Punctuation for College Writing

Punctuation for
College Writing:
Characters and Characteristics
• Learn the names and functions of English
punctuation marks
• Practice using the marks in college-level
writing contexts
• Ask and answer your questions
• Enjoy ourselves while doing the above
Punctuation . . .
• Is based on grammar, not speech.
• Is not interchangeable—each mark
has a role to play.
• Is used according to an author’s
Cast of Characters
The Advanced:
• quotation marks
• square brackets
The Intermediates:
• dash
• colon
• ellipsis
• semicolon
• comma
• hyphen
Controversial: italics
• parentheses
The Basics:
• period
• apostrophe
• question mark
• exclamation point
Controversial: capitals
Period: The Sentence Sheriff
The sentence sheriff says,
“Stop. This idea about
your subject is finished.
You’d better have a new
subject and action before
you proceed further.”
Periods end sentences, including indirect questions:
I wondered whether I would be late or not.
It was a question if she would be on time.
Periods are used in abbreviations:
For example, Mr. Mrs. Ms. Dr. B.A.
i.e. e.g. etc. a.m. p.m.
Note: When an abbreviation ends a sentence, use only one period.
We returned from our fact-finding mission at 2:35 a.m.
Apostrophe: The Placeholder
The apostrophe takes
the place of a letter or
letters in contractions
or marks the place for
the idea of “has” in
possessive cases.
Apostrophes are used for possessive nouns:
He tended to obsess over his cell phone’s apps and features.
Her article presents an overview of Marx’s teachings (314).
The beach’s sand was burning hot.
Use just an apostrophe when a noun is plural and
ends in -s: Both my bicycle tires’ rims were bent.
In instances of joint possession, use -’s or -s’ on the last
noun only: I haven’t tried Ben and Jerry’s new flavor.
For individual possession, put -’s on both:
Hernando’s and Maria’s expectations of marriage couldn’t have been more
different (315).
Question Mark: The Scientist
A scientist inquires,
wanting to know more.
A question mark is for direct questions:
The interviewer demanded, “Where were you, and what did you know?”
Polite questions (as in a business letter) and indirect
questions take a period:
Would you please send me five copies of Edward Lear’s Complete
Nonsense with an invoice.
I was asked who would be attending with me at the conference.
Questions in a series may be written with question
marks, even when not complete sentences:
Where would I go at this time of night? To my friend’s house? To a hotel?
To my mother-in-law?
Exclamation Point: The Wrestler
The exclamation point is
“Grrr!” for shouting and cries of
shock or delight.
For a calm, restrained
academic discussion,
don’t invite the wrestler.
Controversial 1: Capitals
Most consider capitals
an element of
mechanics rather than
Capitals are used for
official identification
and at the start of a
sentence, like the
start of a journey.
• Titles as (or part of) names: Madam Prime Minister, Dr. Jekyll, Ms.
Janssen, Aunt Judy, Mom and Dad
• Beginning of sentences: We hold these truths to be self-evident . . .
• Titles of works: Schindler’s List, Of Mice and Men, The Warrior
Woman, “A Little Less Conversation”
• All proper nouns, including course titles, regions and other
geographical names, historical periods: Geography 206,
the Southwest, the Middle Ages
Never to merely emphasize
Mini Quiz: The Basics
1. This mark is used when a character yells or cries out.
Add, Delete, No Error, or Revise:
2. I wonder what we’re having for dinner tonight?
3. Dr Welbys medical license has expired .
4. I’m majoring in fire science; my first class is fire
science 100 on Tuesday nights.
The Colon: A Fanfare
After a complete
independent clause, a
colon signals a formal
entrance of a list, an
appositive, or a quotation.
IC: a list, an appositive, or a quotation.
I have three essentials for a day in the sun: a hat, sunscreen, and water.
My roommate is guilty of two of the seven deadly sins: gluttony and sloth (312).
Consider the words of John F. Kennedy: “Ask not what your country can do for
you; ask what you can do for your country” (312).
