Epic Poetry: a long narrative poem in elevated style presenting

Epic Poetry: a long narrative poem in elevated style presenting characters of high position in a
series of adventures which form an organic whole to their society
Characteristics of an Epic
Hero is a figure of heroic proportions; of universal legendary importance
Setting is vast in scope; covers nations (worlds or universes)
Action is a series of deeds of great valor, courage
Supernatural images involved (monsters, dragons, etc)
Style is of sustained elevation
Epic Poetry Conventions
Statement of Theme
Invocation of the Muse
Epic starts “in medias res “ (in the middle of the action)
A cataloguing of ships and warriors
Long formal speeches by main characters
Characteristics of the Epic Hero
1. Has and is recognized for superior gifts
2. Remains an individual who differs from other men only in the degree of his powers ( not
invulnerable, not superhuman, feels fear)
3. The emphasis is not on the hero’s powers, but on his human virtues; he embodies the
qualities of physical strength and character that all men aspire to (courage, strength,
resourcefulness, decisiveness)
4. The force of his personality inspires him to enormous risks to either overcome his
adversary or if defeated, fail in a spectacular way
Common Themes find examples from the Epic of Gilgamesh
1. Friendship: _____________________________________________________________
2. Heroism: _______________________________________________________________
3. Mortality: _______________________________________________________________
4. Controlling destiny:________________________________________________________
Understanding an Archetypal Battle
An archetype is a pattern or theme that recurs in many different cultures. One
common archetype is the struggle between the forces of good and evil. In the Epic of
Gilgamesh, this battle is waged between Gilgamesh and Enkidu, who represent the
forces of good and light, and the giant Humbaba, who embodies the forces of evil and
Present-day evidence of this archetype can be seen in movies such as Star Wars,
in which the forces of good, as represented by Luke Skywalker, are pitted against the
forces of evil, as represented by Darth Vader.
Whether archetypal characters are on the side of good or of evil is often
revealed by how they are described or how they appear. In Star Wars, Luke, the agent
of light and good, wears white; the evil Darth is clothed in black. In The Epic of
Gilgamesh, Enkidu’s description of Humbaba makes it clear that the giant is allied with
the forces of evil. Likewise, the description of Gilgamesh reveals qualities associated
with light and goodness.
Read the following descriptions. While these quotations are not from the
archetypal battle scene, they do reveal the archetypal pattern of good and evil. On the
lines provided, tell whether the character described is on the side of good or of evil.
Then write a few sentences to explain your answer.
1. “He was wised, he saw mysteries and knew secret things…Adad, the god of storms,
endowed him with courage, the great gods made his beauty perfect, surpassing all
2. “…between them stood I before an awful being, the somber-faced manbird…His was
a vampire face, his foot was a lion’s foot, his hand was an eagle’s talon.”
Understanding the Hero and His Quest
A hero’s quest is a theme common to the folklore and literature of many
cultures. This quest is always for something of great value, be it something tangible,
such as a lost object or a missing person, or something intangible, such as
knowledge or fame. In the case of Gilgamesh, the quest is for immortality.
Regardless of what is being sought, it is customary for the hero of a quest to
encounter dangerous obstacles during the course of the search. These obstacles
often require the hero to endure great suffering, which, once overcome, leads to
fulfillment of the quest.
Think about fictional characters either from literature or from the movies who
have journeyed on a quest. Then read the items that follow. Write your responses
on the lines below (you may not use any Star Wars movie/ character for your
1. Identify the character or characters and describe their quest.
2. In what way is the quest similar to and/or different from the quest of Gilgamesh?
3. Why do you think the quest theme has been and still is so popular today?