
39. 342 MCP
Martin McPhillips, and Media Projects Incorporated.
The Constitutional Convention -- Morristown: Silver Burdett, 1985.
40. 973.3 BUR
Betty Burnett.
The Continental Congress : a primary source history of the formation of America's new
government -- New York: Rosen Central Primary Source, 2004.
41. 342.73 WEI
Daniel W Weidner.
Creating the Constitution : the people and events that formed the nation -- Berkeley
Heights: Enslow, 2002.
42. 973.33 MUR
Jim Murphy.
The crossing : how George Washington saved the American Revolution -- New York:
Scholastic Press, 2010.
43. 973.3 AND
Dale Anderson.
Daily life during the American revolution -- Milwaukee: World Almanac Library, 2006.
44. 973.3 BUR
Michael Burgan.
The declaration of independence -- Minneapolis: Compass Point Books, 2001.
45. 973.3 DEC
Wim Coleman.
The Declaration of Independence -- Carlisle: Discovery Enterprises, 1997.
973.3 SWA
Gwenyth Swain.
Declaring freedom : a look at the declaration of independence, the bill of rights, and the
constitution -- Minneapolis: Lerner, 2004.
47. 973.3 TAY
Alan Taylor.
The divided ground : Indians, settlers and the northern borderland of the American
Revolution -- New York: Alfred A. Knopf, 2006.
48. 921 MAD
Lynda Pflueger.
Dolley Madison : courageous first lady -- Springfield: Enslow Publishers, 1999.
49. 921 ALL
Brenda Haugen.
Ethan Allen : green mountain rebel -- Minneapolis: Compass Point Books, 2005.
50. 921 ALL
Virginia Aronson.
Ethan Allen : revolutionary hero -- Philadelphia: Chelsea House, 2000.
51. 973.331 STE
R. Conrad Stein.
Ethan Allen and the Green Mountain Boys -- New York: Children's Press, 2003.
52. 342.73 ROZ
Greg Roza.
Evaluating the Articles of Confederation : determining the validity of information and
arguments -- New York: Rosen Central, 2006.
53. 973.4 AND
Dale Anderson.
Forming a new American government -- Milwaukee: World Almanac Library, 2006.
54. 975.2 MAY
Charles W Maynard.
Fort McHenry -- New York: PowerKids Press, 2002.
55. 342.73 FRA
Dennis B Fradin, and Michael McCurdy.
The founders : the 39 stories behind the U.S. constitution -- New York: Walker &
Company, 2005.
56. 920 ELL
Joseph J Ellis.
Founding brothers : the revolutionary generation -- New York: Vintage Books, 2002,
57. 920 BRA
M. E Bradford, and M. E Bradford.
Founding Fathers : brief lives of the framers of the United States Constitution --
Lawrence: University Press of Kansas, 1994.
58. 921 GAG
Bonnie Hinman.
General Thomas Gage : British general -- Philadelphia: Chelsea House, 2001.
59. 921 CLA
Michael Burgan.
George Rogers Clark : American general -- Philadelphia: Chelsea House, 2001.
60. 973.3 SCH
Rosalyn Schanzer.
George vs. George : the American revolution as seen from both sides -- Washington,
D.C: National Geographic, 2004.
61. 921 WAS
Brendan January.
George Washington : America's 1st President -- New York: Children's Press, 2003.
62. 921 WAS
Wim Coleman, and Pat Perrin.
George Washington : creating a nation -- Berkeley Heights: Enslow Publishers, 2004.
63. 921 WAS
Tara Baukus Mello.
George Washington : first U.S. president -- Philadelphia: Chelsea House, 1999.
64. 973.3 ALL
Thomas B Allen, and Cheryl Harness.
George Washington, spymaster : how America outspied the British and won the
revolutionary war -- Washington: National Geographic, 2004.
65. 973.3 FRE
Russell Freedman.
Give me liberty! : the story of the Declaration of Independence -- New York: Holiday
House, 2000.
66. 921 MOR
William Howard Adams.
Gouverneur Morris : an independent life -- New Haven: Yale University Press, 2003.
67. 921 MAD
Jean Fritz.
The great little Madison -- New York: Putnam & Grosset Group, 1998, 1989.
68. 973.3 BUR
Michael Burgan.
Great women of the American Revolution -- Minneapolis: Compass Point Books, 2005.
69. 921 MAD
Brendan January.
James Madison : America's 4th president -- New York: Children's Press, 2003.
70. 921 MAD
Zachary Kent.
James Madison : creating a nation -- Berkeley Heights: Enslow, 2004.
71. 921 MAD
Brent Kelley.
James Madison : father of the constitution -- Philadelphia: Chelsea House, 2000.
72. 921 MON
Debbie Levy.
James Monroe -- Minneapolis: Lerner, 2005.
