9. • • • • WIRELESS ATM Anywhere, Anytime Access to ATM Networks. Voice, Data, Video, and Images in Any Combination, Anywhere, Anytime with Convenience and Economy. Fixed Wireless & Mobile Users Wireless Equipment. Problems – Noisy Wireless Channels High BER. – Wireless Channel Very bandwidth limited. ATM designed for bandwidth-rich environment. – Overhead Every ATM cell has overhead of 10%. For wireless channel, we need more control information which can far exceed the overhead limit. Wireless ATM Network Architecture HLR ATM Network VLR MSC Base Station VLR: Visitor Location Register HLR: Home Location Register MSC: Mobile Switching Center (also ATM switch) Wireless ATM in Digital Battlefield Fixed ATM Network Satellite Wireless LAN FSC: Fixed Switch Center (ATM Switch) MBS: Mobile Base Station Military and Commercial Wireless ATM Networks Commercial Static network topology Typically single hop Static allocation n-band user and data channels Maximum number of users/hertz/area Privacy Fixed infrastructure for open access Military Highly dynamic topology Multi hop Dynamic bandwidth allocations; Priorities Maximum transfer rate in hostile environment High security Constrained access Quality of Service (QoS) Parameters 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. Throughput Delay Also in wired ATM network Jitter Loss Probabilities Probability of Dropping the Call Expected BER; Packet Error Rate Expected Disruption Time During Handoffs Minimum or Maximum Level of Mobility QoS Renegotiation Personal Mobility vs. Terminal Mobility User Terminal Wired Wireless Terminal Mobility Personal Mobility Networ k Protocol Stack For Wireless ATM Quality Critical Applications Time Critical Applications TCP UDP IP AAL Layer ATM Layer IP Layer ATM Layer Error Control Link Medium Access Control Layer Physical Layer (Wireless Channel) Specific Requirements for PHY Layer Low Speed Wireless PHY Frequency Band Cell Radius Transmit Power 5.15-5.35 GHz, 5.725-5.875 GHz HIGH Speed Wireless PHY 59 GHz - 64 GHz 80 m 10 - 15 m 100 mW 10 – 20 mW Frequency Reuse Factor up to 12 7 Channel Bandwidth 30 MHz 150 / 700 MHz Data Rate Modulation MAC Interface Fixed Packet Length 25 Mbit/s 155 / 622 Mbit/s 16 tone DQPSK 32 tone DQPSK par., transf. speed 3.127 Mbyte/s par., transf. speed 87.5 Mbyte/s PHY header + MAC header + 4*ATM cells System Architecture and Protocol Model Wireless Workstation Host User Applications (Quality-Critical Traffic) TCP/IP ATM Backbone Network AAL Subsystem ATM Sonet Host DL Subsystem Wireless Workstation Wired Line Wireless Link Error Control Time Critical Applications Quality Critical Applications FEC Hybrid ARQ Why FEC? • ATM HEC performance is too low for wireless ATM. • High CLR and payload errors • Cell delineation problem FEC (for Time-Critical Applications) • To correct channel errors at the expense of bandwidth by adding redundancy Concatenated FEC Scheme Cells RS Outer Encoder Symbol Interleaver Conv. Inner Encoder Transmitter FEC Cells RS Outer Decoder Symbol Deinterleaver Viterbi Decoder Receiver FEC Bit Level Interleaver Wireless Channel Bit Level Deinterleaver Why Hybrid ARQ? (for Quality Critical Traffic) – ARQ provides high reliability at good and moderate channel qualities. – The throughput drops rapidly, if the channel error rate is high as in wireless channels. Hybrid ARQ – FEC first tries to correct the frequent error patterns. If it fails, then ARQ takes over. Hybrid ARQ Types – Type I Hybrid ARQ scheme – Type II Hybrid ARQ scheme: only additional parity bits are retransmitted to combine with the previous packet (incremental redundancy). Medium Access Control for Wireless ATM Networks MT MT MT Categorization of MAC Protocols Based on Channel Organization – – – – TDMA-Based MAC Protocols CDMA-Based MAC Protocols Random MAC Protocols Hybrid MAC Protocols Based on Duplex Mode of Uplink and Downlink – Time Division Duplex (TDD) (One Carrier Frequency) – Frequency Division Duplex (FDD) (Two Carrier Frequencies) * Frequency Division Duplex (FDD) (Two Carrier Frequencies) – Uplink frequency carries traffic from terminal to BS while downlink frequency carries traffic from BS to terminal. – FDD allows almost immediate feedback from the BS enabling terminal to find out quickly if its contending reservation request was unsuccessful and a