Mars - Харківська спеціалізована школа І

Директор Харківської
спеціалізованої школи №99
Начальник управління освіти
адміністрації Дзержинського району
Харківської міської ради
_________________ Н.В.Кіян
_________________ Ю.Г.Башкірова
Конкурсне завдання з англійської мови
для тих, хто вступає до 5 класу
Харківської спеціалізованої
школи І-ІІІ ступенів №99
Харківської міської ради
Харківської області
Білет № 1
Choose the correct item
1. He usually ………. pizza.
A eat
B ate
C eats
2. Jack can ………. a tree.
A do
B ride
C climb
3. ………. are you tired? – Because I didn`t
A What
B When
C Why
4. Whatareyou ………. ?
A doing
B do
C did
5. We ………. ice cream yesterday.
A eat
B eats
C ate
6. The chair is next ………. the table.
A to
B for
C on
7. Would you like ………. orange juice?
A some
B an
8. What are ……….? – They are trees.
A that
B those
C this
9. The ………. brings our letters.
A postman
B dustman
C workman
10. I`d like a ………. of cereal, please.
A bowl
B cup
C piece
Readthetext. Choose the correct answer.
Itis latesummer. Jimmy is going to be in class four. Last year he was in class three. When the holidays
started Jimmy and his friends together with their teacher of French went to a camp in France. It was
wonderful. Then Jimmy, his sister and his parents went to Italy to see his aunt. It was so much fun. Now
they are at home.
Yesterday Jimmy`s mother took him to the shopping centre to buy new school clothes and shoes. She
bought him blue trousers and white shirts. Children at Jimmy`s school must wear a uniform, but he likes it.
They also bought a new schoolbag, pencil case, pens and pencils.
Next morning Jimmy is going to school. He is going to get up early, have breakfast and leave home at
8 o`clock. Jimmy is happy and excited. He wants to go to school and to see his teachers and friends again.
1. Why is Jimmy excited?
a) He is going to see his aunt.
b) He has got new trousers and shirts.
c) He is going to school.
2. What didn`t Jimmy`s mother buy?
a) Shoes.
b) Shorts.
c) Trousers.
3. Where did Jimmy`s family go on holiday?
a) Italy.
b) France.
c) Scotland.
4. What month is it now?
a) June
b) July
c) August
5. Who did he go to France with?
a) With his family.
b) With his sister.
c) With his teacher.
6. Why did Jimmy`s mother buy him blue
trousers and white shirts?
a) Because she liked them.
b) Because Jimmy likes these colours.
c) Because Jimmy must wear these clothes at
Білет № 2
Choose the correct item
1. Jane ………. gottwosisters.
A is
B have
C has
2. Sam ………. animals.
A like
B likes
C liked
3. I get ………. at seven o`clock.
A up
B on
C in
4. Where ………. your mother yesterday?
A is
B was
C were
5. Do you have lunch at school? – No, I ………
A do
B don`t
C am not
6. They ………. have cars in the past.
A aren`t
B don`t
C didn`t
7. I go to school ………. foot.
A by
B in
C on
8. Would you like ………. orange juice?
A some
B an
9. What are ………. ? – They are my shoes.
A this
B that C those
10. ………. bike is this? – It`s Mike`s.
A What
B When
C Whose
Readthetextand mark the sentences T (true) or F (false).
Schools are different. Last summer I was at the camp and there was a boy from Mexico. His name is
Rami. He told me about his school. It usually starts at half past seven in the morning. But Rami goes to
school at a quarter to seven because he wants to take a desk in the front. There are fifty-two students in his
The students play in the playground before classes. Some of them wear a school uniform: a white shirt
and blue trousers for boys or a white blouse and a blue skirt for girls. Other students wear just jeans and Tshirts.
Before lessons begin they usually sing one or two songs. Then they have a Maths lesson. Not all the
children have books. There is usually one book for two or three students. The teacher writes the questions on
the blackboard, and the children write them down into their copybooks.
After classes Rami plays football with his friends and then he goes home.
The boy from Mexico was in the camp.
Rami`s school starts at 7.30.
Rami goes to school at 7.15.
All the children wear a school uniform.
They sing songs before classes.
Some children don`t have books.
There are 42 students in Rami`s class.
Rami plays football after he comes home.
Білет № 3
Choose the correct item
1. How ………. is the tower? – 35 metres.
A old
B tall
C far
2. Where ………. you going?
A are
B do
C did
3. This is Lucy and her brother Dan. ……….
my friends.
A We`re
B They`re
C I`m
4. He is ………. to open the door.
A going
B want
C coming
5. Look ………. this dog.
A on
B at
C in
6. There is ………. apple on the plate.
7. What sort of films ………. Tony like?
A is
B do
C does
8. ……. are the socks? – They are under the
A What
B When
C Where
9. Where ………. theshoes?
A is
B am
C are
10. Where ………. your mother yesterday?
A is
B was
C were
Readthetextand mark the sentences T (true) or F (false).
Hello, my name`s Linda. Here is a photo of my new friends. We are on holiday in the camp. I`m not
here, I`m taking a photo. Look here they are.
Will is tall and slim. He`s got short black wavy hair. He`s wearing jeans, a shirt and a baseball cap. He`s
got a walkman and earphones.
Carol is tall. She`s got long straight fair hair. She`s wearing shorts and a T-shirt. She`s got very nice
Meg is not tall. She`s got short curly fair hair. She`s wearing a skirt and a yellow T-shirt. She`s got
sunglasses and a mobile in her hand.
Max is short with short straight black hair. He`s wearing jeans and a sweater with a badge on it. He`s
got glasses.
Linda and her friends are on holiday.
Linda is wearing a skirt and a T-shirt.
Carol is taking a photo.
Will likes listening to music.
Білет № 4
Choose the correct item
1. How ………. is the tower? – 35 metres.
A old
B tall
C far
2. He is ………. to open the door.
A going
B want
C coming
3. What sort of films ………. Tony like?
A is
B do
C does
4. ………. are you tired? – Because I didn`t
A What
B When
C Why
5. The chair is next ………. the table.
A to
B for
C on
6. Where ………. your mother yesterday?
A is
B was
C were
7. We haven`t got ………. Juice.
B some
C any
8. I`d like a ………. of cereal, please.
A bowl
B cup
C piece
9. I go to school ………. foot.
A by
B in
C on
10. What ………. you see in the park yesterday?
A did
B do
C are
Readthetext and mark the sentences T (true) or F (false).
Boy: Hi, Vicky! Is anybody sitting here?
Girl:Oh, hi, Will! No, have a seat. I think all the students of our college are having lunch now.
Boy: Yes, they are. So many people today. Hey, Vicky, do you really have a big family?
Girl: That`s right. I`ve got six brothers and five sisters.
Boy: Wow! That`s pretty big! Are you the oldest?
Girl: No. I`m the second in the family.
Boy: That must be a lot of work. What do your parents do?
Girl: Well, my father drives a taxi. He always works at night. And my mum runs a small family shop.
Boy: What kind of shop is it?
Girl: That`s food: bread, eggs, milk, rice and so on.
They speak in a café.
The boy has got a big family.
There are twelve children in the family.
Vicky`s mother has got a shop.
Her father is a driver.
Her father sometimes works at night.
Білет № 5
Choose the correct item
1. This is Lucy and her brother Dan. ……….
my friends.
A We`re
B They`re
C I`m
2. There is ………. apple on the plate.
3. Where ………. theshoes?
A is
B am
C are
4. He usually ………. pizza.
A eat
B ate
C eats
5. Whatareyou ………. ?
A doing
B do
C did
6. Would you like ………. orange juice?
7. Jane ………. gottwosisters.
A is
B have
C has
8. Do you have lunch at school? – No, I
A do
B don`t
C am not
9. She ………. go to the zoo yesterday.
A isn`t
B doesn`t
C didn`t
10. The ………. brings our letters.
A postman
B dustman
C workman
Readthetext and answer the questions.
Mrs Bradford works as a school crossing guard. Her job is to stop cars and buses to let schoolchildren cross
the street when they go to school in the morning and in the afternoon when they go home. She wears a
police uniform and has a STOP sign and a whistle. Mrs Bradford likes her job. She enjoys helping children.
She wants to protect them from danger. Mrs Bradford is a housewife, but she is also a public servant. It
means she doesn`t get money for her work.
1. What is Mrs Bradford`s job?
2. What else does she do?
3. Why does she like her job?
4. What does she wear?
5. What does she do at work?
Білет № 6
Choose the correct item
1. Where ………. you going?
A are
B do
C did
2. Look ………. this dog.
A on
B at
C in
3. ……. are the socks? – They are under the
A What
B When
C Where
4. Jack can ………. a tree.
A do
B ride
C climb
5. We ………. ice cream yesterday.
A eat
B eats
C ate
6. I get ………. at seven o`clock.
A up
B on
C in
7. Sam ………. animals.
A like
B likes
C liked
8. The cats ………. in the kitchen.
A was
B were
C is
9. They ………. have cars in the past.
A aren`t
B don`t
C didn`t
10. What are ……….? – They are trees.
A that
B those
C this
Readthetext. Choose the correct answer.
Jim is waiting for Gloria. They are going to a rock concert. The concert is at seven o`clock. It`s quarter to
seven now. But Gloria is late. She is at home. She`s washing her hair.
Jim: Gloria! Hurry up! We must go! It`s ten to seven now and the concert is at seven.
Gloria: No, the concert is at eight. Look at the newspaper.
Jim: I`m looking at the newspaper. The concert is at seven. Can you read?
Gloria: Oh, dear, I`m sorry. Well, come in.
Jim: No, I can be in the garden.
Gloria:No! Stop! Don`t sit here!
Jim: Oh yes, I can.
Gloria: Oh, Jim. Look at your trousers. Look at your hands. Can you read “PAINT”
Jim: Well, Gloria, don`t hurry. I must go home and change my trousers.
1. Where are they going?
a) Home
b) To a concert
c) To Gloria`s house
2. What time is it?
a) 7.00
b) 6.50
c) 6.45
3. How do they know about the time of the
a) On the phone
b) From the newspaper
c) From the sign
4. Why is Gloria late?
a) She is washing her hair.
b) She`s reading a newspaper.
c) She`s painting the bench.
5. Why must Jim go home?
a) To wash his trousers.
b) To wash his hair.
c) To change the trousers.
6. Why does he want to change his trousers?
a) They are dirty.
b) They are wet.
c) They are long.
Директор Харківської
спеціалізованої школи №99
Начальник управління освіти
адміністрації Дзержинського району
Харківської міської ради
_________________ Н.В.Кіян
_________________ Ю.Г.Башкірова
Конкурсне завдання з англійської мови
для тих, хто вступає до 6 класу
Харківської спеціалізованої
школи І-ІІІ ступенів №99
Харківської міської ради
Харківської області
Білет № 1
Choose the correct item
1. Tim _______ blue eyes. He`s got green eyes.
A hasn`t got
B have got
C has got
2. There aren`t _______ biscuits in the
A your
B some
C any
3. This is Ann. _______ is from England.
A She`s
B Her
C She
4. Nice to _______ you.
A meet
B write
C listen
5. What`s he like? - _______ .
A He`s kind
B He`s tall C He likesnuts
6. John has got _______ money than Tom.
A little
B less
C the least
7. _______ some books in the bookcase.
A There is
B There are C They are
8. Sheila _______ wake up early.
A don`t
B doesn`t
C isn`t
9. MrWhite _______ wrinkles.
A can
B is
C has got
10. Those books aren`t _______ .
A our
B ours
C us
Read the text. Choose a, b or c.
Where Does The Rain Come From?
Rain always comes from clouds. But where do clouds come from? How does all that water get into the
sky? Think of your bathroom. There is hot water in your bath. Steam goes up from the hot water. The steam
makes small clouds in the bathroom. These warm clouds meet the cold walls and windows, and then we see
small drops of water on the walls and windows. The world is like your bathroom. The water in the oceans is
warm when the sun shines on it. Some of this water goes up into the sky and makes clouds. The wind carries
the clouds for hundreds of kilometers. Then the clouds meet cold air in the sky, and we see drops of water.
The drops of water are rain. The rain falls and runs into rivers. Rivers run into oceans. And the water from
oceans makes clouds and more rain. So water is always moving from oceans to clouds to rain to rivers to
oceans. So the rain on your head was on other head before.
1. Rain …….comes from a blue sky.
a) always b) sometimes c) never
2. Hot water makes …….in the bathroom.
a) rain b) steam c) walls
3. Steam……. when it comes to a cold wall.
a) changes b) falls c) makes clouds
4.Clouds ……..
a) move with the wind b) come from cold oceans c) do not travel a long way
5. Cold air in the sky is like the ……… in the bathroom.
a) bath b) steam c) walls
6. Water is always …………..
a) going somewhere b) moving away from the ocean c) going up
Білет № 2
Choose the correct item
1. What time _______ the show start?
A is
B do
C does
2. She hates fishing. She finds it very _______ .
A exciting
B boring
C brilliant
3. Jim is _______ brother.
A they
B their
C theirs
4. Kate`s bike is _______ than Jane`s.
A fast
B faster
C the fastest
5. Who is the _______ in your class?
A tall
B taller C the tallest
6. _______ they study French at school?
A Do
B Does
C Doesn`t
7. Tony and Nick always _______ pictures
when they are on holiday.
A take
B takes
C took
8. How _______ going shopping on Sunday?
A about
B often
C long
9. “What _______ is Maria?” – “Portuguese.”
A name
B nationality C address
10. I can`t stand heavy metal. I think it`s ______
A great
C awful
Read the text and mark the sentences T (true) or F (false).
Jean is 10 years old and lives in Cardiff with her family. Her mother works as a nurse. She is a middle-aged
woman with long blonde hair and blue eyes. Her father works at school. He teaches Maths. He is of medium
height with short brown hair and green eyes. Jean hasn`t got any brothers or sisters.
Jean goes to school every day from 9:00 to 3:30. She doesn`t go by bus because the school is near her
house. She walks there. Jean loves her school and her favourite subjects are Sport, Art and Maths. After
school she comes home, has dinner and does her homework. In the evenings she plays the violin. She wants
to become a violinist. Sometimes she watches TV or reads a book. She doesn`t like playing computer games.
Jean goes to bed at 10:00.
Jean has got a small family.
Her father is a teacher.
Jean is an only child.
She goes to school by bus.
Jean plays computer games in the evenings. _______
She reads a book after school.
She wants to be a musician.
Білет № 3
Choose the correct item
1. Who`s this? – It`s _______ .
A my
B mine
C me
2. Her birthday is _______ 19 February.
3. You don`t look well. What`s ________ ?
A happen
B that
C wrong
4. ”What are _______ ?” – “They`re
A they
B these
C this
5. Mary isn`t married. She`s _______ .
A only
B alone
C single
6. _______ time does he get up?
A When
B What
C Which
7. School _______ at 8.30.
A start
B starts
C don`t start
8. His birthday is _______ August.
A at
B on
C in
9. Stuart _______ aeroplanes.
A fly
B flysC flies
10. Can I see your room? - _______ .
A No, thank you B Excuse me C Certainly
Readthetext. Choose a, b or c.
You and I learnt to walk when we were a few month old, but baby giraffes can walk after only twenty
minutes. Baby giraffes live in a dangerous world. Lions and other animals like to eat them, so the babies
must learn quickly. They learn to run fast and to stay on their feet almost all the time. Even at night, giraffes
do not lie down. They stand by a tree and sleep. Big giraffes have long legs and they can run at fifty
kilometers per hour. The English word “giraffe” comes from the Arabic word “xirapha”. The word means
“run fast’. Giraffes also have very long tongues. A giraffe’s tongue can be fifty centimeters long! Giraffes
use their tongues for cleaning themselves. They can even clean their ears with their tongues! Their tongues
are important for other things, too. A giraffe’s favourite food is green leaves from acacia trees. These trees
have sharp thorns, but the giraffe’s tongue can go between the thorns. The giraffe’s long neck is important
because the best leaves are at the top of the trees.
1. Baby giraffes must learn quickly because ………
a) otheranimals want to kill them b) they are dangerous c) they eat lions
2. Giraffes do not often ……….
a) run b) sit down c) sleep
3. There was an Arabic word for giraffes …… there was an English word.
a) xirapha b) because c) before
4. ……. Giraffes have fifty-centimetre tongues.
a) all b) some c) young
5. Giraffes love eating …….
a) acacia leaves b) trees c) thorns
6. The best food is ………..
a) high up b) on the ground c) between the trees
Білет № 4
Choose the correct item
1. Father always has a cup of coffee _______
the morning.
A on
B in
C at
2. How _______ going shopping on Sunday?
A about
B often
C long
3. Who is the _______ in your class?
A tall
B taller
C the tallest
4. She hates fishing. She finds it very _______ .
A exciting
B boring
C brilliant
5. Stuart _______ aeroplanes.
A fly
B flysC flies
6. _______ time does he get up?
A When
B What
C Which
7. ”What are _______ ?” – “They`re
A they
B these
C this
8. Who`s this? – It`s _______ .
A my
B mine
C me
9. Sheila _______ wake up early.
A don`t
B doesn`t
C isn`t
10. What`s he like? - _______ .
A He`s kind
B He`s tall
C He likes nuts
Read the text. Choose a, b or c.
A Silent Robber.
