Do Now On May 18, 1917 Congress passed the Selective Service Act. This required all men ages 21-30 to register for the military draft. What is a draft? • A draft is a law requiring people of a certain age to serve in the military. How did Americans aid in the War Effort? A. The Role of the Government • The U.S. Government took control of the economy. • President Wilson was given the power to: • Fix prices. • Regulate war-related industries. • Declare strikes illegal if they were disturbing the war effort. 1. War Industries Board • Led by Bernard Baruch. • Converted factories to war production. • Told companies what to produce in order to help the war effort. 2. Food Administration • Led by Herbert Hoover. • Increased production and decreased consumption of American food. • Americans planted Victory Gardens & had Meatless Mondays and Wheatless Wednesdays. 3. Raising Money • In order to raise money the U.S. Government: • Established Daylight Savings Time. • Increased taxes. • Sold Liberty Bonds. 4. Getting Americans Onboard • Propaganda-spreading of ideas to help a cause or hurt an opposing cause. • • • • • • Posters Movies Songs Plays Billboards advertisements • • • What general cause is this poster trying to help? What specific idea(s) is this poster trying to promote? Do you think that this poster was effective? Why or why not? • • • What general cause is this poster trying to help? What specific idea(s) is this poster trying to promote? Do you think that this poster was effective? Why or why not? • • • What general cause is this poster trying to help? What specific idea(s) is this poster trying to promote? Do you think that this poster was effective? Why or why not? • • • What general cause is this poster trying to help? What specific idea(s) is this poster trying to promote? Do you think that this poster was effective? Why or why not? • • • What general cause is this poster trying to help? What specific idea(s) is this poster trying to promote? Do you think that this poster was effective? Why or why not? • • • What general cause is this poster trying to help? What specific idea(s) is this poster trying to promote? Do you think that this poster was effective? Why or why not? B. Negative Results of Government Involvement • Anti-German feelings were common among Americans. • German names were changed: • • • • • German Shepards=Liberty Pups Hamburgers=Liberty Patties Frankfurters=Liberty Sausages Schools stopped teaching German Town, street & last names were changed throughout the U.S. Loss of Freedom? • Espionage and Sedition Acts-made it illegal to criticize Wilson or the war. • Supreme Court Case Schenck v. U.S. (1919)ruled that at a time of “clear and present danger,” the government had the right to limit a citizen’s 1st Amendment Rights. C. The Role of Minorities • Women and African Americans filled the factory jobs as men joined the armed forces. • African Americans also joined the armed forces: • “Harlem Hell Fighters”an all African American unit that spent more time under fire than any other US. unit. Summary • How did Americans aid in the war effort? • Which of these do you think helped the most? • Do you think that the American troops would have been as successful in World War I if they did not have the support of Americans on the home front?