FYI: IC stands for “independent clause,” which is a subject and verb
(predicate) that function as a complete sentence.
IC:IC (if the second IC explains)
Faith is like love: It cannot be forced (312).
Note: a capital after a colon is APA format; for CMS or MLA, use
lowercase letters.
Other uses of the colon: a salutation in a formal letter, a ratio, title
and subtitle, and between city and publisher in documentation
Dear Sir or Madam:
The ratio of women to men was 2:1.
The Glory of Hera: Greek Mythology and the Greek Family
Boston: Bedford, 2005
The Semicolon: The Hybrid
The semicolon
has qualities of a
period, a comma,
and a colon.
Injustice is relatively easy to bear; what stings is justice. –H.L. Mencken (307)
IC; transitional expression, IC.
Transitional expressions (TE) include
• conjunctive adverbs: besides, consequently, subsequently,
next, now, etc.,
• transitional phrases: as a result, for example, in fact, on the
other hand, and so on.
IC; subject, TE, predicate.
Most singers gain fame through hard work and dedication; Evita, however, found
other means (308).
A semicolon may also be used between
items in a series containing internal
Classic science fiction sagas are Star Trek, with Mr. Spock and his
large pointed ears; Battlestar Galactica, with its Cylon Raiders; and
Star Wars, with Han Solo, Luke Skywalker, and Darth Vader (308).
The Hyphen: The Linker
Connects two or
more words
functioning together
as one kind of word.
Hyphens link two or more words functioning together
as an adjective before a noun:
Mrs. Douglas gave Toshiko a seashell and some newspaper-wrapped fish to
take home to her mother (339).
Freida Pinto is not yet a well-known actress in the U.S.
Hyphenated words may be written in a series:
Do you prefer first-, second-, or third-class tickets? (340).
Other Uses of the Hyphen
Fractions and compound numbers (21–99): one-fifth, two-thirds,
twenty-three, fifty-six, ninety-nine
Prefixes all-, ex-, and self-, and the suffix -elect:
I met my ex-patriot friends in the all-encompassing category of the
self-help books section.
Always check a dictionary for suspected compound words.
Parentheses: The Whisperers
Used when a phrase
is outside of the
important elements
of a sentence.
Use parentheses to enclose supplemental material, minor
digressions, afterthoughts, and letters or numbers labeling items
in a series.
After taking her vital signs (temperature, pulse, and blood pressure), the nurse
made Becky as comfortable as possible (328).
There are several things which could end a sentence: (1) a period, (2) a question
mark, or (3) an ellipsis.
In MLA-formatted research documents, the parenthetical citation
is placed at the end of a sentence containing information
paraphrased or directly quoted from a source.
When reading a text, Diana Hacker advises us to “Note details that surprise,
puzzle, or intrigue you” (58).
However, the citation may also occur at a natural clause break in the sentence:
Hacker goes on to say, “[T]he views of an expert can contribute to the force of
your argument” (71), but you should always lead the reader through your own
logic and only use experts to illustrate your point.
Mini Quiz: The Intermediates
1. What is the main difference between the use of a
colon and that of a semicolon?
Add, delete, or no error:
2. One fifth of all writers think they are great, but ninetynine percent of their readers know if they are.
3. When asked if we want to know a secret (and who
among us doesn’t, many of us will lean closer to the
Now for the Advanced Marks!
Quotation Marks: The Gossips
Gossips pass on
the words or
information of others.
So I said, “Blahdee blahdee blah.”
And she said, “No!”
And I said, “Yes!”
Enclose direct quotations with quotation marks
whether spoken or written
Jaimie walked into the kitchen. “Hey, can I ask you a question?”
“Shoot,” I said, drying my hands.
“What’s the difference between ‘pretense’ and ‘pretentious’?”
“The first is a noun, the second an adjective.”
“Shakespeare change[d] nouns into verbs (film and champion),
verbs into nouns (dawn and scuffle), verbs into adjectives (hush), or
adjectives into nouns (accused)” (McQuain and Malless ix).
