Journal 8 This week has been a short week as far as training is concerned. Most of my week was spent outside with baseball. Fortunately, no new injuries have occurred. Rehabilitation is our main focus with the baseball athletes. As of now we are dealing with multiple injuries such as rolled ankles, sore back muscles and shoulders, a torn teres major, and two labral problems. One athlete has fibers of his labrum pinched in the glenohumeral joint space but not much can be done. He has received a cortisone shot and is icing and performing rehabilitation stretches and resistance, however, the pain has not decreased in any amount and he is left to push through it. The last resort is to perform a scope on the GH joint. One pitcher has a torn labrum; however, due to the baseball season in mid-swing, he must wait until summer to have the surgery to repair his labrum. We also have an outfielder with a broken carpal. I am curious about the bone stimulator. What is the purpose of the modality and how do you determine when to apply such a modality to a patient’s regime? The baseball player has not been instructed to utilize the bone stimulator. (This question was brought up to me by the head coach a week ago.) As for my time in the training room, attempts to keep it as clean as possible has been a goal of mine and trying to remain busy even in slow times is a constant goal. Another attempt I’ve been making is making sure to know the correct setting for Combo or Russian settings on the e-stim according to the injury.