1st Nine Weeks WEB SITE REVIEWS DUE DATES: 4 September, 18 September, and 2 October All documents must be typed in 12 point, TimesNewRoman font. The paper must have one inch margins all around and be double-spaced. Put your name, your class period, and the date in the upper left-hand corner of the first page. Each review must be at least 300 words (about one full page). Wikipedia is NOT ACCEPTABLE for this assignment Your review should include the following four (4) sections with headings: Web Site Information: Include the actual title of the web site and the full URL (web address). This will be the shortest portion of the review. Description of Web Site: Actually describe what is available on this web site. How is the home page set up; look at menus, visuals, etc. What are the internal link options available on the home page? Click on a few internal links (sub-pages) and briefly describe what you see. Try to give a good overview of what someone can expect. Discussion: Evaluate the web site. How worthwhile is this web site? Is it easy to navigate? Would you recommend this to someone doing research on the topic of the web site? This section of your review should be as long, if not longer, than the description. Facts from the Web Site: List three (3) facts you learn from the web site. They can be brief, factoid type information. Just about anything/anyone we cover over the first nine weeks is acceptable, so choose something that sparks your interest. Some suggested topics to look for online are on the back of this sheet. Literature Gilgamesh Shahnameh Illiad / Odyssey Sophocles/Aeschylus Aeneid Ovid Vedas Muhabharata Ramayana Rubaiyat Tu Fu tanka poems Tale of Genji Nō drama Kabuki theater Beowulf Canterbury Tales Divine Comedy Song of Roland Poem of the Cid Architecture Ziggurats Pyramids Columns Poured concrete Aqueducts Mosaics Domes Gothic cathedrals Temples ART 3000 BC up to the Renaissance Religious beliefs of: Mesopotamia Egyptian Dynasties India China Japan Greeks Romans Meso-Americans Early Africa Persia Other Persepolis Cuneiform Henry C. Rawlinson Rosetta Stone Hieroglyphics Jean F. Champollion Hammurabi code Vikings Weapons of the era Crusades Black Death Golden Horde