Put quotations around the titles of short works:
Newspaper and magazine articles
Short stories
Episodes of television and radio programs
Chapters or subdivisions of books
An intriguing title in the radio series This American Life is episode 67:
“Your Dream, My Nightmare.”
Quotes may be used around words discussed as things
The words “accept” and “except” are frequently confused (320).
Other Punctuation with Quotation Marks
Periods and commas go inside end quotes, whether single
or double quotes
“This is a stick-up,” said the well-dressed young couple. “We want all your
money” (320).
Colons and semicolons go outside quotation marks
Harold wrote, “I regret that I am unable to attend the fundraiser for AIDS
research”; his letter, however, contained a substantial contribution (321).
Other Quote Punctuation, cont’d
Put question marks and exclamation points inside
quotation marks unless they apply to the sentence as a
whole. (The two here are from Hacker, page 321.)
Contrary to tradition, bedtime at my house is marked by “Mommy, can I tell
you a story now?”
Have you heard the old proverb “Do not climb the hill until you reach it”?
In MLA, a quoted question with a parenthetical citation
still ends with a period
Rosie Thomas asks, “Is nothing in life ever straight and clear, the way
children see it?” (77).
Quotations in Sentences
Formal introduction IC: “Quotation.”
Morrow views personal ads in the classifieds as an art form: “The
personal ad is like a haiku of self-celebration, a brief aolo played on
one’s own horn” (322).
He said or she said expressions take a comma
Stephen Leacock once said, “I am a great believer in luck, and I find the
harder I work, the more I have of it” (321).
Blended quotations use either a comma or nothing, depending
on the sentence structure
The future champion could, as he put it, “float like a butterfly and sting
like a bee” (322).
Charles Hudson noted that the prisoners escaped “by squeezing through
a tiny window eighteen feet above the floor of their cell” (322).
Quotations in Sentences, continued
Quotations at the beginnings of sentences take a comma, unless they
require a ? or !
“I love lemon drops,” said Grandma, looking at me wistfully.
“Why were you late?” I asked, dreading the answer.
Interrupted quotations use commas for explanatory words
“A great many people think they are thinking,” wrote William James, “when
they are merely rearranging their prejudices” (322).
. . . unless it is more than one sentence in succession
“I was a flop as a daily reporter,” admitted E.B. White. “Every piece had to
be a masterpiece—and before you knew it, Tuesday was Wednesday” (323).
Note: smart quotes “ ” versus straight quotes " '
“Hi,” said the 5' 9¾" white rabbit. “Have you seen a little girl?”
A single straight quote for feet, straight double quotes for inches.
Quote Don’ts
Don’t use quotes with well-known slang, to distance yourself
from cliché expressions, or to seem self-consciously ironic
The young “hipster” tried to be cute by using “air quotes.” NO!
The young hipster tried to be cute by using air quotes.
Your own essay titles should not have quotes around them.
Square Brackets: Bodyguards
Bodyguards can get
people safe passage
by forcing their way
in and holding back
the crowd.
Square Brackets
Brackets are placed around words or phrases inserted into
direct quotations in order to clarify or make a sentence blend
effectively into your writing.
Audubon reports that “if there are not enough young to balance deaths, the
end of the species [California condor] is inevitable” (329).
Brackets are also most commonly used around “sic” to
indicate an error in a source is being reproduced exactly.
“When your [sic] not sure how a word is spelled, look it up in a dictionary!”
proclaimed an exasperated—and irony-impaired—blogger.
Use [sic] rarely—no one likes a language snob.
The Dash—The Drama Queen
The dash is all
about dramatic
breaks and shifts
in thought.
It takes skill and
practice to use it
The Dash
Use a dash to set off parenthetical material that deserves emphasis
Everything that went wrong—from the peeping Tom at her window last night to
my head-on collision today—we blamed on our move (327).
Set off appositives that contain commas to be clearer for readers.
