Newsletter - Shaheed Rajguru College of Applied Sciences For

Celebrating World Food Day’13
World food day 2013 was held in Shaheed Rajguru College Of Applied Sciences For
Women . The Guest of honor for the event was Mr.Shamindar Pal Singh(Head of
regulatory affair Pepsico. India).The event was sponsored by Dr Oetker and Misti
Vedik. It was based on the theme- ‘Is National Food Security Bill A Sustainable
Solution Towards Attaining Food and Nutrition Security In India’.
The programme was divided into mainly five events: Technical session, Debate, Quiz,
Admad, Skit.
The technical session was presented by Mrs. Anita Makhijani (Ministry of women and
child welfare, Food and Nutrition Board) and Dr. Ruchi Srivastav (Consultant).
The programme started at 10:00 am with the technical session. Which was followed
by grueling debate session based upon the day’s theme. The Debate was followed by
quiz round. Quiz was followed by Admad which involved a team of atleast 3
students from each college which were to present an ad on a particular product The
teams were provided with 15mins to prepare for the same. The quiz was followed by
Skit .
The results were announced by the Jury. All in all the programme was well organised
and presented and was enjoyed by all present.
Yamaha Comes Zooming In Rajguru !!
Yamaha, world’s leading brand of automobiles, hosted a workshop in the
college for encouraging women to take the initiative to ‘drive and be
independent ‘. The workshop was divided into two parts:: for the girls who
could drive, a racetrack was created including all sorts of real-time
obstacles like an elevated plank, some turns in the tracks etc.. and for the
girls who couldn’t drive , instructors were appointed to provide them free
driving lessons. The enthusiastic participation by the Rajgurians in the
workshop made the event a huge success.
BLEND’13- Alumni Meet At SRCASW
Blend’13- the alumni meet of Shaheed Rajguru College was held in the college
campus on Sunday, 6th October 2013. Alumni from almost all the batches were
present and a mind-blowing show was put up by the college faculty and students.
The programme began with the lamp lighting ceremony by the alumni of the first and
second batch students, following which SilverSteppers took centrestage with a terrific
dance performance. This was followed by a power packed, gymnastics performance
by Priya, a first year electronics student. The hosts for the afternoon, Mrs. Deepali and
Mrs. Monika, asked the alumni to share their vivid experiences of their tenure in the
college. A student of the 2010 batch presented a small mimicry act which entertained
everyone wholly. Then Mukhauta presented a small skit showing the journey of the
college through the years, with a mix of some real life incidents, which compelled the
alumni to relive those moments again. Following this, Inklings, the literary society of
the college, hosted a series of games and quizzes like tongue twisters, balloon dance,
bollywood quiz and musical chairs for different batches which kept the audience
thoroughly entertained. This alumni meet was definitely a walk down a memory lane,
with a twist of fun and entertainment. A day well spent!
Rajgurians Ride With Pride
On October 14,2013 Rajguru college witnessed an audition for part in the
women oriented documentary ‘I am Eve – I Ride With Pride’ . This
documentary was part of the campaign initiated by STEELBIRD helmets
,emphasizing on women safety during driving. It showcased the Rajguru girls
talking about the most important safety measure for women while driving a
two wheeler i.e. wearing a helmet. This small thing that is often overlooked,
costs thousands of lives of women all over India and the world. The
documentary was shot in the college premises and the participating students
were given certificates applauding their role in this noble initiative.
Rajguru Hosting NFGLC’13
Our college , in spirit of its silver jubilee celebrations, hosted a week long
international workshop NFGLC’ 13 – 14 ,in collaboration with the University of
Massachusetts, Boston ,from 28th December 2013 to 2nd January 2014 with
NFGLC standing for ‘New Frontiers in Global and Learning Communications. The
purpose of this workshop was to provide innovative teaching to teachers and
students in the global digital era. Six distinguished speakers arrived from
University of Massachusetts, Boston for the workshop– Dr. Tara Devi S.Ashok –
Director of the Workshop, Ms. Irene Yukhananov, Dr. Russ Yukhano, Dr. Nishikant
Sonwalkar, Dr. Denise Patmon and Dr. Apurva Mehta. The Chief Guest for the
prestigious event was Professor Krishan Lal. The workshop witnessed enthusiastic
participation of teachers from all over the country . The last day of the workshop
saw interaction of the dignitaries with Rajguru girls followed by a cultural
extravaganza in the evening.
