Module Handbook Study program MA Electric Power Engineering Scientific-pedagogical, duration of study – 2 years Contents 1. Professional language training ........................................................................................................................................ 3 2. Contemporary tendencies and technologies in education ............................................................................................... 5 3. Basics of pedagogical activity ........................................................................................................................................ 7 4. Basics of Scientific Research outlook ............................................................................................................................ 9 5. Contemporary problems of electric power engineering ................................................................................................ 11 6. Technical support of experiment .................................................................................................................................. 12 7. Optimization and management in electric power systems ........................................................................................... 14 8. Mathematical support of experiment ............................................................................................................................ 16 9. Pedagogical and research practice ............................................................................................................................... 17 10. Experimental-research work ....................................................................................................................................... 19 11. Final attestation ........................................................................................................................................................... 21 2 1. Professional language training Term of study: Person responsible for the module Lecturer: Language: Curriculum relation: Mode of study / number of hours per week and per term: Workload: Credit points: Conditions for exams: Recommended conditions: The objectives of the module/ Expected learning outcomes: Contents: The results of training / exams / exams forms: Technical / multimedia tools: References: 1, 2 Akhmetova T.A. Foreign language (professional) - Aubakirova S.S., Business Kazakh language - Akhmetova T.A. Russian Ma Electric Power Engineering Full-time: 1st semester: hours per week – 8; per semester – 120. 2nd semester: hours per week – 10; per semester – 150. Full-time: Curricular load: 90 hours Extracurricular load: 180 hours Total:270 hours 9 ECST To be admitted for the examination the student of Master’s degree must have at least 50 out of 100 points assigned for each discipline of the module Studying of the module is based on the knowledge acquired within the previous subjects of the Bachelor degree programme: “Foreign language”, “State language”, “In-depth language training”. Student of Master’s degree must: know an state language to the extent necessary for the conduct of business correspondence and business meetings; know one foreign language on a professional level; know skills of public speaking, discussion and polemic; own a culture of communication, knowledge of moral and ethical standards in the professional field. Describing professional competence; personal and professional challenges; professional image of contemporary electric engineers; the importance to be skilled; decision-making process; business meetings and correspondence. Grammar review. Listening and speaking. Modal auxiliary verbs. The course’s content is focused on formation skills - make an oral or written speech in the state language; - reading, translating and retelling of a scientific text; - fluency in a special vocabulary in a level necessary for the conduct of business correspondence and business meetings; - know a public speaking, discussion and polemic; - a culture of communication, knowledge of moral and ethical standards in the professional field with the purpose to speak to the audience, to protect and assert own opinions. Test Modern multimedia complexes. 1. Philip Kerry, Ceri Jones. Straight Forward Elementary student’s book, Macmillian Publishers Limited, 2010 2. Philip Kerry, Ceri Jones. Straight Forward Intermediate student’s book, Macmillian Publishers Limited, 2010 3. Philip Kerry, Ceri Jones. Straight Forward Upperintermediate student’s book, Macmillian Publishers Limited, 2010 4. Samoylova E.V., Novoselova O.V. Collection of texts for engineering specialties in English: teaching-methodological aid.- Petropavlovsk: NKSU named after M.Kozybayev, 2009. 5. Novoselova O.V. English for the Development of Professional Communicative Skills for Engineering specialties: teaching-methodological aid.- Petropavlovsk: NKSU named after M.Kozybayev, 2013. 6. Kudaybergenov R. Dictionary of technical terms. Almaty, 2009 3 7. Rystina G.Zh. Business Kazakh language .- Kokshetau: KSU named after Sh.Ualikhanov, 2011 8. Akhmetova T.A. Business Kazakh language . TMCD.