retransmission is necessary. – Thus, FDD impacts the delay encountered by user traffic as well as the resource availability of the wireless channel. TDMA Based MAC Methods – Dynamic Packet Reservation Multiple Access (DPRMA), by Dyson and Haas in 1999. FDD – Mobile Access Scheme Based on Contention and Reservation for ATM (MASCARA), by Bauchot et al. in 1996, and Passas et al. in 1997. TDD – PRMA with Dynamic Allocation (PRMA/DA), by Kim and Widjaja in 1996. FDD – PRMA with Adaptive TDD (PRMA/ATDD), by Priscoli in 1996. TDD – Dynamic TDMA with Piggyback Reservation (DTDMA/PR), by Qiu et al. in 1996. FDD – Distributed Queuing Request Update Multiple Access (DQRUMA), by Karol et al. in 1995. FDD – Dynamic TDMA with TDD (DTDMA/TDD), by Xie et al. in 1995. TDD Packet Reservation Multiple Access (PRMA) Protocol (Goodman’91) Time is divided into slots of equal duration, and slots are grouped into frames. Each slot in a frame is either “reserved” or “available”. BS controls the upstream traffic and broadcasts a continuous stream of packetized information through the downstream channel The status of a slot is provided in feedback information supplied by BS. Terminals can send two types of information: “Periodic” information such as speech or “Random” information such as data. Frame rate is identical to the arrival rate of the speech packets. Uses S-ALOHA for time slot reservation and TDMA for data transmission. Packet Reservation Multiple Access (PRMA) Protocol (Goodman’91) A station contends for an available slot using S-ALOHA. If transmission is successful, BS responds with an ACK message and the slot is reserved in subsequent frames until the terminal relinquishes it by leaving the slot empty. A terminal with “random packets” contends for slots in the same way, but cannot reserve the same slot in a subsequent frame even after a successful transmission. Thus, terminal must contend again for another available time slot. For unsuccessful transmission, a terminal with “periodic” packets retransmits the packet with certain probability in subsequent unreserved slots until it receives an ACK signal from BS. Similarly, a terminal with “random” packets retransmits a packet in unreserved slots with certain probability. Packet Reservation Multiple Access (PRMA) Protocol (Goodman’91) Advantages: Simple Disadvantages: * Upon congestion, the speech packet dropping rate and data packet delay both increase. * Feedback information may cause waste of bandwidth. PRMA/DA — Services and the Frame Structure Supports Multimedia Traffic – Constant Bit Rate (CBR), Variable Bit Rate (VBR), Available Bit Rate (ABR). Frame Structure – It is organized according to traffic types. – Downlink transmission is not considered. FDD Request packet PRMA/DA header PRMA/DA trailer ATM cell 1 2 … Na Available slots 1 2 Variable Variable Variable … Nc 1 CBR reservation slots PRMA/DA header 2 … Nv 1 VBR reservation slots ATM cell Wireless Packet 2 … Nd ABR reservation slots PRMA/DA trailer Operation Procedures of PRMA/DA Send Requests in Available Slots – Contention-based transmission. – Slotted ALOHA is used. Reserve Time Slots for each Successful Request – Dynamic allocation algorithm is used to allocate time slots for CBR, VBR, and ABR connections. – The allocated time slots are reserved for the lifetime of a connection. – Dynamic allocation algorithm is also used for updating available time slots for the transmission of requests. Transmit Packets in Reserved Time Slots – Since time slots are reserved, contention is free in this phase. Contributions and Shortcomings of PRMA/DA Contributions – Dynamic allocation of slots for each sub-frame. • Variable boundary can be easily implemented. • Bandwidth can be utilized efficiently. • Collisions can be resolved quickly – No mini-slots; Easy for synchronization. – Multiple traffic classes supported. Shortcomings – A request packet has the same length as a data packet. • If traffic rate high, this would cause inefficiency. – No mechanism is used to dynamically update VBR resources. • VBR bandwidth is allocated according to the average rate. The bursty requirement has to rely on the leftover bandwidth. QoS of VBR cannot be guaranteed. MASCARA (Mobile Access Scheme based on Contention and Reservation for ATM) Supports CBR, real-time VBR (rt-VBR), non-real-time VBR (nrtVBR), ABR, UBR traffic. Demand assignment scheme with contention based reservations. Uplink subframe is divided into a contention period to transmit reservation requests or some control information, and uplink period for uplink data traffic. Each period within a frame has a variable length depending on the instantanous traffic to be carried. FH Period Uplink Period MPDU 1 MPDU 2 Downlink Period ContentionPeriod …… MPDU n PHY MPDU MPDU payload: Cell train (many ATM cells) Hdr Hdr 1 time slot n time slots Operation Procedures of MASCARA If a terminal has cells to transmit, it sends a reservation request either piggybacked in the MPDUs uplink period or in special control MPDUs sent in the contention period. Base station schedules transmissions of the next frame according to reservation requests, arriving cells for each downlink connection, traffic characteristics and QoS requirements of all connections. In the Frame Header of the downlink, BS broadcasts information which contains a descriptor of the current time frame (including the lengths of each period), the results of the contention procedures from the previous frame and the position of the slot allocated to each downlink and uplink connection. To minimize PHY layer overhead, MASCARA uses the concept of a CELL TRAIN (a sequence of (1-n) ATM cells belonging to a terminal and having a common header). Length of overhead plus that of the MPDU header is equal to one time slot, which is defined as the length of an ATM cell. Priority Regulated Allocation Delay-Oriented Scheduling (PRADOS) * Assigns priorities for each connection according to its service class. * • • • Traffic Priority Token Pool CBR 5 Yes rt-VBR 4 Yes nrt-VBR 3 Yes ABR 2 Yes UBR 1 No PRADOS combines priorities with a leaky bucket traffic regulator. Regulator uses a token pool introduced for each connection. Tokens are generated at a fixed rate equal to the mean ATM cell rate of each VC. Size of the pool is equal to the maximum number of ATM cells that can be transmitted with a rate greater than the declared mean. • Starting at priority 5 and ending with priority 2, scheduler satisfies requests for connections as long as tokens and slots are available. • For every slot allocated to a connection, a token is removed from the corresponding pool. Contributions and Shortcomings of MASCARA Contributions – Cell train concept is used. – A novel scheduling scheme - PRADOS. – Dynamic TDD is implicitly implemented. – Multiple traffic classes are supported. Shortcomings – With each request corresponding to a time slot, too many requests are transmitted in the protocol. This results in wasting bandwidth. – Large size of request packet results in reduction of good throughput. – Connection admission control (CAC) is separate from the MAC protocol. The overall performance of the integrated system is unpredictable. Comparisons of TDMA MAC Protocols Protocols PRMA/DA MASCARA DPRMA Duplex Mode FDD TDD FDD Frame Type Fixed Variable Fixed Random Access Slotted ALOHA Slotted ALOHA Reservation ALOHA Mini-slot No No No CAC In MAC Separate Separate Traffic Classes CBR, VBR, ABR CBR, ntVBR, nrtVBR, ABR, UBR Voice, video, data Network Layer ATM ATM ATM Control Overhead Medium High Medium Mobility Management in W-ATM Networks Location Management Handoff Management Base Station A MT A is receiving a call ! How will the network deliver the call to A ? Types of Mobility TERMINAL MOBILITY (network should route calls to the MT regardless of its point of attachment) PERSONAL MOBILITY (users should access the network wherever they are; UPT (Universal Pers. Tel #)) SERVICE PROVIDER MOBILITY (allow user to roam beyond regional networks). Location Management Location Update (Registration) Call Delivery (Paging) Cost Tradeoff Too Many Location Updates Low Paging Costs High Update Costs Too Few Location Updates High Paging Costs Low Update Costs Solution Location Areas (GSM) = Registration Areas (IS-41) Registration Area Boundary Center Cell Handoff Types Intra-Cell Inter-Cell Soft Handoff Hard Handoff W-ATM Architecture ATM Backbone Network ATM Switch ATM Switch Wireline connections to ATM switch Wireless connections to BS Cell MT BS LOCATION MANAGEMENT TECHNIQUES FOR W-ATM LOCATION MANAGEMENT LOCATION SERVICE TERMINAL PAGING TWO-TIER DATABASES LOCATION ADVERTISEMENT VIRTUAL