
WG3 report on
Biometric Data Format and Related Standards
Christoph Busch
- ISO/IEC JTC1/SC37 WG3 Convenor -
• 2015-06-22 to 2015-06-26
• 2016-01-11 to 2016-01-15
• THANKS to Sebastien Marcel
for hosting us
Christoph Busch
Biometric Data Interchange Formats
Christoph Busch
Generation 2 of ISO/IEC 19794
All parts
binary encoding
19794-1 AMD2 XML Framework
19794-1 AMD1 Conformance testing methodology
the semantic (i.e. general header / structure of representation header)
equivalent for binary encoded and XML encoded parts in G2
Christoph Busch
Consolidated Documents
Consolidated Document for 19794-4:2005
• COR1 integrated
Consolidated Document for 19794-5:2005
• AMD1,AMD2, COR1, COR2, COR3, COR4 integrated
• Special group spotted defects - DCOR5:
‣ Defect 1: length of image data block was introduced
‣ Defect 2: inconsistency in version number “010” vs.
‣ Defect 3: Table 16/31 inconsistent numbers for W
Christoph Busch
Consolidated Documents
Martigny options to publish consolidated documents
• 6.) ask again TMB via JTC1 to publish the cons-doc as
reprint as “19794-5:2005” (according ISO directive 2.10.2)
with reference to the precedence from the SC27 project
‣ see: ISO/IEC JTC 1 Standing Document N 8 Maintenance of International
Standards: Clause 3.2.1: A published IS may subsequently be modified by the
publication of a technical corrigendum (or corrected version of the current edition).
Technical corrigenda are normally published as separate documents, the edition
of the IS affected remaining in print. However, the ITTF shall decide, in
consultation with the Secretariat of JTC 1 or SC, and bearing in mind both the
financial consequences to the organisation and the interests of users of the IS,
whether to publish a technical corrigendum or a corrected version of the existing
edition of the IS.
‣ precedence case: ISO/IEC 15408-1, -2 and -3 are
published in 2011/2014 as corrected versions and third
editions of the 2008/2009 standards.
Christoph Busch
Consolidated Documents
Martigny action for YOU - RESOLUTION 3.19
‣ All SC37 heads of delegation are requested to inform their JTC 1
representatives about the crucial importance of the Resolution 3.18 and
the JTC 1 ballot as a prerequisite for achieving this goal.
‣ WG 3 asks the following National Body representatives to approach the
National TMB (Technical Management Board) members to ask for
support when the TMB ballot regarding the ISO/IEC 19794-5:2005 reprint
is started:
‣ AFNOR France - Pierre Gacon, ANSI USA – Michaela Miller
BSI United Kingdom – Peter Waggett, DIN Germany – Ulrike Pöhlmann
DSM Malaysia – Salwa Denan, GOST RF – Igor Spiridonov
JISC Japan – Asahiko Yamada, KATS RK – Young-Bin Kwon
SA Australia – Michael Matheson, SABS SA – Bill Perry / Llewellyn Louw
SAC China – Jian Gao, SIS Sweden – Knut Lindelien
SFS Finland – Lauri Toivio, Switzerland - Sébastien Marcel
• The WG 3 secretary will inform the National Body representatives when the
resolution is approved at the SC 37 plenary and also when the TMB ballot is started.