You sometimes see bank robbers on TV programmes or in films. The robbers run into a bank and
shout, “I’ve got a gun! Give me the money!” or “This is a hold-up!” They make a lot of noise, so everybody
in the bank looks at them. They shout, “Hands up!” or “Nobody move!” But the robber in this story was
different. He wanted to rob a bank quietly, so he didn’t say anything. This story is true. It happened in the
USA a few years ago. First the robber got some paper and wrote, “This is a hold-up and I’ve got a gun”.
Then he walked into a bank and gave the paper to the woman at the cash desk. The woman read the words
on the paper, and then the robber took the paper and started writing again. The woman waited while he
wrote carefully and slowly. He wrote, “Put all the money in a bag”. Then he gave her the paper with this
new sentence on it. The woman read it, picked up a pen and wrote, “I don’t have a bag”, and then pushed the
paper back to the robber. The robber read it and ran away.
1. Bank robbers on TV or in films……..
a) are quiet b) have guns c) do not move
2. …….people look at the robbers.
a) One or two b) A lot of c) Big
3. The robber in the story …..
a) was a real person b) was in Britain c) lived a long time ago
4. He wrote things down because he wanted ……
a) to remember them b) to show them to everybody c) to be quiet
5. The woman at the cash desk read the words on the paper and then ……
a) ran away b) wrote an answer c) waited
6. The robber didn’t …… a bag.
a) want b) have c) ask for
Білет № 5
Choose the correct item
1. Ted ______goes to the cinema. He doesn`t
like it.
A often
B seldom
C usually
2. “What _______ is Maria?” – “Portuguese.”
A name
B nationality
C address
3. _______ they study French at school?
A Do
B Does
C Doesn`t
4. Jim is _______ brother.
A they
B their
C theirs
5. Can I see your room? - _______ .
A No, thank you B Excuse me
C Certainly
6. School _______ at 8.30.
A start
B starts
C don`t start
7. Mary isn`t married. She`s _______ .
A only
B alone
C single
8. Her birthday is _______ 19 February.
9. MrWhite _______ wrinkles.
A can
B is
C has got
10. John has got _______ money than Tom.
A little
B less
C the least
Read the text. Choose a, b or c.
Hello! My name is Kipanik. I am ten years old. I live in Iqaluit in the north of Canada. It is winter now
and the temperature is -20. There is snow on the ground and thick ice on the river. My friends and I play
hockey on the ice. Ice hockey is my favourite sport. My favourite animals are white mice. I have three white
mice at home. I like playing computer games and I like riding on my dad’s snowmobile. Sometimes we go
out on the snowmobile, and my dad shoots a caribou. My favourite food is caribou and chips. There are five
people in my family. We can all understand English, but we speak Inuktitut at home. Inuktitut is the
language of the Inuit people.
1. The letter is………..
a) fromIqauit
b) from Kipanik
c) from Canada
2. The weather is…… winter.
a) cool b) cold
c) very cold
3. The ice on the river ………
a) is very thin b) is hard and strong c) breaks easily
4. The letter doesn’t say anything about …….
a) Kipanik’sfavourite things b) Kipanik’s school
5. Kipanik likes…….caribou
a) eating b)playing with c) riding
6. Kipanik is………..boy.
a) an English
b) not a Canadian
c) an Inuit
c) Kipanik’s home town
Білет № 6
Choose the correct item
1. How long does it _______ you to get to
A have
B take
C get
2. I can`t stand heavy metal. I think it`s ______
A great
C awful
3. Tony and Nick always _______ pictures
when they are on holiday.
A take
B takes
C took
4. Kate`s bike is _______ than Jane`s.
A fast
B faster
C the fastest
5. What time _______ the show start?
A is
B do
C does
6. His birthday is _______ August.
A at
B on
C in
7. I think her songs are great! I really like
_______ .
A them
B they
C their
8. You don`t look well. What`s ________ ?
A happen
B that
C wrong
9. Those books aren`t _______ .
A our
B ours
C us
10. _______ some books in the bookcase.
A There is
B There are
C They are
Read the text. Choose a, b or c.
The Old Man And The Donkey.
This is a famous story about an old man and his donkey. This old man lived in a village in a warm
country a long time ago. One day a young man came to the old man’s house and said, “Can I use your
donkey today, please? My two donkeys are ill, and you’re not using yours”. The old man knew this young
man well. The young man was not kind to animals and often hit his donkeys. So his donkeys were often ill.
The old man did not want to say “Yes”, but he could not say “No” because he was very polite. So he said,
“I’m sorry, but my donkey isn’t here. My son is using it.” The man did not believe this because the old
man’s son had three donkeys. Then the old man’s donkey made a loud noise, and the young man heard it.
The young man was angry and said, “I can hear the donkey in your garden. How can you say it isn’t here?”
This was a difficult question, but the old man always had an answer for difficult questions. He looked at the
young man and said, “Who do you believe? Me or the donkey?”
1.The young man’s donkeys were………..
a) not at home b) not well c) happy
2.The young man was…….with animals.
a) careful b) clever c) not good
1. The old man wanted to ……..
a) be polite b) say “Yes” c) use his donkey
2. The old man’s son did not really have………
a) the old man’s donkey b) three donkeys c) any donkeys
3. The young man thought the old man’s answer was……..
a) not true b) not polite c) not clever
4. Then the young man heard……..
a) the old man’s donkey b) a little noise c) the garden
Директор Харківської
спеціалізованої школи №99
Начальник управління освіти
адміністрації Дзержинського району
Харківської міської ради
_________________ Н.В.Кіян
_________________ Ю.Г.Башкірова
Конкурсне завдання з англійської мови
для тих, хто вступає до 7 класу
Харківської спеціалізованої
школи І-ІІІ ступенів №99
Харківської міської ради
Харківської області
Білет № 1
Choose the correct item
1. Steve is ………. than Tom.
A thinB thinerC thinner
2. Susan can play ………. violin.
C the
3. She ………. married soon.
A is getting B is going to get C gets
4. Where ………. on holiday last summer.
A do you go B did you go C went
5. There are ………. eggs in the fridge.
A a little
B a few
C any
6. I need a ………. job, so I can save some
A seldom
B partial
C part-time
7. We can buy flowers ………. the florist`s.
A at
B in
C on
8. Garry always ……….. his homework before
A finish
B finishes C is finishing
9. Can you tell me the ………. to the post
A road
B path
C way
10. I have a ………. for coffee at 11 o`clock.
A break
B cup
C lunch
1 Read the text about tea and match the information (A–F) with the paragraphs (1–5). There is one extra
piece of information.
1 ___
The origins of drinking tea can be traced back tothe times of the mythical Chinese emperor ShenNung, who
lived about 2737 BC. According toa Chinese legend tea was discoveredwhen theemperor’s servant put a
boiling pot of waterunder a tea bush and some tea leavesfell into it.
2 ___
The oldest of all teas is green tea - a very healthyvariety of tea. But unlike black tea, it doesnotundergo the
process of full fermentation and in thefinal stage its leaves usually keep their differentshapes and forms.
3 ___
Research done in Japan has shown that people whodrink green tea everyday do not fall illwithdangerous
diseases so often.
4 ___
Apart from the more common types of black andgreen tea, today it is possible to buy teawith veryunique
scents. For example, Earl Grey is made ofblack tea with bergamot oil,which gives ita delicate taste.
5 ___
Today tea is served everyday and on many socialoccasions. No matter which tea you like – blackor green,
tea is now the most popular drink.
A The green one keeps you in good health.
B Water gives tea its specific taste.
C It started almost 5,000 years ago.
D It’s more famous than water!
E Where is the difference?
F The aroma is right there!
2 Read the text again and decide if the statements are true (T) or false (F).
1 _____ Chinese emperor Shen Nung discovered tea.
2 _____ Black tea is healthier than green tea.
3 _____ Green tea keeps you in a good health.
4 _____ Earl Grey is a variety of black tea.
Білет № 2
Choose the correct item
1. This is the ……….. car of all.
A expensive B more expensive C mostexpensive
2. London is the capital of ………. United
A introduce
C the
B imagine
C say
7. I want my dad to be proud ………. me.
A of
6. Let me ………. myself. I`m Larry.
B for
C with
8. We are ………. lunch.
3. Watch out! You ………. hit the tree.
A will
B are going to C are
4. He ………. a new car two weeks ago.
A have
A buy
10. John is going to the dentist`s. He`s got a
B bought
C has bought
5. Would you like ………. coffee?
A any
B some
B having
C had
9. I`ll wait ………. you outside the cinema.
A for
A toothache
B after
B headache
C to
C stomachache
Read the texts and mark the statements T (true) or F (false).
John Lennon was a famous British pop singer and composer. He was born in 1940 and died 1980.
Lennon formed “The Beatles” with Paul McCartney, George Harrison and Ringo Starr in Liverpool
in 1960. The group was the most successful in pop history. The group`s most famous songs are
“Love Me Do”, “Penny Lane”, “Let It Be” and “Yesterday”. Lennon married Yoko Ono in 1969.
“The Beatles” broke up in 1970. Lennon wrote “Imagine” in 1971. That was his last album.After so
many years people still listen to his music.
Bob Marley was a famous Jamaican singer and composer. He was born in 1945 and died in 1981.
Marley made his first record at the age of 19. A year later he formed “The Wailers”. This group was
the first to make reggae music known to the whole world. People loved this kind of music. Some of
his best songs were “Jammin”, “No Woman No Cry”, “Is this Love” and “Exodus”. After so many
years DJs still play this music.
Bob Marley and John Lennon were born in Britain.
Lennon died a year after Marley.
Marley formed “The Wailers” at the age of 19.
Lennon didn`t write any albums the year before he died.
Reggae music was very popular.
“The Beatles” stopped being together after John Lennon married.
Lennon formed “The Beatles” in Jamaica.
Білет № 3
Choose the correct item
1. James is the ………. football player in the
A good
B better
C the best
2. ………. Nile is a very long river.
C The
3. Andrew ………. to France next week.
A goes
B went
C is going
4. They ……….. basketball every day last
A are playing B play
C played
5. There ………. any water in the bottle.
A isn`t
B aren`t
C is
6. Nurses look ………. sick people.
A for
B after
C at
7. She lives ………. 15, Oak Street.
A at
B on
C in
8. What time ………. the lesson start?
A is
B do
C does
9. Leo moved ………. London to get a better
A for
B in
C to
10. Sally isn`t single. She is ……….
A only
B alone
C married
Read the text and match the information (A–F) with the paragraphs (1–5). There is one extra piece of
1 __
When you dream about going places, where doesyour mind take you? The Grand Canyon,Africa orNew
York? If you spend time looking at the stars,you’ll notice a bright one that’s abit red. This istheMars, the
fourth planet from the Sun. But moreimportantly, it’s the next placehumans are goingto explore.
2 ___
Mars is so much like the Earth that we want to gethere and see what happened. Where didthe watergo?
When we look at pictures of the Mars, we seeplaces where there was water a longtime ago, forexample big
canyons and ice caps at the north andsouth poles of the Mars.
3 ___
But something happened on the Mars to make the waterdisappear and make it a cold place with avery
thinatmosphere. So, we’re sending robots equipped withspecial instruments to the Mars tostudy the
planet’senvironment and look for signs of life. It’s going totake years, and there’s alot to do.
4 ___
Scientists have organized international expeditionsto the Mars. Do you remember MarsPathfinder thatlanded
on the Mars on July 4, 1997? It sent back about17,000 pictures of the RedPlanet.
5 ___
Thanks to modern technology we can follow othermissions to the Mars - for example, the
MarsOdysseymission. The spaceship was launched on April 7,2001. On the Internet we can findexciting
reportsand images of its flight. Although the missionofficially ended on August 24,2004, its new
projectmanager says Odyssey has enough flight systemresources to carry onits exploration through thenext
10 years. It will surely be a great adventurefor all spacelovers.
A Equipment to examine the Mars
B Present missions to the Mars
C Life on the Red Planet
D Past missions to the Mars
E Next planet to visit
F Landscapes on the Mars
Білет № 4
Choose the correct item
1. Nurses look ………. sick people.
A for
B after
C at
2. What time ………. the lesson start?
A is
B do
C does
3. Can you tell me the ………. to the post
A road
B path
C way
4. There are ………. eggs in the fridge.
A a little
B a few
C any
5. Susan can play ………. violin.
C the
6. John is going to the dentist`s. He`s got a
A toothache B headache C stomachache
7. He ………. a new car two weeks ago.
A buy
B bought
C has bought
8. James is ………. football player in the class.
A good
B better
C the best
9. I want my dad to be proud ………. me.
A of
B for
C with
10. Andrew ………. to France next week.
A goes
B went
C is going
Read the text and decide which answer is correct, a, b or c.
A Racing Driver.
Motor racing is a very exciting sport, but it is also very dangerous. Racing drivers go at 200 kilometres
per hour and faster. Sometimes the cars crash and the drivers die. This is Kirsten Kolby. When she was a
little girl, she and her brother learned to drive go-karts. She loved driving go-karts, and she became good
at it. When she was 12, she was the best young driver in her country. Now she drives racing cars. Most
racing drivers are men. Is this a problem for Kirsten? “Sometimes”, is her answer. “Some men don’t
like a woman driver in front of them. They get angry”. Is she afraid of crashing? “I had a bad crash two
years ago. The car rolled over. I was under it and couldn’t move. There was a fire, and I couldn’t get out.
A man fought through the fire and pulled me out. He was a very brave man. After I came out of hospital,
I tried to race again, but I was too afraid. I was afraid of fire. So I stopped racing and got a different job.
But I wasn’t happy. I really wanted to race again. I wanted it very much. So now I’m racing again. I’m
still afraid, but I’m stronger than my fear.
1. Racing drivers …….cars.
a) sometimes die in their b) like to crash their c) drive dangerous
2. Kirsten was the …… 12-year-old go-kart driver in the country.
a) youngest b) fastest c) smallest
3. Some men are angry when she is …… them.
a) faster than b) behind c) talking to
4. There was a fire in the car and ……..
a) it was under her b) then it rolled over c) she couldn’t get away
5.She got a different job …………
a) and she liked it b) but she wanted to race again c) because she wasn’t very happy
Білет № 5
Choose the correct item
1. Let me ………. myself. I`m Larry.
A introduce
B imagine C say
2. We are ………. lunch.
A have
B having
C had
3. Leo moved ………. London to get a better
A for
B in
C to
4. There ………. any water in the bottle.
A isn`t
B aren`t
C is
5. ………. Nile is a very long river.
C The
6. I have a ………. for coffee at 11 o`clock.
A break
B cup
C lunch
7. Where ………. on holiday last summer.
A do you go B did you go C went
8. Steve is ………. than Tom.
A thin
B thiner C thinner
9. We can buy flowers ………. the florist`s.
A at
B in
C on
10. Watch out! You ………. hit the tree.
A will
B are going to C are
Read the text and decide which answer is correct, a, b or c.
A computer game: The Lost Statue
In this game you are in a small country called Neverland. It is a deserted place. The weather there is terrible.
It rains a lot and there are strong winds. The only people there are two young brothers. They live alone in
their small house on the beach. In the game, you are one of the boys – Josh or Frank. Josh loves the beach
very much and he is good at windsurfing. Frank is interested in doing quizzes and playing guessing games.
One day, they meet a strange man. He collects old things. He needs to find a small statue from the Stone
Age and he asks the boys for help.
You decide to help the man. First, you talk to the man and learn about the lost statue. Then, with your
brother, organize a trip around Neverland to look for it. On the way you play games, answer questions, do
quizzes, visit different places and talk to different people. Collect objects and souvenirs – they are very
useful and help you find the lost statue and win the game.
The Lost Statue is a great game! Discover the secrets of Neverland and learn about the old times. Play it now
and have fun!
1 Neverland is ……...…
Aa big island.
4 In the game you are ………...
B a deserted country.
Aa boy.
C an old city.
B the strange man.
2 The weather in Neverland is ………...
C the lost statue.
A warm and sunny.
B cold and cloudy.
5 The strange man …………
C rainy and windy.
A collects old objects.
3 Frank and Josh live in………….
B organizes trips aroundNeverland.
Aa castle.
C teaches history
B a house on the beach.
C a motel.
Білет № 6
Choose the correct item
1. I need a ………. job, so I can save some
A seldom
B partial
C part-time
2. Garry always ……….. his homework before
A finish
B finishes
C is finishing
3. I`ll wait ………. you outside the cinema.
A for
B after
C to
4. Would you like ………. coffee?
A any
B some
5. London is the capital of ………. United
C the
6. Sally isn`t single. She is ……….
A only B alone
C married
7. They ……….. basketball every day last
A are playing B play
C played
8. This is the ……….. car of all.
A expensive B more expensive C most expensive
9. She lives ………. 15, Oak Street.
A at
B on
C in
10. She ………. married soon.
A is getting B is going to get C gets
Read the text and decide if the statements are true (T) or false (F).
The King And The Man.
King Louis the Eleventh was the king of France about 500 years ago. One day a young man said to the
king, “I can see the future”. This was not true, but the king believed him. The young man was pleased
and he hoped to get an important job. But King Louis thought, “This man knows the future, so he knows
more than I know. He is dangerous, and I must kill him. The king said to his servants, “I’m going to
invite that man to eat with me. When he comes, watch my hand. When I lift up my hand, throw him out
of the window.” That evening the man came to the king’s private room. The king had a smile on his
face, but it was not a friendly smile. He said to the man, “You know the future, so tell me your future.
