This course does not require a textbook. You are responsible for all lectures and assignments. th
For this course, you will need 3x5 index cards, materials to create visual aids, and access to a computer and printer. Access is also available at the library and the learning assistance center ( W300) ( you must have a valid current student id card and sticker to use these facilities).
In Speech 100 you will study and apply rhetorical principles to research and analyze topics, organize sentence outlines, and deliver effective public speeches. You will learn how to extensively research topics, incorporate that research into a formal outline while using MLA style citation and strengthen your basic writing skills. You will perform speaking and listening assignments that utilize effective verbal, vocal, and physical communicative strategies, and critical/analytical techniques.
Upon completion of these courses you will be able to:
Create formal outlines for the informative and persuasive speeches using appropriate, extensive and credible research sources and attribution.
Utilize appropriate speech organization, including introductions, conclusions, previews, reviews, transition statements and clear, well-ordered main points.
Create and effectively utilize visual aids for at least one speech.
Perform at least five speeches.
Critically evaluate student speeches.
Apply a theoretical framework in the preparation of the persuasive speech.
Proficiency in direct eye contact, appropriate speaking volume, and body control.
Speak extemporaneously.
1. Students will be able to perform basic speech delivery skills
2. Students will be able to evaluate the reliability of information sources
3. Students will critically evaluate public speeches
4. Students will understand the need to adapt communication style to acknowledge the differences in others
Introduction Speech
Memorable Experience Speech
Demonstration Speech
Informative Speech
Persuasive Speech
Impromptu Speech
Informative Formal Outline
Persuasive Formal Outline
Examination # 1
Final Examination
Scavenger Hunt
Self Eval
Possible Points Points Earned
Possible Points
5 5 5 5 5
5 5 5 5 5
10 10
10 10
My Points
Total Grade Breakdown
810- 900 = A
720-809 = B
630-719= C
560-629 = D
0- 559 = F
Speech Time Sources Outline Notecard Visual Total Attire
Limit Aid Pts
Intro 1-2 min No No Yes No 0 Casual
This is your first presentation, but don’t panic! You will not be graded on this assignment. You will be speaking about the person you know the best, YOURSELF. Select as many interesting and relevant facts as you can. For example, where are you from? Hobbies? Interests? Major?
Etc. Catagorize these into Likes, Dislikes and one additional point of your choice. Once you have gathered and organized your information you will organize and practice your speech. Be sure to pay close attention to these speeches and take notes if you like. They will help you to do a little early audience analysis. After all, these are the people you will be speaking in front of for the rest of the semester.
Speech Time
Sources Outline Notecard Visual
Memorable 3-5 min
No No 2 -3x5 card optional 50 Approp.
The purpose of this speech is to share with the audience a memorable experience. You will use a method of organization with three main points. There must be a specific reason why you picked this to share with us. It must benefit the audience in an aspect of learning. This is the speech that is your first experience alone in front of the audience. Be sure to pick an experience you know well, can speak extemporaneously about, that you can find at least one visual aid, that will keep the audiences attention and you will not let your feelings overcome your delivery of the speech.
Speech Time
Sources Outline Notes Visual Aid Total Pts /
Demonstration 5-7 min 2+ Rough Due 3-3x5 cards
Required 100 /
This speech allows you to call upon your own experience in order to teach the audience how to do something. The key to organizing this speech is to take it step by step. It should follow a chronological pattern. Also, try to impress us with something you think would be of special value or interest. Allow yourself to be creative. For example, we probably already know how to tie a shoe or brush our teeth!
Speech Time
Impromptu 3-4 min
Sources Outline Notecard Visual
Total Pts Attire
No N/A 2 -3x5 card No 50 Casual
The purpose of this speech is to develop you ability to speak well with little or no preparation time. Topics and formats will be discussed in class but keep in mind, preparation time may not exceed 5 minutes ( based on number of students enrolled at the time of the speech) and assigned speaking time must be a minimum of 2:30 minutes per student.