73. 921 MON
Andrew Santella.
James Monroe : America's 5th president -- New York: Children's Press, 2003.
74. 921 ADA
David G McCullough.
John Adams -- New York: Simon & Schuster, 2001.
75. 921 ADA
Barbara Silberdick Feinberg.
John Adams : America's 2nd president -- New York: Children's Press, 2003.
76. 921 ADA
Zachary Kent.
John Adams : creating a nation -- Berkeley Heights: Enslow Publishers, 2004.
77. 921 ADA
Michael Burgan.
John Adams : second U.S. president -- Philadelphia: Chelsea House, 2000.
78. 921 BUR
Daniel E Harmon.
John Burgoyne : british general -- Philadelphia: Chelsea House, 2001.
79. 921 HAN
Ann Graham Gaines.
John Hancock : president of the continental congress -- Philadelphia: Chelsea House,
80. 921 JAY
Phelan Powell.
John Jay : first chief justice of the supreme court -- Philadelphia: Chelsea House, 2000.
81. 921 JON
Scott Ingram.
John Paul Jones -- San Diego: Blackbirch Press, 2002.
82. 921 JON
Norma Jean Lutz.
John Paul Jones : father of the U.S. navy -- Philadelphia: Chelsea House, 1999.
83. 921 ADA
Sean McCollum.
John Quincy Adams : America's 6th president -- New York: Children's Press, 2003.
84. 973.3 AND
Dale Anderson.
Key battles of the American revolution, 1776-1778 -- Milwaukee: World Almanac Library,
85. 973.3 SHE
Steve Sheinkin, Steve Sheinkin, and Tim Robinson.
King George : what was his problem? -- New York: Roaring Brook Press, 2008.
86. 921 LAF
Russell Freedman.
Lafayette and the American Revolution -- New York: Holiday House, 2010.
87. 973.3 AND
Dale Anderson.
Leaders of the American revolution -- Milwaukee: World Almanac Library, 2006.
88. 973.4 ADA
John Adams, Abigail Adams, and Frank Shuffelton.
The letters of John and Abigail Adams -- New York: Penguin Books, 2004.
89. 973.34 BLA
Margaret Whitman Blair.
Liberty or death : the surprising story of runaway slaves who sided with the british during
the American Revolution -- Washington: National Geographic, 2010.
90. 973.3 WAD
Linda R Wade, and John Hamilton.
Life after the American Revolution -- Edina: ABDO & Daughters, 2001.
91. 342.73 SGR
Peter P Sgroi.
The living constitution : landmark supreme court decisions -- New York: J. Messner,
92. 342.73 PAD
Saul Kussiel Padover, and Jacob W Landynski.
The living U.S. constitution : historical background, landmark supreme court decisions :
with introductions, indexed guide, pen portraits of the signers -- New York: Meridian,
93. 921 COR
Daniel E Harmon.
Lord Cornwallis : british general -- Philadelphia: Chelsea House, 2001.
94. 921 FRA
Maggie Scarf, and Pat Fogarty.
Meet Benjamin Franklin -- New York: Landmark Books, 2002.
95. 973.34 RAA
Lucia Raatma.
The minutemen -- Minneapolis: Compass Point Books, 2005.
96. 327.73 BUR
Michael Burgan.
The Monroe doctrine -- Minneapolis: Compass Point Books, 2007.
97. 359.322 WAC
Roger Wachtel.
Old Ironsides -- New York: Children's Press, 2003.
98. 921 TOU
Anne F Rockwell, and Gregory Christie.
Open the door to liberty! : a biography of Toussaint L'Ouverture -- Boston: Houghton
Mifflin, 2009.
99. 973.3 NEL
Sheila Nelson.
The original United States of America : Americans discover the meaning of
independence, 1770-1800 -- Philadelphia: Mason Crest Publishers, 2005.
100. 342.73 JOH
Linda Carlson Johnson.
Our Constitution -- Brookfield, Conn: Millbrook Press, 1992.
101. 973.3 AND
Dale Anderson.
The patriots win the American revolution -- Milwaukee: World Almanac Library, 2006.
102. 921 ARN
Jim Murphy.
The real Benedict Arnold -- New York: Clarion, 2007.
103. 973.8 HAK
Joy Hakim, and Joy Hakim.
Reconstructing America -- New York: Oxford University Press, 2003.
104. 973.33 ALL
Thomas B Allen.
Remember Valley Forge : Patriots, Tories, and Redcoats tell their stories -- Washington,
D.C: National Geographic, c2007.
105. REF 973.3 ARN V.1
James R Arnold, and Roberta Wiener.
The Revolutionary War -- Danbury, CT: Grolier, 2002.
106. 973.3 SCH
Virginia Schomp.
The Revolutionary War -- New York: Benchmark Books/Marshall Cavendish, 2004.