- Petropavlovsk, 2011 9. Turlybekova Zh.A. Kazakh-russian, Russian-kazakh business dictionary. Almaty: Rukhaniyat,2010 4 2. Contemporary tendencies and technologies in education Term of study: Person responsible for the module Lecturer: Language: Curriculum relation: Mode of study / number of hours per week and per term: Workload: Credit points: Conditions for exams: Recommended conditions: The objectives of the module/ Expected learning outcomes: Contents: The results of training / exams / exams forms: Technical / multimedia tools: References: 1, 2 Koshekov K.T. Information technologies in education - Shpak A.V., Multimedia Technologies - Shpak A.V., WEB-technologies - Shpak A.V., Higher education Management system – Shevchuk Е.V., Organization of learning process in Higher Education - Shevchuk Е.V., Higher Education Trends - Shevchuk Е.V., Systems of artificial intelligence - Koshekov K.T., Modeling of systems - Koshekov K.T., Bases of knowledge - Koshekov K.T. Russian Ma Electric Power Engineering Full-time: 1st semester: hours per week – 10; per semester – 150. 2nd semester: hours per week – 20; per semester – 300. Full-time: Classroom load: 150 hours Extracurricular workload: 300 hours Total: 450 hours 15 ЕСTS To be admitted for the examination the student of Master’s degree must have at least 50 out of 100 points assigned for each discipline of the module Studying of the module is based on the knowledge acquired within the previous subjects of the Bachelor degree programme: “Basics of mathematics”, “Computer science”, “Social and humanitarian knowledge”, “Electronics and modeling”. Student of Master’s degree must: demonstrate in-depth knowledge on information-management systems; know skills of logical and analytical reasoning in solving the objectives and their correct documentation; own skills of solving problems, arising in pedagogical activity. Information, professionally-oriented information retrieval systems. Software tools of cognitive character. Simulator programs of electric power engineering. Software tools for communication support. New educational paradigm in the informatization. Modern trends of higher education in Kazakhstan and abroad. Bologna process. Credit learning system. Modular learning system. Modern educational technologies. Objectives, content, methods and means of teaching in higher education. Analysis of the professional work of HEI’s teacher and teaching skills problems. Introduction to HEI’s QMS. QMS procedures. Fundamentals of management of educational activities. Introduction to the intelligence system. Issues of the intelligence system modeling. Intellectual information systems. Expert systems. Knowledge representation modules. Fuzzy systems. Neural networks. Genetic algorithms. Optimization problems. Linear programming models and methods: planning and management tasks. Graph-theoretic methods and models. Regression models. Nonlinear models. Dynamic systems: assessment of dynamic models quality, dynamic objects modeling. Oral examination Multimedia projection device, interactive board, computer hardware 1. Balafanov E.K., Buribaev B., Dauletkulov A.B. New information technologies. Almaty: 2001, 428 p. 2. E.V.Mikheeva. Information technologies in professional activity. М.: Akademiya. 2006., 384 p. 5 3. Polat Е.S, Bukharkina M.Yu., Moiseeva M.V., Petrov A.E. New pedagogical and information technologies in education system: teaching aid. – М., 2008. 4. Khmel N.D. theory and technology of the holistic teaching process realization. –teaching aid. (To help teachers, graduate students, undergraduates, students).- Almaty. 2007 5. Innovation teaching methods in High School: teaching-practiceaid. Gusakov V.P., Pustovalova N.I., Khrushev V.A., Kartashova E.B., Iskakova E.K. – Petropavlovsk: NKSU named after M.Kozybayev, 2007. – 92 p. 6. Simonova I.V. Models of teaching of practice-oriented learners in developing internet-education conditions.- SPb: Publisjers SPbGTU, 2000. - 99 p. 7. Vizilter V.Yu., Zheltov S.Yu., Knyaz V.A. Processing and analysis of digital pictures with examples at LabVIEW and IMAQ Vision. Moscow. 2007. 8. Fedosov V.P., Nesterenko A.K. Digital processing of signals at LabVIEW, Moscow, 2007. 9. E.Khant. The artificial intelligence, Moscow, 2000. 10. P.Dzhekson. Introduction to GP, Moscow, 2003. 11. Sovetov B.Ya., Yakovlev S.A. Systems stimulation.- М.: Hogh Scholl, 2001. 12. Mathematical methods and models. G.P. Fomin, М.2001. 6 3. Basics of pedagogical activity Term of study: Person responsible for the module Lecturer: Language: Curriculum relation: Mode of study / number of hours per week and per term: Workload: Credit points: Conditions for exams: Recommended conditions: The objectives of the module/ Expected learning outcomes: Contents: The results of training / exams / exams forms: Technical / multimedia tools: References: 1 Koryagiva O.V. Pedagogy – Koryagiva O.V., Psychology – Imanov A.K. Russian Ma Electric Power Engineering Full-time: 1st semester: hours per week – 16; per semester – 240. Full-time: Classroom load: 80 hours Extracurricular workload: 160 hours Total: 240 hours 8 ЕСTS To be admitted for the examination the student of Master’s degree must have at least 50 out of 100 points assigned for each discipline of the module Studying of the module is based on the knowledge acquired within the previous subjects of the Bachelor degree programme: “Social and humanitarian knowledge”. Student of Master’s degree must: be able to orientate in complex and changing manufacturing situations; know skills of public speaking, discussion and polemic; own a culture of communication, knowledge of moral and ethical standards in the professional field; own skills of solving problems, arising in pedagogical activity. Education as a global object of the psychology of higher school; Psychological education in higher education institution; Psychological structure of the teaching process; Psychology of cognitive