The cultural event began on an auspicious note with Shiv Stuti performed by
followed by soulful singing by college choir-Dhwani . Then the dance society
SilverSteppers showcased Bharatanatyam and Kathak performances. Dr. Tara Devi
along with Dr.S.Ashok also enthralled the audience with a beautiful song. A fabulous
Bhangra performance by the Punjabi Academy brought down the curtains on
SRCASW Encouraging Girls In ICT
In collaboration with CISCO Networking System, the college students and faculty
observed GIRLS in ICT DAY on the 9th of January, 2014. The event was organised as a
token of appreciation for women who had been successfully working in the field of
Information and Communication Technology and as an initiative to encourage more and
more women to indulge into this field.
Dr. Nloufer Shroff inspired the girls to be fearless,
step forward and explore their own world of
interest. Mrs. Anuradha Sharma emphasized on the
fact that how technology can be and is being used
as a weapon to
bridge the
social and
economic gap
between men
and women.
Almost all girls
could identify
themselves with
Ms. Suruchi
Wadhawan who
The event had an auspicious
beginning with the lighting of the
lamp by the eminent guests
,accompanied by a melodious recital
of “ganesh vandana” by our choir
group- “Dhwani”. This was followed
by felicitation of the guests by Dr.
Punita Saxena and Dr. Amita Kapoor.
The students showed keen interest to
listen to the life experiences of our
esteemed guests which included Dr.
Nloufer Shroff, Mrs. Anuradha
Sharma, Prof. Divya Saxena, Prof.
Enakshi Sharma, Ms. Suruchi
Wadhawan, Ms. Rashmi Singh, Ms.
Diksha Mishra and Mr. Naresh Kumar.
shared her experience through the journey to achieve extraordinary goals with an
ordinary beginning. She inspired all the young women to believe in oneself and take small
steps in life which induce big changes. Prof. Enakshi Sharma spoke about Information and
Communication Technology Revolution and of which women have been active participants.
The seminar was followed by an intense panel discussion ,headed by Prof. Divya
Saxena who came all the way from Canada. Their discourse covered many technical
aspects and educated the audiences with knowledge of how to adjust and adapt to
different working atmospheres. Dr.Punita Saxena also asked the panel members some
questions relating to the practical problems women face while working in the industry.
Whether it was the problem of working with male colleagues or late night working
hours .. the members answered every question with great interest and enthusiasm which
showcased their experience of juggling work and home with equal ease.
This led to the audience asking their queries. Some students asked the panel members
questions relating to the scope of IT in various fields and how to proceed with their
education in order to reach their target destinations.
This discussion took an interesting turn when students started asking questions about how
to live and prosper in a gender-biased society like India. To this, every member of the
panel gave their motivational and inspiring message
All in all, it was a fruitful experience for all the students and teachers who attended this
Compiled byDeergha Manocha & Kaavya Raveendran
Survey@ SRCASW
Q1: Condemning the rape of a 51-year-old Danish
woman near the New Delhi railway station, ruling Aam
Aadmi Party (AAP) stressed the need for fast track
courts, and for bringing Delhi Police under the purview
of the state government. Do you think the Delhi
Government should exercise control over the Delhi
What Rajgurians SayNO (5%)
YES (67%)
To some extent
And as far as the current scenario is may sound pessimistic but well
there is no sign of justice coming any day soon
for these women.
It's all
play - sad
but true !
is justice
GONE QUIETLY“ Her death is
another addition to those
numerous mysterious high
profile death cases which
either remain unsolved or are
manipulated and finally
suppressed over the time.
Thanks to corruption and of
course the Media! In such a
scenario, would justice ever
come to such women?
If the
and the
and public
don't fear.
it would but then all this requires the much needed support n
voice of the youth , being an active participant in the politics
and knowing about our country and its constitution.
Just another phase of life
When all goes smooth,
and you are living high,
the least you expect,
is the heaven's cry:
'Thou life's a malediction,
a cauldron of sorrows,
happiness, a prose,
and living, a desire.'
It calls you off the delusion,
wakes you up by a percussion,
the voice grows strong,
swipes away the throng,
bruises your dreams
and assures life is no whims..
- Mrs. Ritika Chopra Asstt Professor
Department of Mathematics
Life’s Dilemma
I am feeling sleepy,
but I can't sleep...
memories of schooldays
is what i want to keep!
I don't know what to do,
whether to gossip or play with you...
whether to dream alpha, beta, gamma and
someone please give me a clue!!