107. 973.3 RAU
Elizabeth Raum.
The revolutionary war : an interactive history adventure -- Mankato: Capstone Press,
108. 921 ADA
Veda Boyd Jones.
Samuel Adams : patriot -- Philadelphia: Chelsea House, 2001.
109. 973.3 NOB
Trinka Hakes Noble, and Robert Papp.
The scarlet stockings spy -- Chelsea: Sleeping Bear Press, 2004.
110. 342.73 FRI
Jean Fritz, and Tomie De Paola.
Shh! we're writing the Constitution -- New York: Putnam, 1987.
111. 973.7 PRA
Fletcher Pratt.
A short history of the Civil War : ordeal by fire -- Mineola, N.Y: Dover Publications, 1997.
112. 973.3 FRA
Dennis B Fradin, and Michael McCurdy.
The signers : the fifty-six stories behind the declaration of independence -- New York:
Walker, 2002.
113. 920 KIE
Denise Kiernan, and Joseph D'Agnese.
Signing their lives away : the fame and misfortune of the men who signed the
Declaration of Independence -- Philadelphia: Quirk Books, 2009.
114. 973.3 AND
Dale Anderson.
Soldiers and sailors in the American revolution -- Milwaukee: World Almanac Library,
115. 921 FRA
Philip Dray.
Stealing God's thunder : Benjamin Franklin's lightning rod and the invention of America - New York: Random House, 2005.
116. 973.73 WEB
Jennifer L Weber.
Summer's bloodiest days : the Battle of Gettysburg as told from all sides -- Washington:
National Geographic, 2010.
117. 973.3 NEU
George C Neumann.
Swords & blades of the American Revolution -- Texarkana: Rebel Pub. Co, 1991.
118. 921 KOS
Meg Greene.
Thaddeus Kosciuszko : polish general and patriot -- Philadelphia: Chelsea House, 2001.
119. 921 JEF
Carol H Behrman.
Thomas Jefferson -- Minneapolis, MN: Lerner Publications Co, 2004.
120. 921 JEF
Lynda Pflueger.
Thomas Jefferson : creating a nation -- Berkeley Heights: Enslow Publishers, 2004.
121. 921 PAI
Michael Burgan.
Thomas Paine : great writer of the revolution -- Minneapolis: Compass Point Books,
122. 973.3 MAR
Phillip Margulies.
A timeline of the Continental Army -- New York: Rosen Central, 2004.
123. 921 ARN
Jean Fritz.
Traitor, the case of Benedict Arnold -- New York: Putnam & Grosset Group, 1997.
124. 342.73 MOE
Heather Moehn.
The U.S. Constitution : a primary source investigation into the fundamental law of the
United States -- New York: Rosen Primary Source, 2003.
125. 342.73 ISA
Sally Senzell Isaacs.
Understanding the Articles of Confederation -- St. Catharines: Crabtree Pub, 2009.
126. 973.33 STE
R. Conrad Stein.
Valley forge -- Chicago: Childrens Press, 1994.
127. 920 EDG
Kathleen J Edgar, Susan E Edgar, Joanne Mattern, and Joanne Mattern.
Vision -- Boston: Reading Challenge, 2004.
128. 973.3 HUE
Lois Miner Huey.
Voices of the American Revolution : stories from the battlefields -- Mankato: Capstone
Press, 2011.
129. 973.33 FRE
Russell Freedman.
Washington at Valley Forge -- New York: Holiday House, 2008.
130. 973.3 DOE
Matt Doeden.
Weapons of the Revolutionary War -- Mankato: Capstone Press, 2009.
131. 973 SCH
Eric Schwartz.
What makes America America? -- Philadelphia: Mason Crest Publishers, 2005.
132. 973.3 JAF
Steven Jaffe.
Who were the founding fathers? : two hundred years of reinventing American history -New York: H. Holt and Co, 1996.
133. 921 HOW
Bruce Adelson.
William Howe : british general -- Philadelphia: Chelsea House, 2001.
-- 133 Bibliographies --
French and Indian War Informational Text
1. 973.2 SMO
Diane Smolinski.
Battles of the French and Indian War -- Chicago: Heinemann Library, 2003.
2. 973.3 BRE
Linda Crotta Brennan.
The birth of the United States -- Ann Arbor: Cherry Lake Pub, 2012.
3. 973.2 CAR
Alden R Carter, and William J Clipson.
The colonial wars : clashes in the wilderness -- New York: F. Watts, 1992.
4. 973.2 HIL
Laurie Collier Hillstrom, Kevin Hillstrom, Lawrence W Baker, and Julie Carnagie.
French and Indian war -- Detroit: UXL/Thomson/Gale, 2003.
5. 973.2 LAA
Hollie Laager.