When are you going to die?’ Then the young man understood his mistake. He thought quickly before he
answered the king’s question. “I’m going to die three days before you,” he said. The king stopped
smiling. The servants watched the king’s hand, but it didn’t move. The young man was safe; but he
never told another lie after that.
The young man told a lie.
The king planned to kill the young man.
The king asked about the young man’s future.
The servants killed the young man.
The young man changed.
Директор Харківської
спеціалізованої школи №99
Начальник управління освіти
адміністрації Дзержинського району
Харківської міської ради
_________________ Н.В.Кіян
_________________ Ю.Г.Башкірова
Конкурсне завдання з англійської мови
для тих, хто вступає до 8 класу
Харківської спеціалізованої
школи І-ІІІ ступенів №99
Харківської міської ради
Харківської області
Білет № 1
Choose the correct item
1. John is going away ………. business.
A for
B at
C on
2. My neighbor ………. my post for me.
A packs
B grows
C collects
3. I ………. you`re right.
A suppose
B mind
C try
4. Buy a ………. of sugar, please.
A tin
B loaf
C packet
5. I feel sorry ………. her.
A for
B of
C with
6. “The music is too loud.” – “OK. I ……….
turn it down.
A am going to
B will
C would
7. Did you ………. to have a hobby?
A used
B using
C use
8. Don`t blame ………. for what has happened.
B my
C me
9. Amy is not hungry. She ………. dinner.
A has
B had
C has had
10. She doesn`t mind ……….
A walking
B walk
C walks
Read the text and decide if the statements are true (T) or false (F).
How Did The Disneyland Start?
One day, a man named Walt Disney took his daughters to an amusement park. At the amusement park,
they went on the rides, played games, and saw animals. But the park was not exciting. It was also dirty.
He looked around and said, “I want to take my children to a better place. I want families to have fun
together”. Walt Disney was famous for his movies. He was also famous for his cartoons. Now Disney
started thinking about a new park. He wanted a park with different parts with special names. He also
wanted to use ideas from his cartoons or movies. His most popular cartoon was Mickey Mouse. Disney
wanted Mickey Mouse and other cartoon people to walk around the park and to talk to the guests.
Disney’s dream of a special park took many years to come true. People didn’t understand his ideas.
Nobody wanted to give him money. So Disney used all his own money to build the park. On July 17,
1955, Disneyland opened in Anaheim, California. It was an immediate hit. Walt Disney wanted
Disneyland to be perfect. Every night, workers washed the streets. Disney wanted the workers to be
happy and polite. So he started a special school for his workers. Walt Disney became a millionaire. He
died in 1966, but his dream of more Disneylands came true.
Disney took his child to the cinema.
He wanted a better place for children.
People gave money to start Disneyland.
The idea of Disneyland wasn’t successful.
The first Disneyland opened in Colorado.
His workers are always polite.
People like visiting the park.
Білет № 2
Choose the correct item
1. You ………. put posters on the wall if you want.
A must
B can
C have to
2. John met his new boss ………. is only 30.
A whose
B who
C whom
3. When he was a student he ………. travel by
A used to
B has to
C was
4. They haven`t had a holiday ………. last July.
A in
B for
C since
5. On Sundays he usually ………. late.
A has woken up B woke up
C wakes up
6. Be ……….! You are very close to the fire.
A patient
B careful
C nervous
7. He did ………. in the exam.
A good
B well
C best
8. What`s the ………. with her?
A wrong
B question
C matter
9. Sally ………. bread yesterday.
A didB baked
C fried
10. She looked as fresh as a ……….
A rose
B tulip
C daisy
Read the text and decide if the statements are true (T) or false (F).
Where Is The Great Wall?
The Great Wall is in China. The Chinese built the Great Wall thousands of years ago. They wanted to
protect their country from unfriendly people. First, they built small walls around their towns. Then the
emperor, Shi Huangdi, joined the walls and built new parts. He wanted to make one long wall- the Great
Wall. He wanted China to be strong and modern. But many Chinese didn’t like Shi Huangdi. He didn’t
care about the people. Many people died because of his policy. Thousands of men worked on the Great
Wall. It was very hard work. Many got sick and died. Over a million people died to make the wall. Their
bodies are buried in the wall. Some people say the Great Wall is “the Wall of Death”. We don’t know
exactly how long the Great Wall is. There are many different parts of the wall, some parts fell down. The
wall is about 4,000 miles long and about 25 feet high. It’s wide enough, buses and cars can drive along
it. Today, the Great Wall is the largest structure in the world. Some people say you can see the Great
Wall from space.
The Chinese didn’t want unfriendly people in their country.
The Chinese wanted the wall to be the monument.
Only few people worked on the wall.
People were to work on the wall.
Those who died were buried in the wall.
The exact length of the wall is 4, 000 miles.
Astronauts can see the wall from the space.
Білет № 3
Choose the correct item
1.People are afraid of ………. houses.
A magical
B innocent
C hounted
2. Don`t try to ………. my mind.
A collect
B change
C pack
3. Billy ………. his room yet.
A hasn`t tidied B didn`t tidy C doesn`t tidy
4. Jane was doing her homework ………. Steven
was listening to music.
A when
B then
C while
5. Lisa always tells people what to do. She`s very
A clever
B friendly
C bossy
6. I`ve got plenty ………. apples.
A of
B at
C in
7. There are a lot of people here. It`s very ……….
A crowded
B cosmopolitan C flooded
8. If you ………. any help, ask your teacher.
A need
B will need
C needed
9. Rebecca is a Professor, she ………. Drama.
A is teaching B teaches
C teach
10. Look out! You ………. crash into a tree.
A will
B should
C are going
Read the text. Answer the questions.
What Is Beatlemania?
Beatlemania is a very strong feeling for the group, the Beatles. The Beatles were four musicians from
Liverpool, England. Their names were John Lennon, Paul McCartney, George Harrison and Ringo Starr.
These four men never took music lessons. They taught themselves to play music. The Beatles made their
first hit song in 1962. The song was “Love Me Do”. In all, they had twenty-nine hit songs. By 1963, the
Beatles were very popular in England and Beatlemania started. They had many fans. Their fans screamed
and cried. At concerts their fans screamed very, very loudly. The Beatles couldn’t hear themselves singing!
The next year, the Beatles went to the USA. The Americans loved them, and Beatlemania started in
America, too. People everywhere copied their clothes and their hair. The Beatles were the most popular
group in the world. We still hear Beatles songs on the radio today. Their music and songs will never die.
How many Beatles were there?
Where were they from?
What was the first hit song?
How popular were they?
What did the people copy from the Beatles?
What’s Beatlemania?
Білет № 4
Choose the correct item
1. What`s the ………. with her?
A wrong
B question
C matter
2. Rebecca is a Professor, she ………. Drama.
A is teaching B teaches
C teach
3. Don`t blame ………. for what has happened.
B my
C me
4. Sally ………. bread yesterday.
A did B baked
C fried
5. Look out! You ………. crash into a tree.
A will
B should
C are going
6. Amy is not hungry. She ………. dinner.
A has
B had
C has had
7. She looked as fresh as a ……….
A rose
B tulip
C daisy
8. Billy ………. his room yet.
A hasn`t tidied B didn`t tidy C doesn`t tidy
9. I ………. you`re right.
A suppose
B mind
C try
10. You ………. put posters on the wall if you
A must
B can
C have to
Read the text and decide if the statements are true (T) or false (F).
Dear Richard,
Hi! How are you? Thanks for your letter.
You asked me about the ways to help the environment. I`ve got a few ideas which I think will help you.
Firstly, you should recycle your glass, paper and aluminium cans. It`s very easy, you just take them to
special recycling bins. There are some outside the library in the car park.
Secondly, why don`t you go to work on foot and not by car? That way you`ll help to reduce pollution
levels in the atmosphere and get fit at the same time!
Finally, how about picking up the rubbish in your street? If your neighbours see you, they will probably
help you.
Well, that`s all from me. I hope these ideas have helped you. Drop me a line if there is anything else I
can help you with.
1. Richard is writing a letter to Michelle.
2. Michelle gives Richard advice.
3. Michelle thinks Richard should recycle wood.
4. There are recycling bins in the library.
5. Richard cycles to work.
6. Richard doesn`t have a car.
7. Cars increase pollution level in the atmosphere.
8. Richard doesn`t have any neighbours.
9. Michelle tells Richard to clean his street.
10. Michelle will drop Richard a line soon.
Білет № 5
Choose the correct item
1. Don`t try to ………. my mind.
A collect
B change
C pack
2. John is going away ………. business.
A for
B at
C on
3. Be ……….! You are very close to the fire.
A patient
B careful
C nervous
4. I`ve got plenty ………. apples.
A of
B at
C in
5. My neighbour ………. my post for me.
A packs
B grows
C collects
6. You ………. put posters on the wall if you want.
A must
B can
C have to
7. Billy ………. his room yet.
A hasn`t tidied B didn`t tidy C doesn`t tidy
8. I ………. you`re right.
A suppose
B mind
C try
9. John met his new boss ………. is only 30.
A whose
B who
C whom
10. Jane was doing her homework ………. Steven
was listening to music.
A when
B then
C while
Read the article and fill in the sentences which have been removed. One sentence does not match.
Clean Beaches For Everyone
Most people enjoy going to the seaside in summer, but no one likes to go to a dirty or polluted beach.
(1 )
Firstly, there should be rubbish bins provided on the beaches. (2 ) Also, these bins should be emptied
every day so rubbish doesn`t build up. (3
) What is more, people who are caught dropping litter should
pay a fine of 50 pounds. (4 )
On the other hand, some people believe that the local council should pay somebody to make sure the
beaches are kept clean. (5 ) In my opinion, if we each do what we can, this money can go to other things
to improve our towns.
All in all, I believe people should look after their own beaches. If we all take our rubbish home or put it
in the bins, our beaches will be nice, clean places for us and be proud of.
In this way they wouldn`t drop litter again.
Sometimes this is all people need to remind them to take their rubbish home.
So, what can we do to make sure our beaches are nice and clean?
However, this will cost a lot of money.
In this way visitors will have somewhere to put their rubbish.
In my opinion, factories that pollute beaches should pay a large fine.
Білет № 6
Choose the correct item
1. Buy a ………. of sugar, please.
A tin
B loaf
C packet
2. They haven`t had a holiday ………. last July.
A in
B for
C since
3. Lisa always tells people what to do. She`s
very ………
A clever
B friendly
C bossy
4. I feel sorry ………. her.
A for
B of
C with
5. On Sundays he usually ………. late.
A has woken up B woke up
C wakes up
6. There are a lot of people here. It`s very
A crowded
B cosmopolitan C flooded
7. The music is too loud.” – “OK. I ……….
turn it down.
A am going to B will
C would
8. He did ………. in the exam.
A good
B well
C best
9. If you ………. any help, ask your teacher.
A need
B will need
C needed
10. Did you ………. to have a hobby?
A used
B using
C use
Read the letter and correct the sentences.
Dear Sir / Madam,
I am writing to complain about the service at your restaurant last Friday evening.
My wife and I booked a table at 8 o`clock, but we waited until 8:45 before a table was free. Then we
waited another 15 minutes until the waiter brought us the menu. Also, we had to ask for our drinks several
times as he was so busy that he forgot to bring them. When we finally ordered, there was no Chicken a la
crème, so we had to order something else. My wife was very disappointed, as this is her favourite dish.
I would like to suggest that you have more waiters working at busy nights, that you make sure that all the
dishes on your menu are available. I hope your service gets better or we will go somewhere else in future.
Yours faithfully,
Peter Stevens
1. The writer went to the restaurant in the morning.
2. The writer booked a table for 8:45.
3. The writer didn`t order a drink.
4. Mrs Stevens` favourite dish is roast beef.
5. The restaurant has got a lot of waiters.
Директор Харківської
спеціалізованої школи №99
Начальник управління освіти
адміністрації Дзержинського району
Харківської міської ради
_________________ Н.В.Кіян
_________________ Ю.Г.Башкірова
Конкурсне завдання з англійської мови
для тих, хто вступає до 9 класу
Харківської спеціалізованої
школи І-ІІІ ступенів №99
Харківської міської ради
Харківської області
Білет № 1
Choose the correct item
1. The thieves broke __________ the jeweler’s
shop during the night.
A up
B into
C down
D out
2. In the end the detective managed to
___________ criminals last night.
A give up B catch down C take up D give away
3. The maid __________ the beds every
A makes B does
C takes
D has
4. I think it’s a great offer, the price includes all
meals and ____________ drinks.
A unlimited drinks B private
C enchanting D elegant
5. By the time I woke up, Betty had
__________ left for college.
A since
B yet
C already
D ever
6. Trevor doesn’t ___________ computer games
every day.
A plays
B playing C play
D played
7. When Sam thought he saw a ghost, he froze
__________ horror.
A into
B on
C in
D at
8. Lynne was vacuuming the carpets
__________ Derek was mowing the lawn.
A while B then
C because D so
9. John seldom____________ to the theatre.
A go
B goes
C is going D going
10. Ted loves__________ tricks on his friends.
A getting B playing C making D breaking
Білет № 2
Choose the correct item
1. The service of an aromatherapist is available
__________ hotel guests.
A to B in C on D at
2. We went on a _________ twelve-day journey
around Scotland.
A wonderful B narrow C wide D spacious
3. He had to go to the station __________ his own.
A in B on C of D over
4. By the time I got home, John _________ dinner
and was watching TV
A had prepared B had been prepared
C prepare D prepared
5. The thieves broke __________ the jeweler’s shop
during the night.
A up B into C down D out
6. In the end the detective managed to ___________
criminals last night.
A give up B catch down C take up D give away
7. Jim was making pizza ___________ the power
A while B when C because D so
8. She applied for the position ____________ ski
A of B for C on D from
9. Before he leaves for work he looks
____________ his newspaper.
A up B through C into D after
10. Brenda didn’t have enough money __________ I
paid for meal.
A when B as C so D while
Білет № 3
Choose the correct item
1. This car isn’t ___________
A him B your C ours D her
2. Can you look ____________ a number in your
phone directory
A into B up C through D after
3. Before he leaves for work he looks
____________ his newspaper.
A up B through C into D after
4. Brenda didn’t have enough money
__________ I paid for meal.
A when B as C so D while
5. I think it’s a great offer, the price includes all
meals and ____________ drinks.
A unlimited drinks B private
C enchanting D elegant
6. By the time I woke up, Betty had __________
left for college.
A since B yet C already D ever
7. Jack has _________ been to London.
A ever B yet C so far D never
8. Some children manage to get __________
A away B away with C by D over
9. Mother has _________ finished cooking
A yet B just C ever D never
10. I didn’t like the film. It was a _________
A much B part C bit D few
Read the text and decide if the statements are true (T) or false (F).
1 _____ The American Gold Rush started in the second half of the nineteenth century.
2 _____ The pieces of metal found in the river were yellow.
3 _____ James W. Marshall didn’t show the gold he found to his boss.
4 _____ People travelled to California by horse, ship and on foot.
5 _____ The huts in which people lived near the river were usually made of bricks.
6 _____ The owners of hotels, bars and restaurants got really rich in California.
7 _____ In 1897 gold was discovered in Canada.
8 _____ Today people can look for gold in California near Sacramento.
The American Gold Rush
It all started early in 1848 in California. James W. Marshall was working by the riverside when he found
some small pieces of yellow metal in the water. He showed them to his boss. It was gold. The two men tried
to keep this discovery a secret but without success. Soon, the magic word “gold” was repeated all around the
world. Everybody wanted to go to California to get rich. Thousands of people started to rush to the golden
river by horse, by ship and even on foot. Night after night, a few more new towns appeared along the river.
Some people brought tents to live in while others built wooden houses called huts. Looking for gold was
hard work and many people were disappointed. Only the lucky ones found gold – sometimes up to $2,000 in
one day. It is not surprising that many small hotels, restaurants and bars opened in the new towns. Their
owners made fortunes providing services to people who arrived in town in search of gold. By the end of
1850, the California Gold Rush was over. However, about forty-seven years later gold was discovered again,
this time in Canada. Once more, over a thousand people left their homes and families to look for a better
future. Today, at the original site of the California Gold Rush, near Sacramento, visitors can still try their
luck with finding the yellow pieces of metal in the river. The old buildings have been redecorated and
tourists can experience the life of the old days. Many of them are sure that they can find at least a small bit
of gold.
Білет № 4
Choose the correct item
1. Mother has _________ finished cooking
A yet B just C ever D never
2. I didn’t like the film. It was a _________
A much B part C bitD few
3. He had to go to the station __________ his
A in B on C ofD over
4. By the time I got home , John _________
dinner and was watching TV
A had prepared B had been prepared
C prepare D prepared
5. The service of an aromatherapist is available
__________ hotel guests.
A to B in C on D at
6. We went on a _________ twelve-day journey
around Scotland.
A wonderful B narrow C wide D spacious
7. There are some amazing __________
monuments in our city.
A cobbled B ethnic C ancient D winding
8. Can you turn _________ the lights, please? I
can’t see anything in here.
