Lab 4: Plant Pigments and Photosynthesis Introduction: State the purpose of part one to separate plant pigments using chromatography. State the principles that allow pigments to move up. Predict which colors you would see closest to the solvent and which farthest from the front and why they would be in that order. (Chlorophylls, xanthophylls, Beta carotene) State which pigments you saw and the order they appeared in relation to the solvent front. State the purpose of part two to measure the rate of photosynthesis in isolated chloroplast using the dye DPIP. State the predictions that were made for the three tested conditions (unboiled dark, unboiled light, boiled light). State the actual results that were found in the lab. Procedure: In paragraph form summarize the procedure for Part 1 found on page 46 of your lab. In paragraph form summarize the procedure for Part II found on page 49 & 50 of your lab. Data and Results Data Table 1: Expected Results Distance Moved by Pigment Band (millimeters) Band Number Distance (mm) Band Color 1 17 Yellow green 38 2 Olive green 61 3 Yellow 85 4 Yellow 178 5 yellow Distance Solvent Front Moved for Expected Results: 190 mm Data Table 2: Rf Values for Expected Results Rf value (mm) Pigment Yellow to Yellow (Xanthophyll) Yellow Green to Olive Green (Chlorophyll b) Data Table 3: Individual Data Distance Moved by Pigment Band (millimeters) Band Number Distance (mm) Band Color 1 2 3 4 5 Data Table 4: Rf Values for Individual Results Rf value (mm) Pigment Yellow to Yellow (Xanthophyll) Yellow Green to Olive Green (Chlorophyll b) Bright Green to Blue Green (Chlorophyll a) Analysis Questions 1. What factors are involved in the separation of the pigments? 2. Would you expect the Rf value to be the same if a different solvent were used? Explain. 3. What type of chlorophyll does the reaction center contain? What are the roles of the other pigments? Data Table 5: Expected Data % Transmittance of Light under Various Conditions Cuvette 0 5 10 15 Unboiled/Dark 31.3 32.5 35.5 34.8 Unboiled/Light 32.7 54.5 63.7 65.1 Boiled/Light 32.7 32.9 33.1 32.5 No 31.3 31.3 31.3 31.3 Chloroplast/Light Data Table 6: Individual Data % Transmittance of Light under Various Conditions Cuvette 0 5 10 15 20 Unboiled/Dark Unboiled/Light Boiled/Light No Chloroplast/Light Graph 1: % Transmittance of Light for Expected Class Data X Axis: Time (mm) Y Axis: % Transmittance Key : unboiled/Dark : unboiled/Light : boiled/ Light : no chloroplast Graph 2: % Transmittance of Light for Individual Class Data X Axis: Time (mm) Y Axis: % Transmittance Key : unboiled/Dark : unboiled/Light : boiled/ Light : no chloroplast Analysis Question 1. What is the function of the DPIP in this experiment? 2. What molecule found in chloroplast does DPIP “replace” in this experiment? 3. What is the source of the electrons that will reduce DPIP? 4. What was measured with the spectrophotometer in this experiment? 5. What is the effect of darkness on the reduction of DPIP? Explain. 6. What is the effect of boiling the chloroplasts on the subsequent reduction of DPIP? Explain. 7. What reasons can you give for the difference in the percentage of transmittance between the live chloroplasts that were incubated in the light and those that were kept in the dark? 8. Identify the function of each of the cuvettes: a. Cuvette1: b. Cuvette 2: c. Cuvette 3: d. Cuvette 4: e. Cuvette 5: Conclusion: Paragraph 1: Summarize the purpose and predictions for part 1 and part 2. Summarize the results found (briefly). Paragraph 2: Discuss the results of plant pigment chromatography. Which pigments were you able to identify and measure? How did your pigment Rf values compare to the expected pigment values? Explain why your pigments traveled different distances. What properties make pigments move different distances? Paragraph 3: Discuss the results of photosynthesis/light reaction. Which cuvette had the highest rate of photosynthesis? How did this compare to your prediction and to the class data? Explain which cuvette should have the highest rate of photosynthesis and why. Why should the boiled cuvette not do anything? Why should the dark cuvette not do anything? Why did we have a control? If your control changed (no chloroplast) how can you explain this? Paragraph 4: Discuss errors that happened in the lab. What factors may have affected errors in the chromatography lab? What factors may have affected errors in the photosynthesis lab? How can you improve this next time? Paragraph 5: Make a new test for this experiment. Change something in the experiment or design a more in-depth experiment that you can test. What would you design? Explain your tests. Paragraph 6: Relate this lab to the major theme of AP Biology of ENERGY TRANSFER. How does the principle of photosynthesis relate to this? Why is photosynthesis so important and why would it be important to measure the rate of photosynthesis?