activity; Psychological methods and means of increasing the efficiency and quality of teaching in modern conditions; Psychology of a personality and a student group; Problems of upbringing in higher school; Education and formation of professional consciousness; Psychodiagnosis in higher school; Psychological characteristics of a teacher’s work in higher school; Managing the educational process; A student as a part of the studying process; Psychological and pedagogical communication; Psychology of pedagogical influence; The main psychological problems in teaching. The main directions and trends of developing of higher education of the Republic of Kazakhstan Conception of persistent pedagogical education Teacher of a new formation of the Republic of Kazakhstan Teaching process of high school Core competency – the primary factor of training of competitive specialists Organization of teaching process in high school Teaching forms and methods in high scholl Educational technologies. Concept on pedagogical technology. Test and oral examination Modern multimedia complexes. 1. Bogunov L.A. Psychology of education and upbringing in higher school: guidance manual. – Petropavlovsk: NKSU named after M.Kozybayev, 2011. – 99 p. 2. Davydov V.V. Problems of evolutive education. – М.: Publishing centre «Akademiya», 2004. – 288 p. 3. Dzhakupov S.M. Psychological structure of a teaching process. Almaty: 7 Kazak university, 2004. – 311p. 4. Dzhakupov S.M. Managing students’ cognitive activity in the process of education. Almaty, 2002. – 117 p. 5. Zimnyaya I.A. Pedagogical psychology. – М.: Logos, 2002. – 384 p. 6. Smirnov S.D. Pedagogics and psychology of higher education: from activity to personality. – М., 2001. – 304 p. 7. Literature reference materials in pedagogical psychology/ author-compiler B.R..Mandel. – Rostov-on-Don: Phoenix, 2008. – 384 p. 8. Khon R.L.. Pedagogical psychology. – М.: Academical Project: Kultura, 2005. – 376 p 9. Arkhangelskiy S.I. teaching process in high school, its appropriate basis and methods -М., 1980. 10. Zagvyazinskiy V.I. Didactics of high school. Lectures text. Chelyabinsk.,1990. 11. Pedagogy of high school. Teaching aid. –Rostov-na-Don "Fenix", 1998.. 12. Khmell N.D. Pedagogical process as the object of professional teacher training. –Аlma -ata: Меktep, 1984. 8 4. Basics of Scientific Research outlook Term of study: Person responsible for the module Lecturer: Language: Curriculum relation: Mode of study / number of hours per week and per term: Workload: Credit points: Conditions for exams: Recommended conditions: The objectives of the module/ Expected learning outcomes: Contents: The results of training / exams / exams forms: Technical / multimedia tools: References: 1 Pogrebitskaya M.V. Research organization and planning – Pogrebitskaya M.V., History and Philosophy of Science – Platonenko O.M. Russian Ma Electric Power Engineering Full-time: 1st semester: hours per week – 18; per semester – 270. Full-time: Classroom load: 90 hours Extracurricular workload: 180 hours Total: 270 hours 9 ЕСTS To be admitted for the examination the student of Master’s degree must have at least 50 out of 100 points assigned for each discipline of the module Studying of the module is based on the knowledge acquired within the previous subjects of the Bachelor degree programme: Basics of mathematics”, “Computer science”, “Social and humanitarian knowledge”. Student of Master’s degree must: demonstrate knowledge of the methods of experiment arrangement in the devices and systems of Electric Power Engineering; own a culture of communication, knowledge of moral and ethical standards in the professional field; know skills of logical and analytical reasoning in solving the objectives and their correct documentation; know logic and technology of carrying out of scientific research work. Methodology and methods of scientific research. Language and style of scientific speech. Technology of scientific-research activities. Logic of science. The main logic laws. Theory of planning and conducting of experiment at devices and systems of electric power engineering. Methods of searching and processing of scientific and technical information. Presentation of scientific-research work’s results. Science in culture and civilization Appearance of science. The main stages of science historical movement Science in Ancient World and in the Middle Ages Modern science Classical science and its peculiarities Peculiarities of non-classical science period coming Post non-classical science The structure of a scientific knowledge Laws of science development. Concepts of K.Popper, T. Kun, I.Lakatos and P.Feyerabend. Science as a social institute Philosophical problems of Natural Sciences Philosophical problems of the Humanities Oral examination Multimedia projection device, interactive board, computer hardware 1. Kuznetsov I.N. Scientific research. Methods of conducting and issuance. – M., 2007. – 460 p. 2. Shlyar M.F. Basics of the scientific research. Teaching aid. -М: Dashkov I K, 2008.-244 p. 3. Shamina O.B. Methods of scientific and technical creativity: the synthesis of new technical solutions. Teaching aid. - Tomsk. Publishers of TPU, 2010. - 90 p. 9 4. Bezuglov I.G., Lebedinskiy V.V., Bezuglov A.I. Basics of the scientific research. - М.: Publishers: Akademicheskiy proekt. 