Christoph Busch
G3 development
Martigny: Decision on project organization - G1-cons
• Independent form the TMB decision we will
initiate to change the JTC1 directives
- to allow explicitly reprint of standards
that are older than 3 years (according ISO directive 2.10.2)
- then publish the cons-doc as reprint
• Fallback plan
‣ If TMB approves our request for a reprint - we do nothing
‣ if TMB decision is negative and JTC1 has NOT
changed the directives by Nov 2016:
- we will publish the cons-doc as Standing Document
(i.e. SC37-WG3-SD1) in livelink
Christoph Busch
Part 13: voice data
ISO/IEC 19794-13
Martigny status
• Consolidation of XML schema & description
with 19794-1 AMD 2 and other G2 projects ( e.g., 19794-4)
• Removal of incomplete & unattended annex B
(guidelines for assembling a database)
• Disassembling of field "SubjectRepresentation",
sub-fields to other fields
• Excluding implementation details from data format:
‣ signal enhancement and conversational type as simple strings or
(new) complex structures
Christoph Busch
Part 13: voice data
ISO/IEC 19794-13
Gjøvik status
• clarification of utterance versus representation
• which data fields are data privacy sensitive
Christoph Busch
Part 15: Palm crease image data
ISO/IEC 19794-15
• A standard image interchange format for biometric systems
that utilize human palm crease pattern images
(alias palm lines)
• The format will contain detailed pixel information, units of
measurement, description of imaging area of body, and
imaging methods such as transparency or reflectance image
Christoph Busch
Part 15: Palm crease image data
Martigny Decisions
• No major comments
• Draft must be aligned with 19794-1 and 4
• Inclusion of XML sample file
Christoph Busch
Related Standards and Trends
Christoph Busch
Biometric Sample Quality
G2-version completed for
• ISO/IEC 29794 Part 1: framework
• ISO/IEC 29794 Part 6: iris image data
Revision running for
• ISO/IEC 29794 Part 4: finger image data
‣ upgrade from TR to IS to incorporate NFIQ2.0 findings
Christoph Busch
Biometric Sample Quality
Revision ISO/IEC 29794-1:2016
• Same as before,
but allow for a vector of
quality blocks
• Actionable quality
• Each quality score is in the range 0 to 100.
Source: ISO/IEC 29794-1
Christoph Busch
Biometric Sample Quality - Finger
Revision ISO/IEC 29794-1:2016
Martigny Decisions
• 100 % approval on FDIS ballot
• QAID values 1 - 32767 are reserved for SC37 defined
metrics. This is a normative requirement
• The IDs 32768 - 65535 can be used by vendors
• The schema in Clause 7.2 must be harmonized with the
schema published with ISO/IEC 19794-1 AMD2
• do progress: publication
Christoph Busch
Biometric Sample Quality - Finger
Revision ISO/IEC 29794-1:2016
Gjøvik Decisions
• QAID overview
Christoph Busch
Biometric Sample Quality - Finger
Revision ISO/IEC 29794-4:201x
Martigny Decisions
• As for the iris standard a distinction between normative and
non-normative features will be introduced
• Histogram based approach has changed the global metrics
(Histogram instead of mean-over-blocks)
‣ each histogram suited metric will have a sub-clause
describing the bin-boundaries used in NFIQ2.0
‣ arithmetic mean and standard deviation will remain
‣ which individual feature shall be reported? Best would be those that
are human understandable and can impact an action.
• New features:
‣ ROI mean, ROI Orientation Map Coherence Sum
• do not progress: 3rd CD - CRM on 2016-05-11
Christoph Busch
Biometric Sample Quality - Finger
Revision ISO/IEC 29794-4:201x
Martigny Decisions
Features that should be reported or not
‣ non-histogram features (mean, std-dev, global) will be reported.
Table 2 (as in 29794-6) will be included
US contribution WG3N296 on Minutiae count and minutia quality will be included
• The NFIQ2.0 report was made available
to SC37WG for comments (Livelink Drop-in-box)
• NFIQ2.0 will be presented at IBPC-2016 on May 3 to 5
Christoph Busch
Biometric Sample Quality - Iris
ISO/IEC 29794-6:2015
Iris image data
• Scope:
‣ methods used to quantify the quality of iris images,
‣ normative requirements on software and hardware
producing iris images,
‣ normative requirements on software and hardware
measuring the utility of iris images,
‣ terms and definitions for quantifying iris image quality, and
‣ a standardized encoded iris image quality data record.
Christoph Busch
Biometric Sample Quality - Iris
ISO/IEC 29794-6:2015
Iris image data
• Metrics based on an empirical study
Iris Quality Calibration and Evaluation (IQCE):
E. Tabassi, P. Grother, and W. Salamon,
“Performance of Iris Image Quality Assessment Algorithms”,
NIST Interagency Report 7820, September 30, 2011
• 14 elements proposed for quality vector
‣ Metrics: Usable iris area, Iris-sclera contrast, Iris-pupil contrast,
Pupil boundary circularity, Grey scale utilisation, Iris radius, Pupil to
iris ratio, Iris pupil concentricity, Margin adequacy, Sharpness,
Frontal gaze – elevation, Frontal gaze - azimuth, Motion blur
‣ Enumerated flag for presence of anomalies
Christoph Busch
Liveness Detection
ISO/IEC 30107-1:2016 Presentation Attack Detection
• Attacks on Biometric Systems
Source: ISO/IEC 30107-1
nspired by N.K. Ratha, J.H. Connell, R.M. Bolle, “Enhancing security and privacy in biometrics-based
authentication systems,” IBM Systems Journal, Vol 40. NO 3, 2001.
