CCSS Mathematics – Grades K-2 Quality Review

ORIGO Education, Inc. Response to the Category 1: CCSS Mathematics –
Grades K-2 Quality Review
This digital guide can connect you directly to the cited examples within
ORIGO Stepping Stones. Clicking on the images (slow) or following the
breadcrumb trail provided (faster), will take you to the live resource pages.
The linked images will open in a new browser for each image. You may
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click “yes” when this happens. Please open your browser and log in, using
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Navigational information:
BC: will indicate the breadcrumb within Stepping Stones to guide you to the lesson
page and then continuing with resources
Pink Highlights indication options within the sequence navigator:
Green Highlights indicate resources available in the resources tab:
Click the “x” to close the Viewer after reviewing a resource:
ORIGO Education, Inc. Response to the Category 1: CCSS Mathematics –
Grades K-2 Quality Review
Section 3. Instructional Supports
The teacher materials are responsive to varied teacher needs:
11. Includes clear, sufficient and easy to use guidance to support teaching, learning of the
targeted standards and vocabulary, including, when appropriate, the use of supported
technology, web and media.
Professional Learning videos (MathEd) are embedded in the modules for teachers to watch in order to deepen their
understanding of the mathematics of the module and to learn relevant teaching strategies on how to help students
understand the mathematics. Each module describes the mathematics of the module and the research that indicates
the rationale and approach to the lessons. The lessons notes provide a consistent four-step process for teaching the
lesson and describe how the Student Journal is used during the lesson. The digital tools are pre-loaded in a playlist that
teachers can be projected to help guide students through the flow of the lesson.
BC: Grade 1 /module 3/mathematics/learning targets
BC: Grade K/module 7/mathematics/language development
BC: Grade 2/module 6/lessons/lesson 7/steps/Resources
12. Provides a discussion of the mathematics of the units/modules and the mathematical point of
each lesson as it relates to the organizing concepts of the unit/module.
BC: Grade 1/module 8/mathematics/focus (scroll down) Do this next: Resources/CLSS
BC: Grade 1/module 8/mathematics/research into
BC: Grade 1/module 8/lessons/lesson contents
13. Recommend and facilitate a mix of instructional approaches, such as using multiple
representations (e.g., including models, using a range of questions, checking for understanding,
flexible grouping, pair-share, etc.).
BC: Grade K/module 5/lessons/lesson 3/small group 1
Do this next: BC: Grade K/module 5
lessons/lesson 3/small group 2
BC: Grade 1/module 6/lessons/lesson 2/differentiation/Resources (explore)
BC: Grade 2/module 7/lessons/lesson 6/steps. Do this next: Resources/Student Journal 7.6 (color)
14. Gradually remove supports, requiring students to demonstrate their mathematical
understanding independently.
BC: Grade 1/contents, then walking through the lessons and journal pages
Next do this: Grade 1/module
4/lessons/lesson 1/ steps /
Resources/Student Journal 4.1 (color)
Next do this: Grade 1/module 4/lessons/lesson 2/steps
/Resources/Student Journal 4.2 (color)
Next do this: Grade 1/module
/lessons/lesson 3/steps/
Resources/Student Journal 4.3 (color)
Next do this: Grade 1/module 4/lessons/lesson 4/
steps/Resources/Student Journal 4.4 (color)
15. Teacher materials are organized and easy to use.
Teachers can plan on a modular level with all materials organized at the module for ease of
planning. Each lesson links to learning targets (CCSS domains).
BC: Grade 2/contents (scroll down)
BC: Grade 2 module 2/mathematics
BC: Grade 2/module 2/lessons/lesson 6/steps/Resources
BC: Grade 2/module 2/mathematics/learning targets
ORIGO Education, Inc. Response to the Category 1: CCSS Mathematics –
Grades K-2 Quality Review
Section 3. Instructional Supports
The materials are responsive to varied student learning needs:
16. Differentiation for ELD, SPED, students below or above and other special populations is
Stepping Stones encourages a student-centered classroom where risk is minimized by promoting student discourse,
varied thinking strategies and solution methods. Student-to-student collaboration is fostered through games, small
group problem-solving activities and investigations.
ORIGO believes that positive mathematical identities are developed when students:
 successfully interact with the mathematical content and develop the Mathematical Practices (habits of mind)
 are supported during the instruction to seek out solutions, test ideas and learn from mistakes
 have teachers who use a variety of assessments to provide appropriate and timely feedback to students in
order to inform instruction.
