Information session slides

Information Session
“Knowledge is power… relevant knowledge
is more power…relevant knowledge
delivered by people who have been there
and done that is inspirational”
Well Ways Building a Future
Well Ways Building a Future is a 12 session education
program designed to assist family members and carers to
maintain their own wellness and support the recovery of their
family member or friend with a mental illness.
Facilitators are experienced carers and family members of a
person with a mental illness who have been trained &
accredited to deliver the program.
Rationale for Peer Family Support & Education
• Peers offer genuine empathic support and can inspire belief
that recovery is possible
• Peer groups offer shared understanding and normalisation of
the experience of mental illness in a space free of stigmatising
• Peer education values the experience of family members
Families & friends of people with a mental illness
• experience societal and self stigma
• experience trauma associated with the advent of the mental
• experience frustration with treatment services
Families & friends of people with a mental illness
• are the ‘front line’ of treatment and support
• can have a significant impact on outcomes & recovery
• with education can learn how to become part of the support
team with the person with a mental illness and the mental
health services, clinical services, community supports
Families & friends of people with a mental illness…
• have been saying for many years that they need more support
and information
• want an evidence based program of support and information
Program Aims
• Improve family/carer well being
• Improve knowledge about mental illness, treatment and
• Improve knowledge about the mental health service &
legal systems
• Assist families to have a clearer perspective on the many
dilemmas that they face
• Improve communication and advocacy skills
Program Structure
• Groups of 8-12 carers
• 8 weekly sessions followed by 4 sessions every 1-2 months
• Each session is 3 hours and involves informal but
structured learning, group discussions, videos and practical
• Participants are provided with practical resources such as
factsheets to support them in their learning throughout the
program (see example of factsheet).
Themes and Frameworks
• Frameworks for the cause of and recovery from mental
illness, the biopsychosocial model and stress-vulnerability
coping model
• Basic brain structure and physiology as it relates to mental
illness and current research
• Information on the interaction between mental illness and
drug/alcohol use
• Cultural experiences of mental illness
Themes and Frameworks
• Emotional responses to mental illness for family members
and the person experiencing illness
• Separating the person from the illness
• Personal accounts of moving forward and establishing a life
for yourself
• Establishing support mechanisms
(see session information booklet for more detail)
Benefits of Participating in Well Ways
“Meeting fellow carers was a wonderful experience;
sharing each other’s stories was invaluable. The
information provided in the course was empowering. I
would recommend this course to other carers” (Building
a Future participant)
It is a powerful combination of gaining up to date factual
information as well as learning from those who have had
similar experiences in an environment that promotes learning,
resilience, self care and positive action.
Benefits of Participating in Well Ways
Building a Future was first developed in 2003. La Trobe University’s
evaluation of the program in 2009 has shown significant improvements
for family members/carers as a result of participating:
Key findings included:
• Significant reductions in participant’s tension, worrying and distress,
maintained over time
• Participant improvements in communication skills, increased selfefficacy and empowerment and an increased ability to empathise with
the person with a mental illness
• Participant’s gained a sense of universality (a feeling of not being
(See handout of evaluation results for more information)
Referral and Eligibility
The program is designed for participants who are open to
learning, willing to explore possibilities for change and able
to be respectful of other’s experiences.
Participants are often referred through:
-Self referral
-Clinical mental health services
-Community mental health services
-Consumer or carer networks
-Community health services
Ongoing evaluation of the program
Participants are asked to complete a questionnaire at four
-Prior to Week 1
-Following Week 8
-3 months after finishing the program
-10 months after finishing the program
Completing these questionnaire’s are optional and not a
requirement of participating in the program.
All responses remain confidential.
The results assist MI Fellowship Victoria to continue to
improve the program and ensure it’s effectiveness.
Well Ways Programs
Well Ways programs are developed by Mental Illness Fellowship Victoria by and in
consultation with individuals and families affected by mental illness. They are delivered
nationally in partnership with other organisations
The suite of Well Ways programs includes:
Well Ways Building a Future
A 12 session program for family members and carers of a person with a mental illness
Well Ways MI Recovery
A 10 session program for people with a lived experience of mental illness
Well Ways Duo
A 10 session program for family members and carers of a person with a dual diagnosis
(mental illness and drug/alcohol issues)
Well Ways Snapshot
A 2 session introductory program for family members and carers of a person with a
mental illness, including a short presentation from someone with a lived experience of
mental illness
Participant Testimonials
‘This has been informative and should help most people who
undertake the course to be more accepting of their situation. We
had some laughs’
‘I feel that Well Ways was a huge help in understanding my
situation and also the group was very helpful in that I realised I was
not on my own. This has lifted the burden much to my surprise.
Well Ways is something that I will keep referring to and will help me
in my struggle in the future’
‘Interesting topics; lots of useful information; carer centred kind
and supportive environment; had a good laugh and a few tears’
Participant Testimonials
‘Self empowerment, self-care, increased self-worth: the
opportunity to put education into action’
‘I feel confident with the information I am being given to make
better choices and decisions and reactions when dealing with my
loved one with mental health difficulties, it is also helping me deal
with my own frustrations and learning to cope better. This has
helped me with dealing with different people in the community’
‘The best thing to know for help my family’
For More Information
For more information on Well Ways go to:
Then click on ‘more on Well Ways family programs’ ,
and watch the video of a Well Ways facilitator reflecting
on the program
Contact Information
For more information or to register for a
program please contact: