HINDUSTAN PETROLEUM CORPORATION LTD., GMO-WZ HINDUSTAN PETROLEUM CORPORATION LTD. TENDER NOTICE Tender Ref : M/s.________________________ __________________________ _ Date: 28/07/ 2010 Dear Sirs, INTERIOR / RENOVATION WORKS AT HPCL, GMO-WZ, R&C BUILDING BYCULLA, MUMBAI -08.. We invite your most competitive offer for INTERIOR / RENOVATION WORKS AT HINDUSTAN PETROLEUM CORPORATION LIMITED, GMO-WZ ,1st FLOOR , R& C BUILDING ,SIR J.J. ROAD, BYCULLA,MUMBAI-8. PRE BID MEETING A pre-bid for the subjected job is scheduled on 10th Aug 2010 at 14:30 HRS at HPCL 2nd Floor, R & C Building for understanding the complete scope of the job. DUE DATE FOR SUBMISSION Due Date for submission of completed tender : 20.08.2010 @ 1500 HRs Opening of Unpriced Documents of tender : 20.08.2010 @ 1530 HRs You are invited to quote "Two Part-Bid Basis” for the above work as per the enclosed Tender Documents. The bids are to be submitted in two parts i.e. “TechnoCommercial Bid’ and the ‘Price Bid”. Your offer shall be submitted in two parts. Part A shall consist of the EMD, Covering Letter for submitting tender (as per enclosed format) and will contain all specification, technical details, Terms and conditions, comments / deviation (if any) etc., The following documents forming part of the above Tender are enclosed herewith. Interior Work at R&C Building Page 1 of 69 Seal & Signature of Tenderer HINDUSTAN PETROLEUM CORPORATION LTD., GMO-WZ A.UNPRICE /TECHNO COMMERCIAL BID 1. Cover Letter 2. Introduction 3. a. General Instructions – Annexure – I b. Special Instructions – Annexure – II c. Special Terms & Conditions - Annexure – III d. Safety Code – Annexure – IV e. Preamble – Annexure – V f. Declaration by Tenderer – Annexure – VI g. Organisation Data – Annexure – VII h. Deviation Sheet – Annexure – VIII i. Technical Specifications – Annexure – IX 4. a. b. c. d. List of approved Brands & Makes – Annexure – X Item wise detailed description – Annexure – XI List of items for disposal – Annexure – XII Layout drawing – Annexure – XIII 5. General Terms & Conditions – Annexure – XIV 6. Format for Bank Guarantee for EMD/SD – Annexure – XV 7. Integrity Pact – Annexure – XVI Please note that Part A shall not contain any prices and shall be enclosed in a sealed envelope clearly marked as Technical Bid (Part A) with Tender No. & due date on top B. Price Bid (Bill of quantity) The bill of quantities forms a part of the contract and shall be read in conjunction with the conditions of contract, the specification and the drawings. The quantities set forth in the bill of quantities are approximate only and are intended to represent the character of the work to be carried out and are given to provide a common basis of tendering. There is no guarantee to the contractor that he will be required to carry out the quantities of work indicated under any one particular item or groups of item in the bill of quantities represent a fair overall estimate of the quantity of work to be carried out. Part B shall consist of the Price Bid with only the schedule of Rates/Quantities duly filled and shall not contain any terms and conditions. It shall be enclosed in a sealed envelope clearly marked as Price Bid (Part-B) with Tender No. & due date on top. Interior Work at R&C Building Page 2 of 69 Seal & Signature of Tenderer HINDUSTAN PETROLEUM CORPORATION LTD., GMO-WZ Your quoted rates shall be inclusive of all applicable taxes and duties and shall remain firm till completion of work. Your quotation shall be valid for period of 90 days from the date/extended date of opening of Tender indicated above. Deposit your sealed quotation on Two Bid Basis addressed to SR. MANAGER – PUR.(WZ) in the Tender Box located at HINDUSTAN PETROLEUM CORPORATION LIMITED, GMO-WZ ,IIND FLOOR, R& C BUILDING ,SIR J.J. ROAD, BYCULLA,MUMBAI-8 on or before due date & time of the tender . Kindly ensure to state name and designation of the authority signing the offer. You are requested to submit your best offer for the items of work contained in the tender. Your offer complete in all respects should be submitted on or before due date of the tender. The sealed offer is to be submitted at the following address: SR. MANAGER- PUR. (WZ), HINDUSTAN PETROLEUM CORPORATION LIMITED, GMO-WZ, II ND FLOOR, R& C BUILDING , SIR J.J. ROAD, BYCULLA, MUMBAI-8. The tender must accompany the stipulated EMD as per clause No. 11 of “General Instructions” & 4(a) of “General Terms & Conditions” of this tender. Tender without EMD will be rejected. Thanking you, Yours Faithfully, SR. MGR.-PUR (WZ) HINDUSTAN PETROLEUM CORPORATION LIMITED Interior Work at R&C Building Page 3 of 69 Seal & Signature of Tenderer HINDUSTAN PETROLEUM CORPORATION LTD., GMO-WZ COVERING LETTER FOR SUBMITTING TENDER Sr. Manger – Pur. (WZ) ______ _ _____________ _______________, HINDUSTAN PETROLEUM CORPORATION LIMITED, GMO-WZ, II ND FLOOR, R& C BUILDING, SIR J.J. ROAD, BYCULLA, MUMBAI-8. Subject: Tender for Interior/ renovation works at AT HINDUSTAN PETROLEUM CORPORATION LIMITED, GMO-WZ, 1st FLOOR, R& C BUILDING, SIR J.J. ROAD, BYCULLA, MUMBAI-8. Dear Sir (s), With reference to the tender invited by you for the above proposed work, I/ we confirm having read & understood the details, specifications, bill of quantities, instructions to the tenderers, and the conditions of contract annexed there to (herein after called the contract documents) relating to above proposed work. Visited and examined the site of the proposed work and acquired the requisite information as affecting the tender. I/ we, undersigned, hereby offer to carry out the proposed work in strict accordance with the contract documents for the consideration to be calculated in terms of the priced bill of the quantities. I/ we undertake to take up the work so as to complete the same within 120 days of handing over site. I/We agree to keep the offer open for 90 days from the date of opening of tenders. As required by you, I/We are returning herewith the documents (in single) duly signed by us at each page in token of our acceptance of the provisions in the documents. Interior Work at R&C Building Page 4 of 69 Seal & Signature of Tenderer HINDUSTAN PETROLEUM CORPORATION LTD., GMO-WZ I/We confirm that our quotation has been prepared after thorough study of site conditions, specifications, drawings, General Terms and Conditions of Contract, Special terms & conditions etc., and I/We hereby accord our unqualified consent and agreement to the said Conditions, Specifications, drawings, General Terms & Conditions, Special terms & conditions of Contract, etc. Seal: Signature of Contractor. Date: Place: Date: Interior Work at R&C Building Yours faithfully, (Signature & seal of the tenderer) Page 5 of 69 Seal & Signature of Tenderer HINDUSTAN PETROLEUM CORPORATION LTD., GMO-WZ INTRODUCTION 1. Scope of Work. : 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 2. Location 3. Earnest Money Deposit : 4. Owner 5. Architect Buy back – various items (List as per Annexure-XII) Civil Works Partition Doors & Windows Loose Furniture False Ceiling Miscellaneous Electrical Work : HINDUSTAN PETROLEUM CORPORATION LIMITED GMO-WZ, 1st FLOOR R& C BUILDING, SIR J.J. ROAD, BYCULLA,MUMBAI-8. Interior Work at R&C Building As per clause no. 11 of General Instructions please also refer clause no. 4(a) of “General Terms & Conditions” of this tender. : HINDUSTAN PETROLEUM CORPORATION LIMITED GMO-WZ, 1st FLOOR, R& C BUILDING, SIR J.J. ROAD, BYCULLA, MUMBAI-8. : VARDE PARALKAR & ASSOCIATES 1st Floor, State Bank of India Bldg., Annex Bank Street, Horniman Circle, Fort, Mumbai - 400 023 Page 6 of 69 Seal & Signature of Tenderer HINDUSTAN PETROLEUM CORPORATION LTD., GMO-WZ Annexure - I GENERAL INSTRUCTIONS Instructions for Filling / Submitting Tenders: 1. The tender should be submitted only in the prescribed tender schedule form supplied by HPCL. 2. The Tenderer should study all the Tender Documents carefully and understand the Tender Contract Conditions, Drawings, Specifications etc., before quoting. If there are any doubts, they should get clarification in writing but this shall not be a justification for submission of late tender or extension of opening date. Tender should be strictly in accordance with Terms & Conditions, Drawings, Specifications and Tender Documents. 3. The Tenderer should visit the site and acquaint himself with the site conditions before quoting. He is also expected to know about the availability of water supply, electricity supply, approach road, construction materials as per specifications and any other ancillary facilities since these are to be provided / arranged by him (unless otherwise specified) at his cost to execute the works. All the above factors must be taken into account in the rates quoted. 4. The Tenderer should quote his rates for all items in the Tender Schedule. In case of discrepancy, if any, clause 3.19 of General Terms & Conditions will be applied. 5. All Tenders should be submitted in sealed cover boldly super scribed on the outer cover, Tender Number, closing date and time and sent by Registered Post or Courier so as to reach the concerned authority as laid out in the tender form before the closing date and time or dropped in the tender box kept in the concerned authority's office before closing date & time. 6. All entries in tender documents should be in ink. All corrections should be attested under full signature of the contractor. Corrections where necessary should be made by scoring the wrong words/figures by drawing a line across them and attesting these with the full signature of the Contractor. These shall not be erased or overwritten. 7. Every page of the Tender Documents shall be signed by the Tenderer at the end of last entry thereon. The Layout drawing attached to the tender should be signed and returned by the Contractors along with Tender Documents. Interior Work at R&C Building Page 7 of 69 Seal & Signature of Tenderer HINDUSTAN PETROLEUM CORPORATION LTD., GMO-WZ The Integrity Pact duly signed by the HPCL official and the contractor will form part of this contract / supply order. Proforma of Integrity pact, attached as annexure shall be returned by the bidder along with the technical bid, duly signed by the same signatory authority who signs the bid i.e. who is duly authorized to sign the bid. The Bids received without duly signed Integrity Pact shall be rejected. 8. The quoted rates should be inclusive of all Equipment, Lifts and Leads of Materials, Labour, Octroi Duties, Sales Tax, Work Contract Tax, Turnover Tax, Excise, Customs, Service tax etc., required in connection with the completion of work to the entire satisfaction of HPCL and Architects. All the materials are to be supplied by the Contractor unless otherwise stated. 9. The quoted rates shall be valid for a period of at least 90 days from the date of opening of the Tender. No upward revision of rates will be accepted after opening of the tender. If the Tenderer fails to accept the work order, if placed at his originally quoted rates, or subsequently negotiated rates, as the case may be, the Earnest Money shall be forfeited. Once the quotation is accepted and the Work Order placed on the successful tenderer, the rates shall be valid till the entire work is 100% completed as per the satisfaction of HPCL & Architects. 10. Tenderer must quote his rates for all items of work described in the Bills of Quantities. HPCL reserves the right to reject the offers received which do not have the quoted rates for all the items. 11. EARNEST MONEY DEPOSIT The tenderers shall refer clause no. 4 (a) of General Terms & conditions & submit the Earnest Money Deposit of Rs 3,00,000 /- (Rupees Three Lakhs Only ) by crossed account payee Demand Draft (OR) Bank Guarantee drawn on and from any Nationalised / Scheduled banks other than Co-operative banks in favour of “ HINDUSTAN PETROLEUM CORPORATION LIMITED” payable at Mumbai. EMD should be submitted along with the Technical Bid / Un priced bid and bids received without EMD shall be rejected, in the case e- tenders the EMD to be submitted to the buyer on or before the due date and time of opening of the un priced bid of the tender for verification. Cheques, cash, Money Orders, Fixed deposit Receipts etc. towards EMD are not acceptable. Similarly, request for adjustment against any previously deposited EMD / Pending Dues / Bills / Security Deposits of other contracts etc. will not be accepted towards EMD. Interior Work at R&C Building Page 8 of 69 Seal & Signature of Tenderer HINDUSTAN PETROLEUM CORPORATION LTD., GMO-WZ Exemption from EMD: Units registered with National Small Industries Corporation (NSIC) are exempted from payment of EMD for performance up to Monetary Limits specified in the NSIC for the item tendered and subject to. Registration certificate being valid as on date of quotation. Technical Bid is accompanied by a photocopy of valid NSIC Registration Certificate / Review Certificate. Photocopy of application for registration as NSIC or for renewal of NSIC will not be acceptable. Such offers will be treated as offers received without EMD. Registration with DGS&D will not entitle the Tenderer to claim exemption from payment of EMD. The EMD is liable to forfeited or parties who have opted for exemption from submitting the EMD , shall be barred for a period of one year from taking part in any tender floated by HPCL in future, in the event of : Withdrawal of offers during the validity period of the offer. Non–acceptance of Orders, if and when placed. Nonpayment of Security Deposit, against LOIs / POs within the stipulated period of 15 days from date of placement of LOIs / POs. EMD will be refunded to all the unsuccessful tenderers after finalisation of the Tender. For successful tenderers, refund will be made only on payment of Security Deposit against LOI / PO, as placed. EMD shall not bear any interest and shall be refunded / paid by Cheque / e-payment. Tenders submitted without EMD will be rejected. 12. Security Deposit Pls. refer clause No. 4(b) of the “General Terms & conditions of the tender”. 13. Retention Money: Pls. refer clause No. 7(c) of the “General Terms & conditions of the tender”. Interior Work at R&C Building Page 9 of 69 Seal & Signature of Tenderer HINDUSTAN PETROLEUM CORPORATION LTD., GMO-WZ 14. Acceptance of tender by HPCL Incomplete tenders, conditional tenders, tenders received late or tenders not conforming to the Terms and Conditions prescribed in the Tender Documents or not accompanied by the requisite earnest money will be rejected. Requests for adjustment of pending bills or any other amount towards Earnest Money Deposit will not be entertained. HPCL reserves the right to reject any or all tenders without assigning any reason whatsoever and / or to carry out negotiations with the tenders in the manner considered suitable by HPCL. 15. Tenderer may have to attend the concerned office of HPCL for negotiations / clarifications required by them in respect of their quotations without any Commitment on the part of HPCL. 16. In case of negotiations, the Tenderer should send the confirmation of such negotiations so as to reach HPCL within 3 working days from the date of negotiations, failing which HPCL reserves the right to ignore the quotation. 