6th Math LF Jan 25

LESSON DATE: 4th 6 weeks (week1) Jan 25-29 (week 20)
Teaching Points & Activities
Student Expectations Bundled in Lesson
6.14B- Distinguish between debit cards and credit
6.14C-Balance a check register that include deposits
withdrawals, and transfers.
6.14E-Describe the information in a credit report and
how long it is retained.
6.14F-Describe the value of credit report to borrowers
and to lenders
6.14A-Compare the features and costs of a checking
account and a debit card offer by different local
financial institutions.
Objective/Key Understanding:
6.14B- Distinguish between debit cards and credit cards.
6.14C-Balance a check register that include deposits
withdrawals, and transfers.
6.14E-Describe the information in a credit report and how
long it is retained.
6.14F-Describe the value of credit report to borrowers and
to lenders
6.14A-Compare the features and costs of a checking
account and
a debit card
offer by different
Bicycle tour operators: Unit 7 Performance
Task pg. 557-558
***Break Down CBA data with students** Spiral Low tested SE and mini teach low SE from CBA
Engage: Vocabulary Preview: Module 18 pg. 524. Reading Start up pg. 527. SW create a KWL(what I know, what I
need to know, what I learned) trifold for module 18.
Send home the Unpacking the TEKS pg. 528 for students to read through with parents.
(day 1 debit vs credit, Day 2 balance check register, Day 3 Protect credit, Day 4&5 Paying for college)
Ask: What are some names of banks that you already know? SW shout out names they know. Purpose the question:
How do you know which bank to pick?
TW show a blank check register on the board. TW ask what is this and what is it used for? What do each of the
columns mean?
Has anyone is your family ever made a large purchase, such as a car or house, that required a check of their credit
history? What factors could affect a persons credit history? Have you ever seen the credit score commercials?
(credikaram.com…) Where are you going to college? How are you going to pay for college?
Explore: TW explain different ways you can withdrawal money of your bank account . (atm, check, debit card) ATM
and debit cards money is automatically taken from your bank account. Explore activity1 pg -529. Explore Activity
3- Balance a check register.
Establishing Credit History: This is a record that follows a person that keeps track of a person’s bills and loan
payment. 18.2 and 18.3 Explore
Explain: SW watch www.youtube.com/watch?v=ogGoDxiVafE –credit vs debit video. SW create a venn diagram that
compares and contrast debit vs credit. Explore activity2 pg -530.
Elaborate: Guided practice pg 532 1/2 day 1 & ½ day 2 . (Day 1 Independent practice pg 533, Day 2 Ind. Pra. Pg 534)
Guided practice and independent practice module 18.2 -18.3
Evaluate: Lesson Quiz 18.1 online Go Math (Comparing checking accounts) Create Exit ticket Check register balance.
Lesson Quiz 18.2 and 18.3 online Go Math
Stop & Check for Understanding—High Level Questions
Go Math
Module 18.118.3
Critical Writing Prompt:
Why do you think some people prefer debit cards? Why do you think some people prefer credit
How can you become a knowledgeable
consumer and investor?
How are debit cards and credit cards alike and different? Why should personal information include
a person’s Social Security number? How would you describe the debt- to-income ratio? What factors
might contribute to a low credit score?
How do you compare services offered by
different banks?
Small Group Purposeful Talk Question Stems:
When will an account balance become a negative number?
What is the difference between a deposit
and a withdrawal?
How do you establish a positive credit
history? How can you pay for college?
What might make it difficult to balance a check register?
Why do you think a credit report include employment information?
How important do you think is to secure your personal information?
Online GO Math Module Quizzes 18.1-18.3
Debit cards, credit cards, withdrawal, deposit, income, salary, annual, credit score, credit history,
bank, checking account, grant, scholarships, work-study program, transactions, balance
Rigor & Relevance: (Real World Connection)
Careers in Math: Bicycle Tour : A bike tour
operator organizes cycling trips for tourists
all over the world. Bike tour operators use
math to calculate expenses, determine rates,
and compute payroll information for their
employees. If tours include travel in another
country, operators must understand how to
calculate currency exchange rates.