Public Schools of Robeson County Common Core State Standards 6 – 12 Mathematics SESSION 5 March 23, 2012 8:00-11:00am Welcome Back!!! Aaron Locklear Curriculum Specialist, LSHS Catrina Bailey Curriculum Specialist, SRHS Annette Kenworthy Mathematics teacher, PSHS STARTER Compare and contrast the CCSS lesson “Discovering the formula for Area of a Circle” to the traditional style of teaching Think-Pair-Share 1) Think silently for one minute 2) Share with your fist/palm partner 3) Share with the group 3/13/2 016 • page 2 Sequence of Session Starter Session Logistics Review of 8 Mathematical Practices Revised Bloom’s Taxonomy Rigor in Common Core Standards TOTAL INSTRUCTIONAL ALIGNMENT Closure: PLUS/DELTA 3/13/2016 • page 3 “Train the Trainer” Model Technology Session Materials Parking Lot 3/13/2016 • page 4 NC EDUCATION Modules 1. A Call for Change - November 18, 2011 2. Understanding the Standards December 20, 2011 3. NC Professional Teaching Standards January 14, 2012 4. NC Falcon - February 28, 2012 5. Revised Bloom's Taxonomy March 23, 2012 6. Designing Local Curriculum May 20, 2012 The due dates are the same for all Robeson County teachers and administrators EDMODO Edmodo is a free and secure social networking platform for teachers, students, parents, and administrators. Trainees must have an account to access all training powerpoints, activities,etc: 1) 2) If you have a current account, login with your credentials. If not, then select “I’m a Teacher” and enter Edmodo school code (ask your office staff) 3) Click “join” and enter code i9oi0e to join Mathematics Group-grades 6-12 Learning Objectives 1. To review and discuss the eight CCSS Standards for Mathematical Practices 2. To create higher order thinking questions using Revised Bloom’s Taxonomy 3. To explore rich tasks that lend themselves to the implementation of the CCSS. 4. To create a Total Instructional Alignment guide for one CCSS standard. 3/13/2016 • page 7 Standards for Mathematical Practices 1. Make sense of problems and persevere in solving them. 2. Reason abstractly and quantitatively. 3. Construct viable arguments and critique the reasoning of others. 4. Model with mathematics. 5. Use appropriate tools strategically. 6. Attend to precision. 7. Look for and make use of structure. 8. Look for and express regularity in repeated reasoning. 3/13/2016 • page 8 Mathematical practices describe the habits of mathematically proficient students… Who is doing the talking? Who is doing the math? - Cathy Seely 3/13/2016 • page 9 Evaluation Synthesis Analysis Application Comprehension Knowledge The Original Bloom’s “Bloom’sTaxonomy Taxonomy Original Revised Evaluation Creating Synthesis Evaluating Analysis Analyzing Application Applying Comprehension Understanding Knowledge Remembering Noun Verb Change in Graphic Design THE ORIGINAL PYRAMID DID NOT FULLY ILLUSTRATE THE FACT THAT AS ONE MOVES UP THE HIERARCHY, MORE IS LEARNED,THUS, EXPANDING THE KNOWLEDGE GAINED. THE INVERTED PYRAMID MORE CLOSELY DEPICTS THIS EXPANDING KNOWLEDGE. Change in Terms Categories noun to verb ◦ Taxonomy reflects different forms of thinking (thinking is an active process) verbs describe actions, nouns do not Reorganized categories ◦ Knowledge = product/outcome of thinking (inappropriate to describe a category of thinking) now remembering ◦ Comprehension now understanding ◦ Synthesis now creating to better reflect nature of thinking described by each category Handout # Changes in Structure Products of thinking part of taxonomy Forms of knowledge = factual, conceptual, procedural, metacognitive (thinking about thinking) Synthesis (creating) and evaluation (evaluating) interchanged ◦ Creative thinking more complex form of thinking than critical thinking (evaluating) Handout # RIGOR and CCSS The CCSS explicitly call for, and integrate, higher-order thinking skills as a means to achieving career and college readiness for all students. Turn and Talk Meeting the CCSS standards Identify Revised Bloom’s Taxonomy verbs on the “What if…” CCSS activity handout Which 6th grade Common Core Standard does this activity meet? Which 7th grade Common Core Standard does this activity meet? Middle School Standards – 6th Statistics and Probability 6.SP Develop understanding of statistical variability. 3. Recognize that a measure of center for a numerical data set summarizes all of its values with a single number, while a measure of variation describes how its values vary with a single number. 3/13/2016 • page 17 Middle School Standards Statistics and Probability 6.SP Summarize and describe distributions. 4. Display numerical data in plots on a number line, including dot plots, histograms, and box plots. 6. Summarize numerical data sets in relation to their context, such as by: c. Giving quantitative measures of center (median and/or mean) and variability (interquartile range and/or mean absolute deviation), as well as describing any overall pattern and any striking deviations from the overall pattern with reference to the context in which the data were gathered. 3/13/2016 • page 18 Middle School Standards – 7th Statistics and Probability 7.SP Draw informal comparative inferences about two populations. 3. Informally assess the degree of visual overlap of two numerical data distributions with similar variabilities, measuring the difference between the centers by expressing it as a multiple of a measure of variability. 4. Use measures of center and measures of variability for numerical data from random samples to draw informal comparative inferences about two populations. 3/13/2016 • page 19 Statistics and Probability Progression 6th grade Statistical thinking Measures of central tendency (median and mean) Measures of variability (Mean Absolute Deviation (M.A.D.) and Inter-quartile Range Dot plots, box plots and histograms Statistics and Probability Progression 7th grade Compare two distributions using measures of center and measures of variability Probability Statistics and Probability Progression 8th grade Scatter plots Linear models – no linear regression Two-way tables for categorical data Statistics and Probability Progression High School Math One Interpret shape, center, spread and outliers Incorporate technology Standard deviation Scatter plots, linear models, LSRL and correlation coefficient Two-way tables (joint, marginal, and conditional relative frequencies) PLEASE return after 10 min BREAK! TOTAL INSTRUCTIONAL ALIGNMENT A process to ensure that what we are teaching, what we are assessing and how we are teaching are congruent. Standards-based and objectivebased instruction Beginning with the end in mind. Task Analysis The task analysis should begin with a verb (preferably a Revised Bloom’s) and the task should be measurable. What knowledge and skills are needed in order for the student to master the learning standard? Sequence in order to simple to complex The last task should be a restatement of the standard. Middle School Standards Geometry 7.G Solve real-life and mathematical problems involving angle measure, area, surface area, and volume. 4. Know the formulas for the area and circumference of a circle and use them to solve problems; give an informal derivation of the relationship between the circumference and area of a circle. 3/13/2016 • page 28 Domain CCSS guide Grade Level Cluster Standards Total Instructional Alignment Activity *Directions for your given standard: ONLY COMPLETE THE FOLLOWING: Mathematical Practices Clarifying Objective Instructional Task Analysis Essential Vocabulary 6th 7th 8th High School 6.RP.3 7.RP.2 8.F.2 F.IF.6 Summative Assessment websites: /assessment/online/ REMINDERS: Remember to train your staff before our next session on June 11 Go to Edmodo, print the Total Instructional Alignment template and today’s agenda, train your staff using the ppt in Edmodo, and add the printed copies to your CCSS binder Did you sign in and write your new email? Parking Lot questions PLUS/DELTA closure activity Next meeting: June 11 Aaron Locklear Annette Kenworthy Catrina Bailey 3/13/2016 • page 33