History 20 World Issues

 Population – increased
 Technology – advancements in transportation and
Occupation – new advancements = new jobs
Immigration – 45 million had left Europe in 60 years
Women’s Suffrage – women wanted the right to vote
Politics – nations were stilled ruled a an elite few
Imperialism – race for colonies lead to conflict
 Effectively increased food output by 1/3rd
 End Result?
 Explosive population growth
 From 1800 on the worlds population increased 6 fold
 Fuelled by the 4 field crop rotation
 Legumes and clover cultivated in otherwise fallow fields
 Clover and excellent livestock crop… beef becomes more
 What major historical event was made possible by the
Agricultural Revolution?
 Fuelled by the massive population growth
 Extra people… what to do?
Migration to cities
Mechanization in Factories
Spinning Mule / Jenny 1764
Britain led the pack because of its unique geographic
 Economic historians are in agreement that the onset of
the Industrial Revolution is the most important event
in the history of humanity since the domestication of
animals and plants.
 3 innovations
 Automation in textiles
 Metallurgy
 Steam Power
 Resulted in....
 3 innovations
 Automation in textiles
 Metallurgy
 Steam Power
 Resulted in....
 Factories… the modern world… etc…
 Imperialism, as defined by The Dictionary of Human
Geography, is "the creation and/or maintenance of an
unequal economic, cultural, and territorial
relationship, usually between states and often in the
form of an empire, based on domination and
Boer War
Russo-Japanese War
 British versus Boers
 Japan attacks China –
(South Africa)
leads to conflict with
Russia – Japan wins
 Paradigm – a pattern of thought that has a strong
influence on the way societies act
Conditions leading to war:
1. all major European nations had military plans
2. entry to war made by a few elite men
3. radical changes of the time:
 A. new nations arose
 B. new technologies – explosives, railway, electric
motors, physics and chemistry
 C. hostile atmosphere – alliances and ethnic tensions
 D. public more literate = aware of new ideologies
Marxism: idea of a
classless society – use of
Darwinism: the survival
of the fittest
Imperialism – the policy to extend power (colonies)
 - benefits: more land, spread religion, raw materials,
conquer inferior people
 - Britain and France lead the way – Germany began
too late (upset) – USA expanding in the Pacific
Nationalism – loyalty/commitment to ones nation or
 - Britain lead the way but Germany began to challenge
 - Germany vs. Britain – economic competitors –
Germany jumped ahead
 - this will cause conflict
 - the fear of other nations gaining an advantage lead
to large scale armament programs
 - Germany vs. Britain – naval race
Alliance – a cooperation between nations – for security
- Triple Alliance – Italy, Germany, and Austria-Hungary
Triple Entente – Russia, France, Britain
Triple Entente
Triple Alliance
Britain – foremost power in the
Russia – large army – behind in
of industrialization
France – falling behind other
nations – feared Germany
Germany – wanted to “flex
its muscles”
 Lots of tension in the Balkans
 AH took over Bosnia and Herzegovina
 Serbia set up the Balkans League – defeated the Turks
 Serbia wanted to unite all Serbs – AH was worried
(areas in AH had large Serb populations)
 Balkans became known as “the powder keg ready to
 August 1914 – Archduke Ferdinand and his wife were
assassinated by a Serbian youth (member of the Black
 AH sent an Ultimatum to Serbia
 AH declares war on Serbia – Germany gives AH a
blank check
Russia agrees to help Serbia (protect their interests in
the Balkans)
Germany declares war on Russia
Germany declares war on France
Britain declares war on Germany – once they enter
 Russia wanted to extend their influence in the Balkans
(protect their interests)
AH wanted areas in the Balkans (especially Serbia)
Germany wanted to break the Triple Entente – wanted
to be powerful
Britain wanted to stay the dominate nation
France was just scared of Germany
 Schlieffen Plan (Germany)- an all out attack on
France before Russia could attack from the East
 War Raw Materials Board – ration all materials for the
war effort
 Auxiliary Service Law – all males 16-60 employed for
the war
 Plan 17 (France) – to attack Alsace Lorraine (mineral
area controlled by Germany)
 The war was welcomed by both sides (enthusiasm,
patriotism, nationalism) – everyone expected a short
 Propaganda was used by all sides – Propaganda:
communication used at altering the attitudes of a
society (posters were commonly used)
 Germany crushed neutral Belgium (this brought in
 Germany drove south into France
 Major Battles – Battle of the Marne (saved France –
broke the Schlieffen Plan) – Ypres (gas warfare used)
 Oct. 1914 – stalemate occurred – this lead to trench
 Area between the trenches – controlled by no one
 When soldiers left their trenches to cross over no
man’s land
 Trench foot:
 Rats, lice, dead bodies,
 Germany vs. Russia
 Major Battles – Tannenburg – Russia lost 140,000
troops (killed, prisoners)
 Germany was successful – Russian army 1/3 of troops
had no guns (use swords or pitchforks)
 By 1917 – 3 million Russians had been killed or
 The Tsar had problems ruling his empire
 Tsar went to the front lines – left wife in charge,
directed by a monk Rasputin
 Strikes broke out in 1917
 Tsar abdicated the throne (ran away)
 A provisional government was set up by Kerensky
 New ideologies arose – The Russian Socialists Party –
communist (based on Marx)
Two sides emerged – both wanting power:
1. Mensheviks – use peaceful means to take control
2. Bolsheviks – use violence - #1 point was to get out of
the war
- lead by Vladimir Ilyich Ulyanov (Lenin)
 The Bolsheviks took over the gov’t – they quickly sign
the Brest-Litovsk Treaty (out of the war)
Bolsheviks introduced new ideas – no private
Civil War breaks out – two sides:
A. Red Army – Bolsheviks – lead by Trotsky –
supported by Germany
B. White Army – Allied supported
** Red Army wins
 Under Lenin Russia becomes known as the USSR –
Union of Soviet Socialist Republic
 Advancements:
 1. Machine Gun
 2. Tanks (Willie)– introduced by the British – Battle of
the Somme
 3. Planes – used for reconnaissance (spy), bombing
and dog fighting
 4. U-Boats – submarines – used mainly by the
Germans – used to cut off supply lines
 5. Gas warfare – mustard gas
 6. Role of Women – employed in the work force
 When war broke out USA stayed neutral – made $
selling supplies
US was drawn into the conflict due to: Zimmerman
Telegram and U-Boat warfare
1915 – Lusitania was sunk – 128 Americans killed – US
threatens Germany
1917 – several US boats were sunk during German
blockade of Britain
April 1917 US declares war on Germany
 Second Battle of the Marne – Allies push Germans
back – Allies gain momentum
 Battles at – Amiens, Ypres and Verdun push Germany
to their border
 Several allies of Germany and AH bowed out
 Germany and AH ask Us president Wilson to negotiate
and armistice
 11th hour on November 11, 1918 Germany surrenders
(Remembrance day)
 US becomes the economic power in the world – made
big $ during the war
 Europe is devastated
 The world was changed for ever (total war)
 30 nations are represented at the conference – USSR
not invited
 Results of the war:
 1. Lives lost – 9.7 military, 10 million civilian and 21
million wounded
 2. Cost of the war – 180 billion (direct) and 150 billion
 3. 4 Empires collapse- Germany, AH, Russia and
Turkey (Ottoman)
 4. Landscape of Europe ruined
 5. many nations used up most of their resources
 6. industrialization increased in non-European nations
 The hope was that this war would be “the war to end all
Britain, France, USA and Italy made all the decisions at the
conference – defeated nations were excluded (very odd)
USA (Wilson) stated that there were three main causes to
the war:
1. secret diplomacy
2. tendency of dominant nations to oppress others
3. autocratic gov’ts
 1. end all secret treaties
 2. freedom of the seas
 3. End economic barriers between nations
 4. Reduce arms
 5. redraw the map of Europe
 6. set up the League of Nations
 Germany had to:
 1. accept total blame for the war (war guilt)
 2. reparations $33 billion
 3. Lost 1/10 of their nation – new nations arose
 4. lost her colonies
 5. limit their army/navy
 6.. Gave up coal areas to France
 7. Rhineland turned to demilitarized zone
8. Alscase-Lorriane given back to France
 AH, Turkey, and Bulgaria were divided into new areas
 New nations arose – Estonia, Latvia, Lithuania,
Finland, Czech and Poland – ethnic groups were split –
will cause future problems
 ** the treaty was not good at all
 Peace Treaty did not stabilize European politics:
 1. great resentment in Germany
 2. Germany still had war making potential
 3.. Localized wars erupted – Poland vs. USSR
 4. Britain and France did not end alliances