1. ACT

Welcome to Mrs.
Drama Class
“All the world's a stage,
And all the men and women merely players”
• Discuss with the people next to you
what you think this quote means.
• It’s your opinion, so it can’t be right
or wrong!
Thought of the Day: Do something today that makes
others smile
• 1. ACT:
• V) to perform by representing a
character in a play.
• N) The major division of a play
• Question:
• What does acting mean to you?
• Three complete sentences please.
• What movie is this quote from?
• “Mrs. Potato Head, Mrs. Potato
Head, Mrs. Potato Head… hey, I
can dream, can’t I?”
Factoid Answer
• Toy Story, Mr. Potato Head
• http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=
Thought of the day: You can’t love
others if you don’t love yourself
2. Atmosphere: (adj.) the mood of a play
Question (Three sentences)
What is a movie or play you’ve seen with a:
– Dark and mysterious atmosphere?
– Joyful and happy atmosphere?
• What was the highest
grossing film of last
summer, 2012?
Factoid Answer:
• The Avengers
Thought of the Day: A joke is only a joke
if people laugh . . .
• Vocabulary word:
• 3. Dialogue: (N) the conversations actors have on stage with each
• Question (Three sentences)
• Can you think of a play/movie that had especially funny or witty
• What movie did this quote
come from?
• “Yeah, it’s uh, ‘Bring an
Obscure Relative to Work
Factoid Answer:
• Monster’s Inc./Mike
• http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Tkdj6oIi5o
Thought of the day: Be yourself.
Nobody else can do that for you.
• Vocabulary:
–4. Plot (n): the story of a play
– Question: What are the five essential elements of
a good plot (think language arts). Just list the 5
elements – you don’t need sentences. =)
• Who won the Golden Globe
award for best actor in a
comedy or musical 2012 (most
Factoid Answer:
• Hugh Jackman in Les Miserables
Thought of the day: We cannot know what good
is without also knowing what is bad.
Hmmmmmmm . . .
• Vocabulary:
• 5. Blocking (v): Working out the
movements of actors on stageincludes planning the entrances,
exits, crosses, etc.
• Question (Three sentences): Why
would it be important for a writer
to include blocking in his/her script?
• Why does blocking matter?
• What role does Josh Hutcherson play in
the “Hunger Games?”
Factoid Answer:
• Peeta Mellark
• http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zI29P
Thought of the day: A great artist is one
who observes the world around them.
• Vocabulary:
– 6. Apron: That portion of the stage that falls between
the main curtain and the audience (very front of stage).
• Question (Three sentences): If an actor walks
out onto the apron part of the stage during a
play to give a speech, what might this say
about the importance of the character and
his/her speech?
• What musical on Broadway
is the highest grossing
musical of all time?
Factoid Answer:
• The Lion King
• http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pgZtzDj_7o
Thought of the day: The risk of taking no risks is
the worst risk of all.
• Vocabulary
• 7. Delivery: The way an actor delivers his/her lines.
Examples: excitedly, nervously, passionately, angrily,
boringly, joyfully, etc.
• Question (Three sentences): How does one actor’s delivery
of a line affect how the other actors respond to him/her?
•Who is considered the
most famous mime of all
Factoid Answer
• Marcel Marceau
• Famous for bip the clown
• http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=r4LEKqLiY
Thought of the day:
“A day without sunshine is like, you know, night.”
Steve Martin
• Vocabulary:
• 8. Set: the scenery and other properties used in a
dramatic performance
Question (Three sentences): Think of any play you’ve
seen in which the set made an impression on you.
What about it makes you remember it?
• What is the highest grossing
DISNEY movie of all time
(adjusting for inflation) . . .
• Snow White and the 7 Dwarfs
• http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8gWiVs5Q
Thought of the day: If you would create something,
you must be something.
• Vocabulary:
– 9. Cue (n): A signal or movement
that tells a performer to carry out
the next action.
• Question (three sentences) Why are cues
important in a play for actors?
• What famous story is about a
young, rebellious nun who winds
up being the caretaker of 7
children and falls in love with
their father?
Factoid Answer
• The Sound of Music
• http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=td8rL
Thought of the Day: The job of an artist is not to see the black
and white of the world, but to see the grey and every shade in
– 10. Monologue: A speech spoken by one
person delivered to the audience. Can be a
comedy or drama.
– Question (3 sentences): Can you think of
any monologues in a play or movie that you
remember? Why do you remember it?
What made it memorable?
• What movie is this quote from?
• "I suffer from short-term memory loss.
No, it's true! I forget things almost
instantly. It runs in my family! Well I
mean... at least... I think it does. Hum...
Where are they? ... Can I help you?”
Factoid Answer:
• http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Lk3Zxmpt
Thought of the day: Theater is the only medium in
which the audiences’ reactions change/affect the
• 11. Characterization: A representation of
a character’s qualities. Shown through
dialogue, gesture, movement, costume,
and makeup.
• Question (3 sentences): Think about a
character you’ve seen in movie or play.
What made his/her character stand out to
• Who won favorite TV actress in
the 2012 teen choice awards?
• Selena Gomez
• http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=iCQNFlU7
Thought of the day:: Acting is behaving truthfully under
imaginary circumstances. ~ Sanford Meisner
• 12. Actor: a person on stage, who
by prior performance and
training has been selected by a
director to act a role in a
• Question (Three sentences): Who
is your favorite actor and WHY?
• Who played Glinda the Good
Witch in the original broadway
production of Wicked?
• Kristen Chenoweth
• http://www.youtube.com/wat
Thought of the day: When you live in the moment, there is no
future or past, only right now.
– 13. Foreshadow: Some bit of dialogue
or action that suggests something that
will happen later in a play or a story.
– Question (3 sentences): Can you think
of or make up an example of how a
playwright would foreshadow that
something bad is going to happen?
• What is the difference between a
Broadway and an off-broadway
• A broadway theater has a
minimum of 499 seats, while
an off-broadway theater has
less than 499 seats, but at
least 99 seats.
Thought of the day: Conflict is what creates drama. The
more conflict actors find, the more interesting the
performance. ~ Michael Shurtleff
– 14. BEAT: When seen in a script,
[beat] implies pausing and taking a
breath. Helpful when dealing with
the tempo (or speed) of a line.
– Question (3 sentences): What might
cause an actor to purposefully take
a beat/pause in the middle of a
• What movie won BEST PICTURE at the
academy awards for 2012?
• Directed and starred in by Ben Affleck
Thought of the day: If you really do want to be an actor who can satisfy
himself and his audience, you need to be vulnerable. ~ Jack Lemmon
• 15. Ad Lib: To improvise a line not found
in the script. Usually used in a play when
an actor forgets his lines.
• Question (3 sentences): Why else might an
actor ad lib in a play? Also, what are
forms of drama that only involve ad
Coming soon . . .
• Vocabulary quiz coming up in TWO
class periods . . . Be prepared and
start studying now! =)
• What won best animated film in the
2011 Academy Awards?
• Video not available . . .
Thought of the day: Talk to someone today that you’ve never
spoken to before. You might make a new friend!
• 16. HAM: to overplay a part. An overactor!
• Question (3 sentences): Can you think
of an actor on a tv show or onstage
that you have seen “ham it up”?
When might it be OK to ham, and
when is it not OK?