Speech Time
Sources Outline Notes Visual Aid Total Pts Attire
Informative 6-8 min 6+ Required 3-3x5 cards Optional 100/50 Formal
This speech adheres to all of the characteristics we’ve discussed thus far regarding informative speaking. A critical factor in this speech is organization. The main points should be arranged in different ways such as topical, spatial etc. Demonstration speeches are not allowable for meeting this requirement. Topic selection is key in this presentation. Do not waste our time with the obvious. Search to find new and innovative ideas to share with us. Be imaginative and creative in developing your speech. Remember to be objective rather than persuasive. As one of the two major speech assignments in the course, rigor and critical thinking are essential for this assignment. Research should primarily be drawn from credible and/or scholarly publications; unedited website research should be used very sparingly, if at all.
Speech Time Sources Outline Notes Visual Total Pts Attire
Persuasive 7-9 min 8+ Required 4 -3x5cards
Optional 150/50 Formal
In this speech, you will most likely identify a problem, relate its significance to the audience, explain what the causes of the problem are, and suggest possible solutions to the problem. Salestype presentations and group presentations are not allowable for meeting this requirement. You must use an appropriate persuasive pattern of organization such as Problem-Cause-Solution,
Monroe’s Motivated Sequence, or Three Reasons. You should emphasize appropriate and credible motivational, emotional and logical appeals. Close attention should be paid to the use of supporting materials, organization, analysis, word usage and delivery. As you work to create your solution, remember the steps you followed for determining the causes of the problem and make sure that your solution steps remedy those causes. Again, as one of the two major speech assignments in the course, rigor and critical thinking are essential for this assignment.
Cheating/ plagiarism (representing somebody else’s words or ideas as one’s own) of any kind will not be tolerated and will earn you an “F” on the assignment in question or an “F” for the entire course depending on the seriousness of the offense. Cases of plagiarism may be reported to the
Department Chair and/or the Dean of Students.
The term “cheating” includes but is not limited to
Receiving or knowingly supplying unauthorized information
Using unauthorized material or sources
Changing an answer after work has been graded and presenting it as improperly graded
Illegally accessing confidential information through a computer
Taking examination for another student or having another student take an exam for you
Forging or altering registration or grade documents
For a detailed description, please see the College catalog
Non-Discrimination policy
“Pasadena City College provides opportunities for the pursuit of excellence for all students and through its educational services…The college will provide open access to a college education and all support services without regard to sex, race, color, religious creed, national origin, ancestry, age over 40, marital status, physical or mental disability (including HIV and AIDS), sexual orientation, or Vietnam Era Veteran Status
Special Accommodations
This campus will provide reasonable accommodations for students who face unique physical, learning, and emotional challenges. If you have special conditions as addressed by the Americans with Disabilities Act and need accommodations, please inform me within the first two weeks of the semester.
There are eligibility requirements for some of the programs offered. Please visit
Disabled Student Programs and services It is your responsibility to work with DSP&S to make arrangements for special accommodations in this class.
Class Conduct, Rules and Policies
Please keep in mind that a college classroom is a professional learning environment in which mutual respect amongst students and between students and the professor is expected. For a detailed description of the College’s Code of Conduct, please see the college catalog. Here are some examples of disruptive behavior listed in your catalog: obstruction or disruption of the educational process; willful disobedience and/or the open persistent defiance of authority; verbal or physical threats to students, faculty, or staff; excessive talking in class; turned on pagers and cell phones; passing notes in class; excessive lateness; sleeping in class; and poor personal hygiene.
Other Expectations
Remember, we all want a comfortable, respectful atmosphere for optional learning and success.
In addition, here are a few more rules and policies for my class:
Absolutely no liquor, firearms, weapons, explosives or animals.
Never walk in late while another student is speaking. Wait for applause.
You have a 30 second grace period on the time of your speech. After that, 5 points will be deducted from your score for each 30-second interval (over or under) that is surpassed. For example, if a 95% speech runs 15 seconds over the grace period, the score will be reduced to a 90%, etc.
All written work must be typed in order to receive credit.
E-mailed work will not be accepted unless authorized in advance ( do not assume )
Exams will be a combination of True and False, Multiple Choice, and Essay. No scantrons are required. Students may leave the room only after completion of an exam.
No headphones, i-pods etc are allowed.
Extra Credit is offered only based on relevance to course using current events.
All cell-phones, beepers, etc. must be silenced prior to the beginning of class. If a cell phone goes off, you should gather your things silently and leave the class.
Because speech communication involves listening, evaluating, and writing as well as speaking, you are expected to attend ALL class meetings. Attendance and class participation are necessary for success in this course. However, I realize that there may be times when an absence is unavoidable. Therefore I offer the following Communication Department Attendance Policy .
