Assignment 6 3

Name of the data set
Sri Lanka Cities
Brief description of what the data set describes and for what purposes it was created
Points represent cities (100) in Sri Lanka; created as part of Solar and Wind Energy
Resource Assessment by UNEP and NASA
Agency or organization that produced the data set or map
National Renewable Energy Laboratory (NREL)
University of Georgia - ITOS
URL or contact address from which it was acquired
Publication date
Time period for which the data is presumed accurate
Data format - e.g., vector, raster, georeferenced image, scanned map (not georeferenced), table
in database compatible format, table in PDF or scanned image format
Source scale if known (the metadata for a GIS data set should tell you this, e.g., 1:5,000,000, but
it's not always clear)
Key attribute information the data set includes
Location of major cities in Sri Lanka
A map (if the data set is geographical) and/or a page of a tabular data set
Name of the data set
Sri Lanka Populated Places
Brief description of what the data set describes and for what purposes it was created
Points represent populated places in Sri Lanka derived from Lat/Long data downloaded
from NGA website
Agency or organization that produced the data set or map
National Geospatial-Intelligence Agency
University of Georgia - ITOS
URL or contact address from which it was acquired
Publication date
Time period for which the data is presumed accurate
Data format - e.g., vector, raster, georeferenced image, scanned map (not georeferenced), table
in database compatible format, table in PDF or scanned image format
Source scale if known (the metadata for a GIS data set should tell you this, e.g., 1:5,000,000, but
it's not always clear)
Key attribute information the data set includes
Location populated places (over 20,000) in Sri Lanka
A map (if the data set is geographical) and/or a page of a tabular data set
Name of the data set
Integrated: Geospatial Toolkit GIS data for Sri Lanka from NREL
Brief description of what the data set describes and for what purposes it was created
Solar and wind energy resource assessment
Agency or organization that produced the data set or map
U.S. National Renewable Energy Laboratory (NREL)
URL or contact address from which it was acquired
Publication date
Time period for which the data is presumed accurate
Data format - e.g., vector, raster, georeferenced image, scanned map (not georeferenced), table
in database compatible format, table in PDF or scanned image format
Source scale if known (the metadata for a GIS data set should tell you this, e.g., 1:5,000,000, but
it's not always clear)
Key attribute information the data set includes
Elevation, Transmission Lines, Land Use, Protected Areas, lakes, railroads, major roads
A map (if the data set is geographical) and/or a page of a tabular data set
Name of the data set
Sri Lanka Minor Roads
Brief description of what the data set describes and for what purposes it was created
Minor Roads throughout Sri Lanka (unsure of creation reason)
Agency or organization that produced the data set or map
OCHA-Sri Lanka
URL or contact address from which it was acquired
Publication date
Time period for which the data is presumed accurate
Data format - e.g., vector, raster, georeferenced image, scanned map (not georeferenced), table
in database compatible format, table in PDF or scanned image format
Source scale if known (the metadata for a GIS data set should tell you this, e.g., 1:5,000,000, but
it's not always clear)
Key attribute information the data set includes
Minor Roads throughout Sri Lanka
A map (if the data set is geographical) and/or a page of a tabular data set
Name of the data set
Administrative Regions of Sri Lanka (Levels 1-4)
Brief description of what the data set describes and for what purposes it was created
These shapefiles give boundaries and names for the provincial, district, and zonal levels of Sri
Agency or organization that produced the data set or map
OCHA-Sri Lanka
URL or contact address from which it was acquired
Publication date
Time period for which the data is presumed accurate
Data format - e.g., vector, raster, georeferenced image, scanned map (not georeferenced), table
in database compatible format, table in PDF or scanned image format
Source scale if known (the metadata for a GIS data set should tell you this, e.g., 1:5,000,000, but
it's not always clear)
Key attribute information the data set includes
Names and boundaries of administrative regions in Sri Lanka. These are crucial for relating to
census data on poverty, education, unemployment, etc.