A on B out C to D off
9. I love the old town with its beautiful
__________ streets.
A cultural B outdoor C cobbled D national
10. Jack has _________ been to London.
A ever B yet C so far D never
You are going to read a magazine article about two police officers. Some words are missing from the text.
Choose the most appropriate word from the list (A-Q) for each gap (1-14) in the text. There are two extra
words that you do not need to use.
Partners on patrol
Like most married couples, Andy and Helen
the same car,” says Andy, 31, who (7) _____ the force as a
Butler are used to taking the rough with the
cadet 15 years ago.“But in (8) _____ it’s all worked out
smooth. But at least by working together they very well.
never have to argue about (0) __P___ turn it
“And (9) _____ our colleagues thought it was funny at
is to drive. Because Andy and Helen are the
first, they’ve givenus a tremendous amount of support.”
first police husband and wife team on
Helen, who’s also 31, says: “When we’re (10) _____ work,
Britain’s roads. They live, sleep and work
Andy and I try to treat each other just as we would (11)
together, 24 hours a day, every day (1) _____ _____other colleague. We’ve both worked with other
their lives. “It probably wouldn’t (2) _____
officers but it’s much nicer to be (12) _____ to work with
for every couple,” admits Helen. “But it’s
the person you love.”
been great for us. We’ve never (3) _____ a
The couple, who’ve been married(13) _____ two and a half
row in the patrol car and working the same
years, believe they are the first – and only – British couple
shifts means we get time (4) _____ together.” to serve in the same police car.
The couple, who serve in the Avon and
“And we’ve done everything we canto (14) _____ it work.
Somerset traffic department in Taunton,
Right from day one we tried to make a clear distinction
(5) _____ spent last Christmas Day patrolling between our private life and our professional life out on
the M5 motorway together. “It (6) _____
patrol,” says Helen. “We wouldn’t dream
some time to get used to having my wife in
of talking about anything other than work while we’re on
A able
GevenM of
BalthoughH fact
N off
I for
O took
DatJ had
P whose
K joined
Q work
F can
L make
Білет № 5
Choose the correct item
1. Sarah is ___________ qualified so I’m sure she’ll get the job.
A ordinary B technical C specialized D fully
2. This car isn’t ___________
A him B your C ours D her
3. Can you look ____________ a number in your phone directory
A into B up C through D after
4. Peter is shocked because he’s just ___________ a robbery.
A witnessedB greeted C found D followed
5. Sam asked Anna for some money ___________ he didn’t have any.
A so B as C while D and
5. Trevor doesn’t ___________ computer games every day.
A plays B playing C play D played
6. When Sam thought he saw a ghost, he froze __________ horror.
A into B on C in D at
7. Jim was making pizza ___________ the power failed.
A while B when C because
D so
8. She applied for the position ____________ ski instructor.
A ofB for C on
D from
9. Before he leaves for work he looks ____________ his newspaper.
A up B through C into
D after
10. Brenda didn’t have enough money __________ I paid for meal.
A when B as C so D while
Read the text about the pirates. Then match the paragraph titles (A–I) with the paragraphs (1–8).There is
one extra title.
1 _____ When you hear the word pirate, you probably see a man with a wooden leg, a piece of black cloth
over one eye, dressed in seventeenth-century clothes. On his shoulder, there is a parrot. Most likely, you can
picture him standing next to a box full of treasure under a palm tree somewhere on a desert island.
2 _____ A pirate was a bandit who sailed the seas in search of ships carrying valuable things.
3 _____ Almost all of the pirates’ ships flew the famous Jolly Roger which was a black flag with a skull and
two white bones on it.
4 _____ When a pirate got on a ship, he stole everything and killed the sailors.
5 _____ Then he sold the stolen goods in the nearest port and spent all the money on various forms of
entertainment, usually on drinking beer and rum.
6 _____ However, the pirates were very disciplined. There was order and discipline on their ships because
they wanted their actions to be successful. Some pirates did not obey the rules and they were punished in a
cruel way.
7 _____ Pirates did not spend all the money they stole. Often, they buried the treasure in some distant place
so that it was very difficult to find for many years. Many treasure boxes were never found.
8 _____ Watch out! Maybe the next time you walk along the beach you will step on something big and
Білет № 6
Choose the correct item
1. Ted loves__________ tricks on his friends.
A getting B playing C making D breaking
2. The maid __________ the beds every morning.
A makes B does C takes D has
3. Lynne was vacuuming the carpets __________ Derek was mowing the lawn.
A while B then C because D so
4. John seldom____________ to the theatre.
A go B goes C is going D going
5. The thieves broke __________ the jeweler’s shop during the night.
A up B into C down D out
6. In the end the detective managed to ___________ criminals last night.
A give up B catch down C take up D give away
7. I think it’s a great offer, the price includes all meals and ____________ drinks.
A unlimited drinks B private C enchanting D elegant
8. By the time I woke up, Betty had __________ left for college.
A since B yet C already D ever
9. In Chile you can eat a variety of ethnic ___________.
A foods B restaurants C tastes D dishes.
10. He has lived in London __________ two years.
A already B since C just D for
Read the text. Then match the paragraph titles (A–D) with the paragraphs (1–4).
1 _____
TaranRampersad didn`t complain when he failed to find anything on his hometown in the online
encyclopedia Wikipedia. Instead, he simply wrote his own entry for San Fernando, Trinidad and Tobago.
Wikipedia is unique for an encyclopedia because anybody can add, edit and even erase. And the Wikipedia
is just one – the best known – of a growing breed of Internet knowledge-sharing communities called Wikis.
2 _____
The third hurricane to hit NASA`s spaceport in just over a month blew out more panels and left more gaping
holes in the massive shuttle assembly building, but overall damage was not as severe as feared, a space
agency official said Sunday.
3 _____
A lonely pensioner who turned to Italy`s classified pages to find someone willing to “adopt” him as a
grandfather is finally heading to his new home and family in northern Italy this weekend.
4 _____
Not long ago, it seemed as though the economy was fuelled entirely by bits and bytes, juiced upwith a little
irrational exuberance. But as oil prices spiked to a nearrecord $49 a barrel Thursday – up from $33 in spring
– Americans` reliance on the sticky stuff is being felt more acutely than at any time since the early 1980s.
A Old man gets adopted
B Book to be written by all
C Holes in spaceport building
D Painful boost in oil prices
Директор Харківської
спеціалізованої школи №99
Начальник управління освіти
адміністрації Дзержинського району
Харківської міської ради
_________________ Н.В.Кіян
_________________ Ю.Г.Башкірова
Конкурсне завдання з англійської мови
для тих, хто вступає до 10 класу
Харківської спеціалізованої
школи І-ІІІ ступенів №99
Харківської міської ради
Харківської області
Білет № 1
Write the verbs the brackets in the correct form.
I was planning _______________ (to retire) at 50 but I changed my mind.
I wish someone _______________ (to answer) that telephone.
Tina wishes she _______________ (to have) a new coat.
When you _______________ (to read) that book can you take it back to the library?
While you _______________(to have) dinner, I'll pack the suitcases.
I couldn't use my car. It _______________ (to service) at the garage.
Her cat was very hungry. It _______________ (not / to feed) for two days.
I've forgotten what times the buses _______________(to run).
Read the menu and answer the questions.
A La Carte Menu
Soup of the day
Wild mushroom pancakes
Baked aubergine, potato and spinach with tomato & coriandersauce
Main Courses
Tournedos of Scottish beef with French fries
Corn-fed chicken supreme
Roast English lamb with vegetables
Pan-fried salmon, with a white wine sauce
! Roast trout with candied tomato and deep fried basil
Vegetable paella with Saffron and shaved Parmesan
Side Dishes
Chunky chips
House salad
Selection of seasonal vegetables
Chocolate, rum & raisin delice with orange sauce
Fruits of the forest & Ricotta cheesecake
Apple tart with vanilla ice cream and custard
Selection of mixed ice creams
SET LUNCH (per person)
How many starters are there?
What can you choose for a main dish?
Is there a vegetarian menu?
How much does the set lunch cost?
Билет № 2
Complete the text with the necessary auxiliary verbsis, are, were, could, has, orwill.
Visiting Lions
There (1) __________ only approximately 23,000 African Lions and about 300 AsiaticLions still in
existence as of 2010. Some of both of the existing types of lions (2) __________ kept around the world in
zoos for the public to see.
Safari, another way in which people (3) __________ see lions, (4) __________ also a popularthing of
the past eras and they continue today. The object today though, (5) __________ entirelydifferent. In the past,
those on a safari (6) __________ intent on finding and killing animals thatthey (7) __________ then have
stuffed. These safaris of the past (8) __________ an example of thepractice that (9) __________ brought so
many species of animals to the brink of extinction.
Today, those on a safari (10) __________ still intent on finding some of the same beautifulanimals,
but in this case, they (11) __________ being shot with cameras only. This method ofsafari helps to ensure
that these animals (12) __________ continue to exist for our descendants to view and appreciate.
Read the text and match the paragraphs (A-C) to the questions (1-5).
So, You Want to Be on Television?
So, you want to be on television? Read about three different ways you can make your dream come
Who Knows?
Have you ever wanted to be on a TV game show? If you think you've got good general knowledge and
you're confident enough to appear on TV in front of millions of people, just fill in our application form. You
could be a winner on Channel 7's new game show Who Knows? There will be twelve weekly shows and the
winner of each show will go on to play a final competition to win two million pounds!
Watching You!
The producers of the reality show Watching You!are looking for ten new people to live in the famous
house for ten weeks. Are you funny and talkative? Are you interested in other people? Would you like to
become a big star? Send in your application before 7 November, and you could be invited to the auditions in
London and Manchester!
Children's Hour
As viewers know, Dani Byers has left Channel 7's Children's Hour to make a film in Hollywood. So,
we need someone to take her place as a presenter on the show. We're looking for someone who is
enthusiastic, intelligent and who loves children. Is that you? Apply now and come for a voice test!
Which show:
will be shorter than three months?
can make people very famous?
only needs one person?
offers a lot of money?
wants someone who likes talking?
(1) …..
(2) …..
(3) …..
(4) …..
(5) …..
Билет № 3
Complete the sentences withmake ordo in the correct form.
“I'm sorry you can't see the director.You'll have to __________ an appointment.”
“You must __________ something about the state of your room. It's a mess!”
“Have you __________ any plans for the weekend?” “No, none.”
“You've been __________ a lot of overtime recently.” “I know. We've got a big project on.”
“Could you __________ us all a cup of coffee?” “All right. I won't be a minute.”
“Could you __________ me a favour?”“I'll __________ my best.”
Read an article and choose the correct item (A-D) to complete the sentences (1-6).
Dear Sir,
I am writing to tell you about an experience I had while shopping in Bristol last Saturday. I wanted to
do my Christmas shopping so I drove into the City Centre. My first problem was finding somewhere to park.
The Galleries car park was full so I went to the Old Market multi-storey car park. The sign said there were
23 spaces free so I drove in. I drove around for twenty minutes but couldn't find a space. As I left the
attendant told me that I had to pay the minimum parking charge of £1. I told him that I hadn't actually
parked but he threatened to call the police so I paid.
I finally found a space in the Galleries and left to do my shopping. I had just finished when it started
raining. By the time I got back to the car both my shopping and I were completely soaked. I got into my car
and drove out. At the exit, I put my electronic ticket in the machine and it told me that the ticket was
damaged and I had to pay the maximum charge of £15. (The ticket was in my back pocket and got slightly
damp in the rain.)
Overall, I spent one and a half hours and £18 trying to park last Saturday. In January, for the sales, I'm
going to go to the new out of town shopping centre where parking is free and the car parks are never full. I
wanted to support city centre shopping but not at the cost of two or three extra Christmas presents for my
grandchildren. Yours,
Geoffrey Williams Kingsdown
1. Which word best describes how the writer feels?
 A happy
 B sad
 C tired
 D angry
2. Where did the writer park?
A The Galleries
B First the Galleries, then Old Market
 C First the Old-Market, then Galleries
D Old Market
3. What caused the problem at Old Market?
A The sign was wrong.
B The attendant called the police.
 C The writer's car was too big.
 D The writer drove around for twenty minutes.
4. Why did the writer pay £15 for a ticket?
A His shopping was wet.
 B His ticket was wet.
 C He was wet.
 D The machine was out of order.
5. Why is the writer going to go to the out-of-town shopping centre in January?
A The sales are better than in the city centre.
B It's easier to go by car than to the city centre.
C He prefers shopping in the city centre.
D Hewants to buy more Christmas presents for his grandchildren.
What would be a good headline for the letter?
A Parking Chaos in Centre.
B Rain Causes Chaos in Centre.
C Shops Too Expensive in Centre.
D Electronic Machine Scandal.
Билет № 4
Choose and tick () the correct answer to complete the sentences.
1. You won't be able to go on holiday next year ….. you save some money.
A unless
 B if
 C as long as
2. You won't forget to ring me, …..?
A are you
 B will you
 C won't you
3. He ….. be out because he's not answering the telephone.
A must
 B can't
 C will
4. "I don't want to go to school tomorrow." "….. do I."
A Not
 B Neither
 C So
5. It's two o'clock now. He ….. his test results by three o'clock.
 B will have had
 C has been having
6. Jill would rather ….. TV than do her homework.
 B watching
 C to watch
Read the magazine article. Put the paragraph titles (A-I) in the right places. The first paragraph has been
done for you. There are two extra paragraphs that you don't need.
(0) B
The largest of the cats is the tiger. It is as strong and aggressive as it is big. The tiger's coat is often a
bright golden colour. It has black stripes on the head, body, limbs, and tail. Stripes like these are sometimes
found on the domestic cat, or house cat, which is a distant relative of the tiger.
(1) …..
They are different mainly in the colour of their coats, but their skeletons are almost the same.
Zoologists recognise the tiger skull by the higher setting of the nasal bones. The two species are similar in
hunting habits, though tigers usually do not hunt in pairs as lions often do.
(2) …..
They range from Iran to the Sea of Okhotsk in eastern Siberia and from this northeastern limit
southward to Malaysia and the Indian peninsula. A smaller variety is found on Sumatra, Java, and Bali.
Tigers are not native to any other continent.
(3) …..
This is the Royal Bengal found in the Indian peninsula. An adult male weighs as much as 500 pounds
(230 kilograms) and maybe 10 feet (3 metres) long, including the 3-foot (1-metre) tail.
(4) …..
Unlike most members of the cat family, tigers are good swimmers. They cross rivers easily to hunt
down animals. Occasionally, to run away from a flood or some other serious danger, they even climb trees.
(5) …..
Tiger kittens number from two to five at a time and they grow for about 100 days inside their mother's
body. Unfortunately, not more than two usually survive the birth. After they are born they stay with their
mother until their third year.
(6) …..
Tigers do not naturally attack people, but a few become man-eaters when they lose the ability to kill
faster animals. Broken teeth, broken claws, or being too weak in general can make an old tiger into a maneater. Hunters in India report that one tiger killed 127 people in 1973.
General characteristics
Reasons for attacking humans
Tigers as swimmers
Place of origin
Number of people killed by tigers
The most famous type
Tiger versus lion
Билет № 5
Complete the sentences with the correct reflexive pronouns or each other.
They are so happy together - they are made for __________.
Steve, you shouldn't blame __________ for the situation. It's my fault.
They always try to help __________. That's what friends are for.
Frankly, I think she needs to start thinking for __________.
I don't think Brian needs our help. He can collect the money __________.
They kept looking at __________ and smiling.
Our club is going to pay only for the meals and we have to pay for the hotel __________.
How do you find the party? Are you enjoying __________ ?
Read the brief newspaper articles. Match the headlines (A-D) with the articles (1-4).
(1) …..
TaranRampersad didn't complain when he failed to find anything on his hometown in the online
encyclopedia Wikipedia. Instead, he simply wrote his own entry for San Fernando, Trinidad and Tobago.
Wikipedia is unique for an encyclopedia because anybody can add, edit and even erase. And the Wikipedia
is just one — the best known - of a growing breed of Internet knowledge-sharing communities called Wikis.
(2) …..
The third hurricane to hit NASA's spaceport in just over a month blew out more panels and left more
gaping holes in the massive shuttle assembly building, but overall damage was not as severe as feared, a
space agency official said Sunday.
(3) …..
A lonely pensioner who turned to Italy's classified pages to find someone willing to "adopt" him as a
grandfather is finally heading to his new home and family in northern Italy this weekend.
(4) …..
Not long ago, it seemed as though the economy was fuelled entirely by bits and bytes, juiced up with a
little irrational exuberance. But as oil prices spiked to a near-record $49 a barrel Thursday - up from $33 in
spring - Americans' reliance on the sticky stuff is being felt more acutely than at any time since the early
A Old man gets adopted
B Book to be written by all
C Holes in spaceport building
D Painful boost in oil prices
Билет № 6
Choose the correct item.
1. "Who told you to come here?"
"The woman ….. at the reception desk."
 A who
 B who she is
2. ..... to be the cleverest person in the school.
A She's said
 B It's said
3. I wish they here. They always make a mess.
A would eat
 B weren't eating
4. I am having new carpets home tomorrow.
 A be fitted
 B fitting
5. I prefer reading newspapers ….. the news on TV.
A than watch
 B to watching
6. She apologized for ….. the mistake.
A make
 B made
7. "Where's the picnic spot?"