17. Acceptance of Work Order by Tenderer. After communicating HPCL's acceptance of the Contractor's tender, if the Contractor fails to return the duplicate copy of Work Order and agreement duly signed in token of their acceptance within 10 days, the Earnest Money Deposit will be forfeited by HPCL. 18. Signing of Documents. All signatures in tender document shall be dated as well as all the pages of all sections of the tender documents shall be stamped and signed by the Tenderer or by a person holding Power of Attorney authorising him to sign on behalf of the tenderer before submission of tender. 19. Execution of Work The Contractor shall submit before starting work on receipt of Work Order a detailed programme of work adhering to the completion time quoted in the Work Order. The programme thus submitted shall form part of the Contract and shall be binding on the Contractor. However, HPCL reserves the right to alter the programme, if necessary, from time to time. No claim whatsoever of the Contractor on his account shall be entertained by HPCL. Interior Work at R&C Building Page 10 of 69 Seal & Signature of Tenderer HINDUSTAN PETROLEUM CORPORATION LTD., GMO-WZ 20. All the materials required for execution of work must be got approved from HPCL /Architects before they are brought to site and also before actually put to use. All facilities for prior inspection of materials and subsequent inspection of work by representatives of HPCL/Architects must be made available, at Contractor's cost. 21. Any material brought without such prior written approval shall be entirely at the risk and cost of the Contractor. 22. It shall be Contractor's responsibility for procurement of all materials / equipment etc. No delay due to non-availability of any materials / equipment will be entertained by HPCL. 23. The responsibility of safety and security of materials and equipments brought or installed by the Contractor (till they are handed over to HPCL) will remain with the Contractor and any claim whatsoever nature due to any loss or otherwise will not be entertained. The Contractor will have to hand over completed job in its entirety of Work Order. 24. If the Contractor brings defective / sub-standard materials at site, it shall be the responsibility of the Contractor for the removal and disposal of the same at his cost. HPCL shall not entertain any claim from the Contractor on this account. In case the Contractor fails to remove such materials within 15 days after issue of notice in writing to the Contractor, the HPCL reserves the right to dispose such materials at the entire risk and cost of the Contractor. 25. Work order quantities are approximate and can increase or decrease. Payment shall be made only as per actual measurements. The Contractor is not entitled for any sort of compensation towards materials, procured / stored in excess of the measured quantity, if any. The contractors claim for compensation or damages on account of variation in quantities shall not be entertained. 26. Excess quantity over that mentioned in work order or extra item or deviation in work order should not be carried out by the Contractor unless has been asked to do so in writing by HPCL / Architect / and if carried out without such written approval the same will be at the risk and cost of the Contractor. 27. Detailed measurements of works carried out shall be taken jointly by the Contractor and the representative of the Architect / HPCL at every stage of work before proceeding to next stage as explained in General Terms & conditions clause no.7.a. Interior Work at R&C Building Page 11 of 69 Seal & Signature of Tenderer HINDUSTAN PETROLEUM CORPORATION LTD., GMO-WZ 28. The entire work shall be carried out under the supervision of the authorised representative of HPCL / Architect who shall have free access to the site as well as to the workshop or other places of the Contractor/sub-contractors where work is being prepared for the proper execution of the Contract. 29. The Contractor shall carry out works as per directions in the Work Order. The Contractor shall not undertake on his own any change in the specification mentioned in the Tender Documents and Work Orders. In case of doubt the Contractor will refer the matter in writing to the HPCL and the Contractor shall carry out the items of work as per clarifications given in writing. In case of delay in getting such clarifications the Contractor will not be entitled for any claim on account of idling of their labour, machinery etc. In case the Contractor carries out the work as per his own specifications not acceptable to HPCL in such cases the same will be required to be redone as per specifications given by HPCL/Architects at the Contractor's risk and cost. If the Contractor fails to re-do the work, HPCL reserves the right to get it done through any agency at the entire risk and cost of the Contractor. 30. HPCL reserves the right to revise the specifications, drawings, and designs at any stage of work and such deviations shall be admitted at the rates already contained in the Work Order or at prevailing market rates if the rates are not available in the Work Order. 31. HPCL, reserves the right to increase or decrease the tendered quantity of any or every item and delete any item at any stage of work at the accepted rates. The Contractor's claim for compensation or damages on account of these shall not be entertained. 32. All works shall be measured as per the procedure laid down in relevant ISI standards (Bureau of Indian Standards latest edition). Detailed measurements of works carried out shall be taken jointly by the representatives of HPCL / Architect, in the presence of the Contractor's representative and final payment will be made as per measured quantities and not as per the Work Order quantities. 33. The Contractor shall submit progress report of their work weekly to HPCL/Architect. 34. The Contractor at site will maintain Instruction Books serially numbered having one original and three copies of each page so that representatives of the HPCL /Architects shall issue instructions regarding progress and quality of work to the Contractor. The Contractor or Contractor's representative will sign in the Instruction Book in token of receipt and understanding of such Interior Work at R&C Building Page 12 of 69 Seal & Signature of Tenderer HINDUSTAN PETROLEUM CORPORATION LTD., GMO-WZ instructions. The contractor shall also maintain Hindrance Register on site and shall register the hindrance in the same during the progress of the work. 35. The bills will be submitted in the standard measurement / bill proforma only, approved by HPCL. 36. If the performance of the successful Contractor is found to be unsatisfactory, HPCL reserves the right to cancel in part or whole of the Contract and get the works executed through alternate means at the entire risk and cost of the selected Contractor. 37. In case the Contractor abandons the work in spite of notice, HPCL shall issue the final notice to the Contractor to remain present at site on due date and time as per notice, HPCL / Architect’s representative will take unilateral measurements of abandoned work which will be binding on the Contractor and the balance work will be carried out by any agency at the entire risk and cost of the Contractor. Corporation reserves the right to take action as deemed fit which is inclusive of putting the manufacturer under suspension / holiday, in case of withdrawal of Offer at any stage, non-acceptance of LOI / PO or any other breach of Tender terms and conditions. 38. The Contractor shall dispose of all debris materials. Dispose off the surplus partitions, ceiling, flooring and other dismantled materials from the premises to outside the Municipal limits or as permitted by the local authorities, irrespective of lead and mode of transportation involved. If the Contractor fails to do so and dumps the debris adjacent to the site, no extra payment shall be payable for re-handling of the same. 39. It will be responsibility of the Contractor to get the works approved and obtain certificate for all plumbing and electrical work or any other work requiring the permission from local authority from the local Municipal / other Government / required authorities, if required. 40. The Contractor will abide by rules and regulations, by laws and statutes etc. imposed by the Government / semi Government and other local authorities such as Municipality etc., for execution of his job. 41. Any damage caused to the existing facilities while carrying out the work shall be made good by the Contractor at his own risk and cost to the entire satisfaction of HPCL and Architects. Interior Work at R&C Building Page 13 of 69 Seal & Signature of Tenderer HINDUSTAN PETROLEUM CORPORATION LTD., GMO-WZ 42. The Contractor shall submit the declaration applicable (attach herewith – “Declaration Non-blacklisted / Non banned party”) while submitting the quotation duly completed in all respects. 43. Successful Contractor will comply with the provisions of all current Labour Laws during the progress of the work. The contractor shall obtain all the permission as per the provisions of labour laws and display the same at the premises. Please refer clause no. 6.e.3 of General Terms & conditions. Interior Work at R&C Building Page 14 of 69 Seal & Signature of Tenderer HINDUSTAN PETROLEUM CORPORATION LTD., GMO-WZ Annexure - II SPECIAL INSTRUCTIONS Tenderer should specially note the following. (1) Rates quoted by the Tenderer shall be valid for a period of 90 days from the date of opening the tender. Please read in conjunction with General instructions clause no. 9. (2) No upward revision of rates will be accepted after opening the tender. (3) If the tenderer fails to accept the work order issued at the rates originally quoted by him or at rates negotiated subsequently, as the case may be, the Earnest Money shall be forfeited. (4) The rates, at which the Work Order is finally placed on the successful Tenderer, shall be valid till the completion of the work. (5) Time Limit: - The entire work shall be completed within 120 days (One hundred and twenty days) from the handing over of site. (6) While executing the work the contractors have to ensure that no inconvenience whatsoever is caused to the other office premises functioning in said building. (7) Adequate number of fire extinguishers, first aid boxes, must be provided on the site by the contractor. (8) In case of any delay in completion of the work within the period stipulated above, liquidated damages at the rate of 0.5% of the contract value per week of delay or part thereof subject to maximum 5% of the value of the contract shall be recovered from the contractor. (9) The Price Bid shall be unconditional. Corporation reserves the right to reject the tender submitted with the conditional price bid. (10) Contractor should be capable to work round the clock as desired during execution of job. The existing office is surrounded with the commercial / residential area, accordingly, due care/safety need to be followed by the contractor to avoid disturbance. Interior Work at R&C Building Page 15 of 69 Seal & Signature of Tenderer HINDUSTAN PETROLEUM CORPORATION LTD., GMO-WZ (11) Contractor has to deploy 1 no. exclusive safety supervisor for continuous supervision of safety during the execution of job on daily basis. The contractor will be totally responsible for the safety & security of the job being carried out by them. The safety supervisor should have dedicated mobile phone with him all the time. Interior Work at R&C Building Page 16 of 69 Seal & Signature of Tenderer HINDUSTAN PETROLEUM CORPORATION LTD., GMO-WZ Annexure - III SPECIAL TERMS & CONDITIONS 1. The successful tenderer to station their duly authorized representative in Mumbai during the period of Contract and the representative shall always be available in Mumbai to deal with all matters concerning this Contract. 2. HPCL proposes to dispose-off the existing materials and interiors at 1st Floor (as per Annexure - XII) on “As is where is basis”; accordingly the tenderer has to offer their rates against the line item no. 1 for “Buy back – Misc. Various items” as per price bid . Scopes of job includes dismantling and taking away / clear the debris before commencing the job. 3. Time Limit The entire work shall be completed within 120 DAYS from the date of handing over of the site. The commencement of the works shall be the date handing over of side by HPCL. If there is a time gap between the completion / handing over of one phase to starting of the second phase, the same shall be recorded and not be considered for calculation of time for project. 4. Hindustan Petroleum Corporation Limited will not pay any mobilisation advance for the Contract. 5. Terms of Payment The following terms of payment shall apply: a) Payment will be made within 15 days after submission of bills certified by Architect & HPCL. b) Hindustan Petroleum Corporation Limited will not pay any mobilisation advance for the Contract. c) Running bills will be paid based on measurements as assessed by HPCL / Architect, taking into consideration work in progress. Job partially completed will also be taken into consideration depending on the HPCL / Architect’s discretion. d) Any work done at factory will not be counted in the running account bills until the material is brought to the site of work. Interior Work at R&C Building Page 17 of 69 Seal & Signature of Tenderer HINDUSTAN PETROLEUM CORPORATION LTD., GMO-WZ Progressive / Stage wise payment will be as under: 1) 50% - Payment will be made after receipt of material at the site. Vendor to specify the item no. in BOQ for which they have brought the material. They are also required to get the certification from the Architect / HPCL for the quantity of job to be executed against the various items mentioned in the BOQ for which material is brought-in. Based on those quantities, 50 % of the payment will be released as mentioned above. 2) 30% - Payment will be made after erection of material brought-in and after completing the quantity against which the payment for Sr. No. 1 was released. 3) 20% - Payment will be made after complete finishing/completion of the job for which the payments were released earlier as mentioned in Sr. No. 1 & 2. Finishing / completion will be considered as no other job is left out to be done on that particular item/ job and are completed to the fully satisfaction of Architect / HPCL. 4) In case, the partial payment is not released earlier for any particular item/ job, Vendor can raise the bill by combining one or more stages as mentioned above. 