Draft Meeting Minutes Stansbury High School Community Council (SHSCC) 9 September 2010, 7:00 PM 1. Call to order a. Meeting began at 705 PM. Mr. Steve Dale, Chair, was conducting. b. Board members present: Mr. Steve Dale, Ms. Kim Herrera, Mr. Kendall Topham, Mr. David Manzione, Ms. Kathy Larsen, Ms. Marilyn Jacobsen, Mr. Shannon Lawson, Ms. Julynn Carpenter, and Mr. Glen Carpenter. c. Board members not present: Ms. Stacey Norman and Mr. Mark Wilson. 2. Open Public Forum a. No members of the public spoke during the open forum. Two parents were present: Mr. John McGroarty and Ms. Pamela Hyer. 3. Council members and public viewed required DVD presentation “A Matter of Trust” from State Trust Lands. 4. Provide a brief summary of 2009-2010 and 2010-2011 School Plan for public and new members. Mr. Dale gave a summary to members of public. 5. Nominations for three parent Community Council member vacancies. a. Discussed the teacher members of Community Council, the number of teacher vacancies, and the staggering of these positions. This will be determined in a future faculty meeting. b. There are three parent positions open. Candidates present – Mr. McGroarty, Ms. Hyer, and Mr. Lawson – gave information on their background and interest in serving on the Community Council. Ms. Karman Barton was also a candidate and was not present. 6. Elections a. Elections were held with all seven parents at Community Council meeting voting. Ballots were counted by two teacher members of the Community Council. Ms. Pam Hyer, Mr. Shannon Lawson, and Ms. Karman Barton were elected to serve two year terms beginning the 2010-2011 school year. b. Officers for the SHSCC will be elected next meeting with the new teacher members. 7. Review of data for 20009-2010 final report (statistics, enrollment, testing, finances, etc.) a. The report can be turned in beginning 15 October until 29 November. b. Discussed need to look at test scores to establish benchmarks. Ms. Herrera provided data as requested during last meeting. Data available is from the ACT testing, Core Reference Testing (CRT), and Utah Performance Assessment System for Students (U-PASS). c. Final graduation rate is 89% at SHS. 80% of the students identified as being at risk of not graduating completed the graduation requirements (39 of 49 students). d. Discussed a concern with low math scores as indicated on the No Child Left Behind information that was published in the Tooele Transcript. The scores indicate math scores of about 66% passing at Tooele and Clarke Johnsen junior high schools. Math scores decrease to about 33% at Tooele and Stansbury High schools. Mr. Topham indicated that this test is not administered to all students in high school. The student makeup is most likely the reason for the deceased test scores. Although passing rates for math for students taking the ACT and in the U-PASS tests was below the State and national average. Discussed actions by the SHS Math Department to improve testing scores for students. Math department is doing “common assessments” of students to assess needs and then presenting ideas to address the needs. A modified class block at Clarke Johnsen Junior High School has improved results at that school with common assessment scores and “walk away” tests. Discussed tutoring provided at school for math. e. Discussed concern with the low number of SHS students taking advanced placement (AP) classes. Most likely reason is that students are taking concurrent enrollment classes instead of AP classes. SHS has the highest number of concurrent enrollment students in the County. Page 1 of 2 f. Information needed for next meeting: number of students in AP courses, concurrent enrollment, CTE, fine arts. For data needs, requested the number and percent of students in CTE, fine arts, and honors. g. SHS has 1,438 students enrolled for this school year. Of that number, 438 are freshmen, 400 sophomores, 330 are juniors, and 280 are seniors. 8. Principal’s Report a. Discussed report from Utah State Office of Education on Indicator of School Quality (ISQ). Survey was given to parents, students, and teachers. Mr. Topham has a concern from the ISQ that students and teachers rated the school low on rewards and recognitions. Ms. Jacobsen commented that the survey results may have been swayed by the survey since it was difficult to follow and give an adequate answer. b. Parent/Teacher Conference will be held 20 and 21 September. A recommendation was given from a Council member to consider changing the times for the conference to later in the evening to allow more parents to participate. c. A Scholarship Preparation class will be held for 8th to 12th graders on 20 September with sessions at 4:00, 5:30, and 7:00 PM. d. Homecoming week is the week of 27 September. 9. Fundraiser requests – all request approved unanimously with any comments noted below. Mr. Dale asked that the list of fundraisers be sent out beforehand to allow all SHSCC members to review and save time during the meeting. Discussed a concern that some parents do not like to have their students participate in fundraisers. a. Band/Drama – magazine sales. b. National Honor Society – candy bar sales at football game. c. Girls Soccer – snow cone, cotton candy, and shirt sales at football game. Fundamentals lessons. d. Student government – temporary tattoos, small items concessions at games, stomps, and other activities. e. Band/Orchestra – benefit night at Costa Vida restaurant. f. Stallionettes i. Mini drill clinic and then a performance at school ii. Costa Vida restaurant benefit night iii. Chick Pick dance. This was requested by another organization last meeting, but should be by the Stallionettes. g. Color guard – Cold Stone ice cream cakes and glow sticks at games. 10. Approval of meeting minutes from 18 August 2010. Minutes were unanimously approved. 11. Other Issues and Concerns a. Discussed meeting times for 2010-2011 SHSCC. Meeting times and dates were set as the third Tuesday of every month with a few exceptions. Meetings times and dates are: 19 October, 16 November, 14 December, 18 January, 15 February, 15 March, 12 April, 17 May, and 16 August. Mr. Topham was assigned to publish these dates in the Tooele Transcript and place on the SHS website. b. Ms. Tanaka reminded the SHSCC that it was agreed that meetings would last only 90 minutes. Any agenda items remaining would be discussed at the following meeting. c. Mr. Manzione asked how the SHSCC would determine where to allocate the Trust Lands Funds for this school year. He asked if it would be from a list of requests from the teachers or by another means. Mr. Topham indicated that the SHSCC could determine how to allocate the funds. This would be done in November or December. 12. Adjourn – approved unanimously and adjourned at 9:05 PM. Page 2 of 2