"I'll show you where ..... on this map."
A is it located
 B it's located
 C whose
 D who's
 C He says
 D They say
 C wouldn't eat
 D had eaten
 C fitted
 D to be fitted
 C to watch
 D rather watching
 C to make
 D making
 C is locating
 D it locates
Read the texts given below. Decide if the sentences (1-5) are T (True) or F (False), according to what
the text says.
United Kingdom
The area around the famous 4,000-year-old monument of Stonehenge comes alive on the morning of
the summer solstice, as thousands of people come to watch the sun rise over Salisbury Plain. People dance
around the standing stones all night until the light of the rising sun touches the monument's stones, then loud
cheers ring out.
In Sweden, the summer solstice is an important festival. In the north, during the summer months, the
sun does not set at all! There is daylight 24 hours a day! At Midsummer, many people leave their city
dwellings to go into the countryside and commune with nature. They light bonfires and there is lots of
singing and dancing around a midsummer pole. People decorate their homes with flowers and birch
branches. Girls go to the fields to gather seven different kinds of wild flowers and grasses. They believe that
if they sleep with these tucked under their pillow, they will dream of their future husband.
In Poland, especially in the Eastern Pomeranian and Kashubian regions of northern Poland,
Midsummer is celebrated on June 23rd. People dress like dangerous sea pirates, and girls throw wreaths
made of flowers into the Baltic Sea. The Midsummer Day celebration starts at about 8 pm and lasts all night
until sunrise.
Estonians celebrate "Jaaniohtu" ("John's Night" in English) with bonfires on the eve of the summer
solstice. On the islands of Saaremaa and Hiiumaa, old fishing boats may be burnt. On Jaaniohtu, Estonians
all around the country will gather with their families, or at larger events, to celebrate this important day v/ith
singing and dancing as Estonians have done for centuries. The celebrations that accompany Jaaniohtu are the
largest and most important of the year.
The summer solstice is the shortest day of the year.
In Sweden, girls put birch twigs under their pillows.
At Stonehenge, people don't sleep the night before the summer solstice.
In some parts of Estonia, they burn houses.
In Poland, girls throw flowers into the sea.
Билет № 7
Fill in the correct prepositions.
1. __________________________ Few people were able to get to work due __________ the heavy
2. ______________________________________________ We watched in amazement as the
huge flock of birds rose __________ the air.
3. _________________________ Something has gone wrong __________ our plan, so we can't go
4. _________________ There have been __________ least five forest fires in the country this year.
5. __________ We sat __________ to rest when we reached the top __________the mountain.
6. The vase broke __________ pieces when Michael dropped it.
7. _______________ Can you cope __________ all that work?
8. ___________________________________________ During the storm a branch broke off the
tree and fell __________ the roof of the house.
Read the article and choose the correct item A, В or C to complete the sentences (1-7).
Cell Mania
Walk down the hallway of any high school and yousee them everywhere. Flip through a teen magazine
or watch a prime time television show and you can't miss advertisements telling us to buy one. I'm talking
about cell phones, of course. These gadgets are taking the world by storm and re-inventing the way teens
Stephanie Binder, 16, says her parents pay the phone bill and that she has unlimited time on weekends,
so she seems to never stop talking. For others, cell phones make it easier to get in contact with friends. "On
Friday nights, when you're trying to plan things with your friends, cells make it all so much easier," says
MickiBarram, 18.
Why have cell phones become so popular for teens? Joe Penn, 17, has a theory to explain why cell
phones hold so much attraction for young people. "They've kind of replaced cigarettes," he says, "They
make you seem older, more like an adult." According to Penn, teens want to look successful and grown up.
Having a ceil phone is a big part of that image. And as anyone in marketing will tell you, phone holders and
trendy bags with cell phone pockets are must-haves among young people. The high-tech materials and bright
colours they are made of have a certain cool factor for teens. According to Barram, girls especially like the
stylish look of cells. "For us it's more of an accessory, like a watch or an earring," she says.
But not all young people are caught up in cell mania. David Goodtree, 15, is strictly against owning
one. "Cell phones totally dominate people's lives," he says. "Most of my classmates have them on all the
time, even when they're not supposed to, like during classes and in cinemas. It's very irritating," Goodtree
adds, shaking his head.
Many parents are only too happy to pay for the newest cell phone model for their kids because it
means they can always check up on where their children are. "Where are the kids?" is a question no mum
ever needs to ask when she can just dial a number to find out. In fact, whole families are now becoming
1. You see advertisements for cell phones...
A in high schools.
 B in TV shows.
C in the apartment hallways.
2. Cell phones make it easier for teens to...
A plan activities with their friends.
B have lots of free time on weekends.
 C pay their phone bills.
3. Cell phones are attractive for young people because...
A they are cheaper than cigarettes.
 B they make teenagers seem grown up.
C you can wear one on your arm like a watch.
4. More girls than boys...
A buy cell phones.
 B have phone holders.
 C think trendy cells look cool.
5. David Goodtree...
 A is crazy about cell phones, too.
 B would like to own a-cell.
Cthinks cells are not a good thing.
6. It's OK to use cell phones...
A at school.
B in the cinema.
C at home.
7. Parents often use cell phones because...
A they can find out where their children are.
B they like the stylish models, too.
 C they are not so expensive.
Билет № 8
Choose and tick () the correct item.
1. You ….. talk with your mouth full.
A mustn't
 B needn't
2. I haven't seen him ….. Easter.
A for
 B since
3. He has …… finished his homework.
A yet
 B still
4. I'll be ready by the time you ….. home.
 A come
 B will come
5. That's Steve ….. brother works with me.
A which
 B who's
6. You ….. wear a suit. It's an informal meeting.
A mustn't
 B needn't
7. If I were you, I ….. to him.
A will apologize
 B would apologize
8. How long ….. did he leave?
A ago
 B before
 C must
 C from
 C already
 C would come
 C whose
 C must
 C apologized
С since
Read the brief newspaper articles. Match the headlines (A-E) with the articles (1-5).
(1) …..
Hurricane Jeanne blasted ashore in Florida with drenching rains and 120 mph wind, tearing off
rooftops, hurling debris through the air and sending huge waves crashing into buildings on Sunday as it hit
the same area battered by Frances three weeks ago.
(2) …..
The first U.S. presidential debate this week and a load of data on consumer spending will settle some
questions that have been hanging over U.S. stocks, and equity strategists, and traders say the decreased
uncertainty could draw buyers back to the market.
(3) …..
Israeli helicopter gunships destroyed a metal workshop in a Gaza Strip refugee camp on Sunday, the
latest attack in a cycle of violence threatening to complicate Israel's planned pullout from the territory.
(4) …..
Actor Martin Sheen did some real-life politicking for a congressional candidate who used to work on
his television series "The West Wing."
(5) …..
Serena Williams erased a match point in the second set and came all the way back to beat U.S. Open
champion Svetlana Kuznetsova 4-6, 7-5, 6-4 Sunday at the China Open for her first title in six months.
A Television star in politics
B Torrential rain and storm blast again
C Debate to settle stock issues
D Former champion beaten
E Violence threatens expected pullout
Билет № 9
Choose and tick () the correct item to complete the sentences.
1. Do you fancy ….. to Maria's party?
 A go
 B to go
 C going
2. York is the town mother was born.
A at which
 B which
 C where
3. She's lost ….. much weight that I hardly recognised her.
 B such
 C such as
4. He works ….. a teacher in a primary school.
A such
B like
5. This time next month I ….. inItaly.
A will sunbathe
 B will be sunbathing
 C will have sunbathed
6. "Come any time you can," he ….. me.
A told
 B said
C said to
7. Tom suggested ….. atColin's.
A meeting
 B to meet
 C to meeting
8. If you promise to behave yourself, I ….. you go to the party.
A will let
 B would let
 C let
Read the texts. Match the statements (1-8) with the paragraphs (A-D). There can be more than one
statement for each of the paragraphs.
The Great British Christmas
To get your curiosity going about Christmas all around the mainland, the Islands andHighlands of the
British Isles, here are a few tidbits.
In the North of England up to the middle of the 20th century, it was common to find a dish of “Mugga”
on the Christmas Eve table. This is a kind of wheaten porridge, sweetened with honey, which was
originally eaten before the main meal, and also throughout Advent, which is the month leading up to
Christmas. It was a remnant left over from Viking times. But it turns up in similar forms all over
Europe. In Poland, for example, they have “Kutia” which is a cereal dish made from kibbled wheat,
fermented overnight in milk, sweetened with honey and spiced.
In Scotland they have “Athol Brose” which is made from oats; it also has whisky in it and is served as
a drink! But I have come across several old recipes which are just an alcohol-free gruel. Such dishes
were a very practical stomach liner after a long fast and before the feasting began.
In Shetland they play the game of “Ba” which is a kind of street football-cum-rugby. The present
custom began in the middle of the 19th century, but in the medieval times street football was a
traditional Christmas Day game especially for apprentices. Banned by Cromwell in the 17 th century,
the apprentices in Canterbury rioted in protest.
In Wales there are many customs which are remnants of early Christian and even earlier Roman
occupation. The “Calennig” is an apple on three twig legs, stuck with almonds or cloves or other spiky
things such as thorns. It has a sprig of evergreen at the top, and is offered to householders by carolling
children, in return for a small gift of cakes, money or, more often, sweets, In Roman times, a gift such
as this was given at New Year in honour of the goddess Strenia, to bestow good fortune.
A meal is eaten for about a month before Christmas in this part of Britain.
Roman times have left a mark on the present day customs of this country.
A game used to be played by people who were learning a trade.
Versions of a meal in this country could either be drunk or eaten.
The food eaten here has equivalents in other countries in Europe.
Those who go around singing Christmas songs offer some decorated fruit to the owners of the
houses in this part of Britain.
They do not sweeten their typical Christmas dish with sugar in this country.
Playing in the street has not always been allowed in this country.
Good luck was thought to be brought by a gift.
Білет № 10
Choose the correct item A, B, C or D to complete the sentences.
Billy Connolly (born 1941)
_________ a miserable childhood, Connolly trained (2) __________ a welder in Glasgow shipyards. He also
played the banjo and sang in folk clubs, telling jokes (3) _________ songs. These were (4) __________
popular that Connolly became a full-time comedian, (5) _________ on stage and television in Britain, the
USA and Australia. His quick, sharp wit and willingness to shock (6) __________ him many fans. He was
also praised (7) __________ serious acting roles and for (8) ___________ charities.
A During
A like
A between
A such
A appear
A won
A of
A support
B After
B for
B behind
B too
B appearing
B wins
B with
B supports
C Before
C enough
C appeared
C is winning
C for
C supported
D Because
D alike
D instead
D so
D appears
D have won
D over
D supporting
Read the text and answer the questions.
The Seagull Population in Britain
In Britain, the seagull population increased dramatically following the 1956 Clean Air Act, which
prevented rubbish being burnt on tips and thus providing gulls with an unlimited food source. They outgrew
their natural colonies and began nesting in towns and cities. With no predators, plenty of food, street lighting
that enabled them to feed at night, and an ambient temperature two to three degrees higher than the
surrounding countryside (which gave them a headstart in breeding), they flourished.
Urban gulls are also starting to breed at a younger age than those in the wild, which means they
produce even more offspring; they have breeding careers of around 10 to 20 years. There are now colonies
in most towns and cities in the UK. Some are even breeding in London. There are pairs in Covent Garden,
some near the Bank of England and others in Russell Street, WC1. And they will be here for many years to
come. A lesser black-backed gull can live up to 34 years, and a herring gull up to 28.
As their numbers increase, so do the number of complaints registered at local councils. One of the
most common problems is the gulls' ear-piercing wake-up call, which starts at around 4 am. Then there's the
1. Why do seagulls in the UK have an abundant food supply?
2. Why do urban gulls breed so fast in big cities?
3. What does the article say about seagulls in London?
4. Why is the author sure that the gulls will be in London for many years to come?
5. What is the main challenge the local residents face?
6. Who do the people address their complaints to?
Білет № 11
Choose the correct item
1. If we TAKE / WILL TAKE a taxi, we WILL ARRIVE / ARRIVED sooner.
3. If our team HAD SCORED / SCORED more goals, it HAD WON / COULD HAVE WON.
4. I HAD GIVEN / WOULD HAVE GIVEN you the news if you PHONED / HAD PHONED me
5. If you TOOK / WOULD HAVE TAKEN more exercise, you MIGHT FEEL / HAD FELT better
7.If we ARE/WOULD BE LATE for class, our teacher WILL BE / WAS angry.
8. If we LIVED / WOULD LIVE on another planet, we WOULD SEE / WILL SEE the Earth in the sky.
9. If we WERE / ARE birds, we WOULD BE ABLE / ARE ABLE to fly.
10. If you DON’T WEAR / WOULDN’T WEAR your pullover, you WILL FEEL / FELT cold.
11. If I HAD / WOULD HAVE lots of money, I WOULD GIVE / GAVE some to all my friends.
12.If I HAD KNOWN / WOULD KNOW it was your birthday, I WOULD SEN / WOULD HAVE SENT
you a card.
Read the letter and choose the correct item a, b or c to complete the sentences (1-7).
Weddings – the Scottish way
Dear Sirs,
Having read the ‘Scottish Issue’ of your magazine and having just come back from my daughter’s wedding
in Scotland, I thought that your readers might be interested to learn of some of the customs and traditions in
Scotland today in connection with marriage.
Some time after the engagement, the young couple have to decide the day and date of the wedding. It is
considered unlucky for the couple to get married in the months of May and January and these are usually
Many Scottish girls think that it is a good idea that family and friends give the bride-to-be wedding presents
before the ceremony. There are different customs related to the showing of presents in different parts of the
country. In the west of Scotland, for example, they are shown at the weekend when home-baked cakes,
sandwiches, tea, whisky and sherry are served.
Another custom is the blackening of the groom a few days before the wedding. Male friends get together
and, leaving the young man with only his underpants on, cover him with a mixture of oil, flour, coffee and
other sticky substances and throw feathers over him. Then they might tie him to a lamp post or take him
around the town in an open truck, hooting the horn.
On the wedding day, after the ceremony at church, rose petals or confetti are thrown on the bride and groom.
They are also presented with silver horseshoes which are believed to bring good luck. As they leave by car
for the reception, the groom throws coins out of the window, which are collected by small children.
At the reception, the bride and groom are the first to dance. Traditional music is played by a fiddler, an
accordionist and a drummer. At the end of the evening, the young couple are pushed into the middle to the
song For He’s a Jolly Good Fellow. Then everybody joins hands and ends the celebration of the wedding by
singing Auld Lang Syne. Finally, the couple leave for their honeymoon in their own car decorated with
balloons, cans and old shoes.
I hope your readers will find these events interesting.
Muriel Williams
1 Columbus arrived in America
a on purpose.
b by coincidence.
c on his way to India.
2 Over the years, the ancestors of the Indians settled
a in northern Asia.
b within the Alaskan borders.
c on the American continents
3 The blackening of the groom takes place
a without the use of sticky substances.
b several days before the ceremony.
c after the open truck city ride.
4 On the wedding day, people throw on the married ones
a silver horseshoes.
b flower parts.
c coins.
5 Bows and arrows are as old as
a 10,000 years.
b 15,000 years.
c 20,000 years.
Білет № 12
For questions 1-15, read the text below and decide which answer A, B, C or D best fits
each space. Are you the person you'd like to be?
Have you ever regretted doing something you shouldn't have done or something you didn't do which you
should have? At one (0)_A_ or another we probably all have. There's no (1) _____in getting depressed
about it now - it's no (2) ____ crying over spilt milk. However, there may be some (3) ____ in thinking
about exactly what happened and why because we might be able to (4) ____ some conclusions for the
One thing we all do now and again is to lose our (5)_____with a friend or close (6)______. The odd thing
is that we more often display great anger (7)_____ someone we're (8)______of than towards strangers.
The explanation may be that we see friends and relatives as a kind of safety net, an opportunity to let off a
bit of steam in a safe (9)______, whereas the (10)______ of insulting a stranger or a (11)___ at work
could be far more serious. Being honest is usually (12) ____ of as a virtue and undoubtedly this is the (13)
____. On the other hand, we have all experienced occasions when we have spoken our minds to someone,
(14) ____ them exactly what we feel, and then have found ourselves (15) _____ with feelings of guilt and
remorse. Perhaps we should have kept our mouths shut?
A occasion
A reason
A use
A gain
A draw
A temper
A relationship
A at
A keen
A circle
A effect
A staff
A thought
A true
A telling
A full
B hour
B purpose
B point
B profit
B make
B mind
B member
B with
B fond
B area
B consequences
B mate
B considered
B case
B saying
B heavy
C time
C point
C value
C goodness
C do
C anger
C familiar
C towards
C friendly
C surroundings
C conclusion
C professional
C regarded
C event
C speaking
C sad
D day
D advantage
D benefit
D worth
D take
D head
D relative
D about
D familiar
D environment
D punishment
D colleague
D believed
D fact
D describing
D overcome
You are going to read a newspaper article about weight loss. Some parts of the text are missing. Choose
the most suitable part from the list (A-L) for each gap (1-10) in the text. There is one extra part that you
do not need to use.
Less calories + more exercise + behavioural changes = a trimmer you
Approximately 25 to 45 percent of people who join a weight-loss program are binge
eaters - this problem really needs to be attended to before other weight-loss efforts.