10% of amount will be deducted from all the above payment as retention money, in case the Performance Bank guarantee is not given for the same. Refer item no. 11 of General Terms & Conditions. The above payment terms to be read in conjunction with Payment Terms mentioned in clause no.7 of General Terms & Conditions 6. Disbursement of work Only one vendor is required for complete execution of job. 7. Security Norms The Contractor shall follow strictly the norms of security observed by HPCL while working the premises of HPCL. 8. Electric Supply Power connection for the construction work is available in the building. All necessary connection from mains to be arranged by the contractor. The electric charges during the work paid shall be born by contractor. Interior Work at R&C Building Page 18 of 69 Seal & Signature of Tenderer HINDUSTAN PETROLEUM CORPORATION LTD., GMO-WZ Contractor has to arrange to separate sub meter for determination of the electricity consumed by him for the execution of the job. 9. Programme of work and progress reports: The successful Contractor will have to submit a detailed Bar Chart indicating the schedule of various activities from the date of commencement till completion and get the same approved by the Architect / HPCL. Once the Bar Chart is approved by HPCL, Contractor shall strictly adhere to the same. This programme shall form part of the Contract and shall be binding on the Contractor. However, the HPCL reserves the right to alter the programme, if necessary, from time to time. No claim whatsoever of any nature by the Contractor on this account shall be entertained by HPCL. They shall also have to write their requirements about co-ordination from other agencies working at site. In addition to this, following further information should also be furnished. (1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) Nature of labour force required for the work. Material procurement programme. Details of machinery/equipment to be used. Details of work to be executed at site and in Contractor’s factory / shop. Requirements of electric power at site. Arrangements made for Contractor's own security. The Contractor will also have to furnish daily/weekly progress report incorporating necessary details of work under execution. 10. Office / Stores on the site The Contractor shall make his own provision for all necessary storage with adequate security on the site in a specified area for all materials, which is likely to deteriorate by the action of the sun, rain or other material causes due to exposure, in such a manner that all such materials, tools, etc., shall be duly protected from damage by whether or any other cause. All such stores shall be cleared away and the ground left in good and proper order on completion of this Contract unless otherwise expressly mentioned therein. 11. Testing of works and materials and preparation of samples. The Contractor shall, if required either by HPCL/Architects shall arrange to test materials and/or portions of the works at his own cost in order to prove their soundness and efficiency. If after any such test, the work or portions of the works are found, in the opinion of the Architect to be defective or unsound, the Contractor shall pull down and re-erect the same at his own cost. Samples of each class of materials and workmanship shall be submitted Interior Work at R&C Building Page 19 of 69 Seal & Signature of Tenderer HINDUSTAN PETROLEUM CORPORATION LTD., GMO-WZ by the Contractor for the approval of the HPCL / Architect before procurement and execution. 12. Notice The Contractor shall comply with all acts and regulations for the successful completion of the Contract works and shall give due notice and pay all fees. 13. Measurement to be recorded before work is covered up. The Contractor shall take joint measurements with the Architect’s representative before covering up or otherwise placing beyond the reach of measurement any item of work. Should the Contractor neglect to do so, the same shall be uncovered at Contractor's expense or in default thereof, no payment or allowance shall be made for such work or the materials with which the same was executed. 14. Dimensions Figured dimensions are to be followed in all cases. Large scale details take precedence over small scale drawings. In general, the drawings shall indicate the dimensions, positions and type of construction; the specifications shall indicate the qualities and methods, and the bill of quantities shall indicate the quantum and rate for each item of work. Any work indicated in the drawings and not mentioned in the specifications or vice-versa, shall be furnished as though fully set forth in both. Any ambiguity, conflict of interpretation, errors or inconsistencies discovered in the drawings / documents shall be promptly brought to the attention of the HPCL and the Architect. Generally, the provisions giving more rigorous interpretation shall prevail, but in the event of disagreement between the Contractors and the supervisor, decision of engineer-in-charge shall be final. In case of any discrepancy, the Contractor is to ask for an explanation before proceeding with the work. 15. Action where there is no specification In case of any class of work over which there is no specification mentioned, the same shall be carried out in accordance with the latest Indian Standard Specifications subject to the approval of the Architect and HPCL. 16. Clearing the site of works The Contractor shall clear the site of works as per the instructions of HPCL/ Architect. The site of works shall be cleared of all men, materials, sheds etc., belonging to the Contractor. The site shall be delivered back to the HPCL in a Interior Work at R&C Building Page 20 of 69 Seal & Signature of Tenderer HINDUSTAN PETROLEUM CORPORATION LTD., GMO-WZ clean and neat condition as required by the Architect within a period of one week after the job is completed. In case of failure by the Contractor, the HPCL will have the right to get the site cleared at the risk and cost of the Contractor. 17. Occupation of partially completed portion by the HPCL. The HPCL shall be entitled to and will be at liberty to occupy even the partially completed portion of the work by themselves or through their agents and servants if they so desire. Necessary extension of time for completing the work shall, however, be granted to the Contractor but he shall have no claim for any compensation whatsoever due to the delay, if any, involved in completing the work on account of partial occupation. 18. Typographical or Clerical Errors HPCL clarifications regarding partially omitted particulars or typographical or clerical errors shall be final and binding on the Contractor. 19. Insurance The Contractor shall provide adequate insurance cover as per the General Terms & Conditions. 20. Information to be furnished to HPCL on completion of work The Contractor, on completion of work shall furnish in a tabulated form, all pertinent and necessary information regarding the material, hardware, metal work, glass etc., used in the items of work. The information also to contain the names of such agencies that are specialized for certain items like melamine polishing, exclusive hardware etc. This tabulated information is to help the HPCL in maintaining their office building after defects liability period is over. 21. Performance Guarantee for all bought out items Contractor shall submit written performance guarantee for all bought out items from him as well as from manufacturers. 22. As Built Drawings Contractor shall within one month of completion of work submit `As Built' drawings (original tracings and 3 sets of prints) of all the works carried out by him. Contractor will not receive final payment in case of failure to comply with this condition. Interior Work at R&C Building Page 21 of 69 Seal & Signature of Tenderer HINDUSTAN PETROLEUM CORPORATION LTD., GMO-WZ 23. Documents to be complementary All Sections of Contract Documents and working drawings shall be complementary to each other. In case of ambiguities, discrepancies or contradictions between any two sections, HPCL / Architect decision shall be final and binding on the Contractor for interpretation of it. 24. Contractors Superintendence The Contractor shall appoint a qualified Architect / Interior Designer and experienced engineer to supervise the work at site. The Contractor shall obtain the approval from HPCL / Architect about competence of such person. 25. Inspection by Contractor The Contractor shall inspect all the works and satisfy himself before it is offered for inspection to the HPCL / Architect. 26. Removal of Debris Contractor shall arrange to dispose off debris, wood shaving and any other waste product created while carrying out the work, outside HPCL's premises. The Contractor shall take due care while disposing of such waste materials and ensure that any rules/regulations laid down by Municipal Corporation/ HPCL or any other statutory Body are not violated. The Contractor shall be responsible and answerable to any complaint arising out of improper disposal of wastage. Quoted rate shall involve the cost of it and no extra payment shall be made towards this account. 27. Mock-up The Contractor shall prepare a mock-up of each item, if required, strictly in accordance with the specifications free of cost, for approval of HPCL / Architect. The work on these items shall proceed further only after the approval of the mock-up. 28. Rates quoted by the Contractor for the works to be carried out shall be valid for all floors including basement. 29. The Contractor shall submit original copies of invoices, order forms for any materials purchased for project work, to HPCL / Architect. Interior Work at R&C Building Page 22 of 69 Seal & Signature of Tenderer HINDUSTAN PETROLEUM CORPORATION LTD., GMO-WZ 30. The Contractor shall calculate realistic quantities after receipt of drawings and it can be after submitting first interim bill but before submitting the second interim bill to HPCL / Architect. 31. Works at Night The Contractor is required to work at night in order to complete the work within the time schedule. The Contractor shall provide and maintain at his own cost sufficient lights to enable the work to proceed satisfactorily without danger. Approach road to the site also shall be sufficiently lighted by the Contractor. No extra payments will be made for night work. 32. The rates quoted by the tenderer in the schedule of quantities will be deemed to be for the finished work and shall include all charges for : a) d) Labour, maintenance, fixing, arranging, cleaning, making good, hauling etc. Plant, double scaffolding, frame work, English ladders, ropes, nails, spikes, tools, materials and workmen, protection from weather, temporary supports, platform and the maintenance of the same. Covering for the walling and other works during inclement weather or strikes or whenever directed, as necessary. All temporary canvas, lights, tarpaulin, barricade, water shoots etc. e) All measures required to be taken for protection of existing works. f) All such temporary weatherproof sheds at such places and in a manner approved by the Architect for the storage and protection of materials against the effects of sun and rain. g) All tests of materials. h) No tools and plants shall be issued by the HPCL under the Contract. b) c) 33. Escalation : The rates quoted by the contractor shall be inclusive of all taxes and shall remain valid till the completion of the works. No escalation shall be paid by HPCL for any reason whatsoever. 34. Inspection of Work: During progress of the work the Engineer or any other representative of the company shall be entitled at all times to have access to and inspect the work. Interior Work at R&C Building Page 23 of 69 Seal & Signature of Tenderer HINDUSTAN PETROLEUM CORPORATION LTD., GMO-WZ 35. Supervision: The contractor shall provide one or more competent and technical supervisors duly and fully authorised to act on his behalf in all matters relating to the works to be carried out under or any other matter concerning this agreement and who shall at all times be present at the works when any work is in progress. Such supervisors shall be persons of known experience and be approved by the company-authorised representative before they are permitted in any way to take charge of, or superintend any operation of the works. Any directions, explanation, instructions or notices in connection with the work given by the company’s authorised representative to the supervisor or any one of them shall be deemed to have been given to the contractor. 36. Payment of Work Done: During the progress of the work, the contractor, at the sole discretion of the company’s authorized representative may receive interim payment up to a maximum of 90 %. Proportionate to the amount of work performed, after such work has been inspected and approved by such representative. Payments of the final bill will be made after adjusting the interim payments, and retention money. 37. Defective Work/ Materials: If any part of the work done by the contractor shall be found defective in workmanship or if bad or inferior materials have been used, the contractor shall at his own risk and cost demolish all such defective work and rebuild the same and/ or replace the bad or inferior materials used, to the satisfaction of the company’s authorised representative. The decision of the company’s authorised representative in this regard shall be final and binding on the contractor. In case of default of the contractor to remove the defective work and rebuild the same or replace the bad or inferior materials as aforesaid, as directed by the company’s authorised representative, the company shall be entitled to employ anyone else to carry out the same and recover all expenses incurred in this regard from the contractor. Interior Work at R&C Building Page 24 of 69 Seal & Signature of Tenderer HINDUSTAN PETROLEUM CORPORATION LTD., GMO-WZ Annexure - IV SAFETY CODE Schedule A (i) Suitable scaffolds should be provided for workmen for all the works that cannot safely be done from the ground or from solid construction except such short period work as can done safely from ladders. When a ladder is used an extra Mazdoor shall be engaged for holding the ladder and if the ladder is used for carrying materials as well, suitable footholds and hand holds shall be provided on the ladder and the ladder shall be given inclination not steeper than 1/4 to 1 (1/4 horizontal and 1 vertical). (ii) Scaffolding or staging more than 300 mm above the ground or floor, swung or suspended from an overhead support or erected with stationary support shall have a guard rail properly attached, bolted, braced, and otherwise secured at least 900mm high above the floor or platform of such scaffolding or staging and extending along the entire length of the outside and ends thereof with only such openings as may be necessary for the delivery of materials. Such scaffolding or staging shall be so fastened as to prevent it from swaying from the building or structure. (iii) Working platform, gangways and stairways be so constructed that they should not sag unequally and if the height of the platform or the gangway or the stairway is more than 3-6M above ground level or floor level, they should be closely boarded, should have adequate width and should be suitably fastened, as described in (ii) above. (iv) Every opening in the floor of a building or in a working platform to be provided with suitable means to prevent the fall of persons or materials by providing suitable fencing or railing whose minimum height shall be 900 mm. (v) Safe means of access shall be provided to all working platforms and other working places. Every ladder shall be securely fixed. No portable single ladder shall be over 9 M in length while the width between side rails in rung ladder shall in no case be less than 300 mm for ladder up to and including 3 M in length. For longer ladders, this width should be increased at least 6 mm in for each additional foot of length. Uniform steps spacing shall not exceed 300 mm. Adequate precautions shall be taken to prevent danger from electrical equipment. No materials on any of the site of work shall be so stacked or placed as to cause danger or inconvenience to any person or the public. The Contractor shall also provide all necessary fencing lights to protect the public