2008. - 208 p. 5. Grishentsev A.Yu. Theory and practice of technical and technological experiment. - SPb.: SPbGU ITMO, 2010. - 102 p. 6. Ivin A.A..Modern philosophy of science. М., 2005 7. Denisov S.F. History and philosophy of science. teaching aid. – Part 2: science – religion – philosophy – art. – Omsk: “Amfora”, 2010. – 278p. 8. Lebedev S.A., Rubochkin V.A. History of science. Philosophymethodological analysis. Teaching aid for HEIs. – М.: MPSI, MODEK, 2011. – 352 p. 9. Antiseri D., Reale Dzh. Western philosophy from its origins to the present day. From Romanticism to the present day. – SPb.: Pnevma, 2010. – 880 p. 10 5. Contemporary problems of electric power engineering Term of study: Person responsible for the module Lecturer: Language: 1 Koshekov K.T. Contemporary problems of electric power engineering – Koshekov K.T. Russian Curriculum relation: Mode of study / number of hours per week and per term: Ma Electric Power Engineering Full-time: 1st semester: hours per week – 8; per semester – 120. Full-time: Classroom load: 40 hours Extracurricular workload: 80 hours Total: 120 hours 4 ЕСTS Workload: Credit points: Conditions for exams: Recommended conditions: The objectives of the module/ Expected learning outcomes: Contents: The results of training / exams / exams forms: Technical / multimedia tools: References: To be admitted for the examination the student of Master’s degree must have at least 50 out of 100 points assigned for each discipline of the module Studying of the module is based on the knowledge acquired within the previous subjects of the Bachelor degree programme: “Basics of mathematics”, “Advanced directions of development of electric power engineering and electrotechnical equipments”, “Metrological provision of electrical equipments”. Student of Master’s degree must: demonstrate in-depth knowledge in the use of alternative energy sources; be competent in optimization and control of electric power systems; be competent in issues of designing of modern systems of monitoring and account of electric power. Structure and functioning of the Electric Power Engineering. Driving forces of power engineering - power consumers. Globalization of power and the greenhouse effect. System "society - economy – energy - ecology", the development of contradictions. Primary energy resources. Dislocation of energy resources around the globe and Kazakhstan. Kazakhstan's energy reform program. Energy saving and efficiency of industry, problems and ways of overcome them. Features of electric power as a commodity and the problems associated with its production. Problem of electromagnetic compatibility. Questions to improve the reliability of relay protection in power systems. The use and environmental safety EGS. Market relations in Kazakhstan’s power. Application of low-power process in the energy sector. The structure of the electricity industry. Increase of technical and economic parameters of basic equipment. Modern switching equipment and features of its use. Questions of transmission of electric power. Problems of providing the basic power quality. Application of new insulating constructions. Modern instruments for assessing the insulation and features of their usage. Oral examination Control and measuring equipment and devices of specialized laboratory classrooms, as well as modern multimedia complexes. 1. Dukenbaev K. Power Engineering of Kazakhstan. Conditions and mechanisms of its sustainable development. Almaty: Gylym, 2002. 2. Lykin A.V. Electric networks and systems. – М.: Logos, 2007. 3. Power Engineering. Messenger of Engineer-powermen union. – Kazakhstan, Almaty. 4. Kostin M.K., Matveev M.V. Problems and methods of control of electromagnetic environment at power facilities. Collection of scientific reports of the IV International symposium on electromagnetic compatibility. – SPb., 2001. 11 6. Technical support of experiment Term of study: Person responsible for the module Lecturer: Language: Curriculum relation: Mode of study / number of hours per week and per term: Workload: Credit points: Conditions for exams: Recommended conditions: The objectives of the module/ Expected learning outcomes: Contents: The results of training / exams / exams forms: Technical / multimedia tools: References: 2 Savostin A.A. Systems of computer mathematics – Savostin A.A., Systems of visual modeling – Savostin А.А., Automated systems of data collection – Savostin А.А., Application of microprocessors in electric power systems - Savostin А.А., Microprocessor system for automatic control - Savostin А.А., Digital automation and control systems in power engineering - Savostin А.А. Russian Ma Electric Power Engineering Full-time: 2nd semester: hours per week – 30; per semester – 450. Full-time: Classroom load: 150 hours Extracurricular workload: 300 hours Total: 450 hours 15 ЕСTS To be admitted for the examination the student of Master’s degree must have at least 50 out of 100 points assigned for each discipline of the module Studying of the module is based on the knowledge acquired within the previous subjects of the Bachelor degree programme: “Basics of mathematics”, “Computer science”, “Electrotechnics”, “Electronics and modeling”, “Microprocessor electronics”. Student of Master’s degree must: demonstrate knowledge of the methods of experiment arrangement in the devices and systems of Electric Power Engineering; know skills to use advanced processing system and data collection during carrying out of the technical experiment; know skills of mathematical modeling in the study of electric power systems; demonstrate skills of designing of management facilities with electro technological processes and settings. System of computer mathematics MathCAD. Mathematical models of electronic radio equipment