Slide 1 Electrical Stimulation to Augment Muscle Strengthening: Guidelines for Surgical Procedures, Diagnosis and Co-Morbidities Tara Jo Manal PT, OCS, SCS: Director of Clinical Services Orthopedic Residency Director University of Delaware Physical Therapy Department 302-831-8893 Slide 2 Properties of Electrical Stimulation Tara Jo Manal PT, OCS, SCS University of Delaware Slide 3 Properties of Electric Stimulation Voltage Current – Voltage represents the driving force that repels like charges and attracts opposite charges – Current is the movement of charged particles in response to voltage – Ampere represents an amount of charge moving per unit time – The higher the voltage, the higher the current Slide 4 Magnitude of Charge Flow Conductance Resistance – Relative ease of movement of charged particles in a charged medium – If the ease of movement is high, the resistance to movement is low – Opposition to movement of charged particles – Lower resistance provides greater comfort/tolerance by patient for higher intensity stimulation since less charge is needed to penetrate the skin Slide 5 Ohm’s Law I = V/R As the skin resistance decreases, more of the current can flow, increasing the response – Current increases as the driving force (V) is increased or as the Resistance (R) to movement is decreased Slide 6 Properties Impedance – Opposition to alternating currents – Higher frequency stimulation can pass with greater ease – Impedance is the best word to describe resistance to flow in human tissue since it is comprised of the tissue resistance and the insulator (subcutaneous fat) effects of tissue – Greater the impedance, greater the intensity required to achieve therapeutic goal High frequency stimulation is more comfortable because impedance is lower Slide 7 Current Density Represents the intensity/area under a stimulation pad – At fixed voltage • smaller the electrode the greater the intensity of the stimulation compared to larger electrode – Caution in setting intensity level with smaller electrodes or damaged electrodes • Very high current density can be related to biological damage or burns – Large electrodes • Can the unit produce sufficient current intensity? Slide 8 Current Modulation Timing Train – Altering the time characteristics of stimulation – a continuous, repetitive series of pulses at a fixed frequency Slide 9 Current Modulation Burst – a package of train pulses – delivered at a specified frequency – e.g. 2 bursts per second Slide 10 Carrier Characteristics Carrier frequency – Pulse duration is 1/f – To increase pulse duration to improve muscle force output you would decrease the train frequency – 2000Hz = 1/2000 or 500second pulse duration – 1000Hz = 1/1000 or 1000second (1 millisecond) pulse duration Slide 11 Frequency and Pulse Duration If the f is 5 Hz or 5 cycles/second The duration is 1/5 or 20milliseconds Slide 12 Pulse Duration Increases recruitment of motor units Improves the muscle contraction Often labeled “width” or “pulse width” Slide 13 How to Achieve High Force Activate more motor units (recruitment) Drive the motor units more quickly (Rate coding) Slide 14 NMES – Increasing Recruitment How to recruit more motor units electrically? – Increase recruitment via ↑ phase charge How to increase phase charge – Increase amplitude – Increase pulse duration – Or BOTH Phase Charge Mixed Nerve Slide 15 Frequency Increasing frequency Tetanic contraction Force production reaches a plateau maximum between 50-80 pulses per second For muscle strengthening you want 50-80 pulses/second or 50-80 bursts/second Slide 16 Frequency Controls Usually labeled “Rate or Pulse Rate” Set the number of pulses (or AC cycles) delivered through each channel per second As frequency is increased, impedance is decreased Slide 17 NMES – Increasing frequency How to achieve high force – Rate Coding – Increase the frequency of stimulation – But… increased frequency increased fatigue Slide 18 Quality of Contraction Goal = strong tetanic contraction – Stimulation frequency 50-80 pps Slide 19 Understanding the Manuals Presets – Advantage’s & Disadvantages Adjustable Controls – Waveform Selection – Amplitude Controls • AC: generally have a maximum of 100 – 200mA • Independent vs. Shared amplitude control for multiple channels Slide 20 Cycle time controls On & Off Time – Duration of stimulation and rest – Rest time dependent on goal of treatment • Strengthening- Adequate rest to avoid fatigue Slide 21 Ramp Controls Controls the rate the amplitude increases Provide for more comfortable onset and cessation of stimulus when very high levels of stimulation are required Can adjust if contraction is coming on too quickly or stopping too quickly Slide 22 Waveform type Waveform Patient dependent UD PT Clinic – Delitto Rose PT 1986 – Versastim – Empi Slide 23 Stimulation Parameters What can we modify? – Pulse Duration – Pulse Frequency – Waveform type – Off time (time between contractions) – Ramp time Slide 24 Stimulator Controls Programmed Stimulation Pattern Controls – Found on various stimulation devices, mostly – Can be limiting, if user is unable to program stimulation patterns for a specific application Output Channel Selection – Simultaneous – Alternate or reciprocal mode Slide 25 Line vs. Battery Powered Slide 26 Test The Unit Empi 300 PV Slide 27 EMPI 300PV Empi 300PV 1-800-328-2536 Slide 28 Dose of NMES Maximal tolerable current and device dependent- MVIC above blue line Slide 29 Dose of NMES Be sure your machine is capable of current necessary Slide 30 Test The Electrodes Slide 31 Electrodes How to improve the lifespan – Proper storage – Keep them moist – Placed properly on plastic – Improves conductivity Slide 32 Another Brand of Electrodes Slide 33 Same Intensity- Different Electrodes Slide 34 Electrodes Model F216 Size 3” x 5” – 8 x 13 cm – Rectangle Qty 2 1-800-538-4675 Slide 35 Electrodes Reflex Tantone 624 Ref# EC89270 Size 2in x 2in – 5.08cm x 5.08cm Qty 4 Tyco/Heathcare 1-800-328-9454 – Unipatch Slide 36 Tens Clean Cote Uni-Patch 1-800-328-9454 Function Improves conductivity Slide 37 Pad Placement Typically include motor points of muscle of interest Slide 38 Pad Placement Relationship between Pad placement and current- Non-tetanic contraction Slide 39 Pad Placement Increase current, contraction becomes tetanic Slide 40 Treatment Administration Patient motivation factors – Assist your patient in tolerating treatment Monitor – set targets, watch output, give article Blunter – wear headphones, towel over head, body relaxation (Delitto et al PT 1992) Slide 41 Give the Patient Control Self trigger if possible Therapist manually resuming stim Count down to the stim Explain to the patient the value of the modality Slide 42 What we do when things are not going well … General – Tens Clean Cote – Change the waveform – Decrease pulse duration • may need to also increase the frequency for comfort Specific – Increase ramp time – Self trigger – Increase rest time • Only if you see them fatiguing drastically Slide 43 Evidence to support the clinical use of electrical stimulation for muscle strengthening Slide 44 Increased Functional Load For muscle to hypertrophy and/or gain strength the overload principle of high weight at low repetitions is necessary Currier and Mann – Looked at healthy male college students – Utilized an intensity of at least 60% MVIC paralleling voluntary exercise protocols for functional overload – Conclusion: NMES and volitional exercise were equivalent training stimuli (Delitto,Snyder-Mackler, 1990) Slide 45 Increased Functional Load Kots Therapeutic efficacy reported for electrical stimulation greater than volitional exercise, when strengthening healthy muscle – Intensity was 10-30% greater than MVC – Strength gains of 30-40% (Delitto,Snyder-Mackler, 1990) Slide 46 Increased Functional Load Conclusions on Overload – Significant strength gains can be achieved in healthy muscle with an electrically augmented training program • The intensity however needs to be extremely high (>100%MVIC) – Electrical stimulation offers equivalent muscle strengthening effects to voluntary exercise in healthy subjects • If intensity level parallels volitional exercise intensities (Delitto,Snyder-Mackler, 1990) Slide 47 Increased Functional Load Conclusion on Overload – Lower loads may still help in muscle recovering from injury/surgery • Most studies using subjects other than healthy male college students demonstrated greater strength gains in subjects training with NMES compared to volitional exercise alone (Delitto,Snyder-Mackler, 1990) Slide 48 Electrical Stimulation for Strength Snyder-Mackler et al., 1991 Purpose: To ascertain the effects of