Family is having hopes so high,
which are ascending to touch the sky...
IIT is what everybody wants to strike
but for it hardwork should be our first like!
The final deciding months are left, It looks
this is high time to open our books...
now we have to pull up our socks
to get the keys of bestest future locks!!
- Monica Gupta
B.Tech Electronics
Ist Year
It has been long since that day
That day, when I lost my way,
wandering through the darkness, all weary,
with eyes red and teary.
I was innocent, with an angelic face,
my life revolved around frocks, with frills and lace.
Through the darkness, I saw you.
But there was a difference.
You were not the one I dotted,
'DANGER', my heart shouted.
I never knew,
the hand that used to bless,
would make my life such a mess!
He acted strange,
I responded with rage.
I wished it to be a nightmare,
Not knowing, what to do, when and where.
He took all that that he claimed,
'POOR CHILD', the world exclaimed.
Years have passed since that day,
living in a world not knowing my way,
They whisper and stare without any heed,
acting unknown of the fact, that I shall bleed.
For a mistake not mine, I shall pay,
Everything is the same, so is everyday.
I cry, I whine, I bleed,
knowing well that I am out of breed.
As I go through my frills and laces,
I remind myself of those faces,
Who took from me....... everything,
leaving me with nothing!
I live... as a girl, a victim, a survivor,
walking through the tear filled river.
People show sympathy,
But i dont want any.
In my world, I live alone,
Signs of future... all gone.
As a victim, I prod
-Athira Menon
Even in a crowd, all alone.
Its been long since that day,
B.Tech Food Technology
The day, when I lost my way!
Ist Year
Information Technology in our lives
-Dr. Suruchi Chawla Asstt Professor
Department of Computer Science
All of us have been aware of bullying as a fact of life in schools. For many years it was
something that happened in person, at the schoolyard or the way home.
However in the 21st century bullying has become a physical as well as a virtual threat due to the
widespread use of instant messaging and mobile phone among the young.
Bullying is a hateful crime, and now with almost every person having a facebook or twitter
account, cyber bullying is becoming an unwelcome trend amongst the teens.
What is Cyberbullying?
Cyberbullying is like physical bullying, but it’s done either online or with cell phones. It can take
the form of harassment, public humiliation, or both. The viral nature of online life and cell phones
makes sending humiliating or degrading messages, pictures, or videos simple and immediate.
How big of a problem is cyber bullying?
• It can happen to anyone and it can damage one emotionally. One’s self esteem and one’s
self confidence - all take huge sits when bullying is involved.
• A recent survey indicated that at least 15 per cent of children have received threatening
messages online or on their phones, the majority of those bullied being girls. Another survey
puts the figure as high as 25 per cent for text message bullying.
How are teens Cyberbullied?
Tech-savvy bullies can easily set up a website denigrating and degrading another kid. An
embarrassing picture snapped on a camera phone can find its way across the web in more
seconds. Also, some cyber bullies spread lies and rumors about victims. They can trick people
into revealing personal information. Some bullies send or forward mean messages, while some
post pictures or personal information of victims without their consent.
So what can be done about cyber-bullying?
There are a few obvious steps, such as being wary of giving out e-mail addresses and instant
messenger screen names. Also following measures can be taken to prevent Cyberbullying:
•Don’t respond. Engaging with a bully only fuels the fire.
•Block communication with cyberbullies.
•Report cyberbullying to a trusted adult.
•Raise awareness of the cyberbullying problem in your community by holding an assembly
and creating fliers to give to younger kids or parents.
Don’t forget that cyberbullying causes real problems. If you wouldn’t say it in person, don’t say
it online. If you know of someone who is being bullied or you yourself are being bullied, stand
up and tell someone who can help because this trend so to speak needs to be obsolete.
-Pratima Singh Sirohi Treasurer
Nowadays its more important for girls to be called as
SMART than as BEAUTIFUL or CUTE!!! And
getting this kind of statement isn’t that difficult. All you have
to do is to glam up by accessorizing yourself like the
Celebs do!!!
-Compiled by
Kaavya Raveendran
e-Newsletter of Shaheed Rajguru College of Applied Sciences for Women
Presented by INKLINGS under the guidance of Dr. Gifty Gupta
Editorial team: Ruchika Salwan, Pratima Singh, Meenal Gupta, Kaavya
Raveendran , Deergha Manocha ,Shristi Arora, Aanchal Gupta, Aashna Chaprana