There is an array of books designed to help us succeed in our weight-loss efforts. One of the latest books is
entitled The New Maximise your Body Potential: Lifetime Skills for Successful Weight Management,
(0)____I_____. Dr. Nash presents some interesting statistics which demonstrate that, (1) _____, at any given
time, tens of millions of Americans are dieting. It's estimated that a quarter of all adult men and nearly half
of all adult women are actively trying to lose weight.
She categorises the different phases that (2) ______. "Those who aren't actively dieting and are just talking
about it, are stuck in either (3)_______or the preparation stage. The contemplation stage is the one (4) ____,
but you are not quite ready; you can think of both the pros and cons of changing, (5)________. In the
preparation stage, you know you want to take action, you realise the pros of weight loss outweigh the cons,
Believe it or not, Dr. Nash even says (7)_______. "If you jump into the action phase before you've given
enough just due to the preparation stage - deciding when to do this, how to do this, and what the potential
barriers are - (8) ______. That's when people who start a diet fall off it, and pretty soon arrive at the notion,
'I can't do this. I'm a failure. I'll never be able to do this."
Surprisingly, Dr. Nash says that about one-third of all the people who come to see a psychologist such as
herself, (9)_______, are binge eaters, and they are usually overweight. She says that while binge eating, in
and of itself, is nothing new, (10)_______. Exactly what is binge eating? Dr. Nash says that the technical
definition is "Eating an amount of food or calories that is larger than most people would eat under similar
circumstances, and an experience of not being able to stop it or control it."
A what`s called the contemplation stage
B but they balance each other out
C despite the fact that as a country we are
growing fatter
D that now is not always the right time to
begin a weight-loss program
E generally precede the decision to try to
lose weight
F it is just now being recognised as a
G then you can actually set yourself up for failure
H for help with an eating disorder
and is written by clinical psychologist Joyce
Nash, Ph.D
J that keeps overweight people upset
K but you aren’t sure how to begin
L in which you want to change
Білет № 13
Complete the following text with a correct past tense form of the verbs.
It all 1_____________________ (start) last summer, when I 2 ___________________ (decide) to go back to
the village where I 3 ___________________ (grow) up. As soon as I 4 _____________________ (arrive) I
5 _____________________ (realise) that it 6 ______________ (be) very different from the place I 7
_______________ (know) from my younger days. The beautiful old pub 8 __________________ (be)
pulled down and in its place was a modern hotel that badly 9 _______________ (need) a coat of paint. I 10
_________________ (go) inside. The young woman who 11___________________ (sit) at the reception
desk 12 ___________________ (have) almost enough paint to do the job. I 13 ______________ (take) a
room, 14_______________ (leave) my case and 15 __________________ (decide) to go for a walk.
Outside, there was a man standing near my car. As I 16 _____________ (go) out, he quickly 17
______________ (put) away the notebook which he 18___________________________ (write) in. He
19____________ (say) ‘Good morning’ and 20________________ (walk) into the hotel. My old house
21____________ (be) a lovely old place with a long curving drive. When I 22____________________
(reach) it, I 21_________________ (notice) that the windows were 22______________ (board) up. There
was a notice on the gate which 23___________________ (read) “PRIVATE KEEP OUT”. Puzzled, I
24_____________ (run) up to the drive towards the house. The door 25 _______________ (open) and out
26 ________________ (come) two large dogs 27_______________ (hold) by a huge man whose arms 28
_____________ (be) as thick as my legs. “Can’t you read?” he 29________________ (shout). I
30________________ (leave).
Read the text below and put the sentences (A–F) in the gaps (1–5). There is one extra sentence.
A That can be impolite or mean “Go away”, in other countries.
B The other person doesn’t know you are holding your thumbs.
C However, gestures can be misunderstood in cross-cultural situations.
D That means that part of learning a language is learning the gestures, too.
E They shake their head from side to side which means “no” in most other countries.
F If a person does not look an American in the eye, he may not trust the person or feel uncomfortable during
the conversation.
Body language
“Actions speak louder than words”, we say in English. This is certainly true when judging someone’s
character. Sometimes, instead of words, we use actions or gestures to say something. 1 _____ Americans,
like other nationalities, have their own “body language” which may not be so easy to learn.
Body language is part of “kinesics” – the study of facial expressions, eye contact, gestures and even the
way you stand or sit. Psychologists, linguists and communication experts say that body language sends a
“silent” message to others. For example, direct eye contact is very important for Americans. 2 _____ Of
course, body language differs across cultures. In many cultures, especially in the Far East, looking down or
lowering the eyes is a sign of respect. In these cultures, Americans might seem too bold or aggressive with
their direct eye contact.
In some countries, like France, Holland and the United States, making a gesture with the palm of the hand
facing up, bending the fingers back two or three times, means “Come here”. 3 _____ In Italy and Tunisia,
for example, the same gesture must be made with the hand facing down to say “Come here”.
Gestures can cause serious misunderstandings. For example, Bulgarians are well-known for their “yes”
gesture. 4 _____ To show “no”, Bulgarians make a movement with the head which looks like “yes” to
people not from Bulgaria.
Some Polish gestures can be easily misunderstood in other cultures. In Poland, when you want to wish
someone good luck, you hold your thumbs inside your hand, making a fist. 5 _____ He might think you are
making a fist and it looks like you are an enemy.
Білет № 14
For questions 1-10, complete the second sentence, using the word given. Do not
change the word given. You must use between two and five words, including the
word given.
0 My sister is not old enough to ride a bicycle.
My sister is too young to ridea bicycle.
A knock at the door interrupted Dad'sstory.
Dad _________________________________________when there was a knock at the door.
The Oscar ceremony is on television live tonight at eight o`clock.
They ________________________________________ live at eight o'clock tonight.
3 I was approached by a stranger who asked me the way.
A stranger ________________________________________and asked me the way.
4 The total sales for this video are already over a million.
This video ________________________________________ copies already.
5 He hasn't stopped talking since he came into the room.
He _________________________________________ the moment he came into the room.
6 Seeing a cartoon for the first time was an exciting experience.
I before so it was an exciting experience.
7 What did she have on at the party?
What ________________________________________ at the party?
8 After sitting in front of the computer all evening I felt sleepy.
I felt sleepy because________________computer all evening.
9 I agree to write the report if you give me the information.
Give me the information _____________________________________ the report.
10 The programme only finished a minute ago.
The programme _______________________________________finished.
You are going to read a newspaper article. Parts of some sentences have been removed from the text.
Choose the most suitable part from the list (A-K) for each gap (1-9) in the text. There is one extra part
that you do not need to use. Write your answers in the boxes after the text.
From Japan, the latest in telephone gadgets for the high tech
In Tokyo we meet Mint, a black Labrador puppy, and her owner Yoko Sakohata, to try out some of the latest
Japanese gadgets designed to make a dog's life a bit easier - (0) __K___ In a country where working late and
getting stuck in traffic jams are part of normal daily life, it can be a problemgetting home (1) _____ A timercontrolled feeder is one answer, but it doesn't give much personal contact with the lonely pet, (2) _____
Yoko tries out a telephone-controlled feeder which enables you to call home from anywhere, at any time, (3)
_____, then at the press of the button deliver a meal. Mint finds the whole thing a little puzzling at first, but
has no qualms about tucking in (4) _____
Practically everyone has a mobile phone in Japan, and now they've even started making ones for your
pet. At the moment they're not designed to allow you to talk with your pet, (5) _____ because Japan's PHS
network (Personal Handyphone System) has thousands of antennae, (6) _____ , it is possible to tell almost
exactly where any handset is by measuring the strength of its signal at several adjacent antennae. With one
of the mobile handsets fitted to her collar, Mint is taken to a secret location (7) _____ Loggedon to the
internet, Yoko enters Mint's mobile number onto the website (8) _____ showing where Mint is - in a local
The tracker device can also be used to keep tabs on wandering children and property such as
motorcycles. Sadly (9) _____ where the number of antennae make it accurate to within 50 metres -Britain's
cellphone networks can't give anything like that degree of accuracy as each cell is much larger.
A have a quick dinner-time chat with
your pet
B to have much narrower coverage
C leaving Yoko at home
D but rather to keep track of where it is
E to feed the pet dog at its routine time
F it only works with Japan`s PHS network
G when the biscuits arrive
H to receive an instant map
and it can end up missing out on some of the
fun of dinner-time
J spaced about 200 metres apart in cities like
K and to help owners keep in touch with them
Білет № 15
Choose the correct word to fill in the gap
1 If she ___________ about his financial
situation, she would have helped him out.
A) knew
B) had been knowing
C) had known
D) have known
2 I'll ______________ their cat while they
are away on holiday.
A) be looking into B) be looking at
C) be looking after D) be looking over
3 He made his children ______ their
homework every afternoon.
A) do
B) to do
C) studied
D) to study
4The test was ____ difficult that she had
problems finishing it on time.
A) such
B) a
C) as
D) so
5By the time she arrives, we
________________ our homework.
A) finish
B) will have finished
C) will finish
D) were finished
6 She _________________ lunch by the time
we arrived.
A) had
B) finished
C) have finished D) finishing
7 The sun ______ at 9 last night.
A) sat
B) setted
C) set
D) was setting
8 When I stopped __________ to Mary, she was
picking some flowers in her garden.
A) speaking
B) speak
C) to speak
D) spoke
9 Despite ______________ hard, he failed the
A) he studied
B) he has studied
C) studying
D) study
10 That room _______________ for a meeting
A) is used
B) is being used
C) used
D) is using
11We ____________ tennis every day when we
were young.
A) use to play
B) would play
C) were playing
D) used to play
12 If I __________ you, I would wait for a while
to begin investing.
A) was
B) am
C) were
D) would be
13 He'll give you a call as soon as he
A) will arrive
B) arrives
C) is arriving
D) is going to arrive.
Read the text below. Match choices (A–H) to (1–5). There are two choices you do not need to use. Write
your answers on the separate answer sheet. An example (0) has been done for you.
Making the Most of Your College Applications
By Melissa Algranati and Jennifer Gioia
You can't believe that after 12 years of education your future depends on what pearls of genius you can
cram onto a handful of pages – or that complete strangers will sit in a room and determine if you will be
"worthy" of attending their institution. This can be a stressful time. Below are real questions
answered by real college admissions professionals in the United States.
0 _____A_____
Really concentrate on your extra-curricular resume and essay. These are the two areas that will make you
noticed. Take time to think about why you are involved in the activities that you are doing. What do they
mean to you? How have they shaped you? How might they be of value to the university or college you will
be attending?
Absolutely! A number of colleges and universities give scholarships and awards to those who have been
involved in leadership or community service projects. Include your involvement in
extracurricular activities, and make sure to highlight any honors or awards you have received. You can
also include it in your college essay, and talk about the skills you learned and opportunities you
2 __________
It often depends on the school. Big universities and state schools get thousands and thousands of applicants
each year, so they tend to focus on your grade average, scores, and class ranking. Smaller
universities and colleges will have more time to focus on things like the essay,
recommendations, and extracurricular activities.
3 __________
Think about who knows you best. Who can talk about your academic achievements
aspirations, as well as your character and qualities? Most students ask teachers, club advisors, coaches, and
mentors. To get the best letters possible, make sure you identify people who are supportive of you. When
you ask them, let them know where you are applying and why. The goal is to choose someone who will
stress the strengths you have already highlighted, or provide an opportunity to add something
new about you that the admissions officer does not yet know.
4 __________
It definitely has an impact. You should always pay attention to your grades, especially those in your junior
year of high school. But don't fret. What universities look for most is an upward trend,
someone who is constantly getting better and improving. If there is an unexpected event that caused
your grades to drop, that will also be taken into consideration. And, if you have only done
well in a particular subject, you can highlight that strength, stressing that you will use college as a
way to really hone in and excel at your strengths and your passions.
5 __________
Each university and college has a specific application fee, which can be found on the school's website. A
lot of times fee waivers are available. Check with your guidance counselor. In addition, some
schools will waive the fee if the student comes to visit the campus and takes a tour or completes the school's
online application.
How do I create a power-packed application that stands out from all the other applications?
My grades haven't been consistent throughout high school. Is that a problem?
What do colleges look for most? Grades, extracurricular activities, volunteerism, or something else?
Where can I note any special needs or disability on my application?
How much do I have to pay for my study once if I am enrolled?
Lots of the colleges I am applying to ask for recommendations. Who should I ask?
How much do application fees cost? What if I can't afford to pay them?
Is my out-of-school activity something noteworthy to put down on the paperwork
Білет № 16
Complete this text using the correct form of the verbs in brackets.
Infant prodigies in the cinema have been with us for a long time. The older generation still (1)
________(remember) Shirley Temple, Mickey Rooney and Judy Garland. Some of these talented child
stars (2) ________ (go) on to shake off the “wonderkid” label later in life and (3) ________(manage) to
become successful adult actors. Others, on the other hand, (4) ________ (continue) to appear in films but
with very little of the success they (5) ________ (have) as children. Sadly, the majority of them (6)
_____(disappear) soon after their first appearance and cinema-goers(7) ________ (not/see) them since.
Our own generation (8) ________ (also/produce) its fair share of child stars or “superbrats”, as some
movie magazines (9)________ (refer) to them. These young stars (10) ________ (make) not only a name
for themselves but also a lot of money. In recent years on the big screen we (11) ________ (see) Lukas
Haas play the boy who (12)________ (witness) a murderin the film Witness. He (13)________(make)
other movies since then, but he(14) ________ (not/become) a big name in Hollywood. The most famous
of the superbrats is undoubtedly Macaulay Culkin who (15)________ (earn) as much as, if not more than,
the most expensive superstars in Hollywood.
Read the text below. For questions (1–6) choose the correct answer (A, B, C or D).
Teen Jobs – 5 Unique Ways to Make Money for Teens
By Sonja Mishek
Is McDonald's and Burger King the only teen jobs around? Not by a long shot. If you want to average
more than $10 dollars an hour, choose your own hours, and have some fun besides then read
Here are 5 unique teen jobs to make money:
1) Article Writing
The Internet is definitely the business way of the future. One of the best (and cheapest) ways for website
owners to drive more customers to their websites for Free is to write and submit articles. But business
owners are busy people and may not have the time or desire to write articles. That's where you come in! You
can offer to write articles for small website owners. Usually you can get paid $10-20 dollars per article. Can
you guess the best part about writing articles for cash? You can do it from anywhere, any time. No more
ugly uniforms or stinky shifts.
2) Taking Online Surveys
You won't make millions filling out surveys but it is an easy way to make some quick cash. Companies will
pay you to fill out brief surveys or try their products .They want to pick your brain on what you like and
what you don't like!
One of the best and fastest growing paid survey sites is Cash Crate. It doesn't cost a dime to sign up and
you can start making money right away. But here's a warning - set up a separate email account because
you'll start getting an avalanche of spam.
3) Cleaning Up After People's Pets
You've probably heard about pet sitting or walking dogs, right? Well, this is a new twist. I own a
condominium complex and I hire a local teen to pick up doggie do once a week. It takes less than an
hour for $15. It may not be the most glamourous job, but a pooper scooper makes it easy to
do, and you never run out of work! This service is especially handy in colder climates. As the
snow melts, there're lots of business opportunities!
4) Washing, Waxing, or Car Servicing
I don't know how it happened. But my cat accidentally got locked in the van overnight. I can’t tell you how
horrible the smell is! I would pay big money for someone else to clean up the mess. This is a great way for
high school teens or college students to make money. You could even advertise with local businesses
and shine up their cars in the parking lot while they work.
5) Sell Hand-Made Items on Etsy
This is my favourite way for teens to make money. And I have just recently heard about it! So if you
have a knack for making anything...from furniture to baked goods to dog collars - then you can sell them on
this site for hand-made items. They have over a million visitors looking to buy. It's free to join but it costs 30
cents to list items and a 3.5% sales tax on sold items.
Works for me! These are just a few ways to make money at teen jobs.
1 According to the author, in which of the teen
jobs paying an initial fee is requires?
A Selling hand-made items.
B Cleaning up after pets.
C Washing people’s cars.
D Article writing.
4 According to the author, which of the teen
jobs discussed is always available?
A Article writing.
B Taking online surveys.
C Cleaning up after pets.
D Selling hand-made items.
2 Why does the author mention McDonald’s and
Burger King at the beginning of the text?
A To show they are traditional jobs for
B To show they are the only jobs for
C To show how much teens are paid there.
D To show that teens have fun working
5 What does the author mean by saying that
companies want to “pick your brain” (line 12)?
A They want you to analyze business
B They want you to give them your
C They want you to try their products.
D They want you to sign up to their
3 What is the main point the author makes about
article writing as a job for teens?
A Articles take long hours to write and
B Article writing is the cheapest job for
C Articles should be submitted to small
D Article writing is better than working
for McDonald’s.
6 Which of the following can be inferred about
A It is an internet site.
B It is a workshop.
C It is a market place.
D It is a repair shop.