from accident, and shall be bound to bear the expenses of Interior Work at R&C Building Page 25 of 69 Seal & Signature of Tenderer HINDUSTAN PETROLEUM CORPORATION LTD., GMO-WZ defense of every suit, action or other proceedings at law that may be brought by any person for injury sustained owing to neglect of the above precautions and to pay any damages and costs which may be awarded in any such suit action or proceedings to any such persons or which may with the consent of the Contractor be paid to compromise any claim by any such person. (vi) All trenches, 1.2 M or more in depth, shall at all times be supplied with at least one ladder for each 30 M in length or fraction thereof. Ladder shall be extended from bottom of the trench to at least 900 mm above the surface of the ground. The said of the trenches which are 1.5 M or more in depth shall be stopped back to give suitable slope or securely held by timber racing so as to avoid the danger of sides to collapse. The excavated material shall not be placed within in 1.5 M of the edge of the trench or half of the depth of the depth of the trench, whichever is more. Cutting shall be done from top to bottom. Under no circumstances undermining of undercutting shall be done. Demolition: (vii) Before any demolition work is commenced and also during the progress of the work. (a) All roads and open areas adjacent to the work site shall either be closed or suitably protected; (b) No electric cable or apparatus which is liable to be a source of danger over a cable or apparatus used by the operator shall remain electrically charged. (c) All practical steps shall be taken to prevent danger to persons employed from risk of fire or explosion or flooding. No floor, roof or other parts of the building shall be so overloaded with debris of materials as to render it unsafe. (viii) All necessary personal safety equipment as considered adequate by the Architects should be kept available for the use of the person employed on the site and maintained to a condition suitable for immediate use and the Contractor should take adequate steps to ensure proper use of equipment by those concerned. (a) Workers employed on mixing asphalt materials, cement and lime mortars shall be provided with protective footwear and protective goggles. Interior Work at R&C Building Page 26 of 69 Seal & Signature of Tenderer HINDUSTAN PETROLEUM CORPORATION LTD., GMO-WZ (b) Those engaged in white washing and mixing or stacking of cement bags or any materials which are injurious to the eyes shall be provided with protective goggles. (c) Those engaged in welding works shall be provided with welder's protective eyesight lids. (d) Stone breakers shall be provided with protective goggles and protective clothing and seated at sufficiently safe intervals. (e) When workers are employed in sewers and manholes which are in use, the Contractor shall ensure that the manhole covers are opened and are ventilated at least for an hour before the workers are allowed to get into the manholes so opened shall be cordoned off with suitable railing and provided with warning signals or boards to prevent accident to the public. (f) The Contractors shall not employ men or women below the age of 18 years and women on the work of painting with products containing lead in any form. Wherever men above the age of 18 years are employed on the work of lead painting, the following precautions should be taken. (1) No paint containing lead or lead products shall be used except in the form of paste, or ready-made paint. (2) Suitable face masks should be supplied for use to the workers when paint applied in the form of spray or a surface having lead paint dry rubbed and scrapped. (3) Overalls shall be supplied by the Contractors to the workmen and adequate facilities shall be provided to enable the working painters during and on cessation of work. (ix) When the work is done near any place where there is risk of drowning, all necessary equipments should be provided and kept ready for the use and all necessary steps taken for prompt rescue any of person in danger and adequate provision should be made for prompt first aid treatment of all injuries likely to be sustained during the course of the work. (x) Use of hoisting machines and tackle including their attachments, anchorage and supports shall conform to the following standards or conditions: Interior Work at R&C Building Page 27 of 69 Seal & Signature of Tenderer HINDUSTAN PETROLEUM CORPORATION LTD., GMO-WZ (1) (a) These shall be of good mechanical construction, sound material and adequate strength and free patent defect and shall be kept in good working order. (b) Every rope used in hoisting or lowering materials or as a means of suspension shall be of durable quality and adequate strength and free from patent defects. (2) Every crane driver or hoisting appliance operator shall be properly qualified and no person under the age of 21 years should be in charge of any hoisting machine including any scaffolding or give signals to the operator. (3) In case of every hoisting machine and every chain hook, shackle swivel and pulley block used in hoisting or lowering or as means of suspension, the safe working load shall be ascertained by adequate means. Every hoisting machine and all gear referred to above shall be plainly marked with the safe working load, In case of a hoisting machine having a variable safe working load, each safe working load and the condition under which it is applicable shall be clearly indicated. No part of any machine or any gear referred to above in this paragraph shall be loaded beyond the safe working load except for the purpose of testing. (4) In case of departmental machines, the safe working load shall be notified by the Architect. As regards to contractor's machines, the Contractor shall notify the safe working load on the machine to the Architect whenever he brings any machinery to site of work and get it verified. (xi) Motors, Gearing, Transmission, Electric Wiring and other dangerous parts of hoisting appliances should be provided with efficient safeguards. Hoisting appliance should be provided with such means as will reduce to the minimum the risk of accidental descent of load. Adequate precautions should be taken to reduce to the minimum risk of any part of a suspended load becoming accidentally displaced. When workers employed on electrical installations, which are already energised, insulating mats, warring apparel, such as gloves, sleeves and boots as may be necessary should be provided. The workers should not wear any rings, watches and carry keys or other materials, which are good conductors of electricity. All scaffolds, ladders and other safety devices mentioned or described herein shall be maintained in safe condition and scaffold, ladder, or equipment shall be altered or removed while it is in use. Adequate washing facilities should be provided at or near place of work. (xiii) These safety provisions should be brought to the notice of all concerned by display of a notice board at a prominent place at the works. The person Interior Work at R&C Building Page 28 of 69 Seal & Signature of Tenderer HINDUSTAN PETROLEUM CORPORATION LTD., GMO-WZ responsible for compliances of the safety code shall be named therein by the Contractors. (xiv) To ensure effective enforcement of the rules and regulations relating to safety precautions, the arrangements made by the Contractors shall be open to inspection by the Architect. (xv) Not withstanding the above clauses from (i) to (xiv) there is nothing in these to except the Contractor from the operation of any other Act or rules in force in the Republic of India. Interior Work at R&C Building Page 29 of 69 Seal & Signature of Tenderer HINDUSTAN PETROLEUM CORPORATION LTD., GMO-WZ Annexure - V PREAMBLE This tender is for interior/ renovation works at HPCL,GMO-WZ ,R&C Building,Byculla,Mumbai-8, as per the layout done for the interior work for partitions with new cabins, modular furniture, flooring and false ceiling, Civil, Plumbing, Sanitation & Electrical work. Work is to be carried out round the clock, including Saturdays, Sunday, Holidays. The materials / item generated out of dismantling to be carted away from the building premises on the same days as they cannot be kept in the building nor outside the building premises. BMC / MPT will not permit to dump the dismantled material behind the building and as such this may be followed strictly. In case the material is dumped and subsequent notice is issued by the abovementioned local authorities, Contractor has to settle the issue immediately without involving HPCL. Contractor has to ensure that while executing this job other offices work is not affected for bringing in materials for renovation / interior works, under no circumstances lifts of the building shall be used for the said job. Completion period is 120 Days from the date of handing over of site and time is the essence of the contract. Contractor has to ensure that this is adhered to strictly. Power connection for the construction work is available in the building. All necessary connection from mains to be arranged by the contractor. The electric charges during the work paid shall be borne by contractor. The contractor has to arrange his own security arrangements for safety of his materials and keep his own records about the same. HPCL will not be responsible for loss of any such materials belonging to the contractor. The contractor shall employ a 1) full time supervisor 2) Full time safety supervisor 3) Electrician & 4) Helper during the progress of the work for any such eventualities that may arise while the work is in progress. Interior Work at R&C Building Page 30 of 69 Seal & Signature of Tenderer HINDUSTAN PETROLEUM CORPORATION LTD., GMO-WZ Annexure - VI DECLARATION NON BLACKLISTED / NON BANNED PARTY WE CONFIRM THAT WE HAVE NOT BEEN BANNED OR DELISTED BY ANY GOVERNMENT OR QUASI GOVERNMENT AGENCIES OR PUSs. ---------------------------------------------------------------------SEAL, SIGNATURE & NAME OF THE TENDERER Interior Work at R&C Building Page 31 of 69 Seal & Signature of Tenderer HINDUSTAN PETROLEUM CORPORATION LTD., GMO-WZ Annexure - VII ORGANISATION DATA TO BE SUBMITTED BY BIDDER WITH TENDER. NAME OF ORGANISATION ADDRESS CONTACT PERSON TELEPHONE NUMBERS FAX NUMBERS E-MAIL ADDRESS CELL PHONE NUMBER ---------------------------------------------------------------------SEAL, SIGNATURE & NAME OF THE TENDERER Interior Work at R&C Building Page 32 of 69 Seal & Signature of Tenderer HINDUSTAN PETROLEUM CORPORATION LTD., GMO-WZ Annexure - VIII DEVIATION SHEET TENDER NO: 10000011 – HB – 11350 DATED 28.07.2010 SUBJECT: INTERIOR / RENOVATION WORKS AT HPCL, GMO – WZ, R & C BUILDING BYCULLA, MUMBAI - 08 ________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________ -------------------------------------------------------------------SEAL, SIGNATURE & NAME OF THE TENDERER Interior Work at R&C Building Page 33 of 69 Seal & Signature of Tenderer HINDUSTAN PETROLEUM CORPORATION LTD., GMO-WZ Annexure - IX TECHNICAL SPECIFICATIONS Interior Works GENERAL This Specification is for work to be done, item to be supplied and materials to be used in the works as shown and defined on the drawings and described herein, all under the supervision and to the satisfaction of the Architect. 1.1 The workmanship is to be the best available and of a high standard, use must be made of a special trades men in all aspects of the work and allowance must be made in the rates for doing so. 1.2 The materials and items to be provided by the Contractor shall be approved by the HPCL / Architect in accordance with any samples which will be submitted for approval by Contractor and generally in accordance with the Specifications. Also if products are specified in the Specification and/or bill of brand, trade name or catalogue reference, the Contractor will be required to obtain the approval of the Architect before using materials. The Contractor shall produce all invoices, Vouchers or receipts for any material if called upon to do so by the Architect / HPCL. 1.3 Samples of all materials are to be submitted to the Architect for approval before the Contractor orders or deliver the materials at site. Samples together with their packing are to be provided free of charge by the Contractor and should any materials be rejected, they will be removed from the site within 48 hours at the Contractor's expense. All samples will be retained by the HPCL / Architect for comparison with materials which will be delivered at the site. Also, the Contractor will be required to submit specimen finishes of colors, fabrics etc. for the approval of the Architect before proceeding with the work. 1.4 The Contractor shall be responsible for providing and maintaining and boxing or other temporary converges required for the protection of dresses or finished work if left unprotected. He is also to clean out all shelving’s, out ends and other waste from all pairs of the works before coverings or infillings are constructed. Interior Work at R&C Building Page 34 of 69 Seal & Signature of Tenderer HINDUSTAN PETROLEUM CORPORATION LTD., GMO-WZ 1.5 Templates, boxes and moulds shall be accurately set out and rigidly constructed so as to remain accurate during the time they are in use. 1.6 All unexposed surface of timber e.g. false ceiling, backing fillets, backs of door frames, cupboard framing, grounds, etc. are to be treated with two coats of approved timber preservative before fixing or converging. 1.7 Only first class workmanship will be accepted. Contractor shall maintain uniform quality and consistency in workmanship throughout. Joinery: 2.1 Joinery is to be prepared immediately after the placing of the Contract. framed up, bonded and waged up. Any portions that are wrapped or found with other defects are to be replaced before wedging up. The whole of the work is to be framed and finished in a workmen-like manner in accordance with the detailed drawings wrought and wherever required, fitted with all necessary metal ties, straps, belts, screws, glue etc. Running beaded joints are to be cross-stoned with teak tongues wherever 1(1/2) thick double cross tongued. Joiners work generally to be finished with fine sand/glass paper. 2.2 Joints: - All joints shall be standard mortise and tenon, dowel, dovetail, and cross halved. Nailed or glued butt joints will not be permitted. Screws, nails etc. will be standard iron or wire of oxidised nettle fold tenons should fit the mortises exactly. 2.3 Nailed or glued butt joints will not be permitted, except in exceptional cases with approval of Architect. 2.4 Where screws are shown on a finished surface, those will be sunk and the hole plugged with a wood plug of the same wood and grain of the finished surfaces will be neatly punched and the hole filled with wood filler to match the colour. 2.5 Should joints in joiner's work open, or other defects arise within the period stated for defect liability in the contract and the clause thereof be deemed by the Architect to be due to such defective joinery shall be taken down, and refilled, redecorated and/or replaced if necessary and any work disturbed shall be made good at the Contractor's expense. 