The French and Indian war -- Vero Beach: Rourke Pub, 2007.
6. 973.2 SAN
Andrew Santella.
The French and Indian War -- Minneapolis: Compass Point Books, 2004.
7. 973.2 CAV
Alfred A Cave.
The French and Indian war -- Westport: Greenwood Press, 2004.
8. 973.26 SAN
Andrew Santella.
The French and Indian War -- New York: Children's Press, 2012.
9. 973.2 GAR
Carolyn Gard.
The French and Indian war : a primary source history of the fight for territory in North
America -- New York: Rosen Central Primary Source, 2004.
10. REF 973 HAK
Joy Hakim, Wendy Frost, and Elspeth Leacock.
From colonies to country -- New York: Oxford University Press, 2003.
11. 973.2 STA
George Edward Stanley.
The new republic, 1763-1815 -- Milwaukee: World Almanac Library, 2005.
12. 974.8 DEF
Deborah H DeFord.
Pennsylvania -- New York: Children's Press, 2004.
13. 973.2 AND
Fred Anderson.
The war that made America : a short history of the French and Indian War -- New York:
Penguin Books, 2006, c2005.
-- 13 Bibliographies --
Westward Expansion – Informational Text
1. 978 NOR
Rex Allen Norman.
The 1837 sketchbook of the western fur trade : an examination of the art work of Alfred
J. Miller -- Texarkana: Scurlock Pulbishing Co, 1996.
2. REF 973 BRO
David M Brownstone, and Irene M Franck.
Acadia - Butterfield overland stage -- Danbury: Grolier, 2004.
3. 978 UTL
Robert Marshall Utley.
After Lewis and Clark : mountain men and the paths to the pacific -- Lincoln: University
of Nebraska Press, 2004.
4. 599.64 LOT
Dale F Lott.
American bison : a natural history -- Berkeley: University of California Press, 2002.
5. 978 AME
Mary Ellen Jones.
The American frontier : opposing viewpoints -- San Diego: Greenhaven Press, 1994.
6. 978 HAT
Christine Hatt.
The American West -- North Mankato: Smart Apple Media, 2005.
7. 921 JAC
Kieran Doherty.
Andrew Jackson : America's 7th president -- New York: Children's Press, 2003.
8. 973.8 THE
Steve Theunissen.
The battle of the little bighorn -- Broomall: Mason Crest Publishers, 2003.
9. 978 SAN
Mari Sandoz.
The beaver men : spearheads of empire -- Lincoln: University of Nebraska Press, 1978,
10. 970.01 PET
Cris Peterson.
Birchbark brigade : a fur trade history -- Honesdale: Calkins Creek, 2009.
11. 921 BLA
S. D Nelson.
Black Elk's vision : a lakota story -- New York: Abrams Books for Young Readers, 2010.
12. 978 SCH
Lillian Schlissel.
Black frontiers : a history of African American heroes in the old west -- New York:
Aladdin Paperbacks, 2000.
13. 977 KAT
William Loren Katz.
Black pioneers : an untold story -- New York: Atheneum Books for Young Readers,
14. 978 FRE
Russell Freedman.
Buffalo hunt -- New York: Holiday House, 1988.
15. REF 973 BRO
David M Brownstone, and Irene M Franck.
Cabeza de Vaca - Custer -- Danbury: Grolier, 2004.
16. 979.4 RAU
Elizabeth Raum.
The California Gold Rush : an interactive history adventure -- Mankato: Capstone Press,
17. 979.4 ROS
Natalie M Rosinsky.
California ranchos -- Minneapolis: Compass Point Books, 2006.
18. 385.09 EVA
Clark J Evans.
The central pacific railroad -- New York: Children's Press, 2003.
19. 978 FRE
Russell Freedman.
Children of the wild west -- New York: Clarion Books, 1983.
20. 973 LIN
Marissa Lingen.
The Chinese Americans -- Philadelphia: Mason Crest Publishers, 2003.
21. 331.6 YEN
Yin, and Chris K Soentpiet.
Coolies -- New York: Philomel Books, 2001.
22. 978 FRE
Russell Freedman.
Cowboys of the wild West -- New York: Clarion Books, 1985.
23. 921 CRA
Bill Moeller, and Jan Moeller.
Crazy Horse : a photographic biography -- Missoula: Mountain Press Pub. Co, 2000.
24. 978 PRI
Sean Price.
Crooks, cowboys, and characters -- Chicago: Raintree, 2008.
25. 398.2 TIN
Tim Tingle, and Jeanne Rorex Bridges.
Crossing Bok Chitto : a Choctaw tale of friendship & freedom -- El Paso, Tex: Cinco
Puntos Press, 2006.
26. 921 BOO
Andrew Santella.
Daniel Boone and the Cumberland Gap -- New York: Children's Press, 2002.