Білет № 17
Choose the correct item:
1. I __________________ TV when the telephone rang.
A watched
B was watching
C are watching
D have watched
2. I'm afraid I'm not hungry. I've _______ eaten lunch.
A yet
B still
C already
D ever
3. My mother let me ____________ late when I was a child.
A to stay out
B stayed out
C stay out
D staying out
4. Would you like ___________ chicken?
A any
B a
C some
D one
5. He has _______ friends in Chicago.
A few
B few of
C a lot
D much
6. She _________________ lunch by the time we arrived.
A had finished
B finished
C have finished
D finishing
7. What shall we do tonight? How about ___________ a film?
A to see
B see
C seeing
D going
8. _______ you ever ________ to Hollywood?
A Did ... go
B Have .... go
C Have ... gone
D Shall .... go
9. Have you finished your homework ______?
A yet
B already
C still
D just
10. Jack is really ______________ history, especially Japanese history.
A interested at
B interesting in
C interested in
D interested for
You are going to read a book review of a biography of Laurie Lee, a famous writer. Some parts of the text
are missing. Choose from the list (A - K) the most appropriate part for each gap (1-9) in the article. There
is an extra part that you do not need to use. Write your answers in the boxes after the text. There is an
example at the beginning (0).
'Grove chronicles Lee's chaotic but happy family life'
Having written so extensively of his own life in such classic books as Cider With Rosie and As I Walked Out
One Midsummer Morning, you might be forgiven for thinking there would be little left for Laurie Lee's
biographer to uncover. But Valerie Grove, (0) ….E…since the author's death in 1997 at the age of 83, has
produced a fascinating account and one which should serve to introduce many future generations of
readers to a man (1) …..Laurie Lee was born in 1914 in Stroud, Gloucestershire, (2) ………… which
he immortalized in Cider With Rosie. Grove chronicles Lee's crowded, chaotic but essentially happy
family life, in particular his relationship with his mother, Annie, (3) …… bring up her brood of children,
with reference to diaries and letters, as she does with his early love affairs and his famous travels.
Laurie set off for Spain in 1935(4)……., and returned again in 1937 to enlist for the International
Brigade to fight against Franco, (5) …….., in spite of the persistent epileptic fits that debilitated him and
hindered his involvement.
Some of the best anecdotes (6) ……………., however, when his literary reputation was well-established. At
the age of 73, (7)…………. , and wrote the following letter to the editor: 'This is an outrage. You have
ruined my love life. Everyone knows (8)………. Kindly print an apology or send me four bottles of best
malt whisky in lieu.' (He was duly sent the bottles, (9)……..
Grove's affectionate and elegant portrait
is rich in such detail, and reveals Lee as a likeable, complex and intriguing figure of enduring appeal.
with only a violin to pay his way
belong to Lee s later years
and moved at the age of three to the village of Slad
to reconstruct the complex life
in this first authorized biography
one labeled Old Granddad
where his conduct was described by his officer as excellent
Lee found himself described by a newspaper as being 80
whose life and work reflect an age now entirely vanished
who was all but abandoned by her husband
I'm only 59
Білет № 18
Active or passive? Put the verbs in brackets into the right tense form.
1. A day after she _____________________ (disappear), they _____________________ (call) the police.
2. He _____________________ (promote) two years ago and a year later he _____________________
(give) a sack.
3. While George _____________________ (open) the champagne, the cork _____________________ (hit)
the bulb and _____________________ (break) it.
4. How far you _____________________ (travel) yesterday? We _____________________ (reach) the
northern part of the island.
5. I _____________________ (shiver) while I _____________________ (go) downstairs as it
_____________________ (be) really cold in the staircase.
6. As soon as the body _____________________ (identify), the police _____________________ (go) to
inform the relatives.
7. I __________________________ (not hand) over the parcel as I _____________________ (give) a
wrong address.
8. Look, my car _____________________ (take) away. Stop!
9. We always _____________________ (eat) tacos and salad in the evening.
You are going to read a magazine article about protecting whales. Some parts of the text are missing.
Choose from the list (A-L) the appropriate part for each gap (1-9) in the article. There are two extra parts
that you do not need to use. There is one example at the beginning (0).
Ships off the US eastern seaboard, including the QE2,will have to give way to whales.
By Arabella Daniell
TRANSATLANTIC SHIPS, including cruise
liners such as the QE2, will coordinate with the
US Coast Guard this year in an effort to save the
northern right whale. The whales live along the
east coast of the USA, (0) D , off Massachusetts
– an area with some of the busiest US shipping
Thousands of right whales used to inhabit
the North Atlantic, (1) ........ . They were easy
prey: their name is derived from the fact that, (2)
........ , migrate close to the shore and stay afloat
after being killed, they were the ‘right’ whale to
hunt. Today, (3) ........ , right whales have not
fully recovered. ‘There are fewer than 350
northern right whales left in the world,’ says
– the United Nations International Maritime
Organization (IMO) has agreed to proposals from
the US government to protect the species.
In December last year, the IMO Maritime Safety
Committee voted unanimously for a mandatory
ship-reporting system to be implemented from 1st
July off the north-eastern coast of the USA – and
the coasts of Georgia and Florida, (7) ........ . All
ships weighing more than 300 tons will have to
notify the US Coast Guard of their course, speed
and route (8) ........ .
The north-eastern zone will operate all year
round, while that in the south-east will only be
operational during the calving season, from
November to April. Navigators will
Sian Pullen, head of the marine conservation
programme at the World Wide Fund for Nature,
‘(4) ........ .’
The whales, which measure 50ft- 60ft, tend to
swim just below the surface of the water,
making them vulnerable to ship strikes. They
become an even greater hazard when feeding, as
they tend to ignore oncoming vessels, (5) ........ .
Unfortunately, their feeding area is busy with
shipping. Traffic along the coast includes
military vessels as well as commercial ships.
Because of the number of whale deaths – (6) ....
automatically be notified of the last known
locations of right whales, (9) ........ . The data will
be updated regularly by the Coast Guard and
private spotters scouting by aircraft.
So if you’re on the QE2 and a sudden
change of course spills your G&T, don’t worry:
it’s just the captain doing his bit to save the
and 50 per cent of the losses every year are due to ship strikes
and advised on how to avoid hitting them
where the whales go to calve
congregating to feed in the Gulf of Maine
since they are threatened by extinction
because they move slowly
but years of commercial hunting at the turn of the century reduced their numbers dramatically
despite more than 60 years of protection
making little effort to get out of the way
when they enter the designated areas
because it is the world’s second largest living animal
an average of three a year from ship strikes since 1991
Білет № 19
Put the verbs in brackets into a suitable tense form.
1. She ________ (scream) all the time she ________ (press) the bell until somebody ________ (open) the
2. Mary always _____________________ (gossip) with her neighbours.
3. Smart people _____________________ (not need) to learn much.
4. What__________ you usua1ly _____________________ (play) at the concert?
5. Mr Miller _____________________ (give) instructions to his secretary while she
_____________________ (listen) to him very attentively.
6. My house _____________________ (need) repairing.
7. It's time you _____________________ (choose) your own way of life. You _____________________
(be) grown up now and _____________________ (have to) decide what you would like to do.
8. We _____________________ (chatter) like a hundred canaries today.
9. Why _________________ she always _____________________ (pick) on me? What have I done?
10. He _____________________ (snap) his fingers while the waiter _____________________ (serve) the
table in the corner.
You are going to read a magazine article. Some parts of the text are missing. Choose from the list (A-J)
the appropriate part for each gap (1-8) in the article. There are two extra parts that you do not need to
Troublemaker: The Life and History of AJP Taylor
On Monday 12 August 1957, a small man in
a three-piece suit and a bow tie walked on to
the bare stage of what once had been a
cinema, faced a TV camera and began
talking. He talked continuously (as well as
informatively and amusingly) for 30 minutes,
(0) .....G... .He then walked off, having made
television history – and, one might say,
having made history good television.
A J P Taylor was the best-known
British historian of the 20th century, (1) ........
He published 23 books, a large number of
essays, and the almost unbelievable number
of 1,600 book reviews. Along the way he
wrote about history and politics in the
Manchester Guardian, about politics and
history in the New Statesman, and about
anything he fancied in the Sunday Express.
In fact, from being an academic who
did some reviewing and broadcasting on the
about Bernard Shaw, I had a great gift of
expression and nothing to say.” It’s a
characteristically Taylorian remark in some
ways. It contains some truth; (5) ........ , since
he is also citing his own writing; and it
sacrifices measured judgement (about himself
and Shaw) to the pleasures of epigrammatic
Politically, his sympathies were
with “the people”, (6) ........ . Even in his
own day, his taste for narrative diplomatic
and political history came to seem old-fashioned,
and there was certainly a danger
that in Taylor’s hands (7) ........ . The
writing was attractive on the surface, all
paradox and anecdote, yet in the end it
could come to seem intellectually dull and
even to convey a somewhat philistine view
of the world. Ideas don’t matter, culture
doesn’t matter much, even most people
don’t matter that much. Things happen;
side, (2) ........ who still continued to do a spot
of teaching. Already by 1950 (when he was
44) his freelance income exceeded his
university salary: (3) ........ . He effectively
gave up his teaching post at Oxford in 1963
when he was elected to a “Special
Fellowship” at Magdalen.
Given this extraordinary torrent of
writing and speaking, (4) ........ . His own
answer was dispiriting: “As I once wrote
politicians respond; (8) ........ . A mild geopolitical
determinism played some part;
cock-up and coincidence were allowed to
account for the rest.
Actually, it was never clear how
seriously he took his own provocative
views even in private matters.
it soon became more than three times greater
outcomes are unpredictable
but he mostly wrote about the rulers
notoriously he wrote in very short sentences
history did tend to become just one damned thing after another
and his television performances were what he was most widely known for
ending on the stroke of the half hour
Taylor really became, by mid-career, a professional writer and a “media personality”
it is doubly self-referential
we have to ask ourselves what it was that he had to say
Білет № 20
Paraphrase the following sentences starting (or using) with the words given:
1. I was exasperated when the appointment was cancelled once again.
2. I’ll take an umbrella only if it rains.
I won’t................................................................................................
3. This form must be completed and sent with your application.
You must.........................................................................................
4. It has been ages since he played football.
5. I can’t swim as well as you.
6. “Please, don’t talk during the performance, Madam”, the manager said.
He asked her......................................................................................
7. It is possible that she has been delayed.
She may well....................................................................................
8. They offered me some more wine and I accepted.
9. “Could you help me with my work?” she asked me.
She asked me.....................................................................................
10. She stopped asking for advice.
You are going to read a newspaper article. Parts of some sentences have been removed from the text.
Choose the most suitable part from the list (A-I) for each gap (1-7) in the text. There is one extra part that
you do not need to use. There is an example at the beginning (0).
London manages to preserve the past while reinventing itself
for the future
The whole world lives in London. Walk down Oxford Street and you will see Indians and
Colombians, Bangladeshis and Ethiopians, Pakistanis and Russians, Melanesians and Malaysians. (0) _H_
It is estimated that by 2010 the population will be almost 30 percent ethnic minorities, the majority
born in the U.K. (1) ____ Annas Ali, a 17-year-old Londoner of Bangladeshi descent, feels deeply rooted in
the British society. (2) _______ The neighborhood is called Bangla Town. Union Jacks fluttered next to the
green-and-red flag of Bangladesh. Indian music echoed off Victorian brick houses. "I was born at Mile End
hospital a half mile away and grew up in Hunton Street. My father had a restaurant there." (3) _____In the
1600s French Huguenots built a church on the corner of Fournier Street and Brick Lane. Later it became a
Methodist chapel. In the 1890s it was converted into a synagogue. (4) _____ Bangla Town has also had a
recent influx from the world of fashion, artand pop culture.
Jarvis Cocker, the lead singer of Pulp, lives nearby. So does Chris Ofili, the
young artist of Nigerian descent whose painting 'The Holy Virgin Mary," depicting a black
Madonna embellished with elephant dung, caused a firestorm of controversy at the Brooklin
Museum of Art last year. (5) ______ The result is a fusion of cultures unique in London.
Annas himself is eclectic. With his dark skin, raven black hair, and lustrous brown eyes,he reminded me of
Mowgli in the Jungle Book. (6) _______ He is a devout Muslim, an Asian Londoner who talks Cockney
English. The gold rings on his fingers were from India, his stylish, midnight blue cardigan - "pure wool," he
told me proudly - from Prohibito, a clothes shop on Oxford Street popular among teenagers. (7) _____ "I
want to go to the London School of Fashion."
Today it is used by Annas and other Bangladeshis as a mosque.
"I have been here all my life," he told me, as we dodged our way through the festive crowds filling
Brick Lane in the East End for Baishaki Mela, the Bangladeshi New Year.
Most of these Londoners are the children and in some cases the grandchildren of the many thousands
who came here from the Caribbean and the Indian subcontinent during the fifties and sixties, after the
British Empire imploded.
"I want to go into fashion," he said.
As if clocking the minutes of a new age, the world's largest observation wheel now spins on the wrist of
the Thames.
But his hair was cut in the latest London style: short in back, long and slicked back with gel at the front.
Bangla Town has seen centuries of immigration.
Fifty nationalities with communities of more than 5,000 make their home in the city, and on any given
day 300 languages are spoken.
Alexander McQueen, the fashion designer, has his workshop on Rivington Street.
Директор Харківської
спеціалізованої школи №99
Начальник управління освіти
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Харківської міської ради
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_________________ Ю.Г.Башкірова
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Білет № 1
Read the text below. Match choices (A–H) to (1–5). There are two choices you do not need to use. Write
your answers on the separate answer sheet. An example (0) has been done for you.
Making the Most of Your College Applications
By Melissa Algranati and Jennifer Gioia
You can't believe that after 12 years of education your future depends on what pearls of genius you can
cram onto a handful of pages – or that complete strangers will sit in a room and determine if you will be
"worthy" of attending their institution. This can be a stressful time. Below are real questions
answered by real college admissions
professionals in the United States.
0 _____A_____
Really concentrate on your extra-curricular resume and essay. These are the two areas that will make you
noticed. Take time to think about why you are involved in the activities that you are doing. What do they
mean to you? How have they shaped you? How might they be of value to the university or college you will
be attending?
Absolutely! A number of colleges and universities give scholarships and awards to those who have been
involved in leadership or community service projects. Include your involvement in
extracurricular activities, and make sure to highlight any honors or awards you have received. You can
also include it in your college essay, and talk about the skills you learned and opportunities
you had.
2 __________
It often depends on the school. Big universities and state schools get thousands and thousands of applicants
each year, so they tend to focus on your grade average, scores, and class ranking. Smaller
universities and colleges will have more time to focus on things like the essay,
recommendations, and extracurricular activities.
3 __________
Think about who knows you best. Who can talk about your academic achievements
and aspirations, as well as your character and qualities? Most students ask teachers, club advisors, coaches,
and mentors.
To get the best letters possible, make sure you identify people who are supportive of you. When you ask
them, let them know where you are applying and why. The goal is to choose someone who will stress the
strengths you have already highlighted, or provide an opportunity to add something new about
you that the admissions officer does not yet know.
4 __________
It definitely has an impact. You should always pay attention to your grades, especially those in your junior
year of high school. But don't fret. What universities look for most is an upward trend,
someone who is constantly getting better and improving. If there is an unexpected event that caused
your grades to drop, that will also be taken into consideration. And, if you have only done
well in a particular subject, you can highlight that strength, stressing that you will use college as a
way to really hone in and excel at your strengths and your passions.
5 __________
Each university and college has a specific application fee, which can be found on the school's website. A
lot of times fee waivers are available. Check with your guidance counselor. In addition, some
schools will waive the fee if the student comes to visit the campus and takes a tour or completes the school's
online application.
How do I create a power-packed application that stands out from all the other applications?
My grades haven't been consistent throughout high school. Is that a problem?
What do colleges look for most? Grades, extracurricular activities, volunteerism, or something else?
Where can I note any special needs or disability on my application?
How much do I have to pay for my study once if I am enrolled?
Lots of the colleges I am applying to ask for recommendations. Who should I ask?
How much do application fees cost? What if I can't afford to pay them?
Is my out-of-school activity something noteworthy to put down on the paperwork
Білет № 2
Read the texts below. Match choices (A–H) to (1–5). There are two choices you do not need to use. Write
your answers on the separate answer sheet. An example (0) has been done for you.
Time Management Tips
From Grace Fleming
0 _____A______
Good time management skills can help students increase their grades and improve their overall
school work performance. By learning to complete assignments on time every time, students will
have a better classroom experience. Discover which tips are right for you.
1 _____________________________________________
Do you find yourself rushing to complete your homework assignment at the last moment? The root
of this common problem may be time management. This easy exercise will help you identify the
tasks or habits that take time away from your studies and help you develop more healthy homework
2 ______________________________________________
"The assignment is due when? Tomorrow?"
Somehow, that assignment due date just slipped right up on us without our noticing.
That is why organizational skills are so important to school performance. Who can afford to score a
big fat "0" on a paper just because we got lazy and didn't pay attention to the due date?
3 ______________________________________________
If you have a Yahoo! account or another email system, you can use the free calendar feature to
organize your homework. You will be able to enter each assignment as you receive it, make notes,
and receive reminders as each due date approaches.
4 ______________________________________________
Procrastination is like a little white lie we tell ourselves. We think we’ll feel better if we do
something fun, like watch a TV show, instead of studying or reading. But when we give in to the
urge we always feel worse in the long run, not better.