2.6 Nails, spikes and bolts shall be of lengths and weights approved by the Architect. Nails shall comply with is 1959-1960 or equivalent approved quality sample. Brass headed nails are to comply with B.S.1210. Wire staples shall comply with B.S 1494 or equivalent. Interior Work at R&C Building Page 35 of 69 Seal & Signature of Tenderer HINDUSTAN PETROLEUM CORPORATION LTD., GMO-WZ The contact surface of dowels, tenons, wedges etc., shall be glued with an approved adhesive. Where glued, joinery and carpentry work is likely to come into contact with moisture, the glue shall be waterproof. 3.0 HARDWARE & METALS: The hardware throughout shall be of approved manufacture or supplier well made and equal to in every respect to the samples to be deposited with the Architect. The Contractor may be required to produce and provide samples from many different sources before the Architect take decision and he should allow his rates for doing so. 3.1 Fittings generally shall be brass oxidised, unless otherwise specified and shall be suitable for their intended purpose. In any case, it will have to be approved by Architect before the Contractor procures it at site of work. 3.2 Screws are to match the finish of the article to be fixed, and to be round or flat headed or counter sunk as required. 3.3 The Contractor should cover up and protect the brass and bronze surfaces with thick grease or other suitable productive material, renew as necessary and subsequently clean off away on connection. 3.4 Aluminum and stainless steel shall be of approved manufacture and suitable for its particular application. Generally, the surface of aluminum shall have an anodised finish and both shall comply with the samples approved by the Architect. All stainless steel sheets shall be 304 s. s Japan or equivalent with gauge as specified but not thinner than 16 G. 3.5 All steel, brass, bronze, aluminum and stainless steel articles shall be subjected to a reasonable test for strength, if so, required by the Architect at the Contractor's expense. 3.6 All brazing and welds are to be executed in a clean and smooth manner rubbed down and left in the flattest and tidiest way, particularly where exposed. 3.7 Chromium plating shall be as per approved specification for normal outdoor conditions and shall be on a base material of copper or brass. Interior Work at R&C Building Page 36 of 69 Seal & Signature of Tenderer HINDUSTAN PETROLEUM CORPORATION LTD., GMO-WZ 4.0 GLAZIER: 4.1 All glass to be of approved manufacturer complying with IS 3548-1966 as per approved quality and sample to be of the selective qualities specified and free from bubbles, smoke, air holes and other defects. 4.2 Polished plate glass shall be "glazing glass" (G.G) quality and that for mirrors shall be "silvering quality" (S.G) conforming to IS 3438-1965 or as per approved sample and quality. 4.3 The compound for glazing to metal is to be a special non-hardening compound manufactured for the purpose and of a brand and quality approved by the Architect. 4.4 While cutting glass, proper allowance is made for expansion. Each square of glazing to be in one whole sheet. On completion of work clean all glass inside and cut, replace all cracked scratched and broken panes and leave in good condition. 5.0 PAINT AND POLISHES: 5.1 All material required for the works shall be of specified and approved manufacturer, delivered to the site in the manufacturer's containers with the seals etc., unbroken and clearly marked with the manufacturer's name or trade mark with a description of the contents and colour. All materials are to be stored on the site of the work. 5.2 Spray painting with approved machines will be permitted only if written approval has been obtained from the Architect prior to painting. Neither spraying will be permitted in the case of priming costs nor where the soiling of adjacent surfaces is likely to occur. The nozzle and pressure to be so operated as to give an even coating throughout to the satisfaction of the Architect. The paint used for spraying is to comply generally with the specification concerned and is to be specially prepared by the manufacturer for spraying. Thinning of paint made for brushing will not be allowed. 5.3 Wood preservative shall be Solignum or other equal and approved impregnating wood preservative and all concealed woodwork shall be treated with wood preservative. 5.4 All brushes, tools, pots, kettles etc. used in carrying out the work shall be clean and free from foreign matter and are to be thoroughly cleaned out before being used with a different type of class of materials. Interior Work at R&C Building Page 37 of 69 Seal & Signature of Tenderer HINDUSTAN PETROLEUM CORPORATION LTD., GMO-WZ 5.5 All iron or steel surfaces shall be thoroughly scraped and rubbed with wire brushes and shall be entirely free from rust, mill scale etc. before applying the priming coat. 5.6 Surfaces of new wood work which to be painted are to be rubbed down, cleaned, down to the approval of the Architect. 5.7 Surfaces of previously painted woodwork which are to be painted are to be cleaned down with soap and water, detergent solution or approved solvent to remove dirt, grease etc. Whilst wet surfaces shall be flatted down with a suitable abrasive and then rinsed down and allowed to dry. Minor areas of defective paint shall be removed by scraping back to a firm edge and the exposed surface touched in with primer as described and stopped with putty. Where woodwork has been previously painted or polished and is to be newly polished, scrapping, burning off or rubbing down. 5.8 Surfaces of previously painted metal which shall be painted are to be cleaned down and flattened down as described in surfaces of any rust and loose scale shall be removed completely by chipping, scrapping and wire brushing back to the bare metal and touched in with primer as described. 6.0 UPHOLSTERY 6.1 This will be of first class standard workmanship with webbing, no-sag springs, coiled springs, padding and filling as specified on drawing. Covering fabrics will be seen, tufted, and corded as shown on the drawing and as approved by the Architect. 6.2 Cushion Vents:Brass "Cushion Vents" should be installed at the back or under side of seat cushions (especially those covered in leather vinyl plastic or very tightly woven fabrics) to allow air to escape easily and to prevent torn seems. 6.3 Materials:Finished timber shall be of the type specified. Furnishing fabrics, colour, pattern, substance to be as specified and manufactured, or supplied by the Company specified, no variations of this will be permitted unless with prior approval of the Architect. Interior Work at R&C Building Page 38 of 69 Seal & Signature of Tenderer HINDUSTAN PETROLEUM CORPORATION LTD., GMO-WZ 7.0 POLISH 7.1 French Polish:The basic material shall be shellac dissolved in methylated spirit. Preparation:The timber must be well sanded and cleaned and the grain filled with grain filler. Any staining must be done before applying the polish. Equipment:The polishing rubber the most important implement in French polish shall consist of a pad of cotton wool, which acts as a reservoir for the polish, and a cover of soft white linen or cotton fabric, similar to a well-worn handkerchief which acts as a filter. The rubber must never be dipped into the polish; it should be changed by pouring the pouring the polish on to the pad with the cover removed. Application:Work evenly over the surface with a slow figure-of-eight motion until the timber is coated with a thin layer of polish. The object is to apply a series of thin coats, allowing only a few minutes for drying between the coats. When a level and even-bodied surface is obtained the work is ready for the second stage i.e. spiriting off. Allow the work to stand for at least eight hours, then take a fresh rubber with a double thickness of cover material and charge it with methylated spirit. The object of spiriting off into and remove the rubber marks and to give the brilliance of finish. Finally, work in the direction of the grain and continue until the surface is free from smears and rubber marks then leave to harden off. 7.2 Wax Polish:Wax polish shall contain silicones and driers. A good silicon wax is to be used not a creamy or sprays. The timber shall be sealed first with another finish such as Ronseal, before applying the wax. Interior Work at R&C Building Page 39 of 69 Seal & Signature of Tenderer HINDUSTAN PETROLEUM CORPORATION LTD., GMO-WZ Application:Apply a light coat of the sealer by brush or cloth direct to the unfilled timber, working it well in and finishing evenly with the grain. Allow to dry thoroughly then sand lightly with fine abrasive paper. Apply a heavy coat of wax by cloth or on flat surfaces, with a stiff brush. Work it well into the timber and finish off by stroking with the grain before leaving to harden. Leave for several hours before rubbing up with a soft brush. Finally, buff the grain with a soft cloth. Transparent Coloured Polyurethane (Melamine):This shall be applied where natural grain of the wood is required to show. Polyurethane gives tough surface which resist chipping, Scratching and boiling water. Application: Clean off all grease and wax with an abrasive and white spirit, this should not be applied in humid condition. Apply the first coat, preferably of clear hard glaze with a cloth pad. Leave this to dry for at least six hours, and then apply further coats with a paintbrush. If you wait for longer than 24 hours between coats, rub down the previous coat with fine glass paper or a medium grade of steel wool. Obtain a matt finish, if required, by giving a final coat of clear Renseal Matt coat. 8.0 Timber: 8.1 Only seasoned Old Burma teakwood to be used. 8.2 Use of Rose Wood whenever specified only. 8.3 All the wood shall be properly seasoned, natural growth and shall be free from worm holes, loose or dead knots or other defects, saw die square and shall not suffer warping, splitting or other defects. 8.4 The moisture content shall not exceed 12%. 8.5 All internal frameworks shall be treated with approved wood preservative. 8.6 All wood brought to site should be clean shall not have any preservative or other coating/covering. Interior Work at R&C Building Page 40 of 69 Seal & Signature of Tenderer HINDUSTAN PETROLEUM CORPORATION LTD., GMO-WZ All rejected decayed, bad quality wood shall be immediately removed from site. All wood brought to site must be stacked-stored properly as per instructions. 9.0 PLYWOOD 9.1 Plywood/medium density fibber board/teak particleboard / Veneered board etc., as specified in the approved list of manufacturers shall only be used. (Block board/commercially not to be used). 9.2 Only B.W.R. grade Phenol formaldehyde bonded, hot pressed plywood generally conforming to I.S 303 of approved make only to be used. Marine plywood shall generally conform to I.S.710-1980 and also to Defense / Navy specification bonded, with phenol formaldehyde, treated with wood preservative. 9.3 9.4 Only teak wood particleboard shall be used. Particleboard shall be phenol formaldehyde bonded and generally conform to I.S. 3087-1965. 9.5 Only 3 mm to 4 mm thick straight grained group matching approved veneers shall be used. Only veneers laminated from species like teak, rose wood, walnut, laurel, white cedar and mahogany, and shall be considered for approval and use. Interior Work at R&C Building Page 41 of 69 Seal & Signature of Tenderer HINDUSTAN PETROLEUM CORPORATION LTD., GMO-WZ TECHNICAL SPECIFICATIONS FOR CIVIL WORKS General Civil Works This specification covers the general requirement for excavation brick masonry, plastering, flooring, doors, windows, ventilators, wood work, water proofing, painting, plumbing and sanitary work etc., and such other related work forming a part of this job which may be required to be carried out though not specifically mentioned above. The work under this specification shall consist of furnishing of all tools, plants, labour, materials, any and everything necessary for carrying out the work. Brickwork Material-Bricks Bricks shall be sound, hard, homogeneous in texture, well burnt in kiln without being vitrified, table molded, deep red, cherry or copper coloured of regular shape and size and shall have sharp and square edges and parallel of faces. The bricks shall be free from pores, chips, flaws or humps of any kind. Bricks containing ungrounded particles and/or which absorb water more than 1/6th of their weight when soaked in water for twenty-four hours shall be rejected. The bricks shall give clean/ringing sound when struck and shall have minimum crushing strength of 35 kg/sq. ct. Sample bricks shall be submitted to the engineer for approval. If demanded by engineer brick sample shall be got tested as per I.S.-3495 by Contractor at no extra cost to Corporation. Brick rejected by engineer shall be removed from site within 24 hours. Mortar The sand used shall be free from clay, shale, loam, alkali and organic matter and shall be of sound, hard, clean and durable particles. Sand shall be approved by engineer. The mixed mortar shall be used within 25 minutes of mixing. Mortar left unused beyond 25 minutes shall be rejected. Workmanship Workmanship shall confirm to I.S. 2212. All bricks shall be thoroughly soaked in clean water for at least one hour immediately before being laid. The cement mortar for brick masonry shall be as specified in the respective item of work. Brickwork 230 thick and over shall be laid in English bond unless otherwise specified. 