Absences without penalty:
You are allowed the following amount of absences from class without penalty in acknowledgment of occurrences such as personal or family emergencies, religious observances, transportation difficulties, serious illness, or other concerns at your discretion:
16 week course/one class per week: 1 absence
16 week course/two classes per week: 2 absences
8 week course/two days a week:
8 week course/one days a week:
1 absence
1 absence
6 week course/3-4 days a week: 1 absence
Absences in excess of these listed above will result in the lowering of your final course grade by 5% for each subsequent absence . For example, if you are receiving a 90% in the class and have one more unexcused absence than you are allowed, you will then receive an 85% for the course. If you have two extras, you will receive an 80% and so on.
You are expected to have all work submitted to the instructor by the assigned date regardless of absence, and should be current with the course upon their return.
In the event of an absence on the day you are scheduled to give a speech, you are not permitted to make up that speech and will receive a score of “0” for that assignment.
1) If you will be absent for a college-approved activity (such as a field trip, athletic competition, or leadership conference) and notify the instructor in advance of the absence you will not be penalized for the absence and will be allowed to make up graded work.
2) The only other exception will require that you apply for exception by completing the official
“department of communication extraordinary exception form for attendance.” The form is to be submitted to the instructor (or the instructor with the consultation of the department chair, if desired) within one week of the absence. Valid documentation must be attached to the form, and only the following circumstances will be considered:
Mandatory court appearance Military service Hospitalization of the student
If the form is signed as approved, you will not be penalized for the absence and will be allowed to make up the equivalent points for graded work that was missed, including speeches, through any means determined by the instructor.
A student may makeup missed work is for one of the above listed exceptions .
In addition to attending class, you are also responsible for being to class ON TIME. Walking in late is disrespectful to the professor as well as the rest of the class. You will be considered tardy if you arrive within the first twenty (20) minutes of class. After twenty minutes, you will be considered absent. This means you will not be allowed to give your speech, or take an exam!
You will also be marked absent if you leave class more than twenty (20) minutes before the scheduled ending without consent. If you leave between twenty (20) minutes and the ending time, you will receive a tardy. BEWARE, for every three (3) tardies is an absence.
Find A “Friend”
Make a “FRIEND” in the class. This should be someone that you can call and contact. If you must be late, leave a class early or miss a class, your friend can give you lecture notes for that class. While topics will be reviewed at each new class meeting, your instructor will not re-lecture for you should you be absent from a class.
Mu ch information will be covered in each class session, and our class time is precious.
ALL assignments/presentations are due on the date on the course schedule unless prior arrangements are made with the instructor . Assignments that are submitted late will be subject to a subtraction of the total points possible as specified, regardless of the quality of the work. Being a dedicated student is like having a job. You must meet concrete deadlines. Work or performance must be completed in a timely manner
Date Subject
08/26/13 Course standards and syllabus / Speech Guidelines /Model
08/28/13 Speeches of Introduction / Critiques
09/04/13 Speech Anxiety & Preparing your 1 st Speech
09/09/13 Intros, Body, Conclusions & Transitions
09/11/13 Topic Selection and Audience Analysis
09/16/13 Listening
09/18/13 Memorable Experience Speeches
09/23/13 Memorable Experience Speeches
09/25/13 Outlining
09/30/13 Exam 1 ( everything covered to date)
10/02/13 Informative Speaking – Survey Conducting
10/07/13 Visual Aids , Delivery
10/09/13 Language & Outline Check for Demo Speech
10/14/13 Demonstration Speeches
10/16/13 Demonstration Speeches
10/21/13 Demonstration Speeches
10/23/13 Review Day – Speeches and Surveying
10/28/13 Developing Basic Knowledge Research
10/30/13 Research And Citation Online Reader
11/04/13 Informative Speeches
11/06/13 Informative Speeches
11/13/13 Informative Speeches
11/18/13 Persuasive Speaking – Survey Conducting
11/20/13 Impromptu Speeches
11/25/13 Persuasive Outline Check
11/27/13 Persuasive Speeches
12/02/13 Persuasive Speeches
12/04/13 Persuasive Speeches
12/09/13 Final Exam - 1:00-3:00pm