27. 921 BOO
Richard Kozar.
Daniel Boone and the exploration of the frontier -- Philadelphia: Chelsea House
Publishers, 2000.
28. REF 973 BRO
David M Brownstone, and Irene M Franck.
Delaware - Homestead act -- Danbury: Grolier, 2004.
29. 338.09 MEI
Mary Meinking.
The development of U.S. industry -- Ann Arbor: Cherry Lake Pub, 2012.
30. 385 CHA
Christopher Chant, and John Moore.
Early pioneers -- Broomall: Chelsea House Publishers, 2000.
31. 979 MOR
Neil Morris.
Everyday life of the Native Americans -- North Mankato: Smart Apple Media, 2005.
32. 973.5 SAN
Ellyn Sanna.
The expanding United States : the rise of nationalism 1812-1820 -- Philadelphia: Mason
Crest, 2005.
33. 973.5 WIT
Kelly Wittmann.
Explorers of the American West -- Philadelphia: Mason Crest Publishers, 2003.
34. 323.1 KEL
Lawrence C Kelly.
Federal Indian policy -- New York: Chelsea House, 1990.
35. 973.5 NEL
Sheila Nelson.
From sea to shining sea : Americans move west 1846-1860 -- Philadelphia: Mason Crest
Publishers, 2005.
36. 978 PEA
Linda S Peavy, and Ursula Smith.
Frontier children -- Norman: University of Oklahoma Press, 1999.
37. 978 HAF
Le Roy Reuben Hafen.
Fur traders, trappers, and mountain men of the upper Missouri -- Lincoln: University of
Nebraska Press, 1995.
38. 979.4 SOM
Barbara A Somervill.
The gold rush : buried treasure -- New York: Children's Press, 2005.
39. 978 MCC
Pat McCarthy.
Heading West : life with the pioneers : 21 activities -- Chicago: Chicago Review Press,
40. 970.004 WIL
Colleen Madonna Flood Williams, and Troy R Johnson.
Homes of the Native Americans -- Philadelphia: Mason Crest Publishers, 2003.
41. 978 POR
Jason Porterfield.
The homestead act of 1862 : a primary source history of the settlement of the American
heartland in the late 19th century -- New York: Rosen Central Primary Source, 2005.
42. REF 973 BRO
David M Brownstone, and Irene M Franck.
Horses - Louisanna purchase -- Danbury: Grolier, 2004.
43. 979.4 OLS
Tod Olson, Scott Allred, and Thomas Hartley.
How to get rich in the California Gold Rush : an adventurer's guide to the fabulous riches
discovered in 1848 -- Washington: National Geographic, 2008.
44. 979.5 OLS
Tod Olson, Scott Allred, and Gregory Proch.
How to get rich on the Oregon Trail : my adventures among cows, crooks & heroes on
the road to fame and fortune -- Washington, D.C: National Geographic, 2009.
45. 978 SAL
Jacqueline Morley, David Salariya, and David Antram.
How would you survive in the American west? -- New York: Franklin Watts, 1995.
46. 970 STA
Rob Staeger, and Troy R Johnson.
Hunting with the Native Americans -- Philadelphia: Mason Crest Publishers, 2003.
47. 973 FRE
Russell Freedman.
In the days of the vaqueros : America's first true cowboys -- New York: Clarion Books,
48. 920 FRE
Russell Freedman.
Indian chiefs -- New York: Holiday House, 1987.
49. 973.04 BEH
Carol H Behrman.
The Indian wars -- Minneapolis: Lerner Publications Co, 2005.
50. 978.02 MCP
James M McPherson.
Into the west : from reconstruction to the final days of the American frontier -- New York:
Atheneum Books for Young Readers, 2006.
51. 921 JAM
J. Dennis Robinson.
Jesse James : legendary rebel and outlaw -- Minneapolis: Compass Point Books, 2007.
52. 921 FRE
D. M Souza.
John C. Frémont -- New York: Franklin Watts, 2004.
53. 973.8 MIC
Gregory Michno.
Lakota noon : the Indian narrative of Custer's defeat -- Missoula, Mont: Mountain Press
Pub, 1997.
54. 978 COL
James L Collins.
Lawmen of the Old West -- New York: F. Watts, 1990.
55. 978 EPS
Dwayne Epstein.
Lawmen of the old West -- Detroit: Lucent Books, 2005.
56. 978 LEG
C. Carter Smith.
The Legendary Wild West : a sourcebook on the American West -- Brookfield, Conn:
Millbrook Press, 1992.
57. 921 CRA
Russell Freedman, and Amos Bad Heart Bull.
The life and death of Crazy Horse -- New York: Holiday House, 1996.
58. REF 973 BRO
David M Brownstone, and Irene M Franck.
Mail - Northwest territory -- Danbury: Grolier, 2004.