115 mm thick work shall be laid with stretchers. The thickness of joints shall be well filled with mortar with minimum Interior Work at R&C Building Page 42 of 69 Seal & Signature of Tenderer HINDUSTAN PETROLEUM CORPORATION LTD., GMO-WZ thickness of 6mm and maximum thickness of 10 mm. The face joints shall be raked to a minimum depth of 12 mm by raking tools daily during the progress of work when mortar is still green. The face of brickwork shall be cleaned daily and all mortar droppings removed. All brickwork shall be built tightly against columns floor slabs or other structural members. Miscellaneous inserts in masonry e.g. sleeves, wall ties, anchors conduits, structural steel, steel lintels, doors, windows shall be installed by the Contractor at no extra cost to the HPCL. It shall be clearly understood that the rates quoted by the contractor include for fixing of inserts, leaving openings, cutting chases etc. Measurement The quantities measured and paid for shall be those actually executed after making necessary deductions for opening etc. Plaster Work Material The proportion of the mortar shall be as specified under the respective item of work. The quality of water, sand and cement shall be as per respective I.S. code. The mortar shall be used immediately after mixing and in no case shall be allowed to stand in more than 25 minutes after mixing with water. Workmanship The surface to be rendered shall be washed with fresh clean water, free from all dirt, loose material, grease etc., and thoroughly wetted for 6 hours before plastering work is commenced, concrete surfaces to be rendered will however be kept dry. The wall should not be too wet but only damp at the time of plastering. Internal Plaster:This plaster shall be laid in two coat of (12+8) mm thickness. The mortar shall be dashed on the prepared surface with a trowel and finished smooth by wooden floats. Interior plaster shall be carried out on jambs, lintels, skills, and sophist as shown in drawing or as directed by Architect. Rate quoted shall be deemed to include plastering of all surfaces and no separate payment will be considered for any particular, surface like jambs etc. Interior Work at R&C Building Page 43 of 69 Seal & Signature of Tenderer HINDUSTAN PETROLEUM CORPORATION LTD., GMO-WZ Curing:Curing of both interior plaster shall be started as soon as the applied plaster has hardened enough so as not to be damaged. Curing shall be done by continuous applying water in a fine spray. At places the thickness of plaster may go higher than specified thickness. In such event Contractor shall provide chicken mesh and perform plastering in layers without additional cost. Measurement The quantity of work to be paid for under this item shall be calculated by taking the projected surface of the area plastered after making necessary deductions for opening, doors, windows, fan openings etc. The actual plasterwork carried out on jambs of doors, windows openings etc. shall be measured and added. However for purposes of payment, under this item plasterwork carried on surface of items of work, which include plaster finished shall not be taken into account. Admixture If directed by the Architect, the Contractor shall use approved water proofing / water reducing admixtures in the mortar for plasterwork, in the proportion and method prescribed by the manufacturer. Payment shall be made for actual quantity of such admixtures used unless it is already covered in the rates for the work concerned. Painting and White washing Material Paints to be used for various items of work should be of approved make and colour. The Contractor shall obtain THE ARCHITECT / Architect’s approval in regard to the make and colour of paint that is proposed to be used for various items of work. Workmanship The painting work shall be carried out as directed by the Architect, keeping however, in view the recommendations of the manufacturer. In case of plastic emulsion paint, all uneven surfaces shall be made up by use of putty of appropriate quality, after the surface has been thoroughly cleaned of all dust, dirt and sand papered. One primer coat and two coats of emulsion shall be applied. Workmanship shall conform to the requirements of I.S. 2395. White washing. Interior Work at R&C Building Page 44 of 69 Seal & Signature of Tenderer HINDUSTAN PETROLEUM CORPORATION LTD., GMO-WZ Wall to be thoroughly cleaned before white wash is applied. White wash is applied. White wash shall be of ordinary fat lime and of good quality. It shall be slaked with an excess of water to the consistency of a cream and allowed to remain under water for 2 days. It shall then be strained through a cloth and 2 kg. of clean gum added for every 1000 liters of white wash. White wash shall be applied by brush or other approved mean. Measurement The actual quantity of work carried out will be measured in sq. met. after making deduction for openings etc., and shall be paid for. Woodwork in doors, windows etc. Material Wood used for all work shall be the best of class specified properly seasoned, suitable for joiner's work, should be of natural growth, uniform in texture, straight grained, free from sapwood, dead knots, open shakes, bore holes, rot , decay and any and all other defects and blemishes and shall be approved by Architect Workmanship. The thickness specified for joiner's wrought timbers are unless otherwise specified, prior to planning and 3 mm will be allowed from the thickness stated for each wrought face. Doors, windows frames, transoms, mullions shall be rebated. All dimensions shall be as per drawings. The top framing member of doors and top and bottom framing of windows and ventilators shall project about 150 mm in brickwork. The verticals of door frame shall project about 50 mm below finished floor. Surface coming in contact with brick work shall be painted with bitumen. Each of the door and window frame shall be provided with 3 nos. M.S. 230x 25x 6 M.S. flat split hold fasts on each side. These hold fasts shall be embedded in masonry. The work shall confirm to I.S.: 4021. Any joiners work which shall split, fracture, shrink, or show flaws or other defects due to unsoundness, inadequate seasoning or bad workmanship, shall be removed and replaced with sound material at the Contractor's expense. The doors shall be paralleled or solid flush doors or as described in item of work. All doors shall have fittings such as hinges, mortise, lock, towel bolts etc. as per drawing and shall be approved by Architect. Interior Work at R&C Building Page 45 of 69 Seal & Signature of Tenderer HINDUSTAN PETROLEUM CORPORATION LTD., GMO-WZ The workmanship of all door and window shutters shall conform to the requirements of I.S, 1003 (part 1 & ii) and I.S. 2202 (part i). Measurement All doors, windows etc., will be measured in sq.mt. The measurement will be taken to the outside of framework exclusive of horns, projections etc. The rate quoted shall be all inclusive such as nails, screws, glazing, fixtures, fittings providing peep holes, locking device, door closers, handles, door stops etc. The rate shall also be inclusive of polishing/painting as described in respective items. Ceramic tile work in flooring and dado Material The tiles used shall be of "Kajaria" or approved equivalent make of approved size and shade. The tiles shall be of standard size without warp and straight edges, true and even in shape and size and uniform colour. Workmanship-Flooring Tile shall be laid on a base of 12 mm thick lime mortar (1 part cement: 2 parts lime: 6 parts sand). Neat cement shall be spread at the rate of 5 kg. per 1 sq.met. area over mortar before laying the tiles. The joints shall be filled with joint filling cement based compound. Dado Work The vertical surface shall be thoroughly cleaned and wetted. Thereafter it shall be eventually uniformly covered with about 12 mm thick 1:2 cement mortar. The back of each tile to be fixed shall be covered with a thin layer of water proof tile adhesive cement and the tile shall then be gently tapped against wall and fixed as per adhesive cement manufacturer's instructions. The joints shall be very thin, uniform, perfectly straight and truly vertical. The joints shall be filled with joint filling cement-based compound specially manufactured for the purpose. Marble Flooring, Treads, Skirting-dado-risers Material Interior Work at R&C Building Page 46 of 69 Seal & Signature of Tenderer HINDUSTAN PETROLEUM CORPORATION LTD., GMO-WZ Size, shade and colour of marble slabs/tiles shall be approved by Corporation/ Architect before starting of the work. Workmanship Marble slabs/tiles shall be laid on a bed of lime mortar. The proportion of lime mortar shall be one part of white cement: 2 parts of lime: 6 parts of sand. Thickness of mortar bedding shall not be less than 12 mm and shall not be more than 25 mm. Marble slabs/tiles shall be covered with white cement / snowcem paint and placed over mortar bed and tapped gently till it is firmly and properly bedded. There should be no hollows left. The edges of tile shall be cut to have "V" shape groove at the joint. The cut edges shall be ground smooth. The joints shall not be more than 2 mm. The joints should run true and parallel. The floor should be cured for one week. Slabs/tiles laid adjoining the wall shall project 12 mm under the plaster/ dado /skirting. Skirting-dado-risers The masonry surface shall be thoroughly cleaned and wetted. Thereafter it shall be evenly and uniformly covered with 12 mm thick 1:2 cement mortar. The back of each tile shall be covered with tile adhesive cement and then the tile shall be fined as per manufacturer's instructions. The joints shall be filled with tile joint filling coloured cement specially manufactured for the purpose. Measurement Actual area covered shall be measured and paid for. No allowance or consideration shall be given for wastage or difference in method of measurement as done in market and as mentioned above. Granite flooring-threads -skirting dado-risers etc. Material The Architect shall approve size, shade and colour of granite slabs/tile before starting the work. Workmanship & measurement Workmanship and method of measurement shall be same as that of marble except gray cement shall be used in place of white cement. The joints shall be filled with coloured joint filling cement compound specially manufactured for the purpose. Interior Work at R&C Building Page 47 of 69 Seal & Signature of Tenderer HINDUSTAN PETROLEUM CORPORATION LTD., GMO-WZ Siporex Block masonry. Material Material shall be light weight foamed concrete blocks as manufactured by siporex India Ltd. Workmanship Workmanship shall be as given by Siporex India Ltd., in their construction manual. Measurement Actual area constructed shall be measured and paid for after making Waterproofing. Material Brickbat used for the purpose of waterproofing shall be approved quality. Workmanship Workmanship of this item shall be as per M/s. India water proofing Co.'s specifications. Measurement Actual area covered shall be measured and paid for after making deductions for opening etc. Interior Work at R&C Building Page 48 of 69 Seal & Signature of Tenderer HINDUSTAN PETROLEUM CORPORATION LTD., GMO-WZ REPAIRS TO EXISTING STRUCTURE 1. Material The quality of sand, cement and water shall be as per respective I.S. Codes. 1.1 Workmanship Existing plaster, dado and / or any surface treatment over concrete surface shall be chipped off carefully from the damaged surface. Inside concrete surface shall be examined thoroughly and all cracked/damaged concrete shall be removed. Corroded reinforcement shall be cleaned by hammering, wire brushing and finally by acetone till all the corrosion products are cleaned off. Additional reinforcement bars shall be welded to existing reinforcement bars with suitable welding electrodes. Wire mesh of specified quality shall be fixed over the portion and then surface gunited with 1:3 cement and sand mix to specified thickness. Re bounce materials shall be collected and disposed off. Re bounce material shall not be used. Gunited surface shall be leveled and floated when surface is still workable. Contractor shall carry out wash test to determine cement contents as and when so instructed by Architect. Also water absorption test, Quoted rate shall include cost of conducting such tests and no extra payment shall be made for the same. 1.2 Measurement Actual quantity executed shall be measured and paid for after making deductions for openings etc. Interior Work at R&C Building Page 49 of 69 Seal & Signature of Tenderer HINDUSTAN PETROLEUM CORPORATION LTD., GMO-WZ ELECTRICAL TECHNICAL SPECIFICATIONS PART II: MATERIAL AND WORKMANSHIP 1. LIGHTING/POWER DISTRIBUTION BOARDS: SCOPE: The specification covers design, manufacture, testing and commissioning of lighting/power distribution boards. STANDARDS: The design, manufacture and testing of lighting/power distribution board shall comply with the latest issue of following standards: IS - 2675 : Specification for enclosed distribution fuse boards and cut-outs for voltages not exceeding 1000 Volts. IS - 4237 : General requirement for switch-gear And control gear for voltages not exceeding 1000 Volts. IS - 375 : Specification for marking and general arrangement for switch-gear, bus-bar, main connection & auxiliary wiring. IS - 2147 : Degree of protection provided by enclosure for low voltage switch-gear. BS - 3871 (Part-I) : Specification for miniature circuit breakers 1.3. CONSTRUCTION: 1.3.1. Lighting/power distribution board shall be cubical type suitable for wall mounting or recessed mounting. It shall be totally enclosed, completely dust proof and vermin proof. Interior Work at R&C Building Page 50 of 69 Seal & Signature of Tenderer HINDUSTAN PETROLEUM CORPORATION LTD., GMO-WZ 1.3.2. Sheet steel work shall be of high quality and shall be free from burrs. 1.3.3. Sheet steel used for the body and door shall be at least 2mm. thick, while the base angle/sheet shall be at least 3mm. thick. 1.3.4. Lighting/power distribution board shall have one hinged door which will cover the entire front portion. The door shall be provided with gasket to make the equipment dust tight and also with insulated quick turn screws. 1.3.5. Design shall be dead front type. No live components shall be mounted on door. 1.3.6. Adequate space shall be provided for termination of aluminum/ copper cables and wires. 1.4. BUS-BARS: 1.4.1. Phase and neutral copper bus-bars shall be provided at the top for the entire length of the lighting/power distribution board. 1.4.2. The bus-bars support shall be of non-hygroscopic antitracking material. 1.5. WIRING AND TERMINAL: 1.5.1. The lighting/power distribution board shall be factory wired. 1.5.2. Flexible copper wires shall be used for internal wiring. 1.5.3. Elmex type terminal blocks shall be provided for all outgoing phase wires. 1.5.4. For neutral terminals, brass neutral terminal block shall be provided. It should have spare capacity of at least 10%. 1.6 CABLE ENTRY: 1.6.1. Cable entry for incomer shall be from bottom/top but entry for outgoing circuit shall be from top. 1.6.2. Removable sheet steel plates shall be provided for conduit entry/cable entry. Interior Work at R&C Building Page 51 of 69 Seal & Signature of Tenderer HINDUSTAN PETROLEUM CORPORATION LTD., GMO-WZ 1.6.3. Compression type plate brass cable gland shall be provided for incoming/outgoing cables. 1.7. MOULDED CASE CIRCUIT BREAKER (MCCB) / MINIATURE CIRCUIT BREAKER (MCB): 1.7.1. Bakelite shrouds shall be provided for all the live terminals and only dollies shall project outside for operation. 1.7.2. The dollies shall be made of phenolic material. The dollies made of nylon material shall not be accepted. 1.7.3. The MCCB/MCB housing shall be made of melamine powder. EARTHING: Two numbers earthing terminals shall be provided on either side of the lighting/power distribution board. 1.9. INSPECTION AND TESTING: Inspection: The inspection shall consist of following, but shall not be limited to the same i) Appearance and construction. ii) Dimensions, mounting details etc. iii) Feeder arrangement and feeder details. iv) Door alignment, gaskets etc. Tests: The following tests shall be carried out Insulation resistance: The insulation resistance shall be measured between phases, between phase and neutral and between phase and earth. The insulation resistance shall be measured with 1000 Volts meager, both before and after high voltage power frequency test. The insulation resistance shall not be less than two mega ohm in any case. Interior Work at R&C Building Page 52 of 69 Seal & Signature of Tenderer HINDUSTAN PETROLEUM CORPORATION LTD., GMO-WZ High voltage power frequency test: This test shall be carried out by applying a voltage of 2.5 KV for a minute. a) between all three phases and earth. b) between phases. c) between phases and neutral. If the result of inspection and tests are not satisfactory, the defects shall be rectified and tests shall be repeated to entire satisfaction of engineer/consultant/architect without any extra charge to employer. The inspection and tests result shall be submitted in quadruplicate for engineer/consultant/architect’s approval. DRAWINGS AND GUARANTEED TECHNICAL PARTICULARS: The following shall be submitted in quadruplicate for engineer/ consultant / architect’s approval: 1.10.1. Guaranteed technical particulars for miniature circuit breaker. 