components. Integrated environment of through projecting OrCAD. Programmes of modeling the modes of electric power systems. System of modeling and data collecting LabVIEW. Philosophy of microprocessor engineering, architecture of microprocessor-based systems. Buses of microprocessor-based system and cycles of exchange. Functions of the main devices. Functions of input-output device. System of processor commands. Processor centre and microcontroller memory. Organization of connections between microcontroller and external environment and time. Hardware of providing the reliable operation of MC. Peculiarities of working out digital devices based on microcontrollers. Structure and processors of personal computers. Studying methods of research and carrying out of experimental works, rules of research equipment operation, methods of analysis and experimental data processing. Theoretical and experimental research within the given problems, including mathematical (imitating) experiment. Analysis of the received results reliability, comparison of results of research with home and foreign analogues. Analysis of scientific and practical significance of the researches, as well as technical and economic effectiveness of the development. Oral examination Multimedia projector, interactive board, computer hardware 1. Kiryanov D. MathCAD SPb: BHV - SPb, 2003. 2. Razevig V.D. System of projecting digital devices OrCAD. М.: «Solon-R», 2000. 3. Travis D.. LabVIEW for everybody. М.: «Goryachaya liniya - Telecom», 2000. 4. Boiko V.I. Microprocessors and microcontrollers. S.-P.: «BHV-Peterburg», 12 2004. 5. Brodin V.B., Kalinin A.V. Systems on microcontrollers and LSI device of programmable logic. М.: Publishing house ECOM, 2002. 6. Korneyev V.V., Kiselev A.V. Modern microprocessors. SPb.: BHVPeterburg, 2003. 7. А.К. Naryshkin Digital devices and microprocessors. М.: ACADEMA, 2006. 8. Е.Ugryumov Digital circuit technology. SPb.: «BHV-Peterburg», 2000. 13 7. Optimization and management in electric power systems Term of study: Person responsible for the module Lecturer: Language: Curriculum relation: Mode of study / number of hours per week and per term: Workload: Credit points: Conditions for exams: Recommended conditions: The objectives of the module/ Expected learning outcomes: Contents: The results of training / exams / exams forms: Technical / multimedia tools: References: 3 Koshekov K.T. Reliability of electric power systems - Koshekov K.T., Quality of electric energy - Koshekov K.T., Working mode of electric power systems - Koshekov K.T., Automated systems of electricity supply - Koshekov K.T., Automated systems of control and registration of electricity - Koshekov K.T., Operation of Power Systems - Koshekov K.T. Russian Ma Electric Power Engineering Full-time: 3rd semester – 16; per semester – 240. Full-time: Classroom load: 80 hours Extracurricular workload: 160 hours Total: 240 hours 8 ЕСTS To be admitted for the examination the student of Master’s degree must have at least 50 out of 100 points assigned for each discipline of the module Studying of the module is based on the knowledge acquired within the previous subjects of the Bachelor degree programme: “Electricity supply”, “Advanced directions of development of electric power engineering and electrotechnical equipments”, “Metrological provision of electrical equipments”, “Design and operation of power plants and substations”, “Basics of electrical equipment operation”. Student of Master’s degree must: demonstrate in-depth knowledge in the use of alternative energy sources; demonstrate skills of designing of management facilities with electro technological processes and settings; be competent in optimization and control of electric power systems; be competent in issues of designing of modern systems of monitoring and account of electric power. Development of science on reliability of electric power systems; the main reliability indicators; probabilistic models to assess the reliability; methods for assessing the reliability of electric power systems; random distribution. Power quality indicators; methods of calculating the levels of individual power quality; calculation of voltage deviations; calculation of high harmonic; calculation of voltage unbalance; calculation of voltage oscillation; effect of deviations of quality parameters for collectors and process installations work; measuring of quality rating levels. Specificity of autonomous power supply systems; selection of an alternative source of power supply. The structure of system of automated control and accounting of electric energy; modern technical base of control accounting of electric energy. Organization of electric networks operation and repair. Electric networks operation. Electric networks repair. Test and oral examination Control and measuring equipment and devices of specialized laboratory classrooms, as well as modern multimedia complexes. 1. Savoskin N.E. Reliability of electric systems. Teaching aid/ Penza state university. – Penza, 2004. 2. Volkov N.G. Reliability of power supply. Teaching aid/ Tomsk polytechnic university. – Tomsk, 2003. 3. Konyukhova Е.А. Reliability of electricity supply of industrial enterprises. / Е.А. Konyukhova, E.А. Kireeva. – М.: NTF «Energoprogres», 2001. 4. Dzh. Tvaydel. Renewable energy sources. М, 1990 5. L.I.Kuperman. Waste energy and ENERGOTECHNOLOGICAL combine 14 the industry. Kiev, 1986 6. Staroverov A.G. Basics of manufacturing automation. - М.: Mashinostroenie, 1992 7. Shishmarev V.Y. Subsystems and systems elements of automatic control. – M.Akademiya. 