Stepping Stones supports each of these key components by:
 ensuring that the lessons are well-written, carefully sequenced with embedded Mathematical Practices and
intend to engage students
 providing lesson notes and MathEd videos to teachers that describe how to ask focus questions, guide
discourse and allow for multiple approaches to solutions
 providing a variety of assessment options for teachers to use
BC: Grade k/module 4/lessons/lesson 1/differentiation/Resources
BC: Grade 1 /module 3/lessons/lesson
BC: Grade 2/module 3/mathematics/english language learners
BC: Start/stepping stones overview/sequence navigator/General Topics
17. Uses technology and media to deepen learning.
Stepping Stones provides many resources included in the teacher’s guide. These can be accessed through the
resources tab if identified in a lesson or can be accessed separately through the Channels tab.
BC: channels/Flare/start/titles/Number Board
BC: channels/Fundamentals/start/titles/Double Up
BC: channels/Big Book Tools/start/
titles/Hip Hop Hippos
18. Cultivates student interest and engagement in math.
Investigations, problem solving activities, enrichment and cross-curricular links engage students
along with Fundamental games online.
BC: channels/Big Book Tools/start/titles/ten happy hens teacher’s notes/Resources (explore)
Do this next: Resources Launch tool
BC: Grade 2/module 5/more math
/cross-curricula links
BC: Grade 2/module 5/more math/investigations
BC: Grade 2/module 5/more
math/problem solving activities
19. Provides extensions and extra support for students above and below grade level.
The progression tab on the right-hand side allows teachers to access all grade level materials for
support of students who perform above and below grade levels.
BC: Stepping stones overview/sequence navigator/General Topics
BC: Grade 1/module 10/more math/enrichment activities/activity 1
BC: Grade K/module 5/lessons/lesson 2/differentiation/Resources
ORIGO Education, Inc. Response to the Category 1: CCSS Mathematics –
Grades K-2 Quality Review
Section 4. Assessment
The instructional materials regularly assesses whether students are mastering
standards-based content and skills:
20. Demonstrate grade-level CCSS (content and Mathematical Practices) and are rigorous.
ORIGO ensures that each lesson focuses on CCSS content and mathematical practice standards,
which are then assessed and observed through daily classroom activity and assessment options.
BC: Grade 1/module 11/assessment/overview
BC: Grade 1/module 11/assessment/
BC: Grade 1/module 11/assessment/formative/pre-test
BC: Grade 1/module 11/assessment/
summative/performance tasks
BC: Grade 1/module 11/assessment/summative/interviews
BC: Grade 1/module 12/assessment/
quarterly tests/
Resources/Test 1/pages 2 & 3
21. Available in digital/non-digital formats and are accessible to all students.
BC: Grade K/module 6/assessment/formative/pre-test
BC: Grade 2/module4/assessment/
BC: Grade 2/module 4/assessment/summative/check-ups
22. Includes rubrics and proficiency criteria.
Stepping Stones includes four different options for summative assessment.
Check-ups – provides questions that require the student to select the correct answer or to provide a short
written response.
Performance Tasks – used to measure depth of understanding. A rubric accompanies each performance task.
Interviews – used to assess certain concepts and skills such as the fluency of rote counting or mental
Quarterly Tests – used to assess retention of concepts and skills
BC: Grade 1/module 6/assessment/summative/performance tasks (hover mouse over questions – watch for popups)
Do this next: Resources/Performance Task 1/answers
BC: Grade 1 module 6/assessment/summative/performance tasks (hover mouse over questions –
watch for pop-ups)
Do this next: Resources/Performance Task 2/answers
23. Uses varied modes which must include selected, constructed, extended response items, selfassessments and performances tasks to provide teachers with a range of formative and
summative data to inform instruction.
ORIGO Stepping Stones provides a range of formative and summative methods for teachers to assess the knowledge
and skills of students.
Formative assessments are provided to help teachers make informed decisions and to guide their instruction. These
decisions could range from reviewing content, reteaching concepts, or providing additional work for students who
require extra assistance or challenges. Formative assessment can occur informally during lessons with observations of
students working and their discourse, or formally with written instruments such as pre-tests or journal entries.
Stepping Stones includes three different options for formative assessment.
Summative assessments generally take place at planned intervals after instruction. They are used to help teachers sum
up what students know. Using data generated by these assessments, teachers are able to determine student
performance. Summative assessments are mostly formal by nature and should be linked to pre-assessments. If used
wisely, summative assessment can also serve a formative role to modify future instruction. Stepping Stones includes
four different options for summative assessment.
BC: Grade K/module 5/assessment/overview
BC: Grade 1/module 4/assessment/overview
BC: Grade 2/module 9/assessment/overview