Christoph Busch
Presentation Attack Detection
ISO/IEC 30107 - Scope
• terms and definitions that are useful in the specification,
characterization and evaluation of presentation attack detection
• a common data format for conveying the type of approach used
and the assessment of presentation attack in data formats;
• principles and methods for performance assessment of
presentation attack detection algorithms or mechanisms; and
• a classification of known attacks types (in an informative annex).
Outside the scope are
• standardization of specific PAD detection methods;
• detailed information about countermeasures (i.e. anti-spoofing
techniques), algorithms, or sensors;
overall system-level security or vulnerability assessment.
Christoph Busch
Presentation Attack Detection
Definitions in ISO/IEC 30107 PAD - Part 1: Framework
• presentation attack
presentation to the biometric capture subsystem with the goal
of interfering with the operation of the biometric system
• presentation attack detection (PAD)
automated determination of a presentation attack
Definitions in ISO/IEC 2382-37: Vocabulary
• impostor
subversive biometric capture subject who attempts to being
matched to someone else's biometric reference
• identity concealer
subversive biometric capture subject who attempts to
avoid being matched to their own biometric reference
Christoph Busch
Presentation Attack Detection
ISO/IEC 30107 - Definitions
• presentation attack instrument (PAI)
biometric characteristic or object used in a presentation attack
• artefact
artificial object or representation presenting a copy of biometric
characteristics or synthetic biometric patterns
Types of presentation attacks
(General Noun)
(Adjectives describing categories)
(Qualifying adjectives)
Source: ISO/IEC 30107-1
Christoph Busch
Presentation Attack Detection
Biometric framework with PAD
Source: ISO/IEC 30107-1
Christoph Busch
Presentation Attack Detection
ISO/IEC IS 30107-1 Standard
• now available in the ISO-Portal
Christoph Busch
Presentation Attack Detection
ISO/IEC 30107-1: Examples of
Artificial and Human Presentation Attack Instruments
Source: ISO/IEC 30107-1
Christoph Busch
Presentation Attack Detection - Testing
Methodology in ISO/IEC 30107 Presentation Attack
Detection - Part 3: Testing and reporting
• Security Evaluation
‣ for evaluations using the Common Criteria Framework
‣ Protection Profile (PP) (e.g. from German BSI)
‣ Security Target (ST)
‣ Evaluation Assurance Level (EAL)
‣ Assessment of the attack potential
‣ „if there is at least one artefact that can reproducibly successful attack
the PAD-component - then the PAD failed the test“
• Other approaches
‣ for evaluations in academic and technology development
‣ tolerating the limited statistical significance of small test set
- the statistical distribution is unknown and for sure not normal
‣ „ a score based metric can tell us, if the method improved“
Christoph Busch
Presentation Attack Detection - Testing
Definition of PAD metrics in ISO/IEC 30107-3
• Attack presentation classification error rate (APCER)
proportion of attack presentations incorrectly classified as
Bona Fide presentations at the component level
in a specific scenario
• Bona Fide presentation classification error rate (BPCER)
proportion of Bona Fide presentations incorrectly classified as
attack presentations at the component level
in a specific scenario
Christoph Busch
Presentation Attack Detection
30107 parts
• Part 1
- Framework
‣ Elaine Newton
‣ status: IS - published
• Part 2 - Data formats
‣ Olaf Henniger
‣ status: 3rd CD
• Part 3 - Testing and Reporting
‣ Michael Thieme
‣ status: 2nd CD
Christoph Busch
Presentation Attack Detection - Part3
Martigny Status
• What is an attack type? What is an attack?
• What is a better term for “normal presentation”?