2005. 8. A.A. Gerassimenko, V.T. Fedin. Electric energy transfer and distribution. 2006, Rostov-on-Don 9. Rules of technical operation of electric power plants and networks. Edited by A.A. Okin. M., 2001 10. V.N. Sazhin. Electric systems and networks. Collection of lectures. AIES. Almaty, 2004 11. Tokhtibakiyev. Electric systems and networks. Methods of electric power losses calculation and their rationing. Study manual, Almaty, 2005. 12. Monakhov A.F. Protective electric security measures in electric installations. Study manual. M., “Energoservis”. 2008. 13. Sibikin Y.D. Electric security in the operation of industrial enterprises electric installations. M. Akademiya, 2008. 14. Demidova-Panferova R.M. Tasks and examples of calculations for electricmeasuring techniques: teaching aid for HEIs. – М.: Energoatomizdat, 1990. 15. Kashkarov A.P. Wind-powered generators, solar batteryies and other useful constructions. DMK Press, 2011. 15 8. Mathematical support of experiment Term of study: Person responsible for the module Lecturer: Language: Curriculum relation: Mode of study / number of hours per week and per term: Workload: Credit points: Conditions for exams: Recommended conditions: The objectives of the module/ Expected learning outcomes: Contents: The results of training / exams / exams forms: Technical / multimedia tools: References: 3 Koshekov K.T. Theory of modeling and scientific experiment – Koshekov K.T., Theory of automated electric drive - Koshekov K.T., Theory of wavelets - Koshekov K.T. Russian Ma Electric Power Engineering Full-time: 3rd semester: hours per week – 14; per semester – 210. Full-time: Classroom load: 70 hours Extracurricular workload: 140 hours Total: 210 hours 7 ЕСTS To be admitted for the examination the student of Master’s degree must have at least 50 out of 100 points assigned for each discipline of the module Studying of the module is based on the knowledge acquired within the previous subjects of the Bachelor degree programme: “Basics of mathematics”, “Computer science”, “Physics”, “Electronics and modeling”, “The application of electric power”. Student of Master’s degree must: demonstrate knowledge of the methods of experiment arrangement in the devices and systems of Electric Power Engineering; possess skills to plan and conduct experiments in electrical power installations; know skills of mathematical modeling in the study of electric power systems; know logic and technology of carrying out of scientific research work. Classification, types and objectives of the experiment, univariate and multivariate experiment, methods of the experiment. Measurements methods, absolute and relative errors, Multiple measurements, Mathematical Statistics, objectives and main branches of mathematical statistics, general totality and sample, sampling, sample representativeness, sample parameterization, application of Excel built-in tools for statistical data processing. The research of the experimental data on the accuracy and reproducibility of experimental results. Optimization problems, linear programming, objective function, restriction in a form of equations and inequalities, the method of least squares. A trend line, approximating functions, accuracy of approximation, the coefficients of determination. The theory of wavelets. Аutomatic electric drive. Typical closed-loop control system of electric drives. Servo drive. Programmed control. Design elements of electric drive. Test and oral examination Control and measuring equipment and devices of specialized laboratory classrooms, as well as modern multimedia complexes. 1. J. Taylor Introduction to the theory of errors, М., Mir, 1985. 2. Markin NS Fundamentals of the theory of measurements results analysis, M., Standards Publishing House, 1991. 3. Johnson, I., Lyon F. Statistics and experimental design in engineering and science, Wiley, 1980. 4. Vapnik VN Restoring relationships from empirical data, 2001. 5. N.F. Ilyinsky "Fundamentals drive" MEI Publishing, 2003. 6. Edited by Yu.N.Petrenko "Computer-aided control of electric drives," Moscow: ACADEMA, 2005. 7. M.P.Belov etc. "Automatic Electric model production machinery and technological systems", M.: ACADEMA, 2005 16 9. Pedagogical and research practice Term of study: Person responsible for the module Lecturer: Language: 3, 4 Koshekov K.T. Koshekov K.T., Savostin А.А., Demyanenko А.V. Russian Curriculum relation: Mode of study / number of hours per week and per term: Ma Electric Power Engineering Full-time: 3rd semester: per semester – 330, of them: Research practice 240; Pedagogical practice 90; 4th semester: per semester – 120, of them: Research practice 120. Full-time: Classroom load: 0 hours Extracurricular workload: 450 hours Total: 450 hours 15 ЕСTS Workload: Credit points: Conditions for exams: Recommended conditions: The objectives of the module/ Expected learning outcomes: Contents: The results of training / exams / exams forms: Technical / multimedia tools: References: To be admitted for the examination the student of Master’s degree must have at least 50 out of 100 points assigned for each discipline of the module Basics of Scientific Research outlook; Modern tendencies and technologies in education; Basics of pedagogical activity; Contemporary problems of electric-power engineering; Technical support of experiment. Student of Master’s degree must: be able to orientate in the changing manufacturing situations; know skills of public speaking, discussion and polemic; own a culture of communication, knowledge