electrically elicited co-contraction of the thigh muscles on several parameters of gait and on isokinetic performance of muscles in patients who had reconstruction of the ACL – 2 groups: NMES + volitional exercise Volitional exercise only – Treatment intervention from 3rd to 6th week postop Slide 49 Electrical Stimulation for Strength Snyder-Mackler et al., 1991 Results: – Significantly greater average and peak torque of the quadriceps femoris at both 90°/sec and 120°/sec in the NMES group – No significant difference in performance of the hamstring muscles between groups • Torque produced in the involved hamstrings averaged 80% of the strength in the uninvolved leg Slide 50 Electrical Stimulation for Strength Snyder-Mackler et al., 1991 Conclusions: – The quadriceps muscles of these patients were stronger in the eighth post-operative week than reported averages for similar patients even years after surgery Slide 51 Electrical Stimulation for Strength Snyder-Mackler et al., 1995 Purpose: To assess the effectiveness of common regimens of electrical stimulation as an adjunct to ongoing intensive rehabilitation in the early postoperative phase after reconstructions of the anterior cruciate ligament Slide 52 Electrical Stimulation for Strength Snyder-Mackler et al., 1995 Training Intervention – 4 Groups – High intensity NMES + volitional exercise – High level volitional exercise – Low intensity NMES + volitional exercise – Combined high & low intensity NMES + volitional exercise Slide 53 Electrical Stimulation for Strength Snyder-Mackler et al., 1995 High Intensity NMES – – – – 15 electrically elicited isometric contractions 2500Hz triangular AC current Burst rate of 75bps Amplitude to maximal tolerance Low Intensity NMES – – – – – Portable electrical stimulation Pulse duration of 300 microseconds Frequency of 55pps Amplitude >50mA to maximal tolerance 15 minutes 4 times/day Slide 54 Electrical Stimulation for Strength Snyder-Mackler et al., 1995 High Level Volitional Exercise High Intensity and Low Intensity Electrical Stimulation Combined – 3 sets of 15 repetitions of the quadriceps femoris – Intensity was maximum effort for 8 seconds – Visual Feedback provided All groups followed a standard volitional exercise protocol beyond the experimental treatment interventions Slide 55 Electrical Stimulation for Strength Snyder-Mackler et al., 1995 – At least 70% recovery of the quadriceps by 6 weeks after the operation, vs. 51% in the groups that did not include high intensity stimulation – High intensity electrical stimulation leads to more normal excursions of the knee joint during stance Slide 56 Electrical Stimulation for Strength Snyder-Mackler et al, 1995 Conclusion: For quadriceps weakness, high-level NMES with volitional exercise is more successful than volitional exercise alone Slide 57 Modified NMES Protocol for Quadriceps Strength Fitzgerald et. al., 2003 – Subjects receiving the modified NMES treatment combined with exercise demonstrated greater quadriceps strength and higher ADLS scores than the comparison group Slide 58 Fitzgerald et. al., 2003 Their data support the modified NMES protocol in clinics without access to a dynamometer Option of using a dynamometer – Authors choose the high intensity NMES protocol Slide 59 NMES for Strength in the Early Post-op Phase Haug et al., 1988 Purpose: Efficacy of NMES of the quadriceps femoris during CPM following total knee arthroplasty – CPM/NMES group • • • • • • Intensity at maximum tolerance 3 times per day for 1 hour Pulse width: 300 microseconds Frequency: 35pps On 15sec off 20 seconds at 40° setting and 65sec at 90° setting Ramp time: 2 seconds up and 1 second down – CPM group Slide 60 NMES for Strength in the Early Post-op Phase Haug et al., 1988 Results: Stimulation group had significant reduction of extension lag, and spent fewer days in the hospital – Intensity level was low compared to the other studies mentioned Conclusion: Electrical stimulation combined with CPM in the treatment of patients with total knee arthroplasty is a worthwhile adjunctive therapy Slide 61 Role of Strength in Physical Therapy Management Strength losses can result in loss of the ability to perform activities of daily living Strength recovery following surgery is often incomplete Strength deficits can place patients at risk of further injury (Snyder-Mackler, 1991) Slide 62 Neuromuscular Electrical Stimulators Indication – Muscular strength deficits • <80%MVIC Slide 63 Neuromuscular Electrical Stimulation 2.5 KHz (400 microsecond pulse duration) 50-75 bursts per second 2-5 second ramp 12-15 seconds on, 50 - 80 seconds off Amplitude to maximal tolerance of patient – With dynamometer feedback • Minimum of 50% MVIC for ACL reconstruction • Minimum of 30% MVIC for TKA Slide 64 NMES for Quad Strengthening Slide 65 Procedure Modified Rehabilitation Slide 66 NMES Post ACL Reconstruction Knee stabilized isometrically at 60° degrees of knee flexion Single Channel two electrode placement – Below the AIIS – Vastus medialis Target 50% MVIC – Minimum Intensity Slide 67 Various Surgical Grafts Hamstring Autograft/Allograft Bone-Tendon-Bone Autograft – Positioned at 60° of knee flexion – Positioned in most comfortable angle • flexion position > 40° Slide 68 NMES Post ACL Reconstruction Amplitude to minimum of 50% MVIC – Patient encouraged to increase the intensity to maximum tolerated – Dose-response curve demonstrates greater intensities lead to greater strength gains (Snyder-Mackler et al., 1994) Slide 69 NMES for Muscle Strengthening On time- sufficient for strong tetanic contraction 10-15 seconds Off time- sufficient for rest/recovery before next contraction 30-90 seconds Ramp time- as needed for comfort Dose- maximal tolerable (no less than that needed for strength gains to be seen) Frequency 2-3 times/week until strength recovers – Average 18 visits Slide 70 NMES for Quadriceps Strengthening Following injury or surgery to the knee, quadriceps weakness can be major impairment We utilize electrical stimulation on all patients who demonstrate quadriceps weakness of 80% involved/uninvolved ratio or less Slide 71 Post Operative Modification to ACL Protocol for Other Knee Problems PCL MCL 30° Knee Flexion 30°-60° Knee Flexion Meniscal Excision/ Repair None Chondroplasty None Post surgical intervention- follow soft tissue healing 8wks to protect surgical site or 12 weeks for bony healing Slide 72 Knee Flexion Angle If Pain if limiting toleration – use most comfortable angle If Range of motion is limiting toleration – use most comfortable angle As long as modification does not risk surgical procedure Perform with support from the referring physician Slide 73 Patellofemoral Joint Syndrome We perform burst superimposition testing on all PFJ evaluations – Identify “true” maximal force generating capability – Identify presence or absence of “inhibition” • Central activation deficit NMES is performed at the most comfortable knee joint angle Tape is often applied for pain control When necessary, treatments to calm irritated structures are added Slide 74 Patellofemoral Joint Syndrome Joint angle adjusted to patient comfort Subluxing Patella – Determined by volitional contraction – Joint angle adjusted to increase congruency to prevent subluxation • Greater than 70° – Patella taped medially Slide 75 Proximal-Distal Patellar Realignment Knee stabilized isometrically at 30 degrees of knee flexion Patella taped medially Electrodes over the proximal quadriceps/ distal pad is moved central and superior (avoiding the VMO) Slide 76 Proximal/Distal Realignment Precautions Initiate 1st Week of Treatment Precautions Proximal Realignment – No MVIC for 8 weeks Proximal/Distal Realignment Dosage is maximal tolerable rather than % MVIC – No MVIC for 12 weeks Slide 77 Why NMES following TKA? Strength deficits can be profound Quad weakness decreased by 60% following surgery Impaired ability to perform ADL’s Increased fall risk Stevens et al JOR 2003 Wolfson et al 1995 J Gerontol A: Biol Sci Med Chandler et al 1998 Arch Phys Med Rehab Slide 78 Goal of NMES Quality muscle contraction Quantity sufficient enough to produce strength gains Strength gains reflect intensity tolerated Therefore … Ultimate goal is to generate the greatest tolerable force output Slide 79 Total Joint Arthroplasty Amplitude targeted at a minimum of 30% MVIC (Snyder-Mackler et al., 1994) Ramp time, frequency adjusted to increase comfort and tolerance for higher intensity stimulation Modification of pulse duration by decreasing frequency to 2000Hz or 1500Hz (inc. pulse duration from 400 to 500 or 666 microseconds) Slide 80 NMES for Quadriceps Strengthening Cannot Do It Alone