59. 978.004 BIA
Raymond Bial.
The Mandan -- New York: Benchmark Books, 2003.
60. 979 MOR
J. T Moriarty.
Manifest destiny : a primary source history of America's territorial expansion in the 19th
century -- New York: Rosen Central Primary Source, 2005.
61. 977 AMB
Stephen E Ambrose, and Douglas Brinkley.
The Mississippi and the making of a nation : from the Louisiana purchase to today -Washington: National Geographic, 2002.
62. 978 SON
Liz Sonneborn.
The Mormon Trail -- New York: Franklin Watts, 2005.
63. 978 KIM
Stanley Buchholz Kimball, Violet T Kimball, and Mary L Van Camp.
Mormon Trail : voyage of discovery -- Las Vegas: KC Publications, 1995.
64. 978 USC
Michael V Uschan.
A mountain man of the American frontier -- Detroit: Lucent Books, 2006.
65. 978.02 SAN
Andrew Santella.
Mountain men -- New York: Children's Press, 2003.
66. 978 LAY
George Laycock.
The mountain men -- Danbury: Outdoor Life Books, 1989.
67. 978 STE
Rick Steber.
Mountain men -- Prineville: Bonanza Pub, 1990.
68. 920 CAR
Le Roy Reuben Hafen, and Harvey Lewis Carter.
Mountain men and fur traders of the Far West : eighteen biographical sketches -Lincoln: University of Nebraska Press, 1982.
69. 978 SUN
Charles W Sundling.
Mountain men of the frontier -- Edina: Abdo & Daughters, 2000.
70. 970.004 WIL
Colleen Madonna Flood Williams, and Troy R Johnson.
Native American family life -- Philadelphia: Mason Crest Publishers, 2003.
71. 970.004 STA
Rob Staeger, and Troy R Johnson.
Native American tools and weapons -- Philadelphia: Mason Crest Publishers, 2003.
72. 973.04 BOW
Richard Bowen.
The Native Americans -- Philadelphia: Mason Crest Publishers, 2003.
73. 970 SCH
Virginia Schomp.
The native Americans -- New York: Marshall Cavendish Benchmark, 2008.
74. 978 JOH
Michael Johnson.
Native tribes of the Plains and prairie -- Milwaukee: World Almanac Library, 2004.
75. 979.1 SON
Liz Sonneborn.
The Navajos -- Minneapolis: Lerner, 2007.
76. REF 973 BRO
David M Brownstone, and Irene M Franck.
A new World -- Danbury: Grolier, 2004.
77. 973 TRA
Clifford E Trafzer.
The Nez Perce -- New York: Chelsea House Publishers, 1992.
78. 979 MUR
David Hamilton Murdoch, Lynton Gardiner, and American Museum of Natural History.
North American Indian -- New York: DK in association with the American Museum of
Natural History, 2000.
79. REF 973 BRO
David M Brownstone, and Irene M Franck.
Oakley - Roanoke island -- Danbury: Grolier, 2004.
80. 978 STE
R. Conrad Stein.
On the old western frontier -- New York: Benchmark Books/M. Cavendish, 1999], c2000.
81. 921 OAT
Margaret Rau.
The ordeal of Olive Oatman : a true story of the American West -- Greensboro, N.C:
Morgan Reynolds, 2003.
82. 978 STE
Rick Steber.
Oregon Trail -- Prineville: Bonanza Publications, 1986.
83. 979.5 OLS
Steven P Olson.
The Oregon Trail : a primary source history of the route to the American west -- New
York: Rosen Central Primary Source, 2004.
84. 978 HIL
William E Hill.
The Oregon Trail, yesterday and today : a brief history and pictorial journey along the
wagon tracks of pioneers -- Caldwell, Idaho: Caxton Printers, 1986.
85. 973 COO
Diane Cook.
Pathfinders of the American frontier -- Philadelphia: Mason Crest Publishers, 2003.
86. 971.3 GRE
Barbara Greenwood, and Heather Collins.
A pioneer sampler : the daily life of a pioneer family in 1840 -- Boston: Houghton Mifflin,
87. 977 GRE
Barbara Greenwood, Heather Collins, and Barbara Greenwood.
A pioneer sampler : the daily life of a pioneer family in 1840 -- Boston: Houghton Mifflin
Co, 1995.
88. 978.02 BUR
Linda Burnett.
Pioneers : adventure in a new land -- New York: Children's Press, 2005.
89. 385 MAT
John R Matthews.
The railroad -- New York: Franklin Watts, 2005.
90. 385 MUR
Suzanne J Murdico.
Railroads and steamships : important developments in American transportation -- New
York: Rosen Central Primary Source, 2004.
91. 973.92 CUN
Al Thelin, and Bill Cunningham.