of moral and ethical standards in the professional field; know skills of logical and analytical reasoning in solving the objectives and their correct documentation; own skills of solving problems, arising in pedagogical activity; know skills to use advanced processing system and data collection during carrying out of the technical experiment; possess skills to plan and conduct experiments in electrical power installations; know skills of mathematical modeling in the study of electric power systems; demonstrate skills of designing of management facilities with electro technological processes and settings; be competent in optimization and control of electric power systems; be competent in issues of designing of modern systems of monitoring and account of electric power. Introduction to the scientific and teaching activities; Implementation of teaching activities. Introduction to the material and technical base. Working with the regulations. Collection of materials on the topic of the study. Organization of work for the construction of devices and systems. The processing of the collected material on the topic of the study. Report on practice Control and measuring equipment and devices of specialized laboratory classrooms. 1. Scientific and technical text: rules of drafting and issuance. T.Y. Teplitskaya. – Rostov-on-Don, 2007. 2. Rules of test documents issuance in educational process: methodical instructions on the issuance of reports, standard calculations, term papers for students of technical specialties – Petropavlovsk, 2002. 3. Rules of technical operation of electric power plants and networks. Edited by A.A. Okin. M., 2001. 17 4. Monakhov A.F. Protective electric security measures in electric installations. Study manual. M., “Energoservis”. 2008. 5. Karyakin R. N. Ground devices of electric installations. Reference book. Second edition. M. Energosernis. 2006. 6. Sibikin Y.D. Electric security in the operation of industrial enterprises electric installations. M. Akademiya, 2008. 7. Guidelines in the calculation of short circuit currents and the choice of electric equipment of Rd 153-34.0-20.527 — 98. Russian joint stock company of power and electrification “EES of Russia”. Moscow. “NTs ENAS”, 2001. 8. Davydov V.V. Problems of developing education. – М.: “Akademiya”, 2004. – 288 p. 9. Dzhakupov S.M. Psychological structure of teaching process. Almaty: Kazak universiteti, 2004. – 311 p. 10.Dzhakupov S.M. Control of cognitive activity of students in teaching process. Almaty, 2002. – 117 p. 11.Zimnyaya I.A. Pedagogical psychology. – М.: Logos, 2002. – 384 p. 12.Smirnov S.D. Pedagogy and psychology of higher education: from the activity to the personality. – М., 2001. – 304 p. 18 10. Experimental-research work Term of study: Person responsible for the module Lecturer: Language: 3, 4 Koshekov K.T. Koshekov K.T., Savostin А.А., Demyanenko А.V. Russian Curriculum relation: Mode of study / number of hours per week and per term: Credit points: Ma Electric Power Engineering Full-time: 3rd semester: per semester – 120; 4th semester: per semester – 480. Full-time: Extracurricular workload: 600 hours Total: 600 hours Experimental-research work: 20 ECTS Conditions for exams: Preparing of a reviewing report on the work done Recommended conditions: Basics of Scientific Research outlook; Modern tendencies and technologies in education; Basics of pedagogical activity; Contemporary problems of electric-power engineering; Technical support of experiment. Student of Master’s degree must: demonstrate knowledge of the methods of experiment arrangement in the devices and systems of Electric Power Engineering; demonstrate in-depth knowledge in the use of alternative energy sources; know skills of logical and analytical reasoning in solving the objectives and their correct documentation; know skills to use advanced processing system and data collection during carrying out of the technical experiment; possess skills to plan and conduct experiments in electrical power installations; know skills of mathematical modeling in the study of electric power systems; know logic and technology of carrying out of scientific research work; demonstrate skills of designing of management facilities with electro technological processes and settings; be competent in optimization and control of electric power systems; be competent in issues of designing of modern systems of monitoring and account of electric power. The course contains the critical analysis of the condition of the problem, suggested ways of solution, the confirmation of the research results with the indication of their practical application and prospects. Defense of the reviewing report Workload: The objectives of the module/ Expected learning outcomes: Contents: The results of training / exams / exams forms: Technical / multimedia tools: References: Control and measuring equipment and devices of specialized laboratory classrooms, as well as modern multimedia complexes. 1. Scientific and technical text: rules of drafting and issuance. T.Y. Teplitskaya. – Rostov-on-Don, 2007. 2. Rules of test documents issuance in educational process: methodical instructions on the issuance of reports, standard calculations, term papers for students of technical specialties – Petropavlovsk, 2002. 3. Shishmarev V.Y. Subsystems and systems elements of automatic control. – M.Akademiya. 2005. 4. A.A. Gerassimenko, V.T. Fedin. Electric energy transfer and distribution. 