In my hometown the basic needs of people—food, clothing, and shelter—are less
costly than in a big city like Los Angeles (328).
Other uses: a list, a rewording, or a dramatic shift in tone or thought
Along the wall are the bulk liquids—sesame seed oil, honey, safflower oil, [and]
maple syrup . . . (328).*
Consider the amount of sugar in the average person’s diet—104 pounds per year,
90 percent more than that consumed by our ancestors (328). *
Kiere took a few steps back, came running full speed, kicked a mighty kick—and
missed the ball (328).
*Could have used colons for more formality
Use a dash to set off an abrupt break or interruption
and to announce a long appositive or summary
(Strunk and White 9).
A dash is a mark of separation stronger than a comma, less
formal than a colon, and more relaxed than parentheses.
His first thought on getting out of bed—if he had any thought at all—was
to get back in again (9).
The rear axle began to make a noise—a grinding, chattering, teeth-gritting
rasp (9).
Use a dash only when a more common mark of punctuation
seems inadequate.
The Ellipsis: The Fade-out
Nothing says you’ve
left something
unsaid like an
you’ve just lost your
train of thought. . . .
The Ellipsis (plural: ellipses)
The ellipsis is a set of three spaced periods used to show an
omission from a direct quotation. The sentence remaining must
still be grammatical and have enough information to make sense.
Reuben reports that “when the amount of cholesterol circulating in the
blood rises over . . . 300 milligrams per 100, the chances of a heart
attack increase dramatically” (320).
MLA now says brackets are unnecessary, but they help to
distinguish insertions from ellipses in source material.
The Ellipsis, continued
If a whole sentence (or more) is left out, put a period BEFORE the
No need to start a quote with an ellipsis, but if the end of a final
quoted sentence is left out, finish with an ellipsis.
Charles Lewis, director of the Center for Public Integrity, points out that
“by 1987, employers were administering nearly 2,000,000 polygraph
tests a year to job applicants and employees. . . . Millions of workers
were required to produce urine samples under observation for drug
testing . . .” (405).
The Comma: The Traffic Cop
The comma
regulates the flow
of clauses in a
A comma tells readers that one independent clause has
come to an end and that another is about to begin.
IC, for/and/nor/but/or/yet/so IC
Nearly everyone has heard of love at first sight, but I fell in love at first
dance (Hacker 288).
Note: no commas in compound predicates!
I ate a sandwich and drank some ginger ale.
A good money manager controls expenses and invests surplus dollars to
meet future needs (Hacker 288).
Comma after introductory word group (usually act as
adverbs—where, when, how, why—to IC)
Near a small stream at the bottom of the canyon, the park rangers discovered
an abandoned mine (289).
Other intros describe the subject with participial phrases:
Believing she had plenty of time, the student put off writing her paper until
the night before it was due.
Or the intro is a transitional expression or an absolute phrase:
Subsequently, the student’s paper was poorly organized and undeveloped,
her thesis having been invented on less than three hours’ sleep.
Commas divide separate items in a series
Bubbles of air, leaves, ferns, bits of wood, and insects are often found
trapped in amber (290). But . . .
I was served ham, eggs, and macaroni and cheese.
Comma between coordinate adjectives not joined by “and”
No comma between cumulative adjectives
Three large gray shapes moved slowly toward us (292).
(Three(large(gray shapes)))
Use commas to set off nonrestrictive elements
Non restrictive or nonessential elements give the reader
information, but they are not required for the reader to
understand the noun or pronoun:
For camp the children need sturdy shoes, which are expensive (293).
The writer’s purpose often determines if info is restrictive or
The dessert made with raspberries was delicious (294).
The dessert, made with raspberries, was delicious (294).
The first example identifies which dessert out of two or more was delicious.
The second sentence just adds incidental information about the only dessert
Other nonrestrictive clauses
Adjective clauses: noun/pronoun, relative pronoun verbs . . .
Ed’s house, which is located on thirteen acres, was furnished with bats in
the rafters and mice in the kitchen (Hacker 294).