CONNECTION TREE LOCATION REGISTERS INTEGRATED LOCATION RESOLUTION MOBILE PNNI LOCATION SERVICE * Use of DATABASES to maintain records of MTs. * When location information is obtained from DATABASE, TERMINAL PAGING is used to deliver calls to MTs. * Requires signaling, querying and paging. LOCATION ADVERTISEMENT * No databases but location information is broadcast throughout the network. Location Service: Method 1: Two Tier Database (Akyol/Cox’96) Home Tier Visitor Tier HOME ZONE (3) (4) (5) Home Tier Visitor Tier CURRENT ZONE (1) (2) Zone Manager Home Tier Visitor Tier PREVIOUS ZONE Explanation: * Bi-level databases are distributed to ZONES throughout the network. * Each zone is maintained by a ZONE MANAGER controlling the zone’s location update procedures. * Each MT has a home zone where it is permanently registered. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. MT transmits a location registration request message to the new zone. Message contains User ID Number, authentication data and ID of the previous zone. Current zone manager determines the home zone of the MT from the previous zone ID. Current and home zone managers authenticate the user and update home user profile with the new location information. Home zone sends a copy of the profile to the current zone manager which stores the profile in the visitor tier of its database. Current zone manager sends a purge message to the previous zone manager so that user’s profile is deleted from the visitor tier before. Location Advertisement: Method 1: Virtual Connection Tree (Veeraraghavan et.al.’97) Portable Base Station (PBS) MT’s Former position De-registration message Registration message Cell Boundary VCT advertises location information via provisioned virtual paths. A collection of PBSs connected via provisioned VPs forms a connection tree. PBSs are equipped with switching capabilities and limited buffering capabilities. Trees are based on the mobility indications of the MT. Each PBS maintains a running list of resident MTs in its coverage area. Location registration occurs when MT is on/off or it moves to a new service area. On/Off case, MT sends a message to its local (current) PBS which then adds/deletes the MT to/from the service list. When MT moves to a new service area of a PBS, the PBS sends a de-registration message to the old PBS on behalf of the MT and enters the MT’s ID into its current list. Comparison of Location Management Techniques Location Service Advantages Flexibility Scalability Disadvantages Database Admin Signaling Load Location Advertisement Advantages Disadvantages No Paging No Scalability No Database Admin Wasted Bandwidth Handoff Management Full Connection Re-Routing Route Augmentation InterWorking Devices Connection Extension InterWorking Devices Connection Re-Routing Multicast Connection Re-Routing Partial Connection Re-Routing Nearest Connection Node Re-Routing Virtual Connection Tree Re-Routing Hybrid Connection Re-Routing Homing Base Station Re-Routing Full Connection Re-Routing: Maintains the connection by establishing a completely new route for each handoff as if it were brand new call. Route Augmentation: Extends the original connection with a hop to the MTs next location. Partial Connection Re-Routing: Re-establishes certain segments of the original connection, while preserving the remainder. Multicast Connection Re-Routing: Combines the 3 techniques but includes the maintenance of potential handoff connection routes to support the original connection, reducing the time spent in finding a new route for handoff. Comparison of Handoff Management Approaches Full Optimal route; existing methodology Extension Partial Advantages Multicast Fast; maintains cell sequence Fast; maintains cell sequence Maintains cell sequence; reduced resource utilization Disadvantages Slow; inefficient resource re-assignment Wastes bandwidth; inefficient connection route Complex; added switch processing reqs Added buffering requirements; bandwidth pre-allocation References: J. McNair, “Mobility Management Protocols for Wireless ATM Networks”, BWN Lab Technical Report, 1997. (Available on the WEB). I.F. Akyildiz, J. McNair, J. Ho, H. Uzunalioglu, W. Wang, “Mobility Management in Next Generation Wireless Systems”, Proceedings of the IEEE Journal, Vol, 87, No.8, pp.1347-1384, August 1999.