2006, Rostov-on-Don 5. Rules of technical operation of electric power plants and networks. Edited by A.A. Okin. M., 2001 6. V.N. Sazhin. Electric systems and networks. Collection of lectures. AIES. Almaty, 2004 7. K.K. Tokhtibakiyev. Electric systems and networks. Methods of electric power losses calculation and their rationing. Study manual, Almaty, 2005. 8. Monakhov A.F. Protective electric security measures in electric 19 installations. Study manual. M., “Energosernis”. 2008. 9. Karyakin R. N. Ground devices of electric installations. Reference book. Second edition. M. Energosernis. 2006. 10. Sibikin Y.D. Electric security in the operation of industrial enterprises electric installations. M. Akademiya, 2008 11. V.N. Kopyev. Relay protection. Tomsk, 2001 12. B.A. Alekseyev. Maintenance of relay protection and automatic equipment of power plants and electric networks. Part 1. Electromagnetic relays. M. NTs ENAS, 2000 13. Guidelines in the calculation of short circuit currents and the choice of electric equipment of Rd 153-34.0-20.527 — 98. Russian joint stock company of power and electrification “EES of Russia”. Moscow. “NTs ENAS”, 2001 14. “Systems of the automated control of electric drives”, edited by Yu.N.Petrenko. М.: ACADEMA, 2005. 15. M.P.Belov, etc. automatic electric drive of model production mechanisms and technological complexes. М.: ACADEMA, 2005. 20 11. Final attestation Term of study: Person responsible for the module Lecturer: Language: 4 Koshekov K.T. Koshekov K.T., Zykova N.V., Dariy E.M., Savostin А.А., Demyanenko А.V. Russian Curriculum relation: Mode of study / number of hours per week and per term: Credit points: Ma Electric Power Engineering Full-time: 4th semester: per semester – 300. Full-time: Extracurricular workload: 300 hours Total: 300 hours Final attestation: 10 ECTS Conditions for exams: Finishing of all educational programmes and writing the Master's thesis Recommended conditions: Basics of Scientific Research outlook; Modern tendencies and technologies in education; Basics of pedagogical activity; Contemporary problems of electric-power engineering; Technical support of experiment Student of Master’s degree must: demonstrate knowledge of the methods of experiment arrangement in the devices and systems of Electric Power Engineering; demonstrate in-depth knowledge in the use of alternative energy sources; know a state language to the extent necessary for the conduct of business correspondence and business meetings; know one foreign language on a professional level; know skills of public speaking, discussion and polemic; own a culture of communication, knowledge of moral and ethical standards in the professional field; know skills of logical and analytical reasoning in solving the objectives and their correct documentation; know logic and technology of carrying out of scientific research work; demonstrate skills of designing of management facilities with electro technological processes and settings; be competent in optimization and control of electric power systems; be competent in issues of designing of modern systems of monitoring and account of electric power. The course contains the critical analysis of the condition of the problem, suggested ways of solution, the confirmation of the research results with the indication of their practical application and prospects. Defense of the Master’s thesis, state examination on specialty Workload: The objectives of the module/ Expected learning outcomes: Contents: The results of training / exams / exams forms: Technical / multimedia tools: References: Control and measuring equipment and devices of specialized laboratory classrooms, as well as modern multimedia complexes. 1. Scientific and technical text: rules of drafting and issuance. T.Y. Teplitskaya. – Rostov-on-Don, 2007. 2. Rules of test documents issuance in educational process: methodical instructions on the issuance of reports, standard calculations, term papers for students of technical specialties – Petropavlovsk, 2002. 3. Shishmarev V.Y. Subsystems and systems elements of automatic control. – M.Akademiya. 2005. 4. A.A. Gerassimenko, V.T. Fedin. Electric energy transfer and distribution. 2006, Rostov-on-Don 5. Rules of technical operation of electric power plants and networks. Edited by A.A. Okin. M., 2001 6. V.N. Sazhin. Electric systems and networks. Collection of lectures. AIES. Almaty, 2004 7. K.K. Tokhtibakiyev. Electric systems and networks. Methods of electric power losses calculation and their rationing. Study manual, Almaty, 2005. 8. Monakhov A.F. Protective electric security measures in electric 21 installations. Study manual. M., “Energosernis”. 2008. 9. Karyakin R. N. Ground devices of electric installations. Reference book. Second edition. M. Energosernis. 2006. 10. Sibikin Y.D. Electric security in the operation of industrial enterprises electric installations. M. Akademiya, 2008 11. V.N. Kopyev. Relay protection. Tomsk, 2001 12. B.A. Alekseyev. Maintenance of relay protection and automatic equipment of power plants and electric networks. Part 1. Electromagnetic relays. M. NTs ENAS, 2000 13. Guidelines in the calculation of short circuit currents and the choice of electric equipment of Rd 153-34.0-20.527 — 98. Russian joint stock company of power and electrification “EES of Russia”. Moscow. “NTs ENAS”, 2001 14. N.F. Ilyinsky. Electric drive bases, Publishers of MEI. 2003 15. “Systems of the automated control of electric drives”, edited by Yu.N.Petrenko. М.: ACADEMA, 2005. 16. M.P.Belov, etc. automatic electric drive of model production mechanisms and technological complexes. М.: ACADEMA, 2005. 22