1.10.2. Assembly drawing - This should incorporate dimensions, weight and MCB arrangement. Mounting details. PAINTING: All steel work shall undergo a process of degreasing, pickling in acid bath, phosphatising. This shall be followed by two coats of primer and two coats of final finish paint, both applied with spray. LABELS: Engraved PVC/black anodised labels shall be provided on all incoming and outgoing circuits. 2. L. T. CABLES: 2.1 SCOPE: This specification covers supply, testing, erection and commissioning of L. T. cables as detailed under bill of quantities. Interior Work at R&C Building Page 53 of 69 Seal & Signature of Tenderer HINDUSTAN PETROLEUM CORPORATION LTD., GMO-WZ 2.2. TYPES: Power cables: The L.T. power cables shall conform to IS-1554. The conductor shall be of aluminum PVC insulated PVC sheathed steel armoured. The cables shall be suitable for grounded neutral system and shall be 1100 Volts grade. The conductor size and number of cores shall be as specified. Control Cables: The control cables shall conform to IS-1554. The conductor shall be of copper/aluminum PVC insulated, PVC sheathed 1100 Volts grade. The conductor size shall not be less than 2.5sq.mm. unless otherwise specified. The number of cores shall be as specified. 2.3. CABLES ACCESSORIES: 2.3.1. The cable glands shall be compression type plated brass. They shall be complete with neoprene rubber rings, two numbers galvanised M.S. washers, lock nuts etc. 2.3.2. Cable lugs shall be used for stranged conductors, cable lugs shall be fitted by crimping method only. The oxide inhibiting compound shall be used for removal of oxide film on conductor. Tinned aluminum/copper lugs as specified shall be used for various specified cables. 2.3.3. 25mm. x 3mm. G.I./aluminum strips, galvanised nuts, bolts and flat washers shall be used for cable clamping. 2.3.4. G.I./aluminum cable tag markers shall be used for identification of cables. The cable numbers shall be punched on the tag markers. 16 SWG G.I. wires shall be used for fixing the cables tag markers. 2.4. ERECTION: 2.4.1. Before cable erection, phase to phase, phase to neutral and phase to earth insulation and continuity of the conductor shall be ascertained. 2.4.2. Sharp bends shall be avoided. The bending radius shall not be less than 12 x diameter of the cable for L.T. cables. 2.4.3. The cable shall be clamped at every 600mm. Interior Work at R&C Building Page 54 of 69 Seal & Signature of Tenderer HINDUSTAN PETROLEUM CORPORATION LTD., GMO-WZ 2.4.4. The cable tag markers shall be fixed at every 10 meter and at strategic locations as directed by the engineer/architect/ consultant. 2.4.5. Holes of appropriate sizes shall be drilled on cable gland plates of distribution board for cable/conduit entry and exit. The paint around the holes shall be scraped before fixing the cable glands. The amouring strands shall be cut, bents and clamped between G.I. washers after glanding the cable shall not slip. 2.4.6. Solid conductor shall be tinned before termination. 2.4.7. The workmanship in end termination and glanding shall be excellent. 2.4.8. Cables shall be laid in the routes marked in drawings. Where the route is not marked, the contractor shall mark it out on the drawings and also on the site and obtain the approval of the engineer/architect/consultant before laying the cable. Procurement of cables shall be on the basis of actual site measurements. 3. LIGHTING INSTALLATION: 3.1. SCOPE: This specification covers supply, erection, testing and commissioning of mains/sub-mains/power wiring, point wiring, plug socket and switches, light fittings and fixtures etc. as detailed under bill of materials/quantities. 3.2. STANDARDS AND CODES: The design, manufacture, erection, testing and commissioning shall comply with, but not limited the latest issue of the following standards and rules:IS - 9537 (Part-III) : Specification for rigid PVC conduit for electrical wiring IS - 694 (Part-I) : PVC insulated cables with copper conductors for voltages up to 1100Volts IS - 732 : Code of practice for electrical wiring installation (system voltage not exceeding 650Volts) IS - 1646 : General code of practice for fire safety of bldg. electrical installation Interior Work at R&C Building Page 55 of 69 Seal & Signature of Tenderer HINDUSTAN PETROLEUM CORPORATION LTD., GMO-WZ IS - 3043 : Code of practice for earthing Indian Electricity Act’1910 as amended unto date and rules issued there under (Indian Electricity Rules’1956) and local supply authorities’ rules and regulations. Regulation for electrical equipments in building issued by The Bombay Regional Council of Inductance Association of India. 3.3. SURFACE PVC CASING-N-CAPPING WIRING: 3.3.1. All casing-n-capping shall be rigid PVC. All casing-n-capping accessories shall be PVC grip type. 3.3.2. The outer surface of the casing-n-capping including all bends, unions, tees, junction boxes etc. forming part of the casing-n-capping system shall be adequately supported. 3.3.3. The casing-n-capping shall be individually fixed using galvanised screws at every 600mm. 3.3.4. Junction box for lighting fixtures, fans etc. shall be surface mounted. The box shall be complete with covers to be fixed with screws. The casing-n-capping of each circuit or section shall be completed along with conductor are drawn in. Separate earth wire of appropriate size shall run in each casing-n-capping for earthing. If casing-n-capping are liable to mechanical damage they shall be adequately protected. 3.4. CONCEALED PVC CONDUIT WIRING: 3.4.1. All conduits and wiring shall be completely concealed. Outlet junction boxes, inspection boxes shall be provided flush with surface. 3.4.2. All conduit wiring shall confirm to IS-9537 (Part-III) and shall be rigid PVC conduit. Conduit accessories shall be PVC grip type. No PVC conduit less than 20mm. dia shall be used. 3.4.3. Conduit pipe shall be jointed by means of couplers and accessories only. In long distance straight runs of conduit, inspection boxes at reasonable intervals shall be provided. Interior Work at R&C Building Page 56 of 69 Seal & Signature of Tenderer HINDUSTAN PETROLEUM CORPORATION LTD., GMO-WZ 3.4.4. The outer surface of the conduit pipes including all bends, unions, tees, junction boxes etc. forming part of the conduit system shall be adequately supported. 3.4.5. All necessary bends in the system shall be done by bending pipes or by using standard bends for diversion purpose pipes shall be bent. 3.4.6. At least 18 SWG G.I. wire shall be laid through the conduit to enable pull the wires through the conduit. 3.4.7. The conduit for concealed wiring in slab or in RCC wall shall be tied to the reinforcement bar by M.S. galvanised wires at suitable places to give the conduits rigidity. Before installing conduits junction boxes and inspection boxes in the brick wall, a chase shall be made. This work has to be done before plastering of the walls is done and shall be co-ordinate with the other agency. After installing the conduits the chase shall be closed and shall be finished flush with the wall. 3.4.8. The junction boxes, inspection boxes and switch boxes shall be temporarily blocked by jute before concreting is done and shall be co-ordinate with engineer-in-charge/consultant. After concreting is over, all boxes shall be cleaned if they are chocked up by concrete. 3.4.9. Separate earth wire of 14 SWG copper shall run along with each conduit for earthing externally. The conduit shall not be used as an earth medium. 3.4.10. The conduit of each circuit or section shall be completed before conductors are drawn in. The entire system of conduit after erection shall be tested for mechanical and electrical continuity throughout and permanently connected to earth. 3.5. SURFACE PVC CONDUIT WIRING: 3.5.1. All conduits shall be rigid PVC conduits. All conduits accessories shall be PVC grip type. No PVC conduit less than 20mm. dia shall be used. 3.5.2. Conduit pipe shall be jointed by means of couplers and accessories only. In long distance straight runs of conduit, inspection type couplers at reasonable intervals shall be provided. 3.5.3. The outer surface of the conduit pipes including all bends, unions, tees, junction boxes etc. forming part of the conduit system shall be adequately supported. Interior Work at R&C Building Page 57 of 69 Seal & Signature of Tenderer HINDUSTAN PETROLEUM CORPORATION LTD., GMO-WZ 3.5.4. Conduit pipes shall be fixed by heavy gauge galvanised PVC saddles and spacers. The conduit pipes shall be individually fixed using galvanised screws at every 600mm. 3.5.5. All necessary bends in the system including diversion shall be done by bending pipes or by inserting normal or inspection type normal bends or by fixing inspection boxes whichever is more suitable. Conduit fittings shall not be used on conduit system exposed to weather. Radius of such bends in conduit pipes shall not be less than 7.5cm. No length of conduit shall have more than the equivalent of two quarter bends from outlet. Additional bends shall be inspection bends/boxes. 3.5.6. The junction boxes for lighting fixture, fans etc. shall be surface mounting. The boxes shall be complete with covers to be fixed with screws. 3.5.7. The conduit of each circuit or section shall be completed before conductors are drawn in. The entire system of conduit after erection shall be tested for mechanical and electrical continuity throughout and permanently connected to earth. Separate earth wire of appropriate size shall run in each conduit for earthing. If conduit pipes are liable to mechanical damage they shall be adequately protected. 3.6. SURFACE M.S. CONDUIT WIRING: 3.6.1. All conduits shall be rigid steel M.S. conduit finished with stove enameled surface. All conduits accessories shall be threaded type and under no circumstances pin grip type or clamp type accessories be used. 3.6.2. No M.S. conduit less than 20mm. dia shall be used. The thickness shall be 16 SWG for conduit unto 32mm. dia and 14 SWG for conduit above 32mm. dia. 3.6.3. Conduit pipe shall be jointed by means of screwed couplers and screwed accessories only. In long distance straight runs of conduit, inspection type couplers at reasonable intervals shall be provided. 3.6.4. Threads on conduit pipes in all cases shall be between 11mm. to 27mm. long sufficient to accommodate pipes to full threaded portion of couplers or accessories. Cut ends of conduit pipes shall have no sharp edges not any bars left to avoid any damage to the insulation of conductors while pulling them through. 3.6.5. The outer surface of the conduit pipes including all bends, unions, tees, junction boxes etc. forming part of the conduit system shall be adequately Interior Work at R&C Building Page 58 of 69 Seal & Signature of Tenderer HINDUSTAN PETROLEUM CORPORATION LTD., GMO-WZ protected against rust. In no case, bare threaded portion of conduit pipe shall be allowed unless such bare threaded portion is treated with anticorrosive preservative or covered with approved plastic compound. 3.6.6. Conduit pipes shall be fixed by heavy gauge galvanised M.S. saddles secured to M.S. galvanised flats of 3mm. thick. The width of flats shall suit the total number of conduits to be run. The conduit pipes shall be individually fixed using galvanised screws at every 600mm. 3.6.7. All necessary bends in the system including diversion shall be done by bending pipes or by inserting normal or inspection type normal bends or by fixing M.S. painted inspection boxes whichever is more suitable. No length of conduit shall have more than the equivalent of two quarter bends from outlet to outlet. Additional bends shall be inspection ends/boxes. 3.6.8. 3.6.9. The junction boxes for lighting fixture, fans etc. shall be M.S. 16 gauge black enameled for surface mounting. The boxes shall be complete with covers to be fixed with screws. 3.6.10. The conduit of each circuit or section shall be completed before conductors are drawn in. The entire system of conduit after erection shall be tested for mechanical and electrical continuity throughout and permanently connected to earth. 3.6.11. Conduit shall not be used as an earth medium. Separate earth wire of appropriate size shall run along with each conduit for earthing externally. If conduit pipes are liable to mechanical damage they shall be adequately protected. 3.7. WIRES AND FLEXIBLES: 3.7.1. Single core PVC insulated 630Volts grade copper wires shall be used for wiring. The size of the conductor shall be as specified in the drawings/bill of quantities but in no case it shall be less than 1.5sq.mm. for lighting circuit and 2.5sq.mm. for power circuit. Three core insulated and PVC sheathed flexible shall be used from junction box to light fittings/fans. The minimum size of flexible wire shall be 16/0.20mm. copper conductor. Black colour insulated wires shall be used for neutral conductor. Coloured insulated wires of respective colours shall be used for phase conductor. 3.7.2. The wiring shall be done in looping system. The phase conductor shall be looped at switch box for sub-circuit. The neutral conductor for sub-circuit Interior Work at R&C Building Page 59 of 69 Seal & Signature of Tenderer HINDUSTAN PETROLEUM CORPORATION LTD., GMO-WZ can be looped either from switch box or from light/fan/socket points. Twisted joints for looping are not acceptable. 3.7.3. Straight through joints shall not be permitted on single core wires and flexible. Coloured insulated wires of respective colour shall be used for phase conductor and black colours insulated wires shall be used for neutral conductor. 3.8. FITTINGS AND ACCESSORIES: 3.8.1. Lighting fixture: The lighting fixtures shall be as per the schedule of quantities and drawings enclosed. The mounting height and location shall be as specified in the drawings. Unless otherwise specified, the mounting height shall not be less than 2.5mm. The lighting fixtures shall be either supported vertically of mounted on bracket or suspended by a hook, as required. 3.8.2. Plug sockets (10/20 Amp. metal clad type): Only three pin socket outlets as per the schedule of quantities shall be used. Every socket shall be controlled by a switch which shall be located adjacent to it at operable height and wiring for socket outlet on switch box shall also be included. The switch controlling the socket outlet shall be on the live side. The mounting and location shall be as specified in the drawing. Unless and otherwise specified, the mounting height shall not be more than 1.5 meter above floor level. 3.8.3. Switches: The switches shall be 6 Amps. rating for lighting sub-circuit. The switches shall be single pole piano/modular type as indicated in bill of quantities/preferred makes of item. 3.8.4. Switch boxes: The switch boxes shall be totally enclosed made of sheet steel/M.S. concealed/surface type, location and details shall be as per the schedule and drawings. 3.8.5. Attachment of fittings and accessories: All necessary materials for mounting and operation of lighting fixtures, sockets, outlets etc. such as M.S. painted down rods, brackets, ball and socket of approved make, M.S. painted junction boxes, terminals strips etc. shall be used. Interior Work at R&C Building Page 60 of 69 Seal & Signature of Tenderer HINDUSTAN PETROLEUM CORPORATION LTD., GMO-WZ 3.9. INTER CHANGEABILITY: Similar part of all switches, pendants, brackets, conduits and accessories etc. of the same type shall be inter changeable. 3.10. EARTHING: The earth shall conform to IS-3043. 