Prepositional phrases or verbal phrases functioning as
The helicopter, with its million-candlepower spotlight illuminating the
area, circled above (295).
Appositives (as long as they are nonrestrictive)
Darwin’s most important book, On the Origin of Species, was the result
of many years of research (295).
Restrictive: The song “Vertigo” was blasted out of huge amplifiers (295).
Use commas to set off transitional and parenthetical
expressions, absolute phrases, and contrasted elements
Natural foods are not always salt free; celery, for example, contains more
sodium than most people would imagine (297).
Parenthetical comments interrupt a sentence with additional
info and seem like afterthoughts
The bass weighed twelve pounds, give or take a few ounces (297).
Let’s see . . . if I remember correctly, your name is Hal.
Absolute phrases modify sentences with a noun and participial
phrase at the beginning or end of sentences.
Elvis Presley made music industry history in the 1950s, his records having sold
more than ten million copies (297).
Contrasted elements beginning with negatives, like not,
never, unlike, etc., get commas:
Unlike Robert, Celia loved dance contests (298).
Other uses of the comma
Set off nouns of direct address, the words “yes” and “no,”
interrogative tags, and mild interjections
Forgive us, Dr. Atkins, for having rolls with dinner.
Yes, the loan will probably be approved.
The film was faithful to the book, wasn’t it?
Well, cases like these are difficult to decide. (Hacker 298)
Dates, addresses, titles, and numbers
On May 18, 1980, Mt. St. Helens erupted, turning daylight into dusk.
Note: not for inverted dates or only month year
Elements of a place name, except zip code
John Lennon was born in Liverpool, England, in 1940.
Please send the package to Greg Tarvin at 708 Spring Street, Washington,
Illinois 61571.
Title following name: Gregory House, M.D.
Quantity numbers more than four digits long (at 4 it’s
optional): 3500; 13,500; 535,555,535
Keep compound elements together!
Marie Curie discovered radium and later applied her work on radioactivity
to medicine (302). (compound predicate)
Jake still does not realize that his illness is serious and that he will have to
alter his diet to improve (302).
(two subordinate clauses that . . . and that . . .)
No commas after “such as” or “like”
Many dark bitter fruits, such as blueberries, cranberries, and black
cherries, have healthful antioxidants.
No comma before “than,” parentheses, or an
indirect quotation, and no comma after
Although the air was balmy, the water was too cold for swimming (305).
At Nextel Sylvia began at the bottom (with only three and a half walls and
a swivel chair), but within five years she had been promoted to supervisor
Samuel Goldwyn once said that a verbal contract isn’t worth the paper it’s
written on (305).
Controversial 2: Italics
Also considered by many to be an element of
mechanics, rather than punctuation
Works as a signaling device for
Titles of long works
Names of transport vehicles
Foreign words
Words as things
Internal monologue
If unable to underline or italicize on a computer, use underscores
before and after titles: I’m reading a critical analysis of _Some Like It Hot_.
Mini Quiz: The Advanced Marks
1. In a quoted passage of text, these show you are inserting
a change for clarity or grammar.
Add, delete, or no error:
2. Not everyone has watched Everybody Loves Raymond or
Everybody Hates Chris.
3. Accepting the check for her lottery winnings, Juanita said
that “she would give half the money to charity” (323).
4. Marina ran into the room, and grabbed her friend.
5. On March 18, 2011 our office will move to 54 Pennsylvania
Avenue, Arthursville MA 58374.
6. Ms. Podeski we value your business and your satisfaction is very
important to us.
Works Cited
Hacker, Diana. A Writer’s Reference. 6th ed. New
York: Bedford/St. Martin’s, 2008.
McQuain, Jeffery and Stanley Malless. Coined by
Shakespeare: Words and Meanings First
Penned by the Bard. Springfield, MA: MerriamWebster, 1998.
Strunk, William and E.B. White. The Elements of
Style. 4th ed. San Francisco: Longman, 2000.