5 _______________________________________________
If you're like many students, you sometimes have trouble getting started on a project, because the
end result seems so far away and impossible to reach. Sometimes when you start out with an idea
and a blank sheet of paper and look into the future, all you see is lots and lots of unfinished
research, reading, planning, and work. Next time try starting at the end and looking backward!
Use Time for Better Results
Send Yourself Reminders
Use a Day Planner
Avoid Delaying Assignments
Identify Time Consuming Habits
Attend to Unfinished Tasks
Try Backward Planning
Organize Your Desk
Білет № 3
Complete the following text with a correct past tense form of the verbs.
It all 1_____________________ (start) last summer, when I 2 ___________________ (decide) to go back to
the village where I 3 ___________________ (grow) up. As soon as I 4 _____________________ (arrive) I
5 _____________________ (realise) that it 6 ______________ (be) very different from the place I 7
_______________ (know) from my younger days. The beautiful old pub 8 __________________ (be)
pulled down and in its place was a modern hotel that badly 9 _______________ (need) a coat of paint. I 10
_________________ (go) inside. The young woman who 11___________________ (sit) at the reception
desk 12 ___________________ (have) almost enough paint to do the job. I 13 ______________ (take) a
room, 14_______________ (leave) my case and 15 __________________ (decide) to go for a walk.
Outside, there was a man standing near my car. As I 16 _____________ (go) out, he quickly 17
______________ (put) away the notebook which he 18___________________________ (write) in. He
19____________ (say) “Good morning” and 20________________ (walk) into the hotel. My old house
21____________ (be) a lovely old place with a long curving drive. When I 22____________________
(reach) it, I 21_________________ (notice) that the windows were 22______________ (board) up. There
was a notice on the gate which 23___________________ (read) “PRIVATE KEEP OUT”. Puzzled, I
24_____________ (run) up to the drive towards the house. The door 25 _______________ (open) and out
26 ________________ (come) two large dogs 27_______________ (hold) by a huge man whose arms 28
_____________ (be) as thick as my legs. “Can’t you read?” he 29________________ (shout). I
30________________ (leave).
Read the text below. For questions (1–6) choose the correct answer (A, B, C or D).
I was about seven when I first started kicking a ball around with my brother. I was the only girl I knew
who was keen on the game but I didn`t care. Most of my friends were boys and I enjoyed spending time with
them. That meant playing a game of football. It was my dad who noticed I had the skills to become a good
I loved football and it got on my nerves that I could only stand and watch when the boys were playing
in real games in the local park. Whenever the ball came off the pitch, I`d pick it back in or do tricks with it. I
just wanted to show them that I could do things with a football, too. Eventually, they got the message and I
was thrilled when they gave me the chance to play. At last, I could play in a real team, but it did seem funny
that they were shocked that a girl could be a skillful player.
In the competition matches, no one expected to be competing with a girl. I had short hair, so I looked
like a boy. We didn`t hide anything from them and I never thought it would be a problem. As for the boys I
played with, they just treated me like one of them. They didn`t care if I was a girl, a boy or an alien as long
as I kept scoring goals. Then one day someone who was cheering me on, shouted, “Go, Kelly!” After the
match the manager of the other team, who`d lost, came to our manager. “We`re not going to play with your
team again unless you get rid of that Kelly!” he shouted.
Then, in another game, when someone shouted, “Go, Kelly!” again, one of the opposition supporters
went to report it to their manager. For the rest of the game, I got lots of abuse from the players. But the
really horrible thing was when the parents started joining in. I don`t know what their problem was, but I
can`t help thinking it was because the fathers can`t stand their sons being beaten by a girl.
It was hard not to let such hostility get to me but I made up my mind that I wouldn`t let them see I was
upset. “Who are these people to stop me?” I said to myself, and I did manage to carry on playing through
other seven games.
Meanwhile, a word was getting was getting around about the girl playing in one of the teams in our
league. More and more teams refused to play with us and eventually our manager decided he would have to
have a word with me. The manager made it clear that if I didn`t leave, the team would have to withdraw the
competition, so that was it. I had no choice but to leave.
After that, I gave up playing in boys` teams. I wondered if the standard would be as good in girls`
teams, but the new all-girl team I joined was great. At first, I resented having to change teams like that, but
after a while I didn`t really miss the boys` league. I was still playing the game I loved and we won most of
the matches that season.
Last year, our manager recommended me for the place in the England`s women`s team, and I was
selected. In my first match I was the youngest player in the team and I was terrified when I first walked out.
But hearing the crowd cheer and the national anthem, I was proud of how far I`d come. I now know I would
never have got so far if I`d stayed in the boys` league. I know plenty of people still see football as a boys`
game, but my advice to them is go and watch some girls on the pitch. You will be surprised at the standard
you see. My advice to girls is, “Don`t let what other people say to put you off. Get involved in the game!”
And my advice to boys is, “Don`t think you`re the only ones who can play!”
Why did Kelly start playing football?
She liked being with boys.
Her father realized she was good.
Her brother played in the same team.
The boys saw she was skillful.
How did Kelly feel when the boys were surprised she could play well?
At first, other teams
didn`t mind playing against the girl.
objected to Kellyplaying.
thought Kelly was a boy.
made Kelly feel uncomfortable.
What upset Kelly the most?
The behaviour of some supporters.
The behaviour of her manager.
The behaviour of the players in her team.
The behaviour of the players in other teams.
Kelly left the boys` team because
her manager thought she was a bad player.
she chose to give up football.
her father decided she ought to leave the team.
some teams didn`t want to compete against her team.
How does Kelly now feel about leaving the boys` team?
She is glad she moved to another team.
She is angry that she had to leave.
She is sad that she was made to leave.
She thinks the girls` league is far easier.
Білет № 4
Choose the correct word to fill in the gap
1 If she _____ about his financial situation, she
would have helped him out.
A) knew
B) had been knowing
C) had known
D) have known
2 I'll _____ their cat while they are away on
A) be looking into B) be looking at
C) be looking after D) be looking over
3 He made his children _____ their homework
every afternoon.
A) do
B) to do
C) studied
D) to study
4The test was _____ difficult she had problems
finishing it on time.
A) such
B) a
C) as
D) so
5By the time she arrives, we ______ our
A) finish
B) will have finished
C) will finish
D) were finished
6 She _______ lunch by the time we arrived.
A) had finished
B) finished
C) have finished
D) finishing
7 The sun ______ at 9 last night.
A) sat
B) setted
C) set
D) was setting
8 When I stopped ______ to Mary, she was picking
some flowers in her garden.
A) speaking
B) speak
C) to stop
D) spoke
9 Despite ______ hard, he failed the exam.
A) he studied
B) he has studied
C) studying
D) study
10 That room ______ for a meeting today.
A) is used
B) is being used
C) used
D) is using
11We _____ tennis every day when we were
A) used to play
B) would play
C) were playing
D) were used to play
12 If I _____ you, I would wait a while to begin
A) was
B) am
C) were
D) would be
13 He'll give you a call as soon as he ______.
A) will arrive
B) arrives
C) is arriving
D) is going to arrive.
Read the text below. For questions (1–6) choose the correct answer (A, B, C or D).
Teen Jobs – 5 Unique Ways to Make Money for Teens
Is McDonald's and Burger King the only teen jobs around? Not by a long shot. If you want to average
more than $10 dollars an hour, choose your own hours, and have some fun besides...then read
Here are 5 unique teen jobs to make money:
1) Article Writing
The Internet is definitely the business way of the future. One of the best (and cheapest) ways for website
owners to drive more customers to their websites for Free is to write and submit articles. But business
owners are busy people and may not have the time or desire to write articles. That's where you come in! You
can offer to write articles for small website owners. Usually you can get paid $10-20 dollars per article. Can
you guess the best part about writing articles for cash? You can do it from anywhere,
any time. No more ugly uniforms or stinky shifts.
2) Taking Online Surveys
You won't make millions filling out surveys but it is an easy way to make some quick cash. Companies
will pay you to fill out brief 13 12 surveys or try their products .They want to pick your brain on what you
like and what you don't like!
One of the best and fastest growing paid survey sites is Cash Crate. It doesn't cost a dime to sign up and
you can start making money right away. But here's a warning - set up a separate email account because
you'll start getting an avalanche of spam.
3) Cleaning Up After People's Pets
You've probably heard about pet sitting or walking dogs, right? Well, this is a new twist. I own a
condominium complex and I hire a local teen to pick up doggie do once a week. It takes less than an
hour for $15. It may not be the most glamourous job, but a pooper scooper makes it easy to
do, and you never run out of work!
This service is especially handy in colder climates. As the snow melts, there's lots of
business opportunities!
4) Washing, Waxing, or Car Servicing
I don't know how it happened... But my cat accidentally got locked in the van overnight. I can’t tell you
how horrible the smell is! I would pay big money for someone else to clean up the mess. This is a great way
for high school teens or college students to make money. You could even advertise with local
businesses and shine up their cars in the parking lot while they work.
5) Sell Hand-Made Items on Etsy
This is my favourite way for teens to make money. And I have just recently heard about it! So if you
have a knack for making anything...from furniture to baked goods to dog collars - then you can sell them on
this site for hand-made items.
They have over a million visitors looking to buy. It's free to join but it costs 30 cents to list items and a
3.5% sales tax on sold items.
According to the author, in which of the teen
jobs paying an initial fee is requires?
A Selling hand-made items.
B Cleaning up after pets.
C Washing people’s cars.
D Article writing.
4 According to the author, which of the teen
jobs discussed is always available?
A Article writing.
B Taking online surveys.
C Cleaning up after pets.
D Selling hand-made items.
Why does the author mention McDonald’s
and Burger King at the beginning of the text?
A To show they are traditional jobs for
B To show they are the only jobs for
C To show how much teens are paid there.
D To show that teens have fun working
5 What does the author mean by saying that
companies want to “pick your brain” (line 12)?
A They want you to analyze business
B They want you to give them your
C They want you to try their products.
D They want you to sign up to their
What is the main point the author makes
about article writing as a job for teens?
A Articles take long hours to write and
B Article writing is the cheapest job for
C Articles should be submitted to small
D Article writing is better than working
for McDonald’s.
6 Which of the following can be inferred
about Etsy?
A It is an internet site.
B It is a workshop.
C It is a market place.
D It is a repair shop.
Білет № 5
Put the verbs in brackets into the right tense form.
1. When _________we ______________ (leave)? The fog __________________ (rise) very slowly.
2. We _____________________ (do) most of our work by next Sunday.
3. He _____________________ (not have) a slightest idea what _____________________ (do).
4. Yesterday the food _____________________ (not be) as good as I _____________________ (expect).
5. If the fog _____________________ (stay) so thick, we _____________________ (not go) skiing.
6. She _____________________ ______________________ (may) (eat) something rotten, that's why she
feels sick now.
7. We _________never ____________________ (discuss) such things so late at night before.
8. Maybe they _____________________ (play) my favourite song if I _____________________ (ask)
them for it. Let's ask them.
9. If he _____________________ (not meet) Alice three years ago, he _________ never
_____________________ (get) married.
10. He ___________________ (say) that the customer ___________________ (be) always right.
You are going to read a book review of a biography of Laurie Lee, a famous writer. Some parts of the text
are missing. Choose from the list (A - K) the most appropriate part for each gap (1-9) in the article. There
is an extra part that you do not need to use. There is an example at the beginning (0).
“Grove chronicles Lee's chaotic but happy family life”
Having written so extensively of his own life in such classic books as Cider With Rosie and As I Walked Out
One Midsummer Morning, you might be forgiven for thinking there would be little left for Laurie Lee's
biographer to uncover. But Valerie Grove, (0) ….E…..since the author's death in 1997 at the age of 83, has
produced a fascinating account and one which should serve to introduce many future generations of
readers to a man (1) …..Laurie Lee was born in 1914 in Stroud, Gloucestershire, (2) ………… which
he immortalised in Cider With Rosie. Grove chronicles Lee's crowded, chaotic but essentially happy
family life, in particular his relationship with his mother, Annie, (3) …….to bring up her brood of children,
with reference to diaries and letters, as she does with his early love affairs and his famous travels.
Laurie set off for Spain in 1935(4)……. , and returned again in 1937 to enlist for the International
Brigade to fight against Franco, (5) …….., in spite of the persistent epileptic fits that debilitated him and
hindered his involvement.
Some of the best anecdotes (6) ............ , however, when his literary reputation was well-established. At the
age of 73, (7) ………. , and wrote the following letter to the editor: 'This is an outrage. You have ruined my
love life. Everyone knows (8)……….Kindlyprint an apology or send me four bottles of best
malt whisky in lieu.' (He was duly sent the bottles, (9)…….. Grove's affectionate and elegant portrait is rich
in such detail, and reveals Lee as a likeable, complex and intriguing figure of enduring appeal.
with only a violin to pay his way
belong to Lee s later years
and moved at the age of three to the village of Slad
to reconstruct the complex life
in this first authorised biography
one labeled Old Grandad
where his conduct was described by his officer as excellent
Lee found himself described by a newspaper as being 80
whose life and work reflect an age now entirely vanished
who was all but abandoned by her husband
I'm only 59
Білет № 6
Complete the passage with the best option, A, B, C or D.
A surgeon flying from Hong Kong to London on ajumbo jet (1)______a fellow passenger's life by operating on
her with a pair of scissors, a coat hanger, and a bottle of brandy.Pauline Dixon was involved in a motorcycle
(2) _____ on the way to Hong Kong airport, but she didn't want to see a doctor (3) _____ she missed her
flight. Soon after boarding the plane, she complained about a pain in her arm. The pilot asked (4) _____ or
not there were any doctors on board, and Professor Wallace and Dr Tom Wong came forward. At first they
thought her arm was broken, but within minutes they saw that her condition was (5)___ worse. They
realized that one of her lungs (6)______have collapsed and was filling up with liquid. Professor Wallace
said “I felt we had (7) _____ operate as soon as we could, but of course we didn't have (8) _____ right
equipment, so we had to use what was there. I cut a hole in her chest with a pair of scissors and then we had
to find something to push a tube into the lung. One of the cabin crew (9) _____ using a coat hanger, which
worked well, and we (10) _____ to get the tube in quite easily. Normally it is not a complicated operation
(11) _____ you have the right equipment, but we had to be very (12) _____ . We sterilized everything
with five-star brandy. When the operation was over, I had a few (13) _____ myself. I can tell you, I needed
After the plane landed safely in London, Miss Dixon went to hospital to recover. Although the
operation had been very (14) _____ , she was very grateful to the doctors for saving her life, and was full
of (15) _____ for what they had done.
1. A rescued B recovered
2. A accident B disaster
3. A in case
B unless
4. A for
B about
5. A changing B getting
6. A must
B should
7. A sooner
B greater
8. A a
B some
9. A advised B persuaded
10. A succeeded B managed
11. A if
B unless
12. A carefree B careless
13. A bites
B sips
14. A painful
B harmful
15. A friendship B dedication
C saved
C emergency
C except
C if
C turning
C may
C rather
C the
C suggested
C arrived
C in case
C caring
C swallows
C hurtful
C admiration
D freed
D breakdown
D without
D whether
D growing
D would
D better
D any
D convinced
D could
D except
D careful
D licks
D aching
D liking
Read the magazine article. Put the paragraph titles (A-I) in the right places. There is one extra
paragraph that you don't need.
Champagne balloon flights
After your adventure
Our flights
Perfect for special occasions
Make your dream come true
Safety first
Other services
The right clothing
What can you do on board?
Where do we go?
1________ Bristol balloons invite you to fulfill the ambition of a lifetime. Experience a bird's-eye view of
the countryside, while slowly drifting across the landscape, enjoying the magnificent sport of hot-air
2 _________ For a unique birthday present, an anniversary gift or a celebration, a flight in a balloon
provides the perfect answer. You can even use our gift vouchers as an unusual and exciting present.
Entertaining your clients or staff in a balloon provides something completely different.
3 ____________Our aim is to give everyone a pleasant and enjoyable flight. Flights are available
throughout the year and last for at least one hour. Allow four hours for the whole adventure. We lift off
before sunset or soon after dawn because the winds are usually light at these times. We do not fly if it is
raining or very windy.
4 _________Ballooning is the art of making pleasant and unexpected discoveries. We are dependent on the
wind, so no two flights are ever exactly the same. The average distance we travel is ten miles, affording you
views of the city and the surrounding scenery.
5 ____________For your safety and comfort we suggest you wear long trousers and long sleeves, and
preferably natural fibers, like wool and cotton, which will keep you warmer than artificial ones. The
weather can change very quickly, so even a warm, sunny day bring a waterproof jacket. Something like a
sailing jacket or a skiing jacket is ideal. Wear warm, waterproof footwear, and bring a hat if your hair is a
bit thin on top. It will protect you from the heat, from the burners.
6__________.Chilled champagne or orange juice is served with our compliments. Each passenger receives
a commemorative flight certificate. Our ground crew who are in radio contact with the balloon meet us on
landing and will return you to the departure point if required.
7_____________We have experience in operating advertising balloons in over fourteen different countries.
If you have enjoyed your flight so much that you want to take up the sport yourself, we can sell you the
latest equipment and we can even train you to fly your own balloon.
8__________Many of our passengers are happy just to relax and enjoy the view and the incredible sense
of peace that being aloft in a balloon provides. A balloon is a brilliant platform for photography. You
might like to bring a camera or a camcorder and plenty of film!