14 SWG copper wire shall be used for earthing and the conduit. The earthing wire shall be run continuously along the conduit. All earthing wires shall be connected to earth bus provided near the distribution board. 3.11. TESTING OF INSTALLATION: Before the installation is put into service, the following tests shall be completed with 3.11.1. Insulation resistance: The insulation resistance shall be measured by applying between earth and whole system of conductors or any section thereof. 500Volts D.C. for single phase system be means of a meager. The insulation resistance shall not be less than one mega ohm. 3.11.2. Testing earth continuity path: The earthing conductors shall be tested for electrical continuity. The electrical resistance of the same along with earthing lead from connection with earth electrode to any point, in any point in earth continuity conductor in the complete installation shall be less than one ohm. 3.11.3. Testing of polarity of single pole switch: The test shall be made to verify that all single pole switches have been fitted between phase conductors and light/fan/socket outlet. 3.12. MODE OF MEASUREMENT: 3.12.1. Mains/Sub-mains wires: Conduit wiring from lighting distribution board unto switch board and looping the phase conductor from one switchboard to other as mentioned in the single line diagram shall be treated as main/sub-main wiring respectively. This shall be run in a conduit separate from that of point wiring. The estimated length of the conduits for the circuit wiring has been given in the schedule of quantities. This includes the length of conduits with different number of wires viz. 2, 4, 6, 8 etc. Interior Work at R&C Building Page 61 of 69 Seal & Signature of Tenderer HINDUSTAN PETROLEUM CORPORATION LTD., GMO-WZ 3.12.2. Point wiring: Point wiring shall include all work necessary to complete wiring of any length from tapping point of distribution circuit to the following via switch/bell push:Junction box/ceiling rose for light/fan points. Plug points. Lumi-sound indicator bell/buzzer. The following shall be deemed to be including in point wiring:(1) Switch/electronic fan regulator/bell push and switch box (for switch, fan regulator, bell push etc.) (2) Conduits and accessories such as bends, inspection bends, tees, junction boxes etc. (3) All fixing accessories for conduit and conduit accessories such as clamps, spacers, rawl plug, G.I. screws etc. (4) Wiring between switch/bell push and junction box/ceiling rose/plugs/lumisound indicator and wiring necessary between switch boards other than mains wiring shown in the drawing. (5) 1 no. 2.5sq.mm. PVC copper wire in green colour for earthing inside the conduit along with other wires. 3.12.3. Primary and secondary points: Where lighting fixture are controlled from lighting distribution board directly, the entire wiring from LDB to first fixtures shall be treated as a primary point and with continuation of circuit from one point to another shall be treated as secondary point. 3.13. NUMBER OF WIRES IN A CONDUIT: The maximum number of wires that may be laid in any conduit for circuit wiring or point wiring is given below:Size of wires sq.mm. 1.5 2.5 4 Size of conduits 20mm. 25mm. 32mm. 8 10 14 6 8 12 4 6 10 4. EARTHING: 4.1. SCOPE: The scope of work under this section covers the earthing of various panels, distribution boards and utilisation equipments. Interior Work at R&C Building Page 62 of 69 Seal & Signature of Tenderer HINDUSTAN PETROLEUM CORPORATION LTD., GMO-WZ 4.2. STANDARDS: The following standards and rules shall be applicable IS - 3043/1966 : Codes of practice for earthing. Indian Electricity Act’ 1910 and rules issued there under. PLATE ELECTRODES: Plate type earth electrodes shall be provided at the location shown on drawing. The plate size shall be 600 x 600 x 3mm. tinned copper plate/600 x 600 x 6mm. G.I. plate or as specified in bill of quantities. The minimum depth, type of electrode, soil treatment shall be in accordance with IS-3043 of 1966 complete with masonry, watering pipe, GI cover etc. The number of earthing stations shall be as shown on the drawing and as directed by consultant/architect/ engineer. 4.4. EQUIPMENT EARTHING: 4.4.1. Three phase motors and other three phase apparatus shall have two distinct earth connection of size equal to 50% of the connecting cables. 4.4.2. For 1 HP motor and 1 HP apparatus, the single earth connection shall be provided. 4.4.3 For all light fittings and fans, a single earth connection with 2.5sq.mm. copper shall be provided. 4.5. EARTH CONTINUITY CONDUCTOR: 4.5.1. Metallic conduit shall not be accepted as an earth continuity conductor. A separate copper earth continuity conductor of size of 50% of phase conductor or 16 SWG copper wire whichever is more shall be provided. The earth continuity conductor shall be clamped to the conduit at one meter intervals using approved copper earth clamps. Binding wire is not accepted as a substitute for earth clamps. Interior Work at R&C Building Page 63 of 69 Seal & Signature of Tenderer HINDUSTAN PETROLEUM CORPORATION LTD., GMO-WZ 4.6. SIZE OF COPPER STRIPS/WIRES FOR EARTHING: Earthing of cable boxes shall be carried out as under:--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Sr. No. Size of cable Size of copper strip/wire --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------1. a) b) c) d) 10sq.mm. 4 core 16sq.mm. 4 core 25sq.mm. 3 core 35sq.mm. 3 core } } } } 2. a) 50sq.mm. 3 core b) 70sq.mm. 3 core c) 95sq.mm. 3 core } } } 2 nos. of 4 SWG copper 3. a) 100sq.mm. 3 core b) 150sq.mm. 3 core c) 185sq.mm. 3 core } } } 2 nos. of 25 x 3mm. copper 4. a) b) c) d) } } } } 225sq.mm. 3 core 300sq.mm. 3 core 400sq.mm. 3 core 500sq.mm. 3 core 2 nos. of 8 SWG copper 2 nos. of 25 x 6mm. copper or as directed by engineerin-charge/consultant Earthing of following equipments shall be done with two number copper strips of size specified in schedule from ring main earthing tapped at different places. 1. H. T. switchgears 2. L. T. switchgears and panels 3. Transformers. 4.7. GROUNDING EQUIPMENTS : 4.7.1. Ground wire/strip shall either terminate on ground lugs provided on the equipments or shall be fastened to the foundation bolt and the frame of equipment. 4.7.2. All conduits shall be grounded with approved proper size of earthing wire/strips as requested. Interior Work at R&C Building Page 64 of 69 Seal & Signature of Tenderer HINDUSTAN PETROLEUM CORPORATION LTD., GMO-WZ 4.7.3. Ground wires terminating at each equipment shall have certain flexibility in its connection to the equipment. 4.7.4. Suitable size of sleeves required in the wall, column etc. taking earth strips across them shall be provided by the contractor during the civil construction. After laying the earth strip, the sleeve shall be properly sealed. 4.8. ERECTION : 4.8.1. Joints : The joint of earthing conductor shall be brazed, bolted or welded. Welded surfaces shall be painted with red oxide and then aluminum painted. 4.8.2. Termination : Where the diameter of the bolt at the joints exceeds one quarter of the width of the earth continuity, the connection shall be made with a wider piece sandwiched between two conductors. 4.8.3. Cable/earthing conductors supports : Cables/earthing conductors shall be fixed on wall/cable racks. Cable racks shall be fabricated from rolled sections (40 x 40 x 5 angles and 25 x 3 flats) and they shall rest and be supported on steel supports, located approx. at 3 meter apart and at salient points. The cable racks shall be painted with two coats of red oxide primer and two coats of paint of deep battleship gray colour. If the cables/earthing conductors are run along the wall, M.S. galvanised or aluminum of suitable size spacer (25mm. x 30mm. thick) shall be provided at every 600mm. The spacer shall be fixed with good quality raw l plugs land G.I. screws. 4.9. SITE TEST : The following earth resistance values shall be measured with an approved earth meager and recorded. i) Each earthing station ii) Earthing system as a whole iii) Earth continuity conductors Interior Work at R&C Building Page 65 of 69 Seal & Signature of Tenderer HINDUSTAN PETROLEUM CORPORATION LTD., GMO-WZ 4.10. MODE OF MEASUREMENT : 4.10.1. Providing an earthing station complete with excavation, electrode, watering pipe, soil treatment, chamber etc. shall be treated as one unit of measurement. 4.10.2. The following items of work shall be measured and paid at unit rate covering the cost of the earth wires/strips, clamps, labour etc :Main equipment earthing grid and connection to earthing station. Connection to power panels, distribution boards etc. 4.10.3. The cost of earthing the following items shall become part of the cost of the item itself and no separate payment for earthing shall be made :Motors - earthing forming part of the cabling/wiring for the motor. Isolating switches and starters - should form part of mounting frame, switch, starter etc. Light fittings - form part of installation of light fittings. Conduit wiring and cabling - should form part of the wiring of cabling. 5. TELEPHONE/INTERCOM DISTRIBUTION SYSTEM : SCOPE : The scope of work shall cover supply, installation, commissioning of telephone/intercom distribution system. testing and 5.2. DISTRIBUTION SYSTEM : 5.2.1. Telephone cables shall be used of 0.5mm. dia electrolytic tinned copper conductors duly colour coded twisted pairs with rip cord. Cabling shall be multipair, PVC insulated, sheathed and armoured and twin pair PVC insulated wires drawn in heavy gauge PVC conduits. Cables shall confirm to I.T.D. specification. 5.3. TAG BOX : Telephone tag box shall have two terminal blocks cross connect type and shall be suitable for multipair cables. All incoming and outgoing cables shall be terminated on separate terminal blocks and all terminations shall Interior Work at R&C Building Page 66 of 69 Seal & Signature of Tenderer HINDUSTAN PETROLEUM CORPORATION LTD., GMO-WZ be silver soldered. The cross-connecting jumpers shall be insulates wires of the same diameter and screw connected. 5.3.2. Tag blocks shall be mounted inside fabricated sheet steel boxes with removable hinged covers and shall be fully accessible. The enclosure shall be painted with two coats of red oxide and stove enameled. 5.4. INSTALLATION : 5.4.1. The installation of surface conduit/concealed conduit/surface PVC casing-ncapping as specified in bill of quantities shall be generally as specified under section ‘conduit wiring’. 5.4.2. The connections at the tag blocks shall be silver soldered so as to achieve minimum contact resistance. 5.5. MODE OF MEASUREMENTS : 5.5.1. Supply and installation of telephone tag box with all accessories as specified shall each form a unit of measurement. 5.5.2. All cabling/wiring shall be measured and paid on unit length basis as specified in the bill of quantities. 6. LIGHTENING PROTECTION SYSTEM : 6.1. SCOPE: The specification covers design, supply, installation, testing and commissioning of lightening protection system for protection of building and allied structures. 6.2. STANDARDS : The design, installation, testing and commissioning of lightening protection system shall comply with the latest issue of the following standard :IS - 2309 (1969) : Code of practice for protection of buildings and allied structures against lightening. 6.3. AIR TERMINATIONS : 6.3.1. For the purpose of lightening protection, the vertical and horizontal conductors are consider equivalent and the use of pointed air termination or vertical finials is, therefore, not regarded as essential. However, vertical air termination shall be provided where indicated. A vertical air Interior Work at R&C Building Page 67 of 69 Seal & Signature of Tenderer HINDUSTAN PETROLEUM CORPORATION LTD., GMO-WZ termination shall have one point and shall project at least 300mm. above the object salient point or network on which it is fixed. 6.3.2. Horizontal air terminations shall be interconnected; such that no part of the roof is more than 9 meter away from the nearest horizontal conductor except that an additional 300mm. may be allowed for each 300mm. by which the part to be protected is below the nearest protective conductor. For flat roof horizontal air terminations along the outer perimeter of the roof is used. For a roof of larger area a network of parallel horizontal conductors shall be installed. 6.3.3. Horizontal air termination shall be coursed along contours such as ridges, parapets and edges of flat roofs and where necessary over flat surfaces in such a way as to join each air termination to the rest and should themselves form a closed network. 6.3.4. All metallic finials, chimneys, ducts, vent pipes, railings, gutters, metallic flagstaff etc., on or above the main surface of the roof of the structure shall be bonded to and form part of the air termination network. If portion of a structure vary considerably in height, any necessary air termination or air termination network of the lower portions shall in addition to their own conductors, be bonded to the down conductors of the taller portions. 6.3.5. All air terminals shall be effectively secured against overturning either by attachment to the object to be protected or by means of substantial braces and fixing which shall be permanently and attached to the building. The method and nature of the fixing shall be as directed. 6.4. DOWN CONDUCTORS : 6.4.1. Down conductors shall be distributed round the outside walls of the structure. They shall preferably be run along the corners and other projections, due considerations being given to the location of air terminations and earth terminations. Lift shafts shall not be used for fixing down conductors. 6.4.2. Down conductors shall follow the most direct path possible between the air termination and the earth termination avoiding sharp bends upturns and kinks. Joints shall as far as possible be avoided in down conductors. Metal pipes should not be used as protection for the conductors. Metal pipes from the roof to the ground may be connected to the down conductor but cannot replace them. Such connections shall have disconnecting joints. Interior Work at R&C Building Page 68 of 69 Seal & Signature of Tenderer HINDUSTAN PETROLEUM CORPORATION LTD., GMO-WZ 6.5. JOINTS AND BENDS : The lightening protective system shall have as few joints in it as possible. Wherever joints in the down conductors above ground level are necessary they shall be mechanically and electrically effective. In down conductors below ground level there shall be no joints. The joints may be clamped, screwed, bolted, riveted, sweated, braced or welded. The bonding of the external metal forming part of a structure or drain water pipe shall have a cross sectional area not less than that employed for the main conductors. In no case gas pipe shall be bonded to earth termination system. 6.6. TESTING POINTS : Each down conductors shall be provided with a testing point in a position convenient for testing but inaccessible for interference. No connection, other than one direct to an earth electrode shall be made below a testing point. Testing points shall be of phosphor-bronze, gunmetal, copper or any other suitable materials. 7. MAKES OF ITEMS : All materials used in electrical works covered in this contract shall be as per the list of preferred makes. The contractor shall submit the list of items and their manufactures for consultant/architect’s approval. Interior Work at R&C Building Page 69 of 69 Seal & Signature of Tenderer