
Determining Validity
• There are several ways to measure validity. The most
commonly addressed include:
- Face Validity
- Construct & Content Validity
- Convergent & Divergent Validity
- Predictive Validity
- Discriminant Validity
• Refers to measuring what we intend to measure.
• If math and vocabulary truly represent intelligence then
a math and vocabulary test might be said to have high
validity when used as a measure of intelligence.
Face Validity
• Is the extent to which it is self-evident that a scale is measuring
what it is suppose to measure.
For Example - you might look at a measure of math ability, read through
the questions, and decide that yep, it seems like this is a good measure of
math ability
• It would clearly be weak evidence because it is essentially a
subjective judgment call. Just because it is weak evidence doesn't
mean that it is wrong. We need to rely on our subjective judgment
throughout the research process.
For example- suppose you were taking an instrument reportedly
measuring your attractiveness, but the questions were asking you to
identify the correctly spelled word in each list. Not much of a link
between the claim of what it is supposed to do and what it actually
Face Validity (cont.)
• The question is not whether it is measuring what it is
supposed to measure, but whether it appears
to measure what it is supposed to be measuring.
• Face validity is important for some tests. If
examinees are not interested or do not see the
relevance of a particular test, they may not take it
seriously or participate to the best of
their abilities.
Face Validity (cont.)
• In all cases, face validity is not based on empirical research
• When used alone, face validity provides very weak support for the
overall validity of a scale.
• We can improve the quality of face validity assessment
considerably by making it more systematic. For instance,
if you are trying to assess the face validity of a math
ability measure, it would be more convincing if you sent
the test to a carefully selected sample of experts on math
ability testing and they all reported back with the
judgment that your measure appears to be a good
measure of math ability.
Face Validity (cont.)
Possible Advantage of face validity...
• If the respondent knows what information we are
looking for, they can use that “context” to help interpret
the questions and provide more useful, accurate
Possible Disadvantage of face validity...
• If the respondent knows what information we are
looking for, they might try to “bend & shape” their
answers to what they think we want.
• i.e., “fake good” or “fake bad”
Content Validity
• Does the test contain items from the desired “content
• Based on assessment by experts in that content domain.
• Is especially important when a test is designed to have
low face validity.
• Is generally simpler for “other tests” than for
“psychological constructs”
For Example - Easier for math experts to agree on an item for an
algebra test than it is for psych experts to agree whether or not an item
should be placed in a EI or a personality measure.
• Content Validity is not “tested for”. Rather it is assured
by experts in the domain.
Content Validity (cont.)
Basic Procedure for Assessing Content Validity:
1. Describe the content domain
2. Determine the areas of the content domain that are
measured by each test item
3. Compare the structure of the test with the structure of
the content domain
For Example - In developing a nursing licensure exam, experts on
the field of nursing would identify the information and issues
required to be an effective nurse and then choose (or rate) items
that represent those areas of information and skills.
Content Validity (cont.)
Lawshe (1975) proposed that each rater should respond to
the following question for each item in content validity:
Is the skill or knowledge measured by this item
1. Essential
2. Useful but not essential
3. Not necessary
For Example - With respect to educational achievement tests
a test is considered content valid when the proportion of
the material covered in the test approximates the
proportion of material covered in the course.
Construct Validity
• Construct Validity basically refers to the general validity
of the measurement tool.
Does the instrument measure the construct that it is
intended to measure?
• There is no statistical test that will provide an absolute
measure for construct validity. Therefore, construct
validity is never proven, it can only be supported.
• Are ideas that help summarize a group of related
phenomenon or objects.
All constructs have 2 essential properties:
1. Are abstract summaries of some regularity in nature.
2. Related with concrete, observable entities.
For Example - Integrity is a construct; it cannot be directly
observed, yet it is useful for understanding, describing,
and predicting human behaviour.
Operational Definitions
• An operational definition is a formula (recipe) for
building a construct in a way that other scientists can
e.g. Depression is defined by concepts of the DSM IV,
Intelligence is defined by a specified test made up of logical
relationships, short term memory, word associations.
• The definition must be clear.
• Must allow people to apply it.
• One problem with operational definitions - if we don’t
like the operational definition, there is nothing to
prevent us from giving the variable another one.
Psychological Constructs
• Psychological measurement is a process based on
concrete, observable behaviour.
Construct Explication - process of providing a detailed
description of the relationship between specific behaviors
and abstract constructs. This process consists of 3 steps:
1. Identify behaviours related to the construct.
2. Identify other constructs and decide whether they are related
or unrelated to the construct being measured.