Weakness can lead to compensation strategies for daily activities COMPENSATIONS MUST BE PREVENTED!!! Slide 81 Compensation Strategies Unweighting involved leg for sit to stand Slide 82 Compensation Strategies Shifting weight in standing to uninvolved leg Slide 83 Compensation Strategies Not utilizing full extension during stance phase of gait Slide 84 Lack of use can lead to... Patellar baja Lack of superior patellar migration with quadriceps contraction Quad dysplasia Slide 85 Functional Use of Quadriceps Use of quadriceps during daily activities must be relearned in order to eliminate compensation strategies. If it gets to this point…you are in a hole! Slide 86 Use of Strength in Daily Activities Composite overview of muscle performance Observation of compensatory patterns – Functional Testing – Avoidance patterns • Lack of progress with a strengthening program • Re-education in order to retain strength gains Slide 87 Case Report 17 y/o female soccer player 4 months s/p ACL reconstruction Quad Index (involved/uninvolved) – Pre-operative = 77% (533 N) – 2 month post-operative = 87% (601 N) – 4 month post-operative = 29% (200 N) Slide 88 Patient Examination KOS-ADLS: 66% pre-operative 53% 4 months postoperative Severe pain at infrapatellar tendon and medial border of patella Compensations to avoid use of involved leg with functional activities secondary to anterior knee pain Slide 89 Patient Examination No quadriceps inhibition with burst superimposition test Decreased superior migration of patella with quad set and superior patellar hypomobility Slide 90 Treatment Intervention Superior patellar mobilizations Pain control modalities Quadriceps strengthening Quadriceps re-education – Biofeedback – Education to avoid compensation strategies Slide 91 Quadriceps Re-education Two 4 x 6 inch pads over distal VMO and proximal bulk of quad Intensity = maximum contraction patient can tolerate Slide 92 Exercises with Electrical Stimulation Sit to Stand Slide 93 Exercises with Electrical Stimulation Standing Terminal Knee Extensions Slide 94 Exercises with Electrical Stimulation Seated Knee Extensions Slide 95 Quad Index Pre-operative 2 month post-operative 4 month post-operative QI = 77% QI = 87% QI = 29% 6 months post-op (16 visits) QI = 51% 7 months post-op (28 visits) QI = 72% 8 months post-op (37 visits) QI = 98% Slide 96 Patient’s Strength Over Time MVC from 8-19-99 to 12-5-01 1400 MVC R 1200 MVC L 800 600 400 200 12/5/01 3/21/01 12/13/00 10/18/00 4/4/00 3/14/00 2/7/00 12/22/99 10/20/99 0 8/19/99 Newtons 1000 Slide 97 Return to Soccer Progression Self-management Coaching support Slide 98 Rotator Cuff Strengthening Patient Position – Involved arm belted to the body with the elbow at 90° for isometric contraction – Forearm is blocked to avoid rotation during the contraction Slide 99 Rotator Cuff Repair Parameters – NMES Protocol – Current Intensity: Maximal tolerable with visible contraction causing movement of the arm against the restraint Slide 100 Slide 101 Achilles Tendon Repair Early Phase - Tendon Gliding Patient prone, knee resting in >50° of flexion and ankle in full plantar flexion Single Channel on the medial/lateral gastroc Current Intensity – 10days – 4wks – Modified surgical procedure (loop tightens under tension) – Visible tendon gliding Slide 102 Achilles Tendon Repair Late Phase – Muscle Contraction – >10weeks post op Patient prone with knee extended and ankle in resting position Can increase to isometric against the wall Slide 103 Achilles Tendon Repair Current Intensity Continue treatment until patient has full active plantar flexion – Look for visible contraction – Maximal tolerable contraction by the patient Slide 104 Lumbar Rehabilitation Patient Positioning Isometric Prone over pillows – Pelvis strapped to the table in posterior pelvic tilt – Assess movement to active lumbar extension and tighten as necessary Slide 105 Lumbar Rehabilitation High Intensity Electrical stimulation A single channel is placed on the right and left side of the spine Slide 106 Lumbar Rehabilitation Look for visible contraction Slide 107 Current Intensity Maximal tolerable contraction by the patient Slide 108 Thank You Noel Goodstadt PT, OCS, CSCS Laura Schmitt PT, DPT, OCS, SCS, ATC Airelle Hunter PT Faculty, Residents, and Staff at UD Patients who endure e-stim at UD 302-831-8893