A map (if the data set is geographical) and/or a page of a tabular data set
Name of the data set
2009-10 Household Income and Expenditure Survey
Brief description of what the data set describes and for what purposes it was created
Household expenditures on various items and detailed information about household
characteristics, aggregated at the district level, created as part of Sri Lanka’s national
Agency or organization that produced the data set or map
Sri Lanka Department of Census and Statistics
URL or contact address from which it was acquired
Publication date
Time period for which the data is presumed accurate
Data format - e.g., vector, raster, georeferenced image, scanned map (not georeferenced), table
in database compatible format, table in PDF or scanned image format
Tables in PDF
Source scale if known (the metadata for a GIS data set should tell you this, e.g., 1:5,000,000, but
it's not always clear)
Key attribute information the data set includes
Household spending on education by district
Poverty levels by district
Unemployment by district
Percentage of households owning telephones/televisions by district
A map (if the data set is geographical) and/or a page of a tabular data set
Name of the data set
Location of Nenasa Schools
Brief description of what the data set describes and for what purposes it was created
Villages in which the Nenasa program has schools, created for me to use in GIS.
Agency or organization that produced the data set or map
Dialog Telecom made this data set for me
URL or contact address from which it was acquired
Kirshor Hameed
Manager: Dialog Nenasa Program
Publication date
Time period for which the data is presumed accurate
Data format - e.g., vector, raster, georeferenced image, scanned map (not georeferenced), table
in database compatible format, table in PDF or scanned image format
Excel table
Source scale if known (the metadata for a GIS data set should tell you this, e.g., 1:5,000,000, but
it's not always clear)
Key attribute information the data set includes
Locations of Nenasa schools by villages. I will join these to the cities/populated places
shapefiles to be able to place the schools on my map
A map (if the data set is geographical) and/or a page of a tabular data set
Name of the data set
Location of All Schools in Sri Lanka
Brief description of what the data set describes and for what purposes it was created
Addresses of schools in Sri Lanka.
Agency or organization that produced the data set or map
Dialog Telecom secured this data set from the Ministry of Education for my use.
URL or contact address from which it was acquired
Kirshor Hameed
Manager: Dialog Nenasa Program
Publication date
Time period for which the data is presumed accurate
Data format - e.g., vector, raster, georeferenced image, scanned map (not georeferenced), table
in database compatible format, table in PDF or scanned image format
Excel spread sheet
Source scale if known (the metadata for a GIS data set should tell you this, e.g., 1:5,000,000, but
it's not always clear)
Key attribute information the data set includes
Locations of all schools by villages. I will join these to the cities/populated places
shapefiles to be able to place the schools on my map
A map (if the data set is geographical) and/or a page of a tabular data set
Name of the data set
Sri Lanka Population Counts,
Brief description of what the data set describes and for what purposes it was created
Population counts and population per sq km for Sri Lanka, created as part of earth
science mapping project.
Agency or organization that produced the data set or map
Center for International Earth Science Information Network (CIESIN)
URL or contact address from which it was acquired
Publication date
Time period for which the data is presumed accurate
Data format - e.g., vector, raster, georeferenced image, scanned map (not georeferenced), table
in database compatible format, table in PDF or scanned image format
Source scale if known (the metadata for a GIS data set should tell you this, e.g., 1:5,000,000, but
it's not always clear)
Key attribute information the data set includes
Population counts and population per sq km for Sri Lanka. Although dated (2000), this
information is based on the most recent census completed in Sri Lanka.
A map (if the data set is geographical) and/or a page of a tabular data set
Name of the data set
School Census - 2008 Preliminary Report
Brief description of what the data set describes and for what purposes it was created
The school census is conducted by the MoE for information for policymakers. It is filled by
Principals of the schools and it contains following parts.
Agency or organization that produced the data set or map
Department of Statistics, MoE
URL or contact address from which it was acquired
Publication date
Time period for which the data is presumed accurate
Data format - e.g., vector, raster, georeferenced image, scanned map (not georeferenced), table
in database compatible format, table in PDF or scanned image format
PDF Tables
(I am trying to get the original dataset, but it is difficult)
Source scale if known (the metadata for a GIS data set should tell you this, e.g., 1:5,000,000, but
it's not always clear)
Key attribute information the data set includes
Information on school resources by district (report)
Resources and examination results disaggregated by school (full dataset)
A map (if the data set is geographical) and/or a page of a tabular data set