Rendezvous : back to a simpler time -- Salt Lake City: Gibbs Smith, 1995.
92. 978 VIC
Frances Fuller Victor, and Lee Nash.
The river of the West : the adventures of Joe Meek -- Missoula: Mountain Press Pub.
Co, 1983-1985.
93. 978 ROO
Peter Roop, and Connie Roop.
River roads west : America's first highways -- Honesdale: Calkins Creek, 2007.
David M Brownstone, and Irene M Franck.
Rocky Mountains - Turnpike -- Danbury: Grolier, 2004.
95. 978 BLA
Jean F Blashfield.
The Santa Fe Trail -- Minneapolis, MN: Compass Point Books, 2000], c2001.
96. 599.64 MAR
Albert Marrin.
Saving the buffalo -- New York: Scholastic Nonfiction, 2006.
97. 979.8 WHI
Melissa Whitcraft.
Seward's folly -- New York: Children's Press, 2002.
98. 978.004 LON
Karen LoneHill.
Sioux -- Philadelphia: Mason Crest Publishers, 2004.
99. 979.2 KIM
Violet T Kimball.
Stories of young pioneers in their own words -- Missoula: Mountain Press Pub. Co,
100. 978 TAL
Lamar Underwood.
Tales of the mountain men : seventeen stories of survival, exploration, and outdoor craft
-- Guilford: Lyons Press, 2004.
101. 979.3 HOP
Ellen Hopkins.
Tarnished legacy : the story of the Comstock Lode -- Logan, Iowa: Perfection Learning,
102. 921 JEF
Don Nardo.
Thomas Jefferson : America's 3rd president -- New York: Children's Press, 2003.
103. 917.8 BOD
Valerie Bodden.
Through the American West -- Mankato: Creative Education, 2012.
104. 973 COL
Sheila Cole.
To be young in America : growing up with the country, 1776-1940 -- New York: Little,
Brown, 2005.
105. 975 BJO
Lydia D Bjornlund.
The trail of tears : the relocation of the cherokee nation -- Detroit: Lucent Books, 2010.
106. 921 BOO
Cheryl Harness.
The trailblazing life of Daniel Boone : how early Americans took to the road -Washington: National Geographic, 2007.
107. 385 STR
Thomas Streissguth.
The transcontinental railroad -- San Diego, Calif: Lucent Books, 1999], c2000.
108. 385.09 LAN
Elaine Landau.
The Transcontinental Railroad -- New York: Franklin Watts, 2005.
109. 385.09 FIN
Jil Fine.
The transcontinental railroad : tracks across America -- New York: Children's Press,
110. 978 SUE
Anastasia Suen.
Trappers & mountain men -- Vero Beach: Rourke Pub, 2007.
111. REF 973 BRO
David M Brownstone, and Irene M Franck.
Utah - Young -- Danbury: Grolier, 2004.
112. 978 VOI
Katharine Emsden.
Voices from the West : life along the trail -- Carlisle: Discovery Enterprises, 1999.
113. 398.2 TIN
Tim Tingle.
Walking the Choctaw road -- El Paso, TX: Cinco Puntos Press, 2003.
114. REF 973 BRO
David M Brownstone, and Irene M Franck.
West to the pacific -- Danbury: Grolier, 2004.
115. 979.8 NEL
Sheila Nelson.
What the land means to Americans : Alaska and other wilderness areas 1865-1890 -Philadelphia: Mason Crest Publishers, 2005.
116. 978 SHE
Steve Sheinkin, and Tim Robinson.
Which way to the wild west? : everything your schoolbooks didn't tell you about
America's westward expansion -- New York: Roaring Brook Press, 2009.
117. 978.02 MUR
Stuart Murray, and Smithsonian Institution.
Wild west -- New York: DK, in association with the Smithsonian Institution, 2005.
118. 978 WEX
Bruce Wexler.
The wild, wild west of Louis L'Amour -- Philadelphia: Running Press, 2005.
119. 978.02 SON
Liz Sonneborn.
Women of the American West -- New York: Franklin Watts, 2005.
120. 979.2 WAD
Ginger Wadsworth.
Words west : voices of young pioneers -- New York: Clarion Books, 2003.
121. 978 MOR
Jacqueline Morley, David Antram, and David Salariya.
You wouldn't want to be an American pioneer! : a wilderness you'd rather not tame -New York: Franklin Watts, 2002.
121 Bibliographies
Willowcreek Middle School
Mexican American War – Informational Text
1. 976.403 MCG
Tom McGowen.
The Alamo -- New York: Children's Press, 2003.
2. 976.403 LAC
William W Lace.
The Alamo -- San Diego: Lucent Books, 1998.
3. 921 CRO
George Edward Stanley.
Davy Crockett : frontier legend -- New York: Sterling, 2008.
