The Odyssey Timeline - English with Mrs. Sullivan

The Odyssey Timeline
TASK: You will follow Odysseus as he journeys through the Odyssey on a Quest to find his home.
Your job is to chronicle the events in the Epic in the order in which they are told.
In your timeline be sure to include the following:
1. A minimum of twelve events.
2. Examples that represent the development of the theme and show the uniqueness of Greek Culture.
3. Events that show the structure of the text (flashback, foreshadowing, frame story)
4. Elements of the epic (invocation, in medias res, epic hero, hero’s quest, divine intervention)
Develop your timeline using:
1. An image/video plus description of the event
2. Textual evidence for each event on the timeline
3. At least four pieces of artwork (paintings, sculpture, Greek pottery)
4. At least one video (use iMovie)
5. At least one modern day connection
6. At least one allusion
You will present your timeline to the class. To create your presentation you can use ANY digital tool of your choosing.
Be sure to include events in the order in which the story is told, not in chronological order. You must note specific literary
devices used to develop the epic.