‣ Bona Fide presentation (in analogy to “Bona Fide traveller”)
‣ In consequence we assume that a “biometric presentation” also
contains mutilated fingerprint presentations
• Change from artefact series to PAI series in order
to cover e.g. altered fingerprint detection
• Method of calculating attack potential
Christoph Busch
PAD-Standard and FIDO
FIDO - on 9th September 2015
Source: R. Lindemann (NokNok) - 2015
Christoph Busch
WG3 Roadmap
Generation 3:
- The common semantics amongst all parts will continue
to form the Framework of Generation 3
- All parts will exist in a XML and/or binary version
with a (revised) harmonized semantic
- Again Conformance testing will be
included in Annex A of each part
Christoph Busch
G3 development
Data Interchange Format
• Widely adopted and deployed in large number
• Reflecting need for distributed systems with XML encoding
• Reflecting need for actionable feedback with quality vectors
• Reflecting need for secure system with PAD encoding
Results from discussion with SC17 WG3
• Definition on transition period from G1 to G2 in ICAO 9393
• Suitable revision cycles for definition in ICAO 9303
• Forward and backwards compatibility
• Transcodability from XML to BIN and vice versa
Working on concepts in a Special group
Christoph Busch
G3 development
Martigny: Special group report
• XSD root
• We need ASN.1 (DER) and XML, and we want a single root,
with (other) serialization format specifications derived from
the root. We must have serialization formats that are
interoperable, independent of tool provider/vendor. We want
“pretty” xml/xsd, such that code binding tools produce
“usable” class structures.
Christoph Busch
G3 development
Martigny: Special group report
• ASN.1 root
• Previous Investigation on ASN.1 to XML conversion
• Using different tools, the XML output was different and noninteroperable from the same ASN.1 file input
• Need manual corrections - XML output was not “pretty”
• ASN.1 root favored by SC17/WG3
Christoph Busch
G3 development
Martigny: Special group report
• Dual encoding suggested (two roots)
Christoph Busch
G3 development
Martigny: Special group report
• New component in SD16
‣ Converter ASN.1-to-XSD (Olaf Henniger)
‣ Converter XSD-to-ASN.1 (based on X.694 standard) (Greg Cannon)
‣ Harmonization assurance test (using sample data records) (RL)
Christoph Busch
G3 development
Martigny: Discussion on project organization
• we will have a letter ballot NWIP after the July meeting
• we will create a SG to prepare BD on part 1,4, 5
and to augment the scope
• Once we start G3 (in July 2016) we will ask ITTF
for the project number 39794-x
Christoph Busch
Martigny: ICAO Portrait Quality
resolution: “SC37 experts are requested to submit
comments on the draft ICAO TR posted to SC37 WG N0292
on Face Portrait Quality. Comments should be submitted to
the SC37 secretariat by February 29th, 2016”
Christoph Busch
CCTV - 30137-3
Status Martigny
• New scope proposed
thus NWIP, which should become part 4.
• Title: Use of biometrics in video surveillance systems - Part 4
Ground truth and video annotation procedure
• Scope:
‣ What information inserted in the ground truth of a video
‣ How to establish a standard ground truth for annotating video
‣ Procedures for handling multiple subjects in a representation
‣ The encoding of the ground truth information.
‣ Methodology description for annotating the video
‣ The kind of metadata to be inserted in the video stream.
‣ The desired video quality (linked with the ISO IS 22311 –
Level 2 MPEG4 encoding).
Christoph Busch
Joint Meeting WG1 WG2 WG3 WG5 - Forensics
Gjøvik: Presentation by Didier Meuwly
• Close overlap with the existing SC37 work
on fusion and calibration of scores
‣ scores in its raw form do not mean anything
‣ there is a purpose for courts but also for
the general interpretation of score
‣ what if the priors are not calculated correctly?
- teach all the jurisdiction to understand the process and
depending of the alternative hypothesis
the strength of evidence will change
‣ Could this be a NWIP for an IS or a TR
Christoph Busch
Revision of ISO/IEC 19795-1
Gjøvik: Presentation Andreas Nautsch
• Is there a dependency of the score normalization of the algorithm?
‣ we don’t know, if it is normalized but we do know that there is strong
quantization of the scores
• there are systems that are just providing decisions
but no scores
• how should we calculate the costs?
‣ NIST has done so in the SRE
• the challenge is modeling. How can this be done
‣ PLDA is a solution for this
• before we can insert these metrics, we need a part 8 to establish
priors and we need a part 9 how to establish costs
‣ unlike for FMR / FNMR for these metric noise will not be averaged out
• WG5: there is value in this type of approach. Suggestion for TR
Christoph Busch
List of projects
Christoph Busch
Information on WG3 status
and a ppt-copy of theses slides
are available at:
Christoph Busch