Tropical Rainforest Biome - 18-119

Tropical Rainforest
Tropical rainforest’s are located in South
America , Africa and Asia
"Rainforest Biomes." Web. 18 Jan. 2012.
Tropical Rainforest
"Rainforest Biomes." Blue Planet Biomes. Web. 18 Jan. 2012.
Types of Animals
The species of the Golden Lion Tamarin is Rosalie. The one of the most
endangered mammals in the world. This Tamarin monkey is nearly extinct
primarily because of its magnificent fur.
The common name for the Linn's Sloth is the Two-toed sloth. The
Linn's sloth is a very gentle animal. It has a white/tan face and the fur
is black/dark brown.
"Rainforest Animals." Blue Planet Biomes. Web. 18 Jan. 2012.
Types of animals
Red-shanked Douc Langur is part of the colobine monkey family, but surprisingly is
more closely related to proboscis monkeys than langurs. Its overall size is 61-76
cm, with males slightly larger than females. Males weigh approximately 7 kg, and
females 5 kg. Their tails are about 56-76 cm long. Its habitat is in the lowland to
montane primary and secondary rainforest where it lives in the mid to upper levels
of the canopy.
"Pitcure of Red-shanked Douc Langur." Web. 18 Jan. 2012.
"Rainforest Animals." Blue Planet Biomes. Web. 18 Jan. 2012.
Types of plants
The tualang tree is a majestic emergent tree of the Southeast Asia rainforests
best know for the disk shaped honeycombs which hang from its horizontal
Curare grows as a large liana, or vine, found in the canopy of the South
American rainforest. Curare’s are also called Grieswurzel, Pareira Brava,
Pareira, Vigne Sauvage.
"Rainforest Plants." Blue Planet Biomes. Web. 18 Jan. 2012.
Types of plants
Durian trees grows in lowland rainforests, scientists think it is one of the first
plants to rely on animals to disperse its seed. It does this by bribing them with
a nutritious and smelly food surrounding its seed.
"Rainforest Plants." Blue Planet Biomes. Web. 18 Jan. 2012.
Abiotic factors
The tropical rain forest is a forest
of tall. Rainforests now cover
less than 6% of Earth's land
surface. Scientists estimate that
more than half of all the world's
plant and animal species live in
tropical rain forests. In an
average year in a tropical rain
forest, the climate is very humid
because of all the rainfall. The
average temperatures is
occasionally above 18 degrees
"Rainforest Biomes." Blue Planet Biomes. Web. 18 Jan. 2012. <>.
"Picture of Rainforest." Picture of Rainforest. Web. 25 Jan. 2012. <
Some recourses that you may find in the rainforest
oil , Trees and mining usually for metals etc.
Scientists usually found the oil by extracting the oil
, storing it somewhere and sending it to other
"Picture of Rainfores." Picture of Rainforest. Web. 25 Jan. 2012.
"Human Threats to Rainforests—Intro." Rainforests. Web. 19 Jan. 2012.
Human activities
A few human activities that affect the rainforest is
oil extraction, logging, mining, pollution, hunting
, the collection of fuel wood and building
material, and road construction.
"Oil Extraction Picture." Oil Extraction Picture. Web. 25 Jan. 2012.
"Human Threats to Rainforests—Intro." Rainforests. Web. 19 Jan. 2012.
Deforestation is the removal of a forest which is
affecting a lot of animals because most of them
like birds and monkeys live in the trees so by
deforestation you are removing there homes.
"Picture of Deforastation." Web. 19 Jan. 2012.
urn.JPG/300px-Lacanja_burn.JPG>. "Picture of Deforastation." Web.
19 Jan. 2012.