4. 921 CRO
Aileen Wells Parks, and Justin Pearson.
Davy Crockett, young rifleman -- New York: Aladdin Paperbacks, 1986.
5. 973.6 HOW
Kelly King Howes.
Mexican American war -- Detroit: UXL/Thomson/Gale, 2003.
6. 973.6 CAR
Alden R Carter.
The Mexican War : manifest destiny -- New York: F. Watts, 1992.
7. 973.6 FEL
Ruth Tenzer Feldman.
The Mexican-American war -- Minneapolis: Lerner Publications Co, 2004.
8. 973.6 POU
Georgene Poulakidas.
The Mexican-American War -- New York: PowerKids press/Primary Source, 2006.
9. 973.6 RAA
Emily Raabe.
The Mexican-American War -- New York: PowerKids Press, 2003.
10. 973.6 SON
Liz Sonneborn.
The Mexican-American war : a primary source history of the expansion of the western
lands of the United States -- New York: Rosen Central Primary Source, 2005.
11. 973.6 DEE
James M Deem.
Primary source accounts of the Mexican-American War -- Berkeley Heights:
MyReportLinks.com Books, 2006.
12. 976.4 NEL
Sheila Nelson.
A proud and isolated nation : Americans take a stand in Texas 1820-1845 -Philadelphia: Mason Crest Publishers, 2005.
13. 976.4 TEM
Teri Temple, and Bob Temple.
Remember the Alamo -- Vero Beach: Rourke Pub, 2007.
14. 976.4 WIN
Richard Bruce Winders.
Sacrificed at the Alamo : tragedy and triumph in the Texas Revolution -- Abilene: State
House Press, 2004.
15. 973.6 JOH
Robert Walter Johannsen.
To the halls of the Montezumas : the Mexican War in the American imagination -- New
York: Oxford University Press, 1987.
16. 973.6 POR
Jason Porterfield.
The Treaty of Guadalupe-Hidalgo, 1848 : a primary source examination of the treaty that
ended the Mexican-American War -- New York: Rosen Central Primary Source, 2006.
-- 16 Bibliographies
War of 1812- Informational Text
1. 975.2 BAR
Susan Campbell Bartoletti, and Claire A Nivola.
The flag maker -- Boston: Houghton Mifflin, 2004.
2. 973.5 BOZ
Helen Koutras Bozonelis.
Primary source accounts of the War of 1812 -- Berkeley Heights: MyReportLinks.com
Books, 2006.
3. 973.5 GID
Sandra Giddens, and Owen Giddens.
A timeline of the War of 1812 -- New York: Rosen Pub. Group, 2004.
4. 973.5 PAP
Lisa Papp, and Robert Papp.
The town that fooled the British : a war of 1812 story -- Ann Arbor: Sleeping Bear Press,
5. 973.5 HOW
Kelly King Howes, and Julie Carnagie.
War of 1812 -- Detroit: UXL, 2002.
6. 973.5 CHI
Diana Childress.
The War of 1812 -- Minneapolis: Lerner Publications Co, 2004.
7. 973.5 EDE
Rob Edelman, and Audrey E Kupferberg.
The War of 1812 -- Detroit: Blackbirch Press, 2005.
8. 973.5 GAY
Kathlyn Gay, and Martin Gay.
War of 1812 -- Brookfield: Twenty-First Century Books, 1995.
9. 973.5 RAA
Lucia Raatma.
The War of 1812 -- Minneapolis: Compass Point Books, 2005.
10. 973.5 SON
Liz Sonneborn.
The War of 1812 : a primary source history of America's second war with Britain -- New
York: Rosen Central Primary Source, 2004.
11. 973.5 BEY
Mark Beyer.
The War of 1812 : the new American nation goes to war with England -- New York:
Rosen Central Primary Source, 2004.
12. 973.5 SCH
Randy Schultz.
Washington ablaze : the war of 1812 -- Vero Beach: Rourke Pub, 2007.
-- 12 Bibliographies --
War of 1812 novels
John A Minahan, and Robert M Quackenbush.
Abigail's drum -- New York: Pippin Press, 1995.
Ann Rinaldi.
Broken days -- New York: Scholastic, 1995.
Shelley Pearsall.
Crooked river -- New York: Knopf, 2005.
Candice F Ransom, and Greg Call.
Flames in the city : a tale of the War of 1812 -- Renton: Mirrorstone, 2008.
Candice F Ransom, and Greg Call.
Flames in the city : a tale of the War of 1812 -- Renton: Wizards of the Coast, 2008.
Anita Sanchez.
The invasion of Sandy Bay -- Honesdale: Calkins Creek, 2008.
Kit Pearson.
Whispers of war : the War of 1812 diary of Susanna Merritt -- Toronto: Scholastic
Canada, 2002.
-- 7 Bibliographies --