PART 1: TITLE PAGE Colorful title with pictures and vocabulary words. This will be a large paper that all other pages will fit into. Fold into middle to make a book that opens in the middle. PART 2: ECOSYSTEM ORGANIZATION ( Inside Left-6 flap template) Outer-Names and title on outside flaps (flip right) Inner : definition (left) picture (right) Organism TITLE Population Community Ecosystem Biome Biosphere PART 3: FOOD CHAIN (inside right 6-flap template) Outer-Names and title on outside flaps (flip open right) Sun TITLE Producer Primary Secondary Tertiary Quaternary Inner : Left-picture Right-description & or an alternate name (right) PART 4: TYPES OF CONSUMERS (upper middle -3 flap template) Outer-Names and title on outside flaps (flip up) TITLE Herbivore Omnivore Carnivore Inner : picture (upper) definition (lower) PART 5: CONSUMERS THAT EAT DEAD THINGS (middle middle-3 flap template) Outer-Names and title on outside flaps (flip up) Scavengers Detritivores Decomposers TITLE Inner : picture (upper) definition (lower) PART 6: SYMBIOSIS (lower middle-3 flap template) Outer-Names and title on outside flaps (flip up) Mutualism Commensalism TITLE Inner : picture (upper) definition (lower) Parasitism PART 7: VOCABULAR WHEEL (back) Paste the template provided onto the back of your foldable. Write the words Ecology Vocabulary in the center circle Color and fill it in with the following terms: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. Abiotic Biotic Food web Habitat Niche Adaptation Energy pyramid photosynthesis NEED TWO OF THESE NEED THREE OF THESE