3. Identify behaviours that are related to the additional
constructs & determine if these are related or unrelated to
the construct being measured. (Example p. 157)
Construct Validity
• Think of a construct as something that is like an idea or mental
map that we are trying to understand.
For example - intuition is a construct. There is no place on the brain
(as of yet) that can be identified as Intuition. But we see lots of
behaviors that seem to be expressions of some quality we call
Intuition. Is there evidence for the claim that the construct is real
and operates in our life?
• So, to test certain constructs we have to collect lots of evidence.
Usually, the evidence is collected by correlating the instrument in
question with lots of other instruments thought to measure a similar
thing and with some that say they don't measure the same thing.
Construct Validity (cont.)
• Attention to construct validity reminds us that our
defense of the constructs we create is really based on the
“whole package” of how the measures of different
constructs relate to each other.
• So construct validity “begins” with content validity (are
these the right type of items) and then adds the question,
“does this test relate as it should to other tests of similar
and different constructs?
Measuring Construct Validity
• Construct Validity involves comparing a new measure to an
existing, valid measure.
• Usually existing valid measures don’t exist. That is often why the
new scale is being created in the first place.
• Sometimes, however, a valid measure will exist but a new scale is
being created that will have some advantage over the older
- More up-to-date with current theory
- Shorter
- A new alternative measure
Discriminant Validity
• The statistical assessment of Construct Validity…
• Does the instrument show the “right” pattern of interrelationships
with other instruments.
e.g., It would be expected that individuals diagnosed with clinical
depression would score significantly worse on a valid depression scale
than would individuals who received no such diagnosis.
Discriminant Validity has two parts:
• Convergent Validity
• Divergent Validity
Convergent & Divergent Validity
• Convergent Validity: the extent to which the scale
correlates with measures of the same or related concepts.
A new scale to measure Assertiveness should
correlate with existing measures of Assertiveness, and
with existing measures of related concepts like
• Divergent Validity: the extent to which does not correlate
with measures of unrelated or distinct concepts.
e.g., An
assertiveness scale should not correlate with
measures of
A Test Must Be Valid - Discriminant
Test-to-test correlations can range from 0.0 to near 1.0.
r = .00 to .25
unrelated to minimally related
r = .25 to .50
minimal to moderate overlap
r = .50 to .75
moderate to high overlap
r = .75 and 1.00
highly overlapping to equivalent
...even tests that are highly overlapping-to-equivalent may
have subtle differences that are of theoretical interest
(especially at the lower ranges).
- from the MSCEIT Manual
Multitrait-Multimethod Matrix
• The multitrait-multimethod (MTMM) matrix [Campbell & Fiske
(1959)] is one of the methods used to assess a test's construct validity.
•It is a matrix of correlation coefficients and provides information on
convergent and divergent validity.
• Uses a number of different methods to measure more than one
construct (e.g., observations, surveys, rating scales).
For Example - Graph on pg. 163 of textbook
Criterion-Related Validity
• A criteria is a measure that could be used to determine the
accuracy of a decision.
• Criterion-related validity indicates the degree of the relationship
between the predictor (the test) and a criterion (level of performance
the test is trying to predict). e MSCEIT Manual
•The predictor is a tool that is used to predict the criterion.
Criterion-Related Validity (cont.)
• This type of validity measures the relationship between the
predictor and the criterion, and the accuracy with which the
predictor is able to predict performance on the criterion.
• For our example, the company psychologist would measure the job
performance of the new artists after they have been on-the-job for 6
months. He or she would then correlate scores on each predictor
with job performance scores to determine which one is the best
Criterion-Related Validity (cont.)
Criterion-related validity can be either concurrent or
predictive. The distinguishing factor is the time when criterion
and predictor data are collected.
Concurrent - criterion data are collected before or at the same
time that the predictor is administered.
Predictive - criterion data are collected after the predictor is
Concurrent Validity
• This type of validity indicates the correlation between the
predictor and criterion when data on both were collected at
around the same time.
• Is used to determine a person’s current status.
For Example - to assess the validity of a diagnostic screening test. In
this case the predictor (X) is the test and the criterion (Y) is the
clinical diagnosis. When the correlation is large this means that
the predictor is useful as a diagnostic tool.
• Concurrent validity are practical, easy to conduct, test scores are
obtained immediately if needed.
Predictive Validity
• This type of validity also indicates the correlation between
the predictor (X) and the criterion (Y). However, criterion
data are collected after predictor data are obtained. In other
words, this method determines the degree, that X can
accurately predict Y
For Example - giving high school juniors the ACT test for
admission to a university.
The test is the predictor and first semester grades in college are
the criterion. If the correlation is large, this means the ACT
is useful for predicting future grades.
Predictive Validity (cont.)
• The extent to which scores on the scale are related to,
and predictive of, some future outcome that is of
practical utility.
e.g., If higher scores on the SAT are positively correlated with
higher G.P.A.’s and visa versa, then the SAT is said to
have predictive validity.
• The Predictive Validity of the SAT is mildly supported by
the relation of that scale with performance in graduate
Predictive Validity
A predictive validity study consists of two basic steps:
1. Obtain test scores from a group of respondents, but do not
use the test in making a decision.
2. At some later time, obtain a performance measure for those
respondents, and correlate these measures with test scores to
obtain predictive validity.
Examples of Predictive Validity
– For instance, we might theorize that a measure of math
ability should be able to predict how well a person will do
in an engineering-based profession.
– We could give our measure to experienced engineers and
see if there is a high correlation between scores on the
measure and their salaries as engineers.
– A high correlation would provide evidence for predictive
validity -- it would show that our measure can correctly
predict something that we theoretically thing it should be
able to predict.
A Test Must Be Valid Predictive Validity
When evaluating test to real-life predictions, even very
modest correlations of r = .02 or .03 can be of
considerable importance. For example, the impact of
chemotherapy on breast cancer survival is r = .03.
In selection, hiring, and counseling contexts, current
interpretations suggest that correlations as low as r = .02
or .03 are meaningful, with many psychological (and
medical test) assessments and real life criteria falling in
the r = .10 to .30 level, and a few rising beyond that level.
- from the MSCEIT Manual
Inadequate sample
Items that do not function as intended
Improper arrangement/unclear directions
Too few items for interpretation
Improper test administration
Scoring that is subjective
• Refers to the method for combining research results from large
number of studies. Especially in studies where conflicting findings
•Rarely do large numbers of studies use precisely the same tests and
criterion measures, and it is necessary to make judgements about
which studies should be grouped together.
•Gives an overall estimate of validity - especially helpful with
predictive validity studies
•More definitive than the traditional ways of conducting literature
•Larger sample sizes
Factor Analysis
• A factor is a combination of variables that are intercorrelated
•- thus
the same characteristic
• Is a statistical technique used to analyze patterns of
correlations among different measures.
• The principal goal of factor analysis is to reduce the numbers
of dimensions needed to describe data derived from a large
number of data.
• It is accomplished by a series of mathematical calculations,
designed to extract patterns of intercorrelations among a set of
• Not all constructs have underlying factors
Factor Analysis
two most
commonly used Factor Analysis Methods:
Exploratory Factor Analysis - typically entails estimating,
or extracting factors; deciding how many factors to retain.
Is a statistical technique used to analyze patterns of
correlations among different measures.
Confirmatory Factor Analysis - a factor structure is tested
for its fit (e.g., goodness of fit).
Factor Analysis
Possible Advantages
• Simplifies interpretation
• Can learn more about the composition of variables
Possible Disadvantages
• Do the combining of factors capture the essential aspects
of what is being measured?
•Are the factors generalizable to other populations (e.g.,
different cultures, gender, individuals with disabilities
Reliability means
nothing when the
problem is Validity.
Relationship Between Reliability & Validity
• Reliability and validity are two different standards used to gage the
usefulness of a test. Though different, they work together.
• It would not be beneficial to design a test with good reliability that
did not measure what it was intended to measure. The inverse,
accurately measuring what you desire to measure with a test that is
so flawed that results are not reproducible, is impossible.
• Reliability is a necessary requirement for validity. This means that
you have to have good reliability in order to have validity. Reliability
actually puts a cap or limit on validity, and if a test is not reliable, it
can not be valid.
- from the MSCEIT Manual
Relationship Between Reliability & Validity
• Establishing good reliability is only the first part of
establishing validity.
• Validity has to be established separately. Having good
reliability does not mean you have good validity, it just
means you are measuring something consistently.
• Now you must establish what it is that you are measuring
consistently. The main point here is reliability is necessary
but not sufficient for validity.
Relationship Between Reliability & Validity
•Tests that are reliable are not necessarily valid
or predictive.
•If the reliability of a psychological measure
increases